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“Those of You Who Think the Vaccine Kills People Can Use Me as a Test” - Bodybuilding Icon Dies

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posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 02:28 AM

originally posted by: AbstractDreamz
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

The massive propaganda that was used to push people into this is one of the greatest criminal acts I have seen in my lifetime.

If this get's any worse long-term, this will go down as one of the most evil events in history as well.

Criminal prosecutions must come.

I have argued exactly the same for a long time now.
edit on 16-10-2022 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 02:33 AM

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: Dalamax

originally posted by: schuyler

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Veteran bodybuilder and author Doug Brignole has passed away at age 63. I'm not sure how much more direct you can get about proving something beyond saying I'll prove that it works by not dying, and then dying. It seems that we have another vaccidental death. He may have died, but hey, it could have been worse if he didn't get vaxxed.

That's almost as funny as the people who refuse to get vaccinated, then die of Covid.

You do mean WITH covid, correct?

Cause if you could link to where they isolated this particular corona virus that would settle a long term argument at my house.
Kinda how like the CDC changed the way they log deaths from Covid, to “suspecting” Covid.

But only for supposed Covid deaths.

Sounds like a limerick. But facts though….

All these things happen at the speed of science!
Don't be alarmed if they are not making sense now. One day they will be proven.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 02:51 AM
jack lalanne anyone?

i guess he wasn't the hulk type or conan build if that is what is being talked about here.
he died before the vax and covid at 95.

Francois Henri LaLanne was an American fitness and nutrition guru and motivational speaker. He described himself as being a "sugarholic" and a "junk food junkie" until he was aged 15. Wikipedia
Born: September 26, 1914, San Francisco, California, United States
Died: January 23, 2011, Morro Bay, California, United States

i remember watching his show all the time and doing jumping jacks with him. USA/2011/0124/Jack-LaLanne-remembered-five-of-his-amazing-feats/1-033-push-ups-in-23-minutes
edit on 03/22/2022 by sarahvital because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 03:59 AM
a reply to: thedeadtruth

Still trusting the experts, I think that hasn't worked out all too well.

There was a smear campaign back in the days against those who warned off the potential hazard of cigarettes. Guess what the experts were all paid by the tobacco industry.
Follow the money...

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

'She was fine, and then her heart stopped': Illinois Rep. Sean Casten reveals healthy daughter, 17, died from rare cardiac arrhythmia in her sleep in June - family has been left 'grasping at the wrong end of a random chance'

Martine Mcutcheons brother passed away to he was under 39.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Nurse educator Dr. John Campbell is sounding the alert on a wave of unexplained deaths. According to the government data that Campbell has reviewed, many more people are dying than would be expected based on averages from the last five to seven years, and averages from years prior to COVID. Many of these excess deaths are occurring in young, otherwise healthy adults.

Campbell has 2.44 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. He recently shared more government data showing that young and healthy people keep unexpectedly dying, and not of COVID.

In the first week after Campbell posted one such video, “Excess deaths, the data,” on August 28, it had garnered over 916,000 views and more than 20,000 comments.

One-off news articles about high-profile athletes, actors, and celebrities dying only tell part of the story.
37-Year-Old Healthy Mountain Biker Dies

Campbell pointed out one of these: professional mountain biker Rab Wardell. Wardell won the elite men’s title at the Scottish Cross Mountain Bike Championships, which were held in Dumfries and Galloway in the western Southern Uplands in Scotland at the end of August. A few days later, the 37-year-old was reported to have died in his sleep. His fiancée posted on social media that she tried to save his life, performing CPR until the paramedics arrived:

“I still don’t understand what’s happened; if this is real; why he’d be taken now – so healthy and happy,” Katie Archibald tweeted on August 24, the day after Wardell died.

I think you’ve heard that Rab died yesterday morning.

I still don’t understand what’s happened; if this is real; why he’d be taken now – so healthy and happy.

He went into cardiac arrest while we were lying in bed. I tried and tried, and the paramedics… /1

— Katie Archibald (@_katiearchibald) August 24, 2022

“He went into cardiac arrest while we were lying in bed. I tried and tried, and the paramedics arrived within minutes, but his heart stopped and they couldn’t bring him back,” she continued.

“Mine stopped with it. I love him so much and need him here with me. I need him here so badly; but he’s gone. I can’t describe this pain.”
A Disturbing Trend

In analyzing the data, Campbell shows that these anecdotal stories in the media are part of an extremely disturbing trend of excess death.

The statistics show that far more deaths than usual—at least 1,000 a week in the United Kingdom alone—have been occurring. These excess deaths are not from COVID-19.

According to the Parliament of Scotland, excess deaths have been up 11 percent for the last half year. While a spike in winter death due to COVID-19 mortality was expected, in the last six months—after the winter bump was over—there was still considerable excess mortality.

These excess deaths have been occurring in every age group, including in healthy young adults.
Sudden Deaths in Athletes

Campbell pointed to a June 2022 peer-reviewed study in The European Journal of Preventive Cardiology that showed that 80 percent of sudden deaths in young athletes occur in people with no prior symptoms or family history of heart disease.

Without those red flags to watch for, it is not possible to use preventive testing to screen for those who might be vulnerable.
Unexpected Excess Deaths May Outstrip COVID-19 Deaths

According to Professor Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine at Oxford University, the trend of excess deaths started to increase noticeably in the United Kingdom around the end of April of 2022.

The United Kingdom reports that these excess deaths are the result of circulatory issues, diabetes, and cancer. But, as Campbell was quick to point out, that does not explain the precipitating factor.

“The pattern is similar in many other countries,” Campbell said.

If this trend continues, these excess deaths will outstrip the COVID-19 deaths by the end of this year.

Campbell and many others, including Carl Heneghan, are now calling for a large-scale national and international investigation of this excess mortality, using data from death certificates and physicians’ notes, as well as post-mortem exams done by pathologists who specialize in uncovering the underlying causes of unexpected death.

“We need to know why this is,” Campbell said. “This really should be done as a matter of urgency.”

As he has mentioned in other videos, Campbell is a nurse educator who advocated commonsense hygiene protocols for COVID-19 and initially also recommended the COVID-19 vaccines.

Campbell does not present a reason for the cause of excess deaths in his videos: he just shares the current data. He encourages his viewers to look at current medical information in a scientifically informed way, with a critical eye.
20,000 Comments Link Health Problems, Deaths to COVID-19 Vaccines

At the same time, the commenters seem to strongly suspect that the elephant in the room—the common denominator in excess mortality—is the COVID-19 vaccine program.

One viewer, Marko Hart, wrote:

“A very good friend of mine died two days after his 40th birthday, five days after his second shot. A very healthy guy with multiple marathons. Died in a heart attack at home after being at the gym half an hour earlier. No autopsy was done even if his wife requested an autopsy. This happened seven months ago here in Sweden. We miss you Michael”

Another, using the name, “DonTheFurious,” described going on a strenuous hike that he had done three times in the past, after he received his first vaccine. This time, he wrote, his chest felt heavy and he could taste something acidic under his tongue. At the summit of the hike he fainted, tumbled 70 feet, and was discovered unconscious by the dog of another hiker. He was airlifted to the hospital.

“When I explained to the doctors that I believed it was the vaccine that caused this to occur, they refused to consider this as a possibility,” he wrote. “Their reasoning is that I fainted due to a heat stroke/dehydration.” He was 38 years old at the time, with no prior history of a heart condition.

A third, Joe Macdonald, wrote: “A friend of mine died last year from heart failure after getting her second covid-19 vaccine shot, she was healthy, in her 30s, and had no underlying health issues … The doctors were unable to find out why she had massive heart failure and when we asked them if her getting the Covid-19 shots was the reason why she died they would not comment and refused to discuss it further if the covid vaccines were mentioned again as the possible underlying cause.”

Each commentator’s story about their own health challenges post-vaccination, or about their healthy young friends or family members dying unexpectedly is anecdotal too—but as an aggregate there are thousands of them, just among the comments on one video.
Foreign Matter in Blood

Recently published peer-reviewed science may help explain the rise in excess deaths. As described in a 60-page study published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research in August, a team of physicians in Italy studied the blood of 1,006 patients who had been injected with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and subsequently sought medical care for different symptoms. Foreign matter was found in 94 percent of their blood.

This dovetails with the experience of some professionals responsible for readying bodies for funeral rites. Several embalmers across the United States have observed many l

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: championoftruth

So more doom porn narration anecdotes and conjecture from you also.

As to your Dr. John Campbell, the man is a crank.

You are free to choose to believe as you wish all the same, but the majority of people vaccinated are all doing just fine.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

63. So that would put him in the Schwarzenegger era of bodybuilding. How does he know it's the vaccine and not the years of steroid abuse?

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

Even the article from that daft arsed "TheGateWayPundit" clearly states "The cause of death has not been revealed yet".

I'm apt to go with his death being a result of his lifestyle choice as bodybuilding places tremendous strain on the heart.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

63. So that would put him in the Schwarzenegger era of bodybuilding. How does he know it's the vaccine and not the years of steroid abuse?

Arnold didn't die unexpectedly. He was able to diagnose his health problem and address it way before it caused an issue. He didn't just face plant into the ground with zero warning.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 10:46 AM
Anecdotal evidence from the article (the quote being from someone he personally trained) said he died from the "Flu" and was found 24 hours after contracting the flu and being seen by paramedics. Take all that information as you will.

In my mind, he was extremely healthy for his age regardless of his use (if any) of steroids or supplements. Those don't contribute to catching CV19 or the flu for that matter. BUT: extreme dieting and dehydration can and will be a contributing factor to any health issues that could inhibit proper immune response to diseases or illness.

My personal opinions on his death are not important enough to post.
We don't have much information.
Conjecture at best.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 10:55 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
For some people, the vaccine does probably increase their ability to survive covid, but for the majority of people it has a possibility of doing some will actually kill or badly sicken about five percent of those people. Every medicine has risks associated to them...but this supposed vaccine has way too much risk associated with it for healthy should not have been approved in my opinion.

The area I push back on is all in the wording as you provided above with "majority of people it has a possibility of doing some harm.." The reality is to say with the majority of people there is zero harm done while they gain benefits, but with a small percentage they will have some bad reactions that in very rare cases leads to extreme harm or death. This is how every drug works including even Aspirin.

Now to say 5% will experience extreme harm and or death is a very BIG number as in 13 billion shot have been given and so your statement is suggesting 650,000,000 people are in that group of serious harm or death. We then see places like Israel that did extreme testing and monitoring and had a little over 100 cases with minor heart inflammation almost all treated as out patients with 2 possible deaths, but there were other issues with the 2 deaths too not to be ruled out. This is with 5 million people being tested and watched for a very long time. We also do not know how many of the 100 had the minor heart inflammation before the vaccine since they were not tested before. People are also suggesting that extreme harm/death will happen within the first 28 days after the vaccine and once again people here are suggesting these are massive numbers without anything back it up like filling up hospitals and morgues.

The number is 1 in 50,000 could experience more of an extreme reaction than a sore arm or feeling like crap a few day, and that aligns Israel's 100 out of 5 million rather well to see what are real numbers. The reality is that 1 in 50,000 is a pretty normal number to see with any drug, so the vaccine is about as safe or not compared to anything else out there today.

edit on 16-10-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: championoftruth

So more doom porn narration anecdotes and conjecture from you also.

As to your Dr. John Campbell, the man is a crank.

You are free to choose to believe as you wish all the same, but the majority of people vaccinated are all doing just fine.

Personal attacks won't help your argument.
Why is Dr Campbell a crank? Because his arguments and analysis don't fit and serve your narrative? Can you qualify your claims.

For the record this is John Campbell's education

1) Diploma in Nursing
University of London 1982-1984

2) Certificate in Tropical Diseases
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine 1985-86

3) Certificate in Education, Nurse Education
St John University 1988-89

4) Bachelor of Arts
The Open University 1986-1990

5) BSc in Biology & Health
The Open University 1986-1991

6) Post Graduate Certificate in Pharmacology
Lancaster University 1995-1997

7) MSc in Health Science
Lancaster University 1997-98

8) PhD, Teaching bioscience in nurses
Bolton University 2011-13

My question to you and our of curiosity, what are your qualifications if you don't mind?

CV and experience can be found in the page of Dr Campbell on LinkedIn
edit on 16-10-2022 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-10-2022 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Far as i can establish i have not attacked you personally or otherwise.

Where Dr. John Campbell is concerned, if you watch the YouTube videos it clearly tells you why the Man is a crank and how the misinformation he presents is incorrect.

My question to you and our of curiosity, what are your qualifications if you don't mind?

I dont mind.

My degree is in "Information Technology and Media Studies".

So not really applicable to having much of a say or dog in the fight where immunology or virology are concerned.

I am entitled to an opinion through, just like yourself.

Same as i can read up and keep apprised regarding the topic in question just like anybody else.

Out of the same too similar curiosity, what's your claim to fame, and what are your qualifications?
edit on 16-10-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Arnold is also one of the most famous people in the world and has access to the best doctors in the world. He's not a nobody that subjected himself to 70s and 80s era steroids.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: championoftruth

'She was fine, and then her heart stopped': Illinois Rep. Sean Casten reveals healthy daughter, 17, died from rare cardiac arrhythmia in her sleep in June - family has been left 'grasping at the wrong end of a random chance'

So instead of tugging at your sleeve over one death and suggesting it was vaccine related maybe dig deeper into how many young people actually have heart issues. Also, maybe look to see how many people under 40 die each year to heart attacks.

Doing a quick look we can see England's numbers from 2019 to 2022. Do you see anything strange here, outside of some norm with before vaccine compared to after? So it wasn't until 2021 that we saw any large scale vaccine role out as a point in the timeline to do the before and after. This came from march 2022 so we do not really see good numbers for 2022 outside of there isn't some massive increase in the first couple of months.

edit on 16-10-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Generally speaking, if someone drops dead, I don't think they were in good health?

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

Generally speaking, if someone drops dead, I don't think they were in good health?

When we talk about young people the primary answer is unknown until something happens.... It is not like we test every kid of heart issues unless there is something physically seen in some way. I know of 3 cases where young men had a heart attack on the B-ball court who were in their 20s and prior to heart attack were seen as healthy, but then they found out they have some issues they need to manage. With younger people it is mostly genetic defects that are not known about.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Far as i can establish i have not attacked you personally or otherwise.

Where Dr. John Campbell is concerned, if you watch the YouTube videos it clearly tells you why the Man is a crank and how the misinformation he presents is incorrect.

My question to you and our of curiosity, what are your qualifications if you don't mind?

I dont mind.

My degree is in "Information Technology and Media Studies".

So not really applicable to having much of a say or dog in the fight where immunology or virology are concerned.

I am entitled to an opinion through, just like yourself.

Same as i can read up and keep apprised regarding the topic in question just like anybody else.

Out of the same too similar curiosity, what's your claim to fame, and what are your qualifications?

I didn't imply you can't have an opinion. Of course you can have an opinion.

Your option however isn't a qualified one. It's motivated by personal beliefs and some sort of ideology. Clearly Dr Campbell is qualified enough and his videos are quite informing and analytic.

Also it is clear he isn't a crank.
He isn't here in this platform so I thought I would say something on his behalf.

On the last question you made I prefer not to answer. It doesn't matter anyway.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

Also it is clear he isn't a crank.
He isn't here in this platform so I thought I would say something on his behalf.

On the last question you made I prefer not to answer. It doesn't matter anyway.

He is extremely bias though, so call it what you want... He goes into extreme selection biases and with his knowledge he makes it sound good until someone else comes a long and shows you what makes his points BS.

Did you watch this video?

edit on 16-10-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

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