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So the "vaxxine" was never tested on transmission, more and more BS.

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posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:34 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: AutomateThis1v2

Not always, mines is a picture of Jennifer Lawrence's coochie.

I'll pass.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:38 AM

originally posted by: snarky412

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: MaxxAction

Remember what a bunch of heartless bastards you were for not being willing to let them pump you full of their magical elixir??

Turns out it was all Bull#. They NEVER TESTED THE VACCINES FOR PREVENTION OF TRANSMISSION, as admitted by one of the directors of Pfizer in the video. So they told you over, and over, and over that you were going to go around killing people without your vaccine, and it was all lies.

What's even worse, it was discovered fairly early on that the vaccinated were walking around with up to 250 times more covid virus in their nasopharynx as opposed to those who weren't vaxxed and were infected. The vaxxed were the real super spreaders.

Wait a moment!
As the arbiter of truth will soon appear claiming that your source is flawed and the researchers who published it quacks and crackpots.

In reality the mRNA vaccines have not passed the essential tests to be proven safe and effective. Vaccine safety is a long process where you get to know the short, medium, and long term effects, the benefit to risk ratio in all age groups and its effectiveness and efficacy.

By definition the mRNA vaccines are not safe for use and as Dr Malhotra said they vaccination program must come to a pause.

This is followed by the Department of Health in Florida that advises against the mRNA products for males of the age 18-39

There is more to come as we will see in the next few weeks. Together of course with the usual appeals to emotions by the vaccine apologists and denialists.

This is what people need to think about and question "why" ---

Moderna had been experimenting with mRNA for about 10 years, yet the FDA never, ever approved its use

So one must ask themselves, why ,,,,, why did the FDA never approve its use?
(*side note: Moderna never created a vaccine until covid)

And people who were living in fear and were the first to get the shoots, did not understand the meaning of LONG TERM side effects. Their argument, when they would call those who refused the va$$ine "killers" and selfish, was that it had been tested and proven safe.

And I would ask them, how can they say that with 100% certainty, when it can take up to 10-15 years for long term side effects to show up? Of course, they still didn't 'get it'....because Fauci said it was safe, that's all they knew

My main concern was women (possible fertility issues), young adults and of course, the young kids
Not to mention, the heart issues that they tried to downplay among the young men.
Also, it is now being reported that it does mess with women's monthly cycle, after months of denying it, saying it was "misinformation" ----- and I've got to where when the government/Fauci claims something is nothing more than "misinformation", I have wonder what they are NOT telling us (besides more BS)

And sure enough, slowly but surely, the truth is coming out.

It might be in bits and pieces, but the public is starting to see how they were played by big government and their partners big pharma/ Fauci/Gates

And the MSM was/is guilty too, for they were tools used to spread the fear mongering propaganda, not to mention the talking heads insulted half the population with their hateful rhetoric about the forced (no good), va$$ine


Not only we don't know the long term effects but we also don't know the medium term effects and the benefit to risk ratio in all age groups as well as the efficacy and effectiveness of these products.

In addition the shower term effects (which we just find out) have been downplayed in the media or dismissed sometimes. There needs to be a serious legal investigation with the strongest penalities for those involved in this scandal.

I am against the death penalty for many reasons. But if I was in favour of it then I would certainly have applied in this case after hundreds of millions of people, if not billions, where pressured, cajoled, blackmailed, threatened, even forced, to take part in one of the most ludicrous and dangerous experiment the world has ever seen. Furthermore the media propagated panic, fear, despair and terror, and they are complicit.

Here is a peer-reviewed publication by Dr Malhotra.

Results: In the non-elderly population the “number needed to treat” to prevent a single death runs into the thousands. Re-analysis of randomised controlled trials using the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology suggests a greater risk of serious adverse events from the vaccines than being hospitalised from COVID-19. Pharmacovigilance systems and real-world safety data, coupled with plausible mechanisms of harm, are deeply concerning, especially in relation to cardiovascular safety. Mirroring a potential signal from the Pfizer Phase 3 trial, a significant rise in cardiac arrest calls to ambulances in England was seen in 2021, with similar data emerging from Israel in the 16–39-year-old age group.

Conclusion: It cannot be said that the consent to receive these agents was fully informed, as is required ethically and legally. A pause and reappraisal of global vaccination policies for COVID-19 is long overdue.

I will emphasize the point made above that the greater risk of serious adverse reactions from the vaccines than being hospitalised with Covid. Especially if you bring to the young and healthy populations.

This doesn't come as a surprise. Earlier this week
the Department I'd Health in Florida revised its guidance and suggests that 18-39 year old males should not be using the mRNA products.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 04:00 AM
The only thing politicians truly achieved was "herd impunity". On social media, all I read is people defending that these jabs were never meant to end transmission, rather than avoid severe cases that would collapse ICUs and thus taking the shots was an act of responsibility. No one remembers #, it's incredible.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: MaxxAction

Joe Biden should be fined One billion dollars for lying about the vaxx.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: Mazius
The only thing politicians truly achieved was "herd impunity". On social media, all I read is people defending that these jabs were never meant to end transmission, rather than avoid severe cases that would collapse ICUs and thus taking the shots was an act of responsibility. No one remembers #, it's incredible.

What you see in the media or online doesn't represent a large number of the public which clearly disagrees with the propaganda and vaccine apologetics as well as denialism of the truth and reality.

If you take a look here in these threads you wil see a few members who defend the jabs and those who took the decisions to enforce them to entire populations. But these views are no longer representative of the majority of us who completely disagree.

These members here on ATS or others online and in the media are nothing more than vaccine apologists who are driven by ideology and politics and who have nothing to do with science and medicine.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 12:45 PM
Don’t know how this wasn’t pointed out already but the Pfizer POS lady literally pulled a Kamala Harris… in her response, to something so fn serious, her response is to burst into chuckles and a big smile?? “Lol, no silly, it never prevented transmission, and no we never lied about it or let others (like the cdc&who) lie about it, no way no how”

If Alex Jones has to pay a billion dollars for his BS pony show of a court case, I’d say about 500 trillion should just about do it for this kunt and other Pfizer goons.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: Narvasis
Don’t know how this wasn’t pointed out already but the Pfizer POS lady literally pulled a Kamala Harris… in her response, to something so fn serious, her response is to burst into chuckles and a big smile?? “Lol, no silly, it never prevented transmission, and no we never lied about it or let others (like the cdc&who) lie about it, no way no how”

If Alex Jones has to pay a billion dollars for his BS pony show of a court case, I’d say about 500 trillion should just about do it for this kunt and other Pfizer goons.

They were moving at the speed of depopulation.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

So this guy, Dr. Campbell, just has sweetness coming out of his skin. He is so mild mannered and even keel in his talks, which I have always appreciated about him

In the above video, he is quite incredulous at the statement: "The speed of Science."

He says, "let me explain to you what moving at the speed of science really means: I HAVEN'T GOT A FLIPPING CLUE."

I think I have watched all his videos, and that is the first time I have seen him be even mildly upset.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

So this guy, Dr. Campbell, just has sweetness coming out of his skin. He is so mild mannered and even keel in his talks, which I have always appreciated about him

In the above video, he is quite incredulous at the statement: "The speed of Science."

He says, "let me explain to you what moving at the speed of science really means: I HAVEN'T GOT A FLIPPING CLUE."

I think I have watched all his videos, and that is the first time I have seen him be even mildly upset.

Dr. Campbell is a case study of watching someone go from a true believer to a semi-red pilled skeptic. Most doctors just took the CDCs word for the safety of the vaccine. Now they are all learning the truth the hard way.

Don't blatantly trust government institutions without doing your own research. And even now it's basically never ever ever trust the science of a government institution (or big pharma which owns them.)

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

I watched this last night and it did make me laugh.

He is very careful as to what he says and you do tend to get the news and facts from him with a minimum of opinion.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Have you watched the Hulu series Dopesick??

Man, they really lay out how incestuous the relationship is between our government and Health agency officials and the pharma industry. It is a revolving door where pharma emplyees take government positions, and those in government positions often leave and get paid big bucks to keep the in the "good ol' boy" loop in the beltway so they can get their latest meds approved, only to be pulled months or years later because people are dying, or losing feeling, or growing a second head.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: Narvasis
Don’t know how this wasn’t pointed out already but the Pfizer POS lady literally pulled a Kamala Harris… in her response, to something so fn serious, her response is to burst into chuckles and a big smile?? “Lol, no silly, it never prevented transmission, and no we never lied about it or let others (like the cdc&who) lie about it, no way no how”

If Alex Jones has to pay a billion dollars for his BS pony show of a court case, I’d say about 500 trillion should just about do it for this kunt and other Pfizer goons.

Of coooourse. They just had politicians and celebrities and "expert" after "expert" lie for them counting on the general public to believe them and not be like bad little critical thinkers and do their own research.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: SkeptiSchism
a reply to: CrazyWater

I met a guy who was fired from being an emt because he wouldn't get vaxxed. IMO you are heroes. Thank you for your service. I mean that, deep gratitude, because of your actions others will come to the truth.

its always been my pleasure and we are deeply deeply thankful for all of you who have supported us through everything, you have no idea how much that truly means to us

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 03:31 PM
Sounds like someone has decided to get serious about pursuing the truth from Pfizer... -answer-questions-what-does-the-ceo-of-pfizer-have-to-hide-3781875.html

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The only purpose was to vaccinate people. Now that we know that, what is the purpose of the vaccine?

Ask the people who are so desperately trying to push it like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. What's their goal again?

Exactly. The vaccine was the objective. Covid was the mechanism driving the need for the vaccine. For the guests who didn't wish to drink the wine, bribes, threats, intimidation and shame were tactics used.

The quarterly boosters are the reality now as I forecast back in late-2020. Soon up here in Kanada, if I know TURDeau, the same mandates and tactics will be used to enforce the boosters.

I've not stepped over any bodies dating back to January 6, 2020 when the Covid campaign started.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 04:41 PM

originally posted by: BiffTannen

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The only purpose was to vaccinate people. Now that we know that, what is the purpose of the vaccine?

Ask the people who are so desperately trying to push it like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. What's their goal again?

Exactly. The vaccine was the objective. Covid was the mechanism driving the need for the vaccine. For the guests who didn't wish to drink the wine, bribes, threats, intimidation and shame were tactics used.

The quarterly boosters are the reality now as I forecast back in late-2020. Soon up here in Kanada, if I know TURDeau, the same mandates and tactics will be used to enforce the boosters.

I've not stepped over any bodies dating back to January 6, 2020 when the Covid campaign started.

My big question has ALWAYS been

Whats in them that they desperately want in all of us.

If it was just for money they could have done a placebo or something super safe and sold it as the vaccine for whatever price they wanted and no one would have been the wiser

So what did they engineer that they want the whole world to have inside them?

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: CrazyWater

originally posted by: BiffTannen

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The only purpose was to vaccinate people. Now that we know that, what is the purpose of the vaccine?

Ask the people who are so desperately trying to push it like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. What's their goal again?

Exactly. The vaccine was the objective. Covid was the mechanism driving the need for the vaccine. For the guests who didn't wish to drink the wine, bribes, threats, intimidation and shame were tactics used.

The quarterly boosters are the reality now as I forecast back in late-2020. Soon up here in Kanada, if I know TURDeau, the same mandates and tactics will be used to enforce the boosters.

I've not stepped over any bodies dating back to January 6, 2020 when the Covid campaign started.

My big question has ALWAYS been

Whats in them that they desperately want in all of us.

If it was just for money they could have done a placebo or something super safe and sold it as the vaccine for whatever price they wanted and no one would have been the wiser

So what did they engineer that they want the whole world to have inside them?

Exactly, placebo would have worked way better. This clot shot sh# is genocide.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: CrazyWater

originally posted by: BiffTannen

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The only purpose was to vaccinate people. Now that we know that, what is the purpose of the vaccine?

Ask the people who are so desperately trying to push it like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. What's their goal again?

Exactly. The vaccine was the objective. Covid was the mechanism driving the need for the vaccine. For the guests who didn't wish to drink the wine, bribes, threats, intimidation and shame were tactics used.

The quarterly boosters are the reality now as I forecast back in late-2020. Soon up here in Kanada, if I know TURDeau, the same mandates and tactics will be used to enforce the boosters.

I've not stepped over any bodies dating back to January 6, 2020 when the Covid campaign started.

My big question has ALWAYS been

Whats in them that they desperately want in all of us.

If it was just for money they could have done a placebo or something super safe and sold it as the vaccine for whatever price they wanted and no one would have been the wiser

So what did they engineer that they want the whole world to have inside them?

Imagine you accept to be injected with a product that nobody knows what its short, medium, and long term effects are, and on the top of this you also don't know its ingredients and what chemical substances it contains.

All this because some higher authority tells you to do so!

My point remains the same and I have expressed it in many threads. Primarily it is the people who are responsible for this situation. If they had basic knowledge of biology, chemistry, and knowledge of what public health is, then they would have rejected becoming guinea pigs in the first place.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 01:09 AM

originally posted by: CrazyWater

originally posted by: BiffTannen

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
The only purpose was to vaccinate people. Now that we know that, what is the purpose of the vaccine?

Ask the people who are so desperately trying to push it like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. What's their goal again?

Exactly. The vaccine was the objective. Covid was the mechanism driving the need for the vaccine. For the guests who didn't wish to drink the wine, bribes, threats, intimidation and shame were tactics used.

The quarterly boosters are the reality now as I forecast back in late-2020. Soon up here in Kanada, if I know TURDeau, the same mandates and tactics will be used to enforce the boosters.

I've not stepped over any bodies dating back to January 6, 2020 when the Covid campaign started.

My big question has ALWAYS been

Whats in them that they desperately want in all of us.

If it was just for money they could have done a placebo or something super safe and sold it as the vaccine for whatever price they wanted and no one would have been the wiser

So what did they engineer that they want the whole world to have inside them?

THAT is a very good question that I have wondered often

They even denied and played down medicines that were used to help treat patients in the early stages in other countries, yet in the U.S., Fauci/Gates said the meds were "unsafe" and the only way forward is via vaxxines

I can remember when Gates was doing his Media tour at the very beginning, he wanted a shutdown for at least 18 months until they could get a va$$ine.
Because I said WTF super loud at my TV, hoping he could hear me. It pissed me off and scared me at the same time, the not knowing of what was really going on.

Yeah, kinda does make one wonder what is it about the mRNA shots -- which proved to not work in protection nor transmission -- why the government wanted everyone to take it regardless.

One theory I heard, which I blew off until I heard about the makings of a global computer in the works --- that the shot collects our data and will be put into global data

Now that is far fetched, I will admit myself
But at the same time, I simply DO NOT trust our government and what the overall Global agenda is, aside from One World Order

What's a biotch, Big pharma got rich off the va$$ines as well as the investors
Now they will be making money treating those that had severe side effects from the experimental mRNA vaxx, as well as the doctors/hospitals . A win-win for them, not for us

The public just can't win in this game of chess that TPTB play with us
We do not know the rules -- their rules, that is and they are constantly changing the rules, redefining words to meet their needs. I feel like they sped things up in 2020, was it due to Trump & the election, I do not know. But things sure escalated fast!! And it's all too coincidental for me....

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 01:19 AM

originally posted by: CrazyWater
a reply to: BarbaraTheEnlightened1

Yawn, most of us understood very early on that the vaccines didn’t stop the spread but instead stop the majority taking up a bed in ICU. But if this helps you achieve some small victory, good for you ya’ll.

Thats a COMPLETE lie, it was pushed over and over and we were DIRECTED as medical professionals to tell patients that it would STOP the spread and provide immunity

Also your claims about "covid patients taking up beds in the ICU" is ALSO false, again I was a charge nurse in a covid unit here in Washington state. It was almost IMMEDIATELY clear that there were just as many people coming in to the ICU who were already vaccinated as those who were not, and within months there were MORE in our Unit that had been vaccinated

STOP the lies

My sister is a physical therapist in a hospital, she helps with range of motion to those bed ridden.
She also works with covid patients...

And she said the same thing, it is both vaxxed/unvaxxed in there

Having said that, she stated that what they all have in common is underlying health issues -- such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, weakened immune system due to other health ailments, etc etc

Also it is coming out now, that severe lack of Vitamin D is another culprit for those that may get covid, regardless of the shot or not.

I just cannot believe how many people are gullible and naive, believing every word that they are being told by our crooked government & the MSM without questioning anything. They take it at face value that they are telling them the truth and nothing but the truth (((face palm))) .... history should tell them not to trust the government

edit on 14-10-2022 by snarky412 because: (no reason given)

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