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“Those of You Who Think the Vaccine Kills People Can Use Me as a Test” - Bodybuilding Icon Dies

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posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555

It's common knowledge that bodybuilders die young. Interesting factoid but beyond that, it does not mean anything.

If you're going to post this much about this topic you should include some research on these things. Articles about bodybuilders dying young have been common since the 1980s. They often drop dead of heart issues under 50 even. They pay a price for their obsession.

Just a recent article...

It’s no secret that the sport of bodybuilding comes with great risks and great rewards. Bodybuilding at the highest level requires dedication when building a showstopping physique. Athletes use various forms of supplementation, diet, and intense training to present their best look on stage.

These sacrifices can arguably affect the health of a bodybuilder, and sometimes lead to death. In 2021, bodybuilders began passing away at a concerning rate. Last year, former Mr. Olympia Shawn Rhoden, George Peterson, and Mike Horn all died from heart attacks or heart complications.

Despite the community being on high alert, untimely deaths continued to shake the sport’s foundation. March saw infamous steroid-enthusiast Bostin Loyd die at 29 from an aortic dissection before Arnold Classic winner Cedric McMillan passed away (a cause of death has yet to be made public). Just this week, Doug Brignole died at 63.

Sporting icons like Arnold Schwarzenegger admit that bodybuilding is the most dangerous sport in the world. He believes athletes are taking drugs nowadays that are damaging their health so much that people are dying. However, there’s a list of athletes (Schwarzenegger included) who have prioritized their health and are still thriving in retirement today.

These guys are on heavy doses of steroids and then as they get older GHG pretty much their whole adult lives. Brignole started around the age of 15....

edit on 15-10-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 04:42 PM
I'm not an anti vaxer and as such I'm pretty much attacked for everything and anything I say here now lol.

I'm sure there was a time where your opinion one one thing was left at that topic but now I could comment on a thread about a TV show and someone would disagree with me because I'm not in the antivax gang.

I'm sure there used to be rules and standards about that kind of thing here back in the day.

a reply to: Blaine91555

edit on 15/10/2022 by nonspecific because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Blaine91555

Me too.

I have always said it is a personal choice.

Against mandates.

Yet because I choose to deny Ignorance I constantly get accused of being a paid shill?

It's sad.

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

I've noticed how a small group of radical anti-vaxxers spread hate. I would not worry about it since haters find another thing to hate for if it's not this.

That paid shill thing is against the rules here for a reason. It's just name-calling and bullying which I'm frankly sick of seeing, to be honest. Everyone is entitled to their opinion without being menaced by radicals who spend all day online spewing venom.

To be more on topic here, I think being both for vaccines and against forcing them on others is a common point of view. It's a rational point of view.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

edit on 10/15/2022 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
This is kind of getting old like a piece of bubblegum that has been chewed all day.

I personally agree that no person should be forced to be vaccinated ever. I'm not an anti-vaxxer but I am a person who thinks it's a personal choice.

What chaffs my butt are anti-vaxxers who for some reason hate people who have no problem with vaccines. That is just unexplainable hatred. If you talk someone out of getting vaccinated and they die as result? Is that rational?

Wise people talk to medical professionals for medical advice, not online Internet warriors who could give a crap less about anyone else. Vaccines have saved untold millions and perhaps a billion or more lives in my lifetime. Yes in rare cases a tiny percent of people have bad reactions, but way more people would die without them. That's the gospel truth no matter how people spin it.
Two points.

1: agree 100 that true vaccines have saved countless lives and improved the quality of life overall for humanity.

2: the Covid shot isn’t a vaccine. At all. And I seem to recall a visceral sense of loss and shame as society at large told those of us that chose not to get it, were stupid at best and ought to be social pariahs, not to see or hug relatives, and were the cause of ALL of it at worst.

So we are at odds about who was hating whom here.

Agree to disagree on that one.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Notabot12345666


No idea what you are on about?

I’m on about destroying my enemies..seeing them cast out before me...and hearing the lamentation of their women
edit on 15-10-2022 by Notabot12345666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: Notabot12345666

originally posted by: Blaine91555
Vaccines have saved untold millions and perhaps a billion or more lives in my lifetime. Yes in rare cases a tiny percent of people have bad reactions, but way more people would die without them. That's the gospel truth no matter how people spin it.

Warp speed vaccines?
Oh you’re talking about the vaccines that were tested first.
Kinda like comparing apples to Chevrolets, isn’t it?

No all vaccines including the latest which have saved many, many times the people they have hurt. Some like to ignore facts like that.

As I've said, I am opposed to forced vaccination and what you do is none of my concern as what I do is none of your concern. I'm live and let live. What bothers me is how the anti-vaxxers want to force their ideas on everyone else.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I had a close friend in the 1980s who was a bodybuilding fanatic. He spent all his money on supplements and things he'd order out of magazines. No Internet then. Before long his whole personality changed until finally, he scared himself enough to go to an MD. Found out he was overdosing on supplements.

At that time I did some reading in the library to find articles on the issues caused by bodybuilding and heart issues were common even without steroids. Too much of anything is bad.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555

originally posted by: Notabot12345666

originally posted by: Blaine91555
Vaccines have saved untold millions and perhaps a billion or more lives in my lifetime. Yes in rare cases a tiny percent of people have bad reactions, but way more people would die without them. That's the gospel truth no matter how people spin it.

Warp speed vaccines?
Oh you’re talking about the vaccines that were tested first.
Kinda like comparing apples to Chevrolets, isn’t it?

No all vaccines including the latest which have saved many, many times the people they have hurt.

Not according to Pfizer.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: nonspecific
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

I find ignoring people who get off on harassing others works. Let's not go off-topic anymore as I should not have done that.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

edit on 10/15/2022 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain

You had heart issues after getting vaxxed?

If that's the case, so sorry to hear it.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: slatesteam

Why do you believe it is your place to force your views on others? I've never told anyone to get a shot. I never would. Why is it someone else's place to make me adopt their beliefs?

Truth is that these covid vaccines have saved a whole lot more lives than the rare side effects have taken. Billions have now had the shots. The scare tactics don't work anymore and I'm not prone to paranoia.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: Notabot12345666

Is the point of that, that the vaccines won't stop the virus, but it will save many people's lives, which it did? Meh...

I agree there are side effects for a tiny percentage of people, as there are for lots of things that save lives. Heck aspirin kills, peanut butter kills, and, and...

My view is that if the vaccine kills a million people but saves a hundred million people at the same time, I'll take that risk.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 05:27 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: slatesteam

Why do you believe it is your place to force your views on others? I've never told anyone to get a shot. I never would. Why is it someone else's place to make me adopt their beliefs?

Truth is that these covid vaccines have saved a whole lot more lives than the rare side effects have taken. Billions have now had the shots. The scare tactics don't work anymore and I'm not prone to paranoia.
Apologies. I am in no way trying to get people to my point of view on anything.

I am unsure why some are so adamant that they are right rather than being concerned about getting to the bottom of things.

If my questioning is hostile or offensive, then I don’t mean for them to be so. I just want to hit an issue with a different light. People on here are so self-assured and talk about this thing being so safe and secure. But the links provided, the transgressions by big Pharma, the walkbacks and flip-flopping in only 2 years about every aspect whether it be the virus AND the vaccine seems suspicious.

Call me skeptical.

This IS a conspiracy site, is it not?

edit on 15-10-2022 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 05:40 PM
When was the last time you saw a pro vaccine thread on here?

I'd say the cast majority of COVID related posts are about the dangers of vaccines not the safety of them.

I think it's also confuse someone questioning a theory or the validity of a claim and being pro Vax.

I myself say that I'm not anti Vax and not particularly pro Vax but I am against people making outrageous claims or promoting falsity.

As far as this thread goes I think it's rather absurd.

A guy makes this claim and a year and a half later he dies and that somehow proves that vaccines are dangerous? Is this a "win" for team anti vaccines?

If he'd said this and died a week later of a known side effect of a vaccine then I'd say it had merit but as it stands it's just silly.

a reply to: slatesteam

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: slatesteam

You know denial is sometimes just the best route to keep your marbles together.
Honestly if I took the wax i wouldn't be too sure if I wanted to hear that...

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Blaine91555

It's common knowledge that bodybuilders die young. Interesting factoid but beyond that, it does not mean anything.

If you're going to post this much about this topic you should include some research on these things. Articles about bodybuilders dying young have been common since the 1980s. They often drop dead of heart issues under 50 even. They pay a price for their obsession.

Just a recent article...

It’s no secret that the sport of bodybuilding comes with great risks and great rewards. Bodybuilding at the highest level requires dedication when building a showstopping physique. Athletes use various forms of supplementation, diet, and intense training to present their best look on stage.

These sacrifices can arguably affect the health of a bodybuilder, and sometimes lead to death. In 2021, bodybuilders began passing away at a concerning rate. Last year, former Mr. Olympia Shawn Rhoden, George Peterson, and Mike Horn all died from heart attacks or heart complications.

Despite the community being on high alert, untimely deaths continued to shake the sport’s foundation. March saw infamous steroid-enthusiast Bostin Loyd die at 29 from an aortic dissection before Arnold Classic winner Cedric McMillan passed away (a cause of death has yet to be made public). Just this week, Doug Brignole died at 63.

Sporting icons like Arnold Schwarzenegger admit that bodybuilding is the most dangerous sport in the world. He believes athletes are taking drugs nowadays that are damaging their health so much that people are dying. However, there’s a list of athletes (Schwarzenegger included) who have prioritized their health and are still thriving in retirement today.

These guys are on heavy doses of steroids and then as they get older GHG pretty much their whole adult lives. Brignole started around the age of 15....

Yeah it must of been the roids, that's why Arnold and Farigno and Stallone are still around.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
When was the last time you saw a pro vaccine thread on here?

I'd say the cast majority of COVID related posts are about the dangers of vaccines not the safety of them.

I think it's also confuse someone questioning a theory or the validity of a claim and being pro Vax.

I myself say that I'm not anti Vax and not particularly pro Vax but I am against people making outrageous claims or promoting falsity.

As far as this thread goes I think it's rather absurd.

A guy makes this claim and a year and a half later he dies and that somehow proves that vaccines are dangerous? Is this a "win" for team anti vaccines?

If he'd said this and died a week later of a known side effect of a vaccine then I'd say it had merit but as it stands it's just silly.

a reply to: slatesteam

Not the point.

When was the last time you saw an anti-vax ad in the real-world?

Good thing that cartoon ad where the girl had an “enlarged heart from myocarditis” for no reason was fixed without any explanation given by NYU Presbyterian… now she can be a fashion designer if/when she gets older.

And secondly a resounding no. Whereas some on here and social media claim they sleep well at night knowing their enemies are vaxxed. I unfortunately see the other side of the coin whereas everyone I’ve ever known or loved or cared about has taken thing. I do t want anything bad to happen to anyone. Okay?

We are only human after all.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 06:08 PM
So just to be clear, “Kill the few to save the many”? Even if they are children, huh? Which some are. Your last paragraph there is utterly disgusting. Apparently you need reminding like others, YOU ARE PRONE TO PARANOIA🤣 What a laugh.
You were fear mongered into being paranoid of a cold, nothing more, nothing less. So paranoid in fact, that you went and got untested, rushed, and lied about shots and got them injected into your body. Not knowing the long term consequences and apparently not caring.
Also, since the initial tests for covid couldn’t tell the difference between influenza and covid throws all your BS “has saved millions” right out the window because guess what? We don’t know if most of the people died WITH covid, or simply influenza.

Remember the tortoise and the hare? Tortoise wins. The hare apparently goes at “the speed of science”

a reply to: Blaine91555

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: slatesteam

You know denial is sometimes just the best route to keep your marbles together.
Honestly if I took the wax i wouldn't be too sure if I wanted to hear that...

This is all too true. The behemoth and $ behind this “campaign” smacks of propaganda. It’s hard to deal with this is our reality now.

Still waiting to hear the origin of this virus…..

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 06:32 PM
Something something Darwin Awards? amirite? amirite?

I'm still waiting for mine.

I did the same thing except by not getting vaccinated and then making the same statement.

Check my history your creepers if you don't remember.

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