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Myocarditis Rates Have Gone From 1 in 250,000 Per Year To 1 in 40 Per Year - Post Covid Injections

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+32 more 
posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 12:11 AM
This is an astronomical difference, from 4 incidents in 1 million, to 25,000 per 1 million based on a new cohort study. Dr. Peter McCullough is seeing myocarditis cases on a daily basis, when previously he'd only seen a handful in his whole career. In the following video, he quoted a new Thailand study regarding these myocarditis rates while on a video conference with 5 other doctors. Dr. McCullough is one of the most cited doctors in the entire world and considered to be one of the top cardiologists. He has been outspoken during the pandemic and has even appeared on the Joe Rogan show which almost got Joe canceled. Of course authorities are lying about the real numbers, obviously to shield from liability. And all this, for a virus with an IFR of 0.15%.


Note that the baseline troponin-T level in all 7 patients is low prior to vaccination and that in 5 cases, the troponin-T levels continue to rise for at least two weeks after 2 doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is administered. Using a 14 pg/mL cutoff, the combined clinical and subclinical rate of myocarditis is 2.5 percent (5 divided by 202 male participants). It is also important to note that among the 99 females in the study, there were no patients with elevated post-vaccination troponin-T levels.

From this study, it would appear that heart damage in male adolescents continues well after the second dose of Pfizer’s BNT162b2 vaccine. Unfortunately, scientists do not know what level of heart damage is required before there is an increased risk of a cardiac event which could well be life-shortening nor do they know if these cardiovascular manifestations are transient.

Unfortunately, given that it will take up to the year 2027 before these studies are completed, the health of adolescent males is at significant risk from cardiac events after vaccination for COVID-19. Fortunately, governments, the medical community and parents of young males now have the safety signal data that they need to make a decision on the continued vaccination of young males; whether the powers that (ought not to) be use it wisely or choose to ignore it because it doesn’t fit their narrative of a “needle in every arm” is up to them.


Previous Dr. McCullough threads:

Dr. McCullough: First Question With New Serious Illness - 'Did They Take The Vaccine?'

Truthbomb: Doctor McCullough Joe Rogan podcast was just released

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 12:57 AM
Fake news. It probably has gone up some, because now we're looking for it. But if you've ever had a cold, there's a solid chance that you've had myocarditis.

Vaccines cause it in about 1 in every 100,000 people, and statistically 100% of them recover in a couple weeks.

+43 more 
posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 01:11 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Fake news. It probably has gone up some, because now we're looking for it. But if you've ever had a cold, there's a solid chance that you've had myocarditis.

Vaccines cause it in about 1 in every 100,000 people, and statistically 100% of them recover in a couple weeks.

Sorry your word isn't good enough

Cite your sources and show your receipts

The OP did

And quite frankly we don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth 🤷‍♂️

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Fake news. It probably has gone up some, because now we're looking for it. But if you've ever had a cold, there's a solid chance that you've had myocarditis.

Vaccines cause it in about 1 in every 100,000 people, and statistically 100% of them recover in a couple weeks.

Sorry your word isn't good enough

Cite your sources and show your receipts

The OP did

And quite frankly we don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth 🤷‍♂️

Myocarditis existed before covid and anti-vax quacks.

#1 cause was always viral infection.

ETA, you're scared of sPiKe ProTeInS. Covid gives you sPiKe protein more than a vaccine by magnitudes of millions. The difference is that a spike protein attached to a virus can actually harm you.

Covid spike proteins are the avenue in which the virus enters your cell nucleus and starts reproducing. Without the virus, spike proteins do absolute dick. Nothing.
edit on 20-10-2022 by LordAhriman because: (no reason given)

(post by Albert999 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)
(post by Grenade removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)
+3 more 
posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 03:37 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman
Fake news. You talk gibberish out of your mouth 🤮

edit on 20-10-2022 by whiteblack because: Do not get covid vax

+3 more 
posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 05:39 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Fake news. It probably has gone up some, because now we're looking for it. But if you've ever had a cold, there's a solid chance that you've had myocarditis.

Vaccines cause it in about 1 in every 100,000 people, and statistically 100% of them recover in a couple weeks.

you are probably just making this up as you cannot pass up a thread like this. You probably didn't bother to even look at any of it, or research the number of myocarditis sicknesses past and present. You probably should read more and post less. Probably.

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Why is it you can't link to any actual data, it's always watch this opinion piece video?! You don't want people to make up their own minds, you want them swollow what ever bitchute vid is popular so you can get your Doom Porn kicks.

You can get Myocarditis from a number of things including covid and to a lesser degree the vaccine.

Inflammation and damage of the heart muscle known as myocardium. Most commonly caused by a viral infection, but can also be an infection of bacteria, fungi, parasite or a reaction to a drug.

+13 more 
posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 06:13 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Fake news. It probably has gone up some, because now we're looking for it. But if you've ever had a cold, there's a solid chance that you've had myocarditis.

Vaccines cause it in about 1 in every 100,000 people, and statistically 100% of them recover in a couple weeks.

Myocarditis existed before covid and anti-vax quacks.

#1 cause was always viral infection.

ETA, you're scared of sPiKe ProTeInS. Covid gives you sPiKe protein more than a vaccine by magnitudes of millions. The difference is that a spike protein attached to a virus can actually harm you.

Covid spike proteins are the avenue in which the virus enters your cell nucleus and starts reproducing. Without the virus, spike proteins do absolute dick. Nothing.

The most serious unacknowledged side-effects of the COVID vaccine seem to be uncontrolled rage and cognitive decline.

The good news is it offers great protection against the dangers of independent thought.

It's widely reported that people exposed to disinformation are also at risk of suffering from the effects of long-disinformation. Get boosted now! It will be dark winter of death for the disinformed.

The big guys says "If you get the vax you won't get COV... um oops, you won't transm... um, oops, you won't have to be hospit... um, oops, you won't di... um, oops. Get the vaccine and you won't... um, be unvaccinated!"

Two weeks to flatten the folds on your brain. If you don't understand what happened, that's how you know it's working!

Just listen to the teevee. They'll tell you if there's anything you need to know. After all, that's what the pharma marketing teams embedded at the CDC are for!

(post by lordcomac removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)
+8 more 
posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Why is it you can't link to any actual data, it's always watch this opinion piece video?! You don't want people to make up their own minds, you want them swollow what ever bitchute vid is popular so you can get your Doom Porn kicks.

You can get Myocarditis from a number of things including covid and to a lesser degree the vaccine.

Inflammation and damage of the heart muscle known as myocardium. Most commonly caused by a viral infection, but can also be an infection of bacteria, fungi, parasite or a reaction to a drug.

You won't look at data.

I linked you to data about the 1 in 5,000 risk of mycarditis in young people and you don't care.

I can link you to the CDC's own vaccine monitoring data, which took court cases to obtain, that shows around a quarter of vaccine recipients had adverse effects serious enough to require medical attention. I can link you to official data showing excess mortality is up 15-40% across the vaccinated West. I can link you to official data the shows cancer spiking in young people. It is completely irrelevant to you so stop pretending data matters to you.

The only data that matters to you is the data that has been catered to your opinion, which happens to always be the most favorable position for pharma and radical medical authoritarians.

You don't care if kids die as long as the television says it isn't happening and you get the dopamine rush from your constant self-rightous hypocrisy criticizing random members of a conspiracy forum. All while ignoring the multiple life-threatening misrepresentations made by pharma, officials, and literal paid shills.

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 06:31 AM

In this observational study, clinically suspected myopericarditis was temporarily associated with the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in a small proportion of adolescent patients. Chest pain is an alarming symptom in patients receiving BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, especially a second dose of BNT162b2. The risk for these symptoms was found to be higher than reported elsewhere. The adverse cardiovascular manifestations observed in this adolescent cohort were both mild and transient.

Slightly less scary the OP would suggest.

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

The only data that matters to you is the data that has been catered to your opinion, which happens to always be the most favorable position for pharma and radical medical authoritarians.

The data speaks for itself and V1rtu0s0 knows this, which is why 99% of their Doom Porn threads are opinion pieces from either rightwing or relgious websites or worse.
The only data that matters to the anit-vaccine crowd, well there is no real data, it's all just opinion pieces, most cases of myocarditis are very mild!!
And nobody is saying that vaccines don't have side effects, but with billions of people now jabed the dead aren't filling the streets as V1rtu0s0 predecticed....

You don't care if kids die as long as the television says it isn't happening and you get the dopamine rush from your constant self-rightous hypocrisy criticizing random members of a conspiracy forum. All while ignoring the multiple life-threatening misrepresentations made by pharma, officials, and literal paid shills.

Typical American throwing a "karen" about childrens deaths when there isn't a single piece of evidence to prove a single child has died from the vaccine...
The biggest killer of children in America is the firearm, but I bet you're not going to rant about that are you?!
You're just a bunch of selfish hypocrites, because most of the time a few people get sick or have a sore arm after an injection. It's really about having to ajust your individual rights for the benefit of others.

Accidents and injuries remain the leading cause of death for children and young adults. Until recently, motor vehicle accidents were the number one cause of accidental death in these age groups. But in recent years, gun-related injuries surpassed motor vehicle accidents as the most common cause of death in youths and children, and this number continues to increase each year.


Guns overtook car crashes to become the leading cause of death for US children and teenagers in 2020, new research shows.

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that over 4,300 young Americans died of firearm-related injuries in 2020.

While suicides contributed to the toll, the data shows that homicides form the majority of gun-related deaths.


edit on 20-10-2022 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 06:46 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
This is an astronomical difference, from 4 incidents in 1 million, to 25,000 per 1 million based on a new cohort study. Dr. Peter McCullough is seeing myocarditis cases on a daily basis, when previously he'd only seen a handful in his whole career. In the following video, he quoted a new Thailand study regarding these myocarditis rates while on a video conference with 5 other doctors. Dr. McCullough is one of the most cited doctors in the entire world and considered to be one of the top cardiologists. He has been outspoken during the pandemic and has even appeared on the Joe Rogan show which almost got Joe canceled. Of course authorities are lying about the real numbers, obviously to shield from liability. And all this, for a virus with an IFR of 0.15%.


Note that the baseline troponin-T level in all 7 patients is low prior to vaccination and that in 5 cases, the troponin-T levels continue to rise for at least two weeks after 2 doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is administered. Using a 14 pg/mL cutoff, the combined clinical and subclinical rate of myocarditis is 2.5 percent (5 divided by 202 male participants). It is also important to note that among the 99 females in the study, there were no patients with elevated post-vaccination troponin-T levels.

From this study, it would appear that heart damage in male adolescents continues well after the second dose of Pfizer’s BNT162b2 vaccine. Unfortunately, scientists do not know what level of heart damage is required before there is an increased risk of a cardiac event which could well be life-shortening nor do they know if these cardiovascular manifestations are transient.

Unfortunately, given that it will take up to the year 2027 before these studies are completed, the health of adolescent males is at significant risk from cardiac events after vaccination for COVID-19. Fortunately, governments, the medical community and parents of young males now have the safety signal data that they need to make a decision on the continued vaccination of young males; whether the powers that (ought not to) be use it wisely or choose to ignore it because it doesn’t fit their narrative of a “needle in every arm” is up to them.


Previous Dr. McCullough threads:

Dr. McCullough: First Question With New Serious Illness - 'Did They Take The Vaccine?'

Truthbomb: Doctor McCullough Joe Rogan podcast was just released

Very fake Myocarditis is a well known side effect of viral infection, its relatively common but is usually so mild that you don't notice. Someone gets out of breath when they get the flu, big whoop.

+5 more 
posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

ETA, you're scared of sPiKe ProTeInS. Covid gives you sPiKe protein more than a vaccine by magnitudes of millions. The difference is that a spike protein attached to a virus can actually harm you.

Covid spike proteins are the avenue in which the virus enters your cell nucleus and starts reproducing. Without the virus, spike proteins do absolute dick. Nothing.

The spike proteins derive endogenously as a response from the artificial bioengineered mRNA strains that haven't been thoroughly tested to be safe in humans. I'd rather get covid than get the vaccine (although ironically if you got the vaccine you still probably got covid anyway). Those fibrin clots in blood vessels are a very real thing, and a recent emergence in public health. My friend is a heart surgeon and confirmed they are finding these anomalous fibrin clots whereas before it was basically unheard of.

Why anyone wouldn't be advocating for due diligence at this point just baffles me.
edit on 20-10-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 07:53 AM
Wisdom has been trying to find you, but somehow you continue to escape.
a reply to: LordAhriman

posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 07:57 AM
from Oct 9th

NSW vaccine reports confirm increased risk of COVID death after booster doses

They can’t hide it any more. I have written previously about how NSW health manipulated their data when the “it reduces infection risk by 95%” became an obvious con (that our public health tsars failed to see). Then it became obvious that even hospitalisations and deaths were not being reduced by the roll out of novel “vaccines” in this article that reminded us that the money follows the influence:

+1 more 
posted on Oct, 20 2022 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: Kurokage
So you're going with the absurd position that this vaccine, which has the most reported adverse events of any vaccine on the market, has not killed a single child? It has killed a bunch of adults, but no kids? That's your highly scientific opinion? None of the dozens of cardiac events in high school sports are vaccine related? Not a single one? There isn't a single documented case?

You honestly believe more children have been confirmed to have died from marijuana consumption than have died from the COVID vaccines? You believe that more children have died from marijuana than from a new class of drug shown to have a risk of 1 in 5,000 of causing serious cardiac effects?

Let's list all the things I can think of off the top of my head that you believe, as a champion of science and data, have been confirmed to have killed more kids than COVID vaccines:

Shark attacks
Tide Pods
Coconuts falling on them
Lightening strikes
Brain-eating ameoba
IKEA furniture
Energy drinks
Falling into a well
Being driven off a cliff
Window blind cords
Wood chippers
Hippopotamus attacks
Drowning in a bucket

Idiots that think injecting kids with a vaccine that has the highest level of adverse events of any vaccine on the market and is by far the most dangerous, to prevent a disease they are at at almost no risk of getting serious illness from and doesn't do anything to prevent community transmission, are just one of the many reasons we won't be giving up our guns.

My favorite personal reason for us not giving up guns is so that foreign Karens can seethe more.
edit on 10/20/22 by Ksihkehe because: Typo

(post by Albert999 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

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