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Are People Obese in America because it is Socially Acceptable

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posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: RonnieJersey

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: infolurker

Fat shaming does not help people in any way, so why do people do it? I guess it gives people a feeling of superiority and power to emotionally harm other people.

Most bullies have low self-esteem so they do it to give themselves a sense of superiority.

If I had a daughter that was 300 lbs, trust and believe I would be shaming her every chance I got.
Sorry, but it is not attractive, it's unhealthy, and it's just plain lazy.
So only with a daughter?
You never mention son, so I'm assuming you'd only be critical of a daughter. My father did the same , subtle comments, triggered bulimia for years. I was always normal weight, or near normal. With bulimia I became underweight.
Leading by example is the way to help change somebody's ways, not criticism!

I was using 'daughter' as an example.
Sounds like you are being very critical.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

food used to be cheep and so was gas so fast food was an easy way to feed you and your kid after a long day at you crappy job.


people don't realize how much sugar Americans consume.

also people are lazy

the real thing is eating less than 2000 Calorie's and get some exercise and watch the sugar intake and youll be okay, better yet throw in 2-3 hard exercise sessions a week and youll lose weight trust me.

i was born lucky as a kid i always was able to eat what i wanted when i wanted and was always skinny, but i also rode my bike everyday for miles or play school sports.

if you don't want to exercise eat 1500 calories and youll start to shed the weight slowly but it will come off

a calorie is a calorie.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Blaine91555

I am 4 years older than my sister. I weigh much, much less. She is going to have to have a knee replaced by the time she's my age.

I know someone who is married to a woman who is dreadfully obese - once she gets into a chair, she must be pulled out of it, she cannot do it on her own. Also, because of her weight she is on 4 insulin shots a day, and has to live next door to a hospital, because she is in and out so often.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
a reply to: JAGStorm

I owe the fact that I'm slim and fit to my close friend Ernie.

Ernie is a tapeworm.

back in the early 1900's,

the tapeworm eggs were put in capsules and marketed as weight loss pills.


Dieters would swallow beef tapeworm cysts, usually in the form of a pill. The theory was that the tapeworms would reach maturity in the intestines and absorb food. This could cause weight loss, along with diarrhoea and vomiting.

Once a person reached their desired weight they then took an anti-parasitic pill which, they hoped, would kill off the tapeworms. The dieter would then have to excrete the tapeworm, which could cause abdominal and rectal

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

It's complicated and other cultures have other equally problematic issues.

I can tell you what I do, but it will not make you do it. I am in my fifties. I owned a car and motorcycles may be four years of my entire life and even then was very physically active in my work. I walk, paddle and cycle everywhere. I hardly sit down. I don't even have a sofa or seats as such in my living area. I love long distance walking. I do thirty mile cycle rides sometimes on my mountain bike. I paddle my kayak eight miles in the ocean. I don't drink alcohol as such. I use ganja and vape it. I grow it myself so I know what is in it and avoid the illegal market. I don't sell it as I have to be a legal eagle. It is essential for some reason.

I have a twenty eight inch wasit. it has not changed since I was sixteen. I am slim, but pretty ripped. i never fight and hate violence as I came from a violent council estate. Violence was a prison to me. I keep spiritually, mentally and physical on the edge. I push and push constantly.

I have thick long hair still in really good shape like a young person and my skin is good with hardly any wrinkles. The combined effort works.

I eat very healthily: chicken once a week, fish twice a week and vegetarian the rest of the time, fresh green leaves every day and fruit most days. I have evolved this discipline over a life time. I do it because I love it and am trying to please the Almighty and show that I care about life and the gift of life I have been given.

Am I happeir than a heavy person? Is my life better? No, it is not. I have become so individual that I can't function socially with people. I always had problems that way. The world looks so dark and beastly, so violent and ill to me sometimes it seems hardly worth being here. I have a lot of sinus problems because of all the pollution and my teeth have made me miserable with years of pain even though i brushed them and didn't eat many sweets. I think that is a genetic factor. I am very sensitive and have some serious allergies. I have terrible asthma even though I am very athletic.

The point I am making is that we all have our problems. Obesity is a problem not just in the U.S. I have watched the British balloon in size during my life time. They have you hooked on the junk food and a certain lifestyle; driving cars, not getting enough exercise and often doing jobs where you have to sit down all day too. It is not your fault. You may drink to soothe the pain as I use ganja to soothe my pain; the pain of life.

It was actually Bob Marley who told me about the spiritual link with physical health. It was a rastafarian thing to be physically ital (Vital Ital). I am still it. I carried on. I love kayaking and cycling. I do it because I love it. I always loved cycling since I was little.

Any day we can change ourselves. You can buy a skipping rope and do three skips the first day, five the second and so on. It is worth doing even if you are eighty years old. You can go for a walk with your friend and a picnic in a place of beauty. The U.S has some amazing places I can only dream of here in little Britain. I bet there are some serious rivers to kayak for a hundred miles and wild camping.

Californians forgot they had Venice Beach and the sunset, a few friends, some ocean fun and a spliff. That's all you need even if you are a movie star.

Try to remember:

That is the AMERICA I LOVE! I love you and I understand you. You looked so good and could do again. You need to remember. "The West is the best. Just get here and we'll do the rest".

love Michael.

ps: Elvis just put on a little weight, that's all!

edit on 14-10-2022 by Tarantula777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

Is not other choice America percentage of obesity is too big to ignore, so marketing to that big sector of the population is a plus to make money.

These group is also targeted by the weight lost industry, why with soo many weights lost products, nobody loses weight? because is no about making people skinny but keep them big.

Is all about money.

And yes, been skinny as I been called all my life, is a big deal when I walk into places and the majority are big, specially here in GA, I do feel like an oddity sometimes, but I feel good regardless.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Hmm..... " Low Self Esteem " is the Winner !

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: Tarantula777
a reply to: JAGStorm
I always had problems that way. The world looks so dark and beastly, so violent and ill to me sometimes it seems hardly worth being here. I have a lot of sinus problems because of all the pollution and my teeth have made me miserable with years of pain even though i brushed them and didn't eat many sweets. I think that is a genetic factor. I am very sensitive and have some serious allergies.

Have you tried a decongestant, such as Allegra D? I couldn't help noticing that I had the exact same problem - sinuses and teeth - but it was just sinus congestion, and once I took care of that my teeth were fine. It was all sinus pressure (which also, oddly enough, can make a person very prone to depression).
I didn't know if you had heard any of this, an oral surgeon told me this advice, and I thought I'd pass it along, it might help!

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

Negativity rarely ever has positive results.

Keep telling someone who can't spell or can't do maths they're thick and they'll just keep asking for answers and the easy ways out.

Keep telling someone they're fat and they'll never want to swim, play sports or have the confidence to work on the skills needed to begin having success.

Working on things for other people is where all the stupidity starts anyways imho, people work things out on an individual basis... Usually as an adult though, when problems kick in. I wonder why they retreat in a bubble?

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: marg6043

People have to be retrained really.

You have to relearn how to eat, what to eat, how much to eat.

It's less about exercise and much more about that. Diet and portion control. You can lose weight eating junk, but you can eat so little of it that you will feel like you're starving because of the calories involved. It's much better to move to healthier whole foods where you can actually eat to point where you will feel close to full when done properly.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: RonnieJersey

Negativity rarely ever has positive results.

Keep telling someone who can't spell or can't do maths they're thick and they'll just keep asking for answers and the easy ways out.

Keep telling someone they're fat and they'll never want to swim, play sports or have the confidence to work on the skills needed to begin having success.

Working on things for other people is where all the stupidity starts anyways imho, people work things out on an individual basis... Usually as an adult though, when problems kick in. I wonder why they retreat in a bubble?

I don't know. Jelly Donut in our unit was compelled to exercise and diet to lose weight, under a constant barrage of negativity, and successfully lost 40 pounds.

People have to stop being such pussies.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: infolurker

Fat shaming does not help people in any way, so why do people do it? I guess it gives people a feeling of superiority and power to emotionally harm other people.

Most bullies have low self-esteem so they do it to give themselves a sense of superiority.

You call it Fat Shaming,

I call it making someone aware of their reality.

Same applies for a drug addict. You don't enable that behavior or ignore it. You engage it head on.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 07:06 PM
I am editing to post to add I share my information to possibly help others get healthier and or lose weight if they want to. I was over 40 pounds overweight a couple years ago and my cholesterol etc was getting worse. I lost over 20 pounds last year and it seemed relatively easy but I made small incremental changes to my lifestyle and I am in my 50’s which makes it harder to lose weight. I’m not perfect and am still a bit overweight. It is normal here in the US.

I’ve watched a number of educational videos on YouTube. I live in the US too. I’m in my 50’s and made an effort to change part of my lifestyle and happily found out I was losing some weight last year. My weight has Stabilized this year so I need to do more of what I did last year if I want to lose more weight. Basically the sugar and food industry here in the US add sugar or high fructose corn syrup to almost all our food. You have to search like crazy to find food without it unless you go all natural unprocessed food. I saw a comparison of the same brand of popular ketchup Heinz. In the US, it usually has added sugar and or high fructose corn syrup. In the U.K. label, I saw nothing like that. This is adding a toxin to our food that is difficult to avoid in the US.

Then you also have so many large people that it isn’t unusual. On top of that many people practice that it is shameful to criticize or shame anyone because of body weight even if they are morbidly obese. Some very fat people even seem to act like you should not think less of them or even should love their fat looks. I am aware some people suffer medical conditions but believing everyone likes to look fat is deluded in my opinion. In my opinion, most men are most attracted to fit or slim women in spite of whatever the public popular opinion may be among large women may be here in the US. Your opinion does not change what I am naturally physically attracted to and that applies to most men in my opinion.

So you have a double whammy. Food industry and government science is allowing extra sugar and high fructose corn syrup to be added to food in the US and many are conditioned to believe fat is normal and that others should love the very fat.
You have to want to change to actually change and lose weight with other forces working against you.

Other problems are lack of sleep causing increased hunger hormones, soda and sugary drinks as an easy option to consume when you are tired. Stress adds to it all. Americans are given less vacation than many other countries and sometimes Americans are encouraged to work vacation days as if we need to work extra to get ahead or stay even in your job. Getting a proper amount of sleep, reducing stress and weight make you healthier for all those who are already very overweight. Just being overweight here seems like no big deal when over a third are considered obese. There is a great lack of proper public education on how to lose weight and become healthier. I had to learn on my own via YouTube. I posted a link at the bottom of this post.

I plan on losing more weight in the next several months but without a lot of time off from work, I will be challenged to do what I did in my time off during work days. Cutting back on total calories and or doing some intermittent fasting during the week instead of just my time off. The thing I have noticed is if I don’t eat breakfast first thing in the morning, the hunger feeling goes away until around lunchtime. On my days off from work I have waited until 3 pm to eat on occasion many times. I’m sure I am eating less calories when I only eat two meals a day. I don’t always sleep that great so that’s part of my issue plus watching all these YouTube preppers talking about possible upcoming food shortages doesn’t help make me want to cut back from eating now if I might be forced to cut back later. I heard it is healthier to eat less per day or go longer between meals such as not eating for 16 to 18 hours a day. I accidentally forgot to eat 3 times in the past year and had one meal which is another way to get health benefits and lose weight.

The other issue is that most of the official food government science they have been telling the public at least here in the US the last 3 decades is just plain wrong in my opinion after listening to several educated doctors on YouTube. Disclaimer I am not a doctor and I am not telling you to disobey your doctors order. I don’t want to get sued nor does anyone else. You can’t hardly say anything official in the US without getting sued and go out of business if you say anything in an official business. Just my opinion.

I will also add that I heard that cancer rates among those in the Middle East that do a monthly period of intermittent fasting are among the lowest in the world I heard so fasting has many other health benefits other than losing weight.
I like listening to Dr Eric Berg and Dr Sten Eckberg in YouTube.
Others agree after looking at comments.

I will add that I have been doing intermittent fasting for many years on my time off without realizing it. That’s probably why I never developed diabetes because I used to eat pancakes or waffles with syrup every day for years. An easy way to do it is to sleep in past your normal breakfast time. As you eat breakfast later and later on your time off, you can call it brunch if it’s close enough to lunch time. I had always wondered why so many had diabetes and I was eating pancakes and waffles with syrup every day without an issue. I have switched in the last few years to eating a couple eggs and cooking with extra virgin olive oil instead of canola oil. I heard seed oil was bad. I did lose over 20 pounds last year and my very small LDL or VLDL dropped a good bit almost to the normal range. I do a good bit of walking where I work so naturally walk 3 to 5 miles a day without trying to add exercise. I’m happy with the changes from last year but think I can do better.

I may try to get a good nights sleep Sunday night, just drink plain coffee no added sugar or cream Monday morning and then eat lunch at noon and possibly for supper, eat normal or eat 2 eggs and whatever else I feel like. Getting enough sleep is key to reducing hunger plus adding some fat like nuts or something else to not feel hunger going longer between meals. I think it’s crazy to believe at one time I thought the key to losing weight might be to eat 6 times a day. There is so much bad information out there.
edit on 14/10/22 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

edit on 14/10/22 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: RonnieJersey

Negativity rarely ever has positive results.

Keep telling someone who can't spell or can't do maths they're thick and they'll just keep asking for answers and the easy ways out.

Keep telling someone they're fat and they'll never want to swim, play sports or have the confidence to work on the skills needed to begin having success.

Working on things for other people is where all the stupidity starts anyways imho, people work things out on an individual basis... Usually as an adult though, when problems kick in. I wonder why they retreat in a bubble?

And what is negative about helping someone, it's called 'constructive criticism'.
It's not picking on someone, or bullying - for example, I was pulled aside a few years back and told about how my hairstyle at the time was really not flattering.
I took a good look at it, and realized they were right. Now I look back and laugh - I don't know what I was thinking, and sometimes it takes others pointing something out before one can see it clearly.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: infolurker

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: infolurker

Fat shaming does not help people in any way, so why do people do it? I guess it gives people a feeling of superiority and power to emotionally harm other people.

Most bullies have low self-esteem so they do it to give themselves a sense of superiority.

You call it Fat Shaming,

I call it making someone aware of their reality.

Same applies for a drug addict. You don't enable that behavior or ignore it. You engage it head on.

Do you do it out of a feeling of superiority or do you take care to talk to them in private in a non-demeaning manner? Do you do it publically to shame and bully because you want to be the center of attention by hurting others? Which method would you use?

Have you ever publically shamed another person by criticizing their weight in public because you want an audience?

Do you take into consideration your verbal assault could be the last straw that could drive a depressed person to commit suicide? You are aware that bullied people at times do commit suicide right?

You used a smiley face in your prior post to show you think humiliating people is fun I suppose. Why?

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 07:52 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Blaine91555

I am 4 years older than my sister. I weigh much, much less. She is going to have to have a knee replaced by the time she's my age.

I'm not sure what that has to do with people who make fun of people because of their weight due to being bullies. There is a difference between counseling and fat shaming. Counseling by a professional or from an actual friend or loved one is very different. People who fat shame have a wholly different motive.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: Mandroid7
I will tell you guys the secret after I shift over to the non-smashed couch cushion and stretch my phone thumbs to avoid a serious sprain.

lol very good

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 08:10 PM
Why are the French and Italians smelly and unbathed? Why do British have horrible dental hygiene?

….who cares.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 08:14 PM
I don’t believe shaming others is helpful. Some might be deluded if they are severely obese and think their fat looks good though. Not saying anyone accused me of shaming others. I was over 20 pounds fatter myself just over a year ago. I do believe incremental changes to the way we eat and what we eat and how often we eat can make dramatic differences in less than a year. I don’t like the fact that I believe the western diet or official government food information is full of a lot of bad science and wrong information in my opinion about how to eat healthy. I’m referring to food pyramids and what to eat and a few other things. I do believe getting enough sleep is key to reducing the hunger hormone and getting your body used to going longer between meals or only eating in a 6 to 8 hour window per day really helps.

I often eat in a 3 to 4 hour per day time window Saturday and Sunday so I think I have a psychology hurdle to overcome doing a 6 hour eating window the rest of the week.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

Context is important I guess?

I did say in my opinion working on things for other people is usually a foolhardy experience. I do understand what you're saying though, I'm male and when I was younger I liked to look good for others and dating etc.

When I was younger I loved being active and never had issues with exercise but I did have issues with anxiety and eating. I'm highly observant too, despite my shortcomings I lived a rather social life and was raised with the first truly fat UK generation. I do have a good idea what inspired them to get out or eat well.

Or sit at home eat chips and play PS1. Later teenage years we all drank together too and that's when some of them really ballooned.

I take the piss out of my mate for his spelling... Constructive criticism, that's because he never takes up my offers to help him improve his writing skills. I'm a hypocrite! He doesn't feel like crap for it though and it's only ever when we're having beers and he's bothering me with spellings.

Or I could shorten all that and just say what's more helpful? "You're getting fat" or "are you eating well?"
Idk btw, I have an inkling that understanding is the way forward, seems to work from what I see.

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