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No vaccinations for the under 50s!!!!!

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posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Your own link says different.

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: ScepticScot
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Here it is again as well.

The JCVI said there had not been a decision on who would be eligible for the vaccine.

The health department said it was looking at advice from the JCVI, adding that it wanted “as many people as possible to access a Covid-19 vaccine”.

Ms Bingham, who is also managing partner at fund manager SV Health Investors, said that if any vaccine proved to be 95 per cent effective, which is thought to be unlikely, then it may make sense to vaccinate more widely but any decision on this would be taken later

See post above and the opening post.
Unless you are in a denial.

See the text from your own link showing different.

Unless you are in denial.

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I will repeat again that the vaccine task force wasn't advised by pedestrians but by scientists

Yes, scientists that worked for the Department of Health. Which is were the quote I posted comes from, that was linked to in the FT article at the time.

1.older adults’ resident in a care home and care home workers
2.all those 80 years of age and over and health and social care workers
3.all those 75 years of age and over
4.all those 70 years of age and over
5.all those 65 years of age and over
6.high-risk adults under 65 years of age
7.moderate-risk adults under 65 years of age
8.all those 60 years of age and over
9.all those 55 years of age and over
10.all those 50 years of age and over of the population (priority to be determined)

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: thethinkingman

It seems that all you do is shout at posters who disagree with you and call them idiots etc.

Are you 12, by any chance?

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I think 12 is pushing it...

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Your own link says different.

My link doesn't say anything different than what I have posted.

You seem to keep misinterpreting the last paragraph unless the vaccines are 95% effective and we knew that when the program started or have no short term effects, no medium and no long terms effects, not causing any harm, and unless we knew the benefit to risk ratio for all age groups.

This is what is said:

People keep talking about ‘time to vaccinate the whole population’, but that is misguided,” she said. “There’s going to be no vaccination of people under 18. It’s an adult-only vaccine, for people over 50, focusing on health workers and care home workers and the vulnerable.

Ms Bingham said vaccination policy would be aimed at those “most at risk” and noted that vaccinating healthy people, who are much less likely to have severe outcomes from Covid-19, “could cause them some freak harm”, potentially tipping the scales in terms of the risk-benefit analysis.

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I will repeat again that the vaccine task force wasn't advised by pedestrians but by scientists

Yes, scientists that worked for the Department of Health. Which is were the quote I posted comes from, that was linked to in the FT article at the time.

1.older adults’ resident in a care home and care home workers
2.all those 80 years of age and over and health and social care workers
3.all those 75 years of age and over
4.all those 70 years of age and over
5.all those 65 years of age and over
6.high-risk adults under 65 years of age
7.moderate-risk adults under 65 years of age
8.all those 60 years of age and over
9.all those 55 years of age and over
10.all those 50 years of age and over of the population (priority to be determined)

It was never meant for those under the age of 50

"Ms Bingham said vaccination policy would be aimed at those “most at risk” and noted that vaccinating healthy people, who are much less likely to have severe outcomes from Covid-19, “could cause them some freak harm”, potentially tipping the scales in terms of the risk-benefit analysis"

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

I believe that there are apes in the Indus that have mastered the reply button....

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Keep repeating the same bit of text (and please learn to quote properly) doesn't change that there is more in that link.

It says no decision had been made.

It said final decisions would depend on the vaccine.

And while it doesnt says this it wasn't her decision to be made The UK has a very rigorous process for evaluating who was to be vaccinated and when. Not the choice of one non medical professional.

edit on 4-10-2022 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2022 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

The vaccines weren't even available when that was written.

No decision had been made.

edit on 4-10-2022 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Your article is from October 2020.

Before the first COVID jab was even give in the UK:

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Your article is from October 2020.

Before the first COVID jab was even give in the UK:

I don't even think the preliminary results had been published at that point.

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

As both ScepticScot and OldCarpy2 have pointed out the vaccination program hadn't begun yet, but as I've shown, the Health of England site was already posting a list for the expected rollout with the most vulnerable and careworkers first.

edit on 4-10-2022 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:46 PM
hmmmm yes, billions of pounds exchanged hands for the vaccine before they were created or known if they'd be safe at all, advertised as the our only hope the entire time. Went from for the vulnerable then turned into being everyone but pretended it was your "choice", although they did purchase HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of doses ...but only for vulnerable ...right...... .They immediately came up with this vaccine response, fully across the entire globe practically. ........

They were ALWAYS going to roll it out, they'd hardly spend billions and then go ah nah, it doesnt work, its unsafe and errr it cost insane amounts of money. they're hardly going to turn around and say that now either. Even with all the evidence in the world, which we literally have.

The response to events like this was changed. The government even did "pandemic training excercises" about 4 years before covid and the results were they were completely unprepared if something terrible happened on a scale far beyond covid, what did they do??? absolutely nothing.

Theres literally no excuses. There is only excuses because its damn well obvious is was completely over exaggerated then they just rolled with it and see how far it would go. They spent around 15 billion pound of a spying app. They paid people to stay at home and go along with the bull#, not that they had a choice cause businesses were lawfully shut down.

They made all events that occured for 2 whole years practically ONLY ABOUT 1 THING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. COVID.

They allowed privileged businesses to open only, they made completely ridiculous illogical non sense rules that were only designed to see who is compliant. All of this made people believe something bad was going on cause they can't believe the government would do all that for something that is not killing barely anyone. 0.1% of the uk population in 2020. They lied about how bad it would be. They lied about how effective their lockdowns were. They lied about masks. They lied about how the vaccine works and its effectiveness. They lied about scientists opposing their lies. They lied about having parties whilst everyone was following dumb ass rules. They spent insane amounts of money that will put EVERYONE into debt for decades. Someone pocketed all that money. And you're going to pay.

You think these lies are all mistakes, you're obviously either completely bone headed or you're a liar yourself.

People who havent even got the memory capacity to remember how many people died from covid without constantly checking a website everytime are arguing about talk to them without google, you'd see how little they retain or know.
edit on 4-10-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: thethinkingman
hmmmm yes, billions of pounds exchanged hands for the vaccine before they were created or known if they'd be safe at all, advertised as the our only hope the entire time. Went from for the vulnerable then turned into being everyone but pretended it was your "choice". They immediately came up with this vaccine response, fully across the entire globe practically. ........

They were ALWAYS going to roll it out, they'd hardly spend billions and then go ah nah, it doesnt work, its unsafe and errr it cost insane amounts of money. they're hardly going to turn around and say that now either. Even with all the evidence in the world, which we literally have.

The response to events like this was changed. The government even did "pandemic training excercises" about 4 years before covid and the results were they were completely unprepared if something terrible happened on a scale far beyond covid, what did they do??? absolutely nothing.

Theres literally no excuses. There is only excuses because its damn well obvious is was completely over exaggerated then they just rolled with it and see how far it would go. They spent around 15 billion pound of a spying app. They paid people to stay at home and go along with the bull#, not that they had a choice cause businesses were lawfully shut down.

They allowed privileged businesses to open only, they made completely ridiculous illogical non sense rules that were only designed to see who is compliant. All of this made people believe something bad was going on cause they can't believe the government would do all that for something that is not killing barely anyone. 0.1% of the uk population in 2020. They lied about how bad it would be. They lied about how effective their lockdowns were. They lied about masks. They lied about how the vaccine works and its effectiveness. They lied about scientists opposing their lies. They lied about having parties whilst everyone was following dumb ass rules. They spent insane amounts of money that will put EVERYONE into debt for decades. Someone pocketed all that money. And you're going to pay.

You think these lies are all mistakes, you're obviously either completely bone headed or you're a liar yourself.

Amazing how this was coordinated across the entire world with governments of virtually every point on the political spectrum.

Trully the NWO/Illuminati/Pentaverete are even more powerfully than we imagined Is all hope lost????
edit on 4-10-2022 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Your article is from October 2020.

Before the first COVID jab was even give in the UK:


The article is from October 2020 when vaccines were not available. To become widely available and to be offered for use they need to pass some standard checkpoints which take years to establish safety as you need to know the short, medium, and long term effects as well as the benefit to risk ratio for all age groups.

That's why Kate Bingham said

"Ms Bingham said vaccination policy would be aimed at those “most at risk” and noted that vaccinating healthy people, who are much less likely to have severe outcomes from Covid-19, “could cause them some freak harm”, potentially tipping the scales in terms of the risk-benefit analysis"

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 02:01 PM
Well if people all follow the same rules more or less, they're quite predictable. If 99+% of people have no clue about most things, they only predictably behave in a certain number of ways.

Its a top down thing, people do as they're told. Thats why you followed "rules". Then when you follow makes it seem like everyone "wanted" to do that. Did you ask all of them??? clearly the vast majority just didnt wanna rock the boat and just breeze through with no issues.

The doctors have people above them. Scientists have people above them. If you have the entire media practically mind programming everyone to think you're a bastard if you do anything otherwise, its quite easy to "cancel" people for whatever you want. Its quite easy to threaten peoples likelihoods and they'll shut up. It happens every single day in peoples work and they just put up with whatever cause they need the job.

You know how you refer to other people all the time????? You and thousands of others are infact peddling a few peoples ideas......... Its not that hard to get people to do it, you literally watch it happen.

Why did people all wear a mask, really??? cause they #ing got told to and threatened if they didnt and didnt wanna be the odd one out. Hence why nobody is wearing them now and instantly stopped as soon as they were "allowed".

Its completely pathetic. Spineless morons. Gullible fools. And the problem is people hate being fooled, they dont like feeling stupid....and if so many of them are, they'll just ignore it, they'll just pretend it didnt happen that way. Duhhhhhhh. But keep being in denial.

Billions of people took an injection they literally didnt even know what it did, for most of them their thoughts were "vaccine good, science good, vaccine save people, death bad". ive talked to # loads of people about it, less than 1% even know the basics about any vaccine nevermind this one, or anything else. You can lead people anywhere you want with all this bull# and they have no idea its bull# until someone in "authority" says so.

99% of people took the vaccine literally based on faith, not on their knowledge. They had no clue and STILL dont. They clearly followed the crowd. its absolutely undeniable. Its even part of peoples excuses, excuses given to them by the manipulators "oh its to protect OTHERS".
edit on 4-10-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Asmodeus3

As both ScepticScot and OldCarpy2 have pointed out the vaccination program hadn't begun yet, but as I've shown, the Health of England site was already posting a list for the expected rollout with the most vulnerable and careworkers first.

As the original plans were changed with political decisions.

"Ms Bingham said vaccination policy would be aimed at those “most at risk” and noted that vaccinating healthy people, who are much less likely to have severe outcomes from Covid-19, “could cause them some freak harm”, potentially tipping the scales in terms of the risk-benefit analysis"

There was no plan until then to vaccinate anyone below the age of 50.

Which is reasonable and expectable as these vaccines haven't been tested to humans before. In fact one can argue that they shouldn't have been used at all as their efficacy was unknown and so do the short, medium, and long term effects.

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It was authorised for emergency use by MHRA and initially given to the most at Vulnerable.

posted on Oct, 4 2022 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot
a reply to: Asmodeus3

The vaccines weren't even available when that was written.

No decision had been made.

If you know about the process of establishing vaccine safety you would know it takes years.
It's precisely because we knew nothing about them they couldn't be rolled out in the young and healthy populations. One can argue they shouldnt have been rolled out at all.

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