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They are Starting to Turn on Each Other

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+3 more 
posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 10:47 AM

This Woman Tweeted About Having Coffee Every Day With Her Husband — The Internet Tore Her Apart
The two recently built a regenerative garden in their yard, where they spend time. "It’s been our favorite place to spend our free time. Every morning, we wake up, make coffee and breakfast, and go out to our yard (with our cat, Yogi) to have coffee and visit before we start our days and head to work,"

Then the comments came pouring in..

This is cute and all but did you think of all the people who wake up to work grueling hours, wake up on the streets, alone, or with chronic pain before posting this? You should be mindful next time before bragging about your picture perfect life... You might upset someone.

What in the Truman Show!!!

I'm over here thinking to myself this is how it all starts...
When people get UPSET, actually upset that someone is having coffee with their husband and a stretch, you know things are bad.
You know it is bad when people assume because you can wake up and have a few hours and drink coffee you are privileged for that.
When people assume wealth because you can stretch and have coffee!!!

Usually before things get bad, there are waves that happen. It's like before a Tsunami. The waves lap in and out. I'm seeing that all over.
Have you noticed people getting real weird about groceries lately. I'm not just talking about being upset over high prices (although dang they are getting nuts) Mark my word, people are going to say if you can have a Turkey and butter for Thanksgiving you are privileged! Remember divide and conquer is the most effective strategy. If we are all fighting overy coffee, poultry and dairy product the less energy we have to fight them.

I posted a while back people have no clue how inflation and hyperinflations really works. Many times the products ARE there, they are just so unaffordable to most people. If you look at Venezuela the rich were still going out to eat and were doing fine.

+6 more 
posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Reminds me of the guy I seen drive-by with a full load of plywood.

Flaunting his wealth and shoving it in our faces

People are losing it.

edit on 10/25/2022 by MykeNukem because: eh?

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 10:53 AM
Seems like a modern type of trolling taking place now. Don't ignore it, these trolls need to hear and learn there are better ways of living one's life than what they seem to have chosen or settled for.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 10:56 AM
Perhaps this is a positive sign. Until now, I didn't really see a path to the death of social media. Now I do.

Eventually, more an more people will cut this dark cloud out of their lives.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 10:58 AM
Just trolls, nothing more.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

There was another video, similar sentiment.

A lady posted her grocery shopping trip and was upset at the cost.
People were inflamed that she bought name brand and didn't shop at Aldi.
They said her weekly bill was more than they had for the month, they said they skipped meals because they
didn't have enough money.

Then another person posted a product online and someone asked "is that expensive". To which the op VERY smartly replied,
I don't know how to answer that because what is expensive to one may be inexpensive to others!
Which tells me the classes are getting pushed apart even further if we can't even agree what is generally expensive anymore.

+11 more 
posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Yea, it's a thing. It's a product of Marxist thinking. Let me explain by way of example.

One of the weirdest thing about Marxist countries, like Cuba, for example, is that everyone becomes a counter. They are constantly watching neighbors and family members to find the person who might have "more" of something. They then demand the person who has more share it. If you were to hideaway 2 boxes of cereal, you would be arrested for hoarding and your cereal would be confiscated. Marxists are miserable people and hate anyone who isn't equally miserable.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The comments in the yahoo section below are much more uplifting at least

+6 more 
posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:01 AM
The commies that have infiltrated the educational system started this a few years ago. Their manifesto(s) have circulated in slightly differing narratives, all with the same theme.

This is how it progressed:
Kids with secure, well adjusted, two-parent households are lucky.
Kids with secure, well adjusted, two-parent households are lucky, and must acknowledge that there are others who don't have it so good.
Kids with secure, well adjusted, two-parent households are lucky, and should feel guilty for their privilege.
Kids with secure, well adjusted, two-parent households are actually bad people. They have no right to live in a comfortable, secure, loving family environment while others don't have such privilege.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

We all need a crash course in handling this new type of trolling because ignoring it will just make it worse and might start up the 'group trolling' which is a bunch of trolls who will pile on a victim because there is safety in numbers.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:03 AM
Ha...they think that's privilege. I have my breakfast and coffee on the clock at work half the time...just like I am this morning. After that I will spend the next few hours watching youtube. If only I had somewhere to setup my laptop I would sit here and play videogames on the clock too! Man their heads would explode...
edit on 25-10-2022 by RickyD because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Wow!! That's pretty rude!! And this is coming from me, who speaks without a filter.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:07 AM
14 days from Election Day. No matter the outcome, some people are ready to engage in The Purge on Wednesday November 9.

Most won’t even have voted…just rabid beasts ready to kill.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: ColeYounger

Kids with secure, well adjusted, two-parent households are actually bad people. They have no right to live in a comfortable, secure, loving family environment while others don't have such privilege.

I learned a while back, there is even more.
If you live in a home where the mom and dad actually love each other you are like a freaking unicorn.
If you sit down to dinner together, you are like an alien.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: TonyS

Yea, it's a thing. It's a product of Marxist thinking. Let me explain by way of example.

It's poverty thinking.
People that are poor often count and watch how much food you have, who took what and what they disseminate is fair.
Rich people (real rich people, not wanna be rich people) are often the opposite, they want to lavish their guests/friends/family, are sometimes wasteful, come from a mindset of always having plenty.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:12 AM
I wouldn't be posting about what I have acquired on any social media platform...people figure out where you are, and you will get unwanted visits in the a year, people will be resorting to stealing. Don't let them know what you have

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: Zrtst
I wouldn't be posting about what I have acquired on any social media platform...people figure out where you are, and you will get unwanted visits in the a year, people will be resorting to stealing. Don't let them know what you have

I've never understood people that post their entire food prepping haul.
People will joke in the comments sections too, "I know who to hit when tshtf"

+4 more 
posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:18 AM
There seem to be only two kinds of people in the world anymore; those who celebrate the good fortune of others, and those who are filled with envy of them.

Happiness is a choice, no matter ones' circumstances.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: JAGStorm

We all need a crash course in handling this new type of trolling because ignoring it will just make it worse and might start up the 'group trolling' which is a bunch of trolls who will pile on a victim because there is safety in numbers.

I don't know...I don't have any social media accounts like twitter or facebook or anything that involves having a network of "friends" or otherwise that I feel I need to post my thoughts or feelings on. I never get any shade as a result (obviously). Ignoring it has worked quite well for me. Having said that, if people want to continue to be on these site or post online then they will need to learn to ignore it or shut it down harshly right off the bat. Problem is this likely won't solve anything and may make it worse.

Shut it all down, keep enjoying your morning coffee in the garden and those unhappy people can be a distant memory.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:30 AM
Our society is getting so Kranky.

Krank is the German word for sick....people who are kranky are actually physically sick, being poisoned in certain ways be food chemistry or illness or sometimes by medicines that disrupt their reasoning.

Everyone must focus on identifying what foods make you kranky, it takes help from family or good friends to do this. I know of some friends of my daughter who got all weirded out by those IUDs and the birth control they put in their arm...all those that got irate had them taken out....and this seemed to effect half of her friends that had them. The pill did not effect them that way, they went back on that after participating in that experiment that they believed would not hurt them.

This problem is not just based on beliefs because changes that have been made in food chemistry or pharmaceudical treatments can also cause this stuff to happen more often. I do know a few people personally that are bashing others statements on social media and I wonder what happened to them. When I talked to them I discovered that they had started some treatment months to a year ago which when I investigated it is related to long term use of the product which resulted in a depletion of necessary chemistries by causing an off balance of metabolism. Some deplete B12 or Folate pathway operation, which can make a person cranky. The testing on how these meds can effect thinking over a time is not properly researched well, so many meds are taken off the market.

Even supplements can do this, so when starting a supplement it is important to have a friend or relative help to monitor a person. I say this because some people feel so much better from supplements but over a period of time the supplement causes changes that alter brain chemistry and that person is delusional from the supplement they started many months ago but cannot identify the change properly, they don't believe it is relevant and they have accepted the new normal.

This goes for meds like ADHD and ADD meds along with others too....sometimes they create a positive effect but eventually lead to crabbiness and self centeredness in some people....the doctors only see a person for ten minutes, and the person on the meds say they are feeling great but the doctor does not see what is happening outside of the office. I know lots of people who went on Statins and after many months they became forgetful and could not think right, I mentioned to them that this could be related and to talk to their doctor about what I said and every one of those people I know well mentioned it to their doctor and the doctor discontinued the statin...when they did, those people also were not as sore anymore and they did not need a cane or help anymore to get in the car....although one did get hurt by slipping on the ice because he felt so good he threw caution to the wind.

Lots of meds seem to dampen people's ability to think right....some people benefit greatly by them but it seems half of them get side effects over a period of time.

Food choices are important...and remember, Cain the vegetarian killed Abel. Plant defense chemistry can severely impair rational thinking if it is out of moderation. Some people who come from a long line of high plant based diet do all right with it because their metabolism has been altered over generations. Everyone is different and needs different diets...but highly processed food is not good for anyone in excess. We tend to keep the percentage of highly processed food below twenty percent and do fine....we also keep our vegetable intake moderated properly for our ancestry and too much effects both the wife and I in our ability to reason...we watch each other because when you get delusional you cannot judge your state.

Yes, food is medicine, it can be used to treat or cure symptoms or diseases. But the wrong medicine at the wrong time can cause some problems. If your cravings are working right and not hijacked by sweets, a person's subconscious should be able to stimulate a proper craving to stop things from happening. But if a person has been eating a food they cannot properly metabolize all their life, how can they even know what normal is.

I am really disappointed with the FDA's approval of so many new chemicals used on or in foods which happened during the Obama administrations rule. There was not enough long term testing or how it effects mentality and mood done on those chemicals...a typical problem that is continuing as we speak, and that is part of the problem we are having with warp speed of vaccines too. The lax took place during Bushes final day with this, but Obama's administration ignored the exploitation of added chemicals added to foods...anything out of sync can cause mental issues. I think they doubled prescription meds for depression and anxiety around that time, which may have been caused by unforseen side effects of mixing these new chemistries with others in the food supply.

Our society is getting delusional and I have suspicion that the regulating agencies have not been testing things properly before approving the chemistries in meds and food.

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