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Myocarditis Rates Have Gone From 1 in 250,000 Per Year To 1 in 40 Per Year - Post Covid Injections

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posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 03:18 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 03:28 PM
When I read these threads It is difficult to get to the truth.

I just wonder why it seems healthy people are dying at record rates.

I know a couple people that swear the Vax f’ed them up.

Tell me my lying eyes are wrong.

I and my wife never took it.

We both were threatened with dismissal.

We were subjected to testing every week.

Having to wear a wristband that identifies our status.

Having my entire Vax history openly discussed by co-workers.

Still, nobody has attempted to make this right.

Lawyers ?

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: igloo

The number of women who got messed up periods from the shots was alone enough that propper studies should have been started immediately and openly allowed to be spoken of. Facebook shut down a huge group of women over this.

A study was started, and completed


Reporter were carried by the MSM


Real science was done, women were listened to, and data was published.

Which kind of flattens everything that you've just said.

Doesn't flatten any of it.

Link one, Oct 5th 2022 by the NIH basically confirms a link of increase in menstruation by less than one day and leads to this study which was data mined from an app called Natural Cycles.

This was not a study of women who went to doctors with these issues or had extreme problems with their periods. As usual, the real data gets eliminated. There are thousands of women who went months without periods and some even who had gone through menopause and started bleeding again.

Link two, 13th May 2021 is a BBC segment called "Reality Check" and states "We don't yet know whether the vaccine is causing these changes - it hasn't been studied."

BBC is known propaganda, used to soothe the anxious and guide the herd.

Sorry, worst links ever. Not scientific. Try again. We need real studies of the women who actually had these issues, not fluff propaganda like the BBC and an NIH study of an app.

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Asmodeus3
You're quick to insult people because you believe your more intelligent but you can't learn to read and use ATS???

He states in his post " (There's a link in my signature) "
they are clickable links "old timer" that say link 1, link 2 and so fourth....

Nobody is going to waste their time clicking his links. Most are all old studies done by the mainstream/propaganda machine and he didn't even label each with a name to guide people back to the right one.

If he updates with some newer info that takes into account the newer findings then it might be worth looking at.
edit on 20-10-2022 by igloo because: word

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 07:38 PM
Virus induced myocarditis has a death rate over a 10 year period of about 39.5% in one study. Im not providing a link. I looked it up last night. There was so much propaganda pushed to me from google it was sickening when i searched for: people with myocarditis die

So much propaganda.

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

ironically, when most age groups got COVID their recovery rate was also statistically 💯 .

If the recovery rate is statistically 💯 would you call the danger of COVID being fake news?

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: Kurokage
A straw man. LOL. Yes, I was making a serious and legitimate attempt at debate by invoking a rogue hippo. You caught me. I thought I could slide it by as sarcastic contempt, but you caught me. I was using a powerful logical fallacy because I was in an unwinnable position. I mean, let's be honest it was unwinnable. If I give you one then you say it's just one. I give you 100 you say it's not verified. I give you 1,000 and it's another excuse. We've been doing this here for over two years and I think most of us have picked up on the pattern. Everything is disinformation until it isn't, then it's not a big deal, then the next thing comes up and we're back to calling it disinformation until it isn't, then it's only mild. Yes, we're familiar with this pattern and we now have around 6 dozen things that are only mild and another half dozens things that aren't a big deal. As long as you prosecute each one in a vacuum you can pretend it's cumulatively just mild and no big deal.

If you don't want me to point out your ridiculous statements for what they are then I'd suggest you simply stop making ridiculous statements. It's not hard. I wouldn't have made the comparison with absurdly rare events if you didn't make the even more preposterous argument that no child has died from the vaccines. It's not my fault you have adopted the CDC and media approach of making preposterous claims that have zero basis in reality or that you have insufficient knowledge of the topic to be making sweeping statements on the fly.

I have posted links many times to my thread that shows kids will be harmed for no clinical benefit. It's is a very simple argument with direct sources. None of you have refuted it or explained why it's justified. So, there seems to be only a few conclusions I can come to since you constantly ask me for sources. Either you don't bother looking at things that you don't like even though you incessantly whinge for them or you looked at it, were unable to dispute it, and have no problem with maiming or killing kids for no reason.

That you don't like this conclusion is not my problem. It is basic logic and this is now like the third or fourth time you have no explanation, just complaints. It looks like the tact has changed from shocked disbelief that I would point out how little you care for kids to gaslighting that I'm the emotional and irrational one. What you can't do is tell me why I'm wrong or explain what changed in medical ethics and drug approval between 2019 and now. The only change I can see is the 100 million spent convincing people like you that COVID was an existential threat to mankind that justified throwing rules, law, total population health, and ethics, all out the window.

It seems to me that it would cost you nothing but a slight hit to your astroturfed ego to just say you don't think kids should be harmed for no clinical benefit. This is a fundamental part of medical ethics and it's really not in dispute, nor has it been in dispute in any thread I've read here. It simply means you have to admit you were wrong about a single demographic that you were lied to about for two years. It just gets ignored, like the dozen other violations of basic established public health practice that you all pretend didn't happen so you can continue believing the officials have unassailable credibility. That you can't or won't make this small true concession is all on you.

The great irony is that the constant dogpile not only keeps these threads at the top of the recents, but also gets it on the top list. OP should thank the remaining vaccine apostles. Without all of you these threads would be gone in 12 hours, but jnstead we end up with six of them constantly cycling through the lists. You keep them going for days exposing countless people to this disinformation you hate so much. Basically OP can make a thread, sit back, and thread goes to the top. Set it and forget it. I'm sure he appreciates you adding to his flags count, star count, and general visibility every time he posts.

What do you think, 10 pages by morning on the east coast? 50 stars and top list? Just in time for the morning crowd? I can spread my posts out some if it helps. Let's get this disinformation to the sidebar, think of the thread views! I'm sure lots of undecided people will read it and decided that they're on team "medical ethics are a dated concept", right? The wins will just keep coming for you all. They'll be filling that Walgreens with vax appointments in no time when they learn how pathological vaccine debonkers unanimously find medical ethics an inconvenient barrier to giving kids drugs that provide them with no clinical benefit. Sing it from the rooftops!

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 01:52 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Why is it you can't link to any actual data, it's always watch this opinion piece video?! You don't want people to make up their own minds, you want them swollow what ever bitchute vid is popular so you can get your Doom Porn kicks.

You can get Myocarditis from a number of things including covid and to a lesser degree the vaccine.

Inflammation and damage of the heart muscle known as myocardium. Most commonly caused by a viral infection, but can also be an infection of bacteria, fungi, parasite or a reaction to a drug.

It's precisely why you have to post some links when you are making claims as the one above. Getting myocarditis from SARS-CoV-2 and from the mRNA vaccines should be accompanied by some sources where comparisons could be made.

Another member stated that you have a solid chance of getting myocarditis after having a cold. But this claim is false as myocarditis is rare. And having a solid chance is the opposite to having a rare chance.

As myocarditis is rare comparisons should be made between the incidents where the condition is caused by viral infection and in this particular case SARS-CoV-2 and the mRNA vaccines.

You were very eager to dismiss the findings in Florida where Dr Ladapo the State Surgeon General has recommended that 18-39 year old males don't use the mRNA vaccines due to an increased risk in cardiac deaths post vaccinations.

You believed this is another personal opinion and possible misinformation but this is a State Policy now coming from the Department of Health of Florida that has amended its guidance for mRNA vaccinations.

You have given no evidence other than your personal opinions which are unsubstantiated and your arguments and claims have been refuted as they have no merits. It's another lost argument which is motivated by this belief you have in the vaccine ideology. But we have shown that the vaccine ideology is at odds with science, reality, and common sense as it is denying the truth and the simile principles of public health. Also being at odds with numbers and mathematics.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: DaRAGE

There seems to be a new disease in children which is named as multi-inflammatory response syndrome in children, known and documented since the rollout in 2020, the fact that they are pushing this is tragic.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 03:53 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: DaRAGE

There seems to be a new disease in children which is named as multi-inflammatory response syndrome in children, known and documented since the rollout in 2020, the fact that they are pushing this is tragic.

A euphemism!

The vaccines should have never been rolled out to children and young and healthy adults.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

If you are talking about actual vaccines, that would be a correct assertion...

This current monstrosity is not a vaccine. Internal data from Pfizer's own testing shows Myocarditis as one of the potential side effects of whatever TF it is that are putting in people and calling it a vaccine.

From their own internal documents, the release of which had to forced by the courts. We are starting half way down the M's in the list of potential bad # that can happen to you if you take that poison.

Mononeuropathy multiplex;
Morvan syndrome;
Mouth swelling;
Moyamoya disease;
motor neuropathy;
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome;
Multiple sclerosis;
Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis relapse prophylaxis;
Multiple subpial transection;
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children;
Muscular sarcoidosis;
Myasthenia gravis;
Myasthenia gravis crisis;
Myasthenia gravis neonatal;
Myasthenic syndrome;
Myelitis transverse;
Myocardial infarction;

chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/[edit by]edit on 21-10-2022 by MaxxAction because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-10-2022 by MaxxAction because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

All that huff and you still can't post a single link to evidence of a child dying from the covid vaccine and you do seem to enjoy your strawman arguments?

There has been mutiple threads now with topics about children dying or the harmful effects and not a single one of them have had any evidence linked to a child being seriously harmed or a death. I've even been told I support children dying on here because I support the vaccine, even if you look through my entire posting history I've never once stated that I support forced enoculation but the people against the vaccine are happy to label, just has you've done so. You talk about my ego but I'm not the one telling you I know better than medical science, I'm not the one claiming children are dying needlessly because of the jab.

I pointed out the hypocracy in your statement when the biggest child killer in America now is the firearm? Are you as vocal about that? I see you never responded other than your hippo reply.

The reason I post in these threads is because of the crazy misinformation spread by people as click bait or opinion pieces without any data to back it up their wild claims that then gets posted to ATS as "proof" or "data".
You haven't seen a single thread on here from any "pro-vaxer" stating everybody should be vaccined, and hopfully we never will, but some members see the outlandish claims in these posts and point them out.
There has been 12.85 billion doses administered worldwide. 68.4% of the worlds population have had at least one dose. If any of the doom porn threads on here were true there would be no way to cover up the death and destruction and it's just not being seen.

This Myocarditis myth that keeps getting pushed. People suffering from myocarditis can commonly be caused by a viral infection, and people recover from it all the time, most not even noticing. Some vaccines do cause it, but your 1 in 5000 or 0.02% is tiny and that also covers all reactions from the very mild to the serious.
I know the impact that covid had on people and the infrastructure of the NHS from family that work in that enviroment and it was more than just a simple "flu" for lots of people and the "jab" helped contain some of that mess.

edit on 21-10-2022 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Ksihkehe

All that huff and you still can't post a single link to evidence of a child dying from the covid vaccine and you do seem to enjoy your strawman arguments?

There has been mutiple threads now with topics about children dying or the harmful effects and not a single one of them have had any evidence linked to a child being seriously harmed or a death. I've even been told I support children dying on here because I support the vaccine, even if you look through my entire posting history I've never once stated that I support forced enoculation but the people against the vaccine are happy to label, just has you've done so. You talk about my ego but I'm not the one telling you I know better than medical science, I'm not the one claiming children are dying needlessly because of the jab.

I pointed out the hypocracy in your statement when the biggest child killer in America now is the firearm? Are you as vocal about that? I see you never responded other than your hippo reply.

The reason I post in these threads is because of the crazy misinformation spread by people as click bait or opinion pieces without any data to back it up their wild claims that then gets posted to ATS as "proof" or "data".
You haven't seen a single thread on here from any "pro-vaxer" stating everybody should be vaccined, and hopfully we never will, but some members see the outlandish claims in these posts and point them out.
There has been 12.85 billion doses administered worldwide. 68.4% of the worlds population have had at least one dose. If any of the doom porn threads on here were true there would be no way to cover up the death and destruction and it's just not being seen.

This Myocarditis myth that keeps getting pushed. People suffering from myocarditis can commonly be caused by a viral infection, and people recover from it all the time, most not even noticing. Some vaccines do cause it, but your 1 in 5000 or 0.02% is tiny and that also covers all reactions from the very mild to the serious.
I know the impact that covid had on people and the infrastructure of the NHS from family that work in that enviroment and it was more than just a simple "flu" for lots of people and the "jab" helped contain some of that mess.

You may wish to read what the new guidance is in Florida. The Department of Health in Florida via its Surgeon General Dr Ladapo has revised the recommendations for mRNA vaccines advising that 18-39 yet old males should not use these products due to increased risk of cardiac death.

This is official guidance and not a conspiracy theory.

It looks that the mRNA vaccines might not be safe for young and healthy people including children as there are a number of heart conditions that might be associated with these products.
Is the State Surgeon General a pedestrian?

Florida is not going to mandate mRNA vaccines for children.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: whyamIhere
When I read these threads It is difficult to get to the truth.

I just wonder why it seems healthy people are dying at record rates.

When you look at the ages and demographics across the population as a whole what we're seeing isn't young people dropping dead unexpectedly, it's elderly people and people with comorbidity catch covid and get over it, but who don't fully recover. They then die some time later something age related or of their comorbidity, because covid has weakened them.


There's also a trend to increased morbidity among under 50s. This is mostly due to poverty and includes suicide, drugs, alcohol, and poor diet, and began a years before covid.

Here's a study from 2013 link

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

You keep posting the same Dr Ladapo story time and time again.
Ladapo’s recommendation was extrapolated from a short state analysis that has not been peer-reviewed, carries no authors and warns that its findings are “preliminary” and “should be interpreted with caution” .....

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 10:55 AM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: LordAhriman

If you are talking about actual vaccines, that would be a correct assertion...

This current monstrosity is not a vaccine. Internal data from Pfizer's own testing shows Myocarditis as one of the potential side effects of whatever TF it is that are putting in people and calling it a vaccine.

From their own internal documents, the release of which had to forced by the courts. We are starting half way down the M's in the list of potential bad # that can happen to you if you take that poison.

Mononeuropathy multiplex;
Morvan syndrome;
Mouth swelling;
Moyamoya disease;
motor neuropathy;
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome;
Multiple sclerosis;
Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis relapse prophylaxis;
Multiple subpial transection;
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children;
Muscular sarcoidosis;
Myasthenia gravis;
Myasthenia gravis crisis;
Myasthenia gravis neonatal;
Myasthenic syndrome;
Myelitis transverse;
Myocardial infarction;

chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/[/quo te]

If you see the Israeli study in my signature, it shows the risk of mild heart problems is 0.02 percent, and of moderate to serios problems is 0.002 percent.

Of that 0.03 percent, the recommended solution was over the counter pain killers and bed rest for 1-3 days, and in many cases it was so mild that the person didn't know that they had a problem.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

So a little bit of death from myocarditis is ok then??

I just love how some scream: "People aren't getting Myocarditis from Covid vaccines!!!"

Then when shown they do and are: "Well ok, people are getting Myocarditis, but it's not a big deal!"

15% of those who suffer from severe Myocarditis die within 12 months of onset because it causes permanent and irreversible heart muscle damage. But it's ok, it's just a few people right?


posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: AaarghZombies

So a little bit of death from myocarditis is ok then??

I just love how some scream: "People aren't getting Myocarditis from Covid vaccines!!!"

Then when shown they do and are: "Well ok, people are getting Myocarditis, but it's not a big deal!"

15% of those who suffer from severe Myocarditis die within 12 months of onset because it causes permanent and irreversible heart muscle damage. But it's ok, it's just a few people right?


Heart inflammation is often due to the body's response to infection, rather than due to the infection itself, which is why some people suffer from it when they are vaxxed. It's not caused by the vax, it's a side effect to the body's reaction to a perceived threat.

Now, you're probably going to say that this doesn't matter to the people who suffer from it, but it does provide vital context in that the vax itself isn't damaging people's hearts.

15 percent of 0.002 percent is actually staggeringly low number. That's 3 people per million.

Of course, that 0.002 includes moderate to severe cases as well as serious cases. Once you take those out, we're looking at maybe less than a 0.5 in a million risk. Which is statistically a lower risk than being struck by lightning twice.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

The bodies of many "view" the covid vaccine as a threat because it is injecting whole Spike proteins which do not stay in the injection site, but instead collect in the lymph system, organs, reproductive systems, heart, and brain.

If you looked at the list of potential side effects just from the M's, one of the other potential effects is Multi System Inflammatory syndrome. Hmmmm. What could be in these "vaxxines" that could cause MULTI system inflammatory syndrome? It's a real head scratcher for sure.
edit on 21-10-2022 by MaxxAction because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
The bodies of many "view" the covid vaccine as a threat because it is injecting whole Spike proteins which do not stay in the injection site, but instead collect in the lymph system, organs, reproductive systems, heart, and brain.

Lol. Step 1: look up how these vaccines work.

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