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Are People Obese in America because it is Socially Acceptable

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posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: Creep Thumper


I'd say military life is a little bit different and much more like locker room banter... I'm assuming you're talking about training, make or break stuff?

People have to stop being such pussies.

Why? Pussies can take a pounding.

I find it sad when people can't adjust to civvy life yet I'd never call someone having a breakdown from PTSD a raging pussy.

The irony is the military trains you to not be a pussy, it trains you lots of things and trains you to not do other things. I'll leave it at that.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 08:49 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 09:39 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: Creep Thumper


I'd say military life is a little bit different and much more like locker room banter... I'm assuming you're talking about training, make or break stuff?

People have to stop being such pussies.

Why? Pussies can take a pounding.

I find it sad when people can't adjust to civvy life yet I'd never call someone having a breakdown from PTSD a raging pussy.

The irony is the military trains you to not be a pussy, it trains you lots of things and trains you to not do other things. I'll leave it at that.

It's no different. A slug is a slug no matter where they are.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 10:03 PM
I can't speak for all fat/obese people, but I can for myself and those I observe and who have opened up to me

I eat OMAD that usually consists of raw veggies, fruits, and nuts, some rice, and only small amounts of chicken or fish. I don't eat candy or drink sodas. Just water, and rarely some squeezed or blended fruit added into the water.

Maybe one a month I'll go to a restaurant and pig out.

Some days I ride my bike a few miles to work and back. I exercise on a daily basis.

Most of the lardasses I know sit on their ass all day smoking, drinking, eating fast food three times a day, a butt ton of candy, binge TV shows all day, sleep all day, and complain their life sucks and refuse to do anything to change it.

Even the peoole I know who have thyroid issues or other diseases that cause weight gain give up and live the lifestyle above.

My sister has a thyroid problem and when she works out she actually gets in shape regardless, she just can't stand working out on a regular basis, gave up, let herself go, and just eats trash all day every day sitting on her ass all day.

I've known some big people in high school who were huuuge, and I've seen them really get into a fit lifestyle and go on to do fitness modeling or bodybuilding tournaments.

The difference is that they quit making up excuses and make the choice to be healthy instead of being lazy and woe-is-me.

People who are fat or obese and celebrate it is because they want to be supoorted and celebrated for their laziness under the guise of "accepting who they are." Yet, if you have a private conversation where they are being honest they are still miserable on the inside. It's a fake facade they force upon others.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 10:08 PM
I find it very telling when soldiers have trouble adopting the blinkers and bobble head attitude that society demands of it’s citizens.

Personally I spent years trying to figure out how half the civilians made it through life to voting age. I’d imagine my first reaction would be of revulsion had I killed in their defence during my service.

It’s sad in that there is a nearly complete absence of, indeed the demolishing of instead of striving for, ideals.

This was blatantly obvious to a newly discharged Dal, albeit I had very little exposure prior to enlisting amongst the sick, lame and lazy and so may have been an idealistic anomaly in a sea of inefficiency.

Disillusionment is a killer.

a reply to: RAY1990

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: Blaine91555

We actually used to have public service Saturday morning commercials on such things as bad habits.

(Watch Out For) The Munchies - ABC's The Bod Squad

ABC Bod Squad "Don't Drown Your Food"

Yuck Mouth (Yuk Mouth) ABC PSA The Bod Squad 1974

Love Won't Add Weight

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 10:42 PM

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: Blaine91555

Do you consider PSA's fat shaming as well?


Chew, Chew, Chew

Timer - "Nutritious Dishes"

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

You would be surprised. Ohio Bike Highway Trails

Some come out on roadways or are some really backroads. But much of the Bikeway is reclaimed railroads that have been paved or purpose built bike and asphalt walking trails. I don’t think Ohio is the only state doing this as they are supposed to join up with other states.

I was surprised to find them and was actually due to geocaching rather than random curiosity as I kept finding odd trails that I knew were railroads on old plat maps.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 06:40 AM

originally posted by: carbonwaste
a reply to: JAGStorm

the real thing is eating less than 2000 Calorie's and get some exercise and watch the sugar intake and youll be okay, better yet throw in 2-3 hard exercise sessions a week and youll lose weight trust me.

i was born lucky as a kid i always was able to eat what i wanted when i wanted and was always skinny, but i also rode my bike everyday for miles or play school sports.

if you don't want to exercise eat 1500 calories and youll start to shed the weight slowly but it will come off

a calorie is a calorie.

This is absolutely NOT true.

I grew up on a farm and have always been extremely active. I worked outside all the time. My mom had a garden and grew a lot of our food. We RARELY ate out. That was a special treat. I never had anything like video games. After I had our son at 23 my weight crept up and I could not stop it. I know how to cook. I know how to eat well. I am well educated on these matters. I have even followed a weight training regime with a trainer and eaten exactly as I was asked. It did not help.

When I was around 38 I went to a new dr to try one last time to get some help and she ran tons of tests and told me to slowly start lowering my calorie intake until I saw some downward movement so we could see where that number was.

I owned my own business at the time and worked long days physically working/standing/walking all day. I rarely sat. I would also come home and walk/jog 3 miles every night or go to the gym down the street. I was very strong. But I weighed almost 260. I lowered and lowered and did not begin losing until I hit 650 calories a day. I tracked and weighed every morsel of food for both calories and quality. And trust me, if you only get this amount of calories you DON"T waste it on sugar or crap! You try to get as much quality for your calories as possible.

If I ate even 100 calories over 650, I stopped losing for at least a week or week an a half before weight loss would start again.

After 9 months of this I had lost 80lbs. Which was right at the recommended 2-2.5 lbs per week. I weighed 165 (which was still considered obese medically for my height/weight). My hair changed texture to more thin and brittle. I was getting HUGE bruises showing up on my arms and legs for no reason. I was so cold. But if I ate over 650 or 700 the weight loss would stop or I would start gaining. I was afraid for my health so I went back up to about 1200 calories and slowly gained weight back up over 200.

So, people who have no idea and just think that everyone can eat 2000 calories and be fine. No. That is not the case. Even 1200 calories would have seemed like an extreme luxury to me for that year and if it had given me any weight loss at all, I would have been ecstatic. It is people with this flippant attitude who also ironically say things like "I was born lucky" and can eat whatever I want) that are absolutely admitting they have no idea what it's like to live in someone else's body and yet think they know all the answers and it's so simple. Those are the people who put the people who struggle into depression.

There is so much we still don't really know in regards to our health, food, chemicals, environment, etc. Especially when it comes to things like insulin resistance. I have a horse with insulin resistance which I have to very closely monitor and it has opened my eyes and validated a lot of my own experiences with weight.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: Dalamax

You can join before you vote?

I think voting and joining age is 16 in the UK now.

Yeah Dal I've got a lot of respect for what the military does for people, I've seen it turn 'wastes of space' around but one of them I grew up with couldn't drift back into relaxing and it seemed to really mess up his outlook on life and others.

End of the day it's other people's body and time. Not everyone is built to 'over-exert' themselves nor do they understand its a thing that merely takes training, tough love can allow someone to access the mindscape to acquire that training but that rarely ever works on civilians or children.

One thing that nobody mentioned is the individual's desire to improve. If you don't want to be in the military you won't make it. Simple. That's the case here anyways.

If we're talking healing/bettering people's lives then interjecting should only really be done by invitation or when it's absolutely necessary. That's the doctrine. I don't need to be a constitutionalist to say your nation pretty much stands for these ideals either because practically all ours do being that most of us are westerners. We like our rights.

I could go on, everything good says let it be. Even Jesus says let the filthy be filthy. I understand where you are coming from, everything was inefficient for me growing up and all I found was stress and anger, luckily I didn't find the military!

I found women and learned to chill out.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I would be more inclined to say that kids that grew up in the 80s-90s were on drugs. A good 80% of all kids from that generation thanks to parents not wanting to be parents.

Because of this a lot of people's metabolism no longer works and we're "overworked". Add that with the fact most food in America is bad for you because of chemicals and various other reasons like bleached wheat products that strip ALL nutrients from food you get yourself stuck in a blender.

Sure there are some fat people who shove their face with lbs and lbs of sugar daily, but people automatically assume that being overweight is caused by unhealthy eating habits, that they eat fast food, etc.

Sure I am overweight but I haven't had mc Donald's or any of that crap in over 10years. All the women in my family are large, and on average I eat once every THREE Days and usually only do a liquid diet, did that help with weightless nope nada. It doesn't matter if I eat more or eat less, exercise etc.

The weight remains, it doesn't even matter if I eat organic or not, (crap is expensive). I don't eat junk food either. This is because from the age of 5 to 16 I was on drugs that overworked my body, and nearly killed me and I still suffer the fall out over 20years later.

During one of the legalized public tests(like the covid vaccines) they ran on me after pumping drugs into my system I gained over 80lbs in a month without any changes to my diet and I was 13. I was stuck with that weight gain and the only thing that would allow it to drop was speed, so I got put right back on it. Since I was constantly gaining weight without it.

It got so bad to the point my meals were a single bite to ward off stomach pains and that was it. But even then the weight came on, eventually I accepted my fate and refused to touch a single medication any doctor ever tried to prescribe. My weight went up but eventually stopped on its own, it's not healthy weight but there isn't really much else I can do. My metabolism is shot, fertility and more all because of the drug push on kids in the 80s and 90s.

Most people got lucky they didn't fall as bad as I did, but they had me on uppers, downers, left and righters all because my teacher decided to teach the same 400 math problems every day for an entire school year and I was "bored". My SINGLE parent fell into that sinkhole of crap they spewed, and it cost me everything including my immune system..

So not all of us fat asses are fat by our own choices. A lot of millennials were thrown into that cluster fkd up society, and we get to pay that price. Just be grateful your parents aren't doing the same to you.

So sadly, for most of us now unless your on that crap you will forever be overweight because medication no matter what it is alters your biology.
edit on bSaturdayam2022-10-15T08:58:56-05:00kamSat, 15 Oct 2022 08:58:56 -0500Sat, 15 Oct 2022 08:58:56 -050020226 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 11:28 AM
I will add part of the struggle with weight gain or trying to reverse it is loss of muscle mass as we age and get older. I believe you don’t easily see any loss of muscle mass as the years go by but you definitely may notice extra pounds. I have some dumbbells I have used with some resistance training but I haven’t been doing much with that this year. I plan to do some weight resistance exercises to see if that helps. I believe it does. In my opinion you have to do an extreme amount of body building or resistance exercise to notice a big change in your muscles. Your body can get used to routines. Typically Monday throughFriday I eat 3 meals a day but today at noon I still haven’t eaten brunch yet and my hunger is almost non existent. I have gotten used to not eating until 2 or 3 in the afternoon on weekends unless I feel hungry or have other activities.

It really helps to do activities that keep you busy without thinking about food if the only reason you are eating at a standard time is because of habit and not hunger. I heard on YouTube studies have shown reducing calories without doing other things that reduce the hunger hormone do not work. Your metabolism slows down and your body will use less calories going into survival mode. I have gradually gotten used to longer hours before brunch on my time off and I usually eat until I am satisfied. Last year I did eliminate drinking all soda. That was a bad habit to start thatI did with a new job getting up extra early. I also determined where my calories were coming from in a normal day. Switched out potato chips, lots of fat and calories with a few mashed potatoes. Some might say potatoes are not good but they help fill your stomach and are low in calories by volume unless you add a lot to them. I think if I ate nothing but potatoes I would lose a lot of weight because my desire to eat them every day would drop a lot. I’m not sure a potato diet would be healthy or not.

Another big change is not buying all the unhealthy food choices or only buying a little for once a week treats.
I still remember how little food I ate back in the 70’s and 80’s. I don’t want to be hungry all the time like I often was back then but I was 20 or 30 pounds lighter.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 11:39 AM
There's multiple factors at play here. It started with the no time to cook or work out myth. The people that say it's faster to drive thru for breakfast, lunch or dinner than to make it yourself. When in reality that line at McDonald's in the morning takes longer. Also people say no time to cook at night. But it really takes 3 minutes to throw some chicken breast in the oven for 30 mins and do other stuff. These are the same people that say there is no time to exercise even though they sit in front of the computer or TV from 6pm-midnight. There's always time.
Second is the fat acceptance movement this has pushed the narrative that being obese is totally fine and there's no health risk. Yea sure in your 20s being obese doesn't really hurt you. In your mid 30s yes it starts to catch up very quickly. at this point your poor life choices end up hurting the rest of us. By increasing medical insurance cost, plus lost time at work and various other factors.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I am in my 60s, and I remember in about the early 1980s, we didn't have anywhere near the number of obese people we have now. Its the proliferation of fast food and processed food IMHO. Its not easy to be at a healthy weight when 80 percent of the food available is processed food or fast food. People either don't have the time or don't take the time to eat healthy, the vast majority of us. I would say before 1984 or so, about 10-20 percent of people were on the plus side, now it seems like about 70 percent.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 03:24 PM
Doesn't take more than a few minutes to throw together a big green leafy salad, with some radishes, cucumbers, and tomato - instant low calorie lunch!

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: openminded2011

We had high carb and high sugar diets in the 1980's though. What I believed has changed is the addition of High Fructose Corn Syrup, Dextrose, Maltodextrin, and a crap ton of refined oils like Soybean oil which is now in damned near everything in high quantities.

5 Reasons Vegetable Oil is Worse Than Sugar

Go ahead, grab a few packaged foods from your kitchen and examine the food labels. There's a good chance you'll find soybean oil in almost everything. For years the popular vegetable oil was considered a better alternative to saturated fats like butter. However, recent animal research suggests that when it comes to weight gain, soybean oil may actually be far worse than sugar.
To come to this finding, University of California researchers divided mice into four groups. All groups were fed diets comprised of 40 percent fat and were given the same number of calories. Where the diets differed was in the type of fat they were served. Two groups were fed a diet rich in coconut oil, a popular source of saturated fat. One of those two groups were also given fructose, a type of sugar. The other mice were given a soybean oil-heavy diet, equal to the amount a typical American consumes. One of the two soybean groups was also given fructose. The researchers discovered that mice on the soybean oil diet gained 25 percent more weight than mice on the coconut oil diet and 12 percent more than groups who were also given fructose. The mice on the soybean oil diet developed larger fat deposits and were more likely to become diabetic. Mice given fructose had similar, but less severe, health issues.

Why did this happen? The researchers hypothesize that that soybean oil's high omega-6 fatty acid content is to blame. Though our bodies need some omega-6s for optimal health, excessive amounts can increase appetite and slow the rate at which the body burns fat, causing weight gain. To maintain your flat belly, kick foods made with soybean oil out of your diet and incorporate some of these 50 Best Weight Loss Tips into your weekly routine.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: infolurker

You know what the difference is between fat shaming (bullying) and counseling I'm sure.

One is done out of love and a genuine concern for the person, the other is just hate. Only other haters identify with them which adds to their own lack of self-esteem. People who have a superiority complex are considered mentally ill in fact.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 05:16 PM
New video today by Sydney Watson regarding the subject of obesity, she got sandwiched on a recent flight. Why is it acceptable for fatties to do this and encroach on another person's space? Surely if that battleship they call an ass can't be contained within a normal seat footprint, they shouldn't be allowed to fly?

They should pay more for flying too. On an airplane every ounce costs, so why should a 220+lb fatty pay the same as 170lb me?

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: baggy7981
New video today by Sydney Watson regarding the subject of obesity, she got sandwiched on a recent flight. Why is it acceptable for fatties to do this and encroach on another person's space? Surely if that battleship they call an ass can't be contained within a normal seat footprint, they shouldn't be allowed to fly?

They should pay more for flying too. On an airplane every ounce costs, so why should a 220+lb fatty pay the same as 170lb me?

Here here. Fata**es should be required to buy two seats. What happened to this woman is disgusting.

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