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33 Year Old NFL Superstar JJ Watt Had Heart Shocked Back Into Rythm

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posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

Text No, it's those horrible vaccines. He never would have had this if he had not taken that vaccine! Right? That's what your getting at?

Did I mention the Vaccine ? I simply saying it's not normal in Athletes .

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker

We’re going to find out even more people have it too, not because more people have it than ever, but because of consumer electronics.

Newer smart watches have an ECG.

This all remines me of the whole increase in savant syndrome, ADHD etc. that was going like wildfire about 10+ years ago. People here on ATS and many other places were saying that these conditions have risen 10,000 times in the last 20 year! Its the GMO that is changing us all at the subatomic level and is destroying us!

I then researched it just as I have done with the vaccines, and the end result was that these conditions have been finetuned and expanded over the decades to include people with very minor levels that would have gone totally unnoticed in the past and labeled as people with minor quirks...

So come forward and there is now layers upon layers of classifications that never existed in the past, so no it wasn't GMO, it was a much deeper classification system.

So here we are with something like A-fib that is as common as 1 in 4 experience it at some level, but now the focus is just like with GMO where groups are now so focused on conditions they didn't even give 5 seconds of thought to in the past and now contribute it all to the vaccine as something new without knowing a single thing about any of it.

I try to express this thought process, but it make zero

edit on 2-10-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

Did I mention the Vaccine ? I simply saying it's not normal in Athletes .

Don't play coy, what forum are you in right now....

edit on 2-10-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Well, blame the road to hell with best intentions...

According to the Department of Health and Human Services' fact sheet, the main stated goal of Operation Warp Speed was to "produce and deliver 300 million doses of safe and effective vaccines with the initial doses available by January 2021...

At worst they rushed their vaccine and it causes higher than average side effects. If thats the case good luck getting any of the drug companies involved to admit they sold a botched or high risk vaccine.

And that really is at worst in my mind. And would highlight how little pharmaceutical companies actually care.

Minor Rant.

Beyond that it's an excuse to let worms eat into your brain.

I fail to see why any takeover needs a pandemic and associated injection to do anything. "Lets do it at a time people are most likely to mistrust it". It's not a well thought out plan to also need to plan out a massive unnecessary distraction to respond to. It's adding layers of convolution that any objectivist would scoff at.

I mean if they wanted depopulation they could just just put higher levels of phthalates in all the people's dairy, meat, and fish and no one would know they're being systematically sterilized and culled. Really known to disrupt fertility. They'd slip it in food and water, not do it in the way most likely to be suspected.

If it's microchips.

What would a microchip in the bloodstream accomplish that a smart watch can't paired to your Google map cant? Do they need a kill switch or something. Not like they need a chip to track you or know everything about you.

And people without cellphones (for careful reasons) aren't getting vaxxed anyway. And that's the group most likely to be oppositional to any takeover. Why would you do it in a way that only gets the complacent and trusting if the most likely to oppose you wouldn't do it anyway?

They don't need to or want to burn it does because their future wealth hinges on the continued happiness of the shareholders. That's why Pfizer or AstraZeneca will never risk their trading price, or future lucrative R&D contracts. There's still lots of dogs, rats, and monkeys to torture. That is compromised if they admit to their botched Warp Speed vaccines and pay for their product.
edit on 2-10-2022 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 12:37 AM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

It looks to me like the privacy of our personal medical details took a big hit about 36 month ago.

Where exactly is the line drawn between personal and private medical information post Covid?

This. Its personal medical information that should only be shared with your doctors, close family, and the hostess at Applebees to prove you are a medically viable specimen that can sit at the bar.

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: GenerationGap

originally posted by: NorthOfStuff
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

It looks to me like the privacy of our personal medical details took a big hit about 36 month ago.

Where exactly is the line drawn between personal and private medical information post Covid?

This. Its personal medical information that should only be shared with your doctors, close family, and the hostess at Applebees to prove you are a medically viable specimen that can sit at the bar.

Normally you would be spot on. The people placing bets want to know the star Linebacker of an NFL team could drop from a 2nd heart attack one day during a game when they gamble. He will likely be forced to retire now. THAT is why he wanted it hushed up. Athletes want to play but your body can prevent you from being able to play again.

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

It makes sense though.

The more and more we pay attention to certain things, the more we'll see and identify variance even if it's small. Then comes the classifications.

I'm sure we'll over shoot for a while too. If we are dead set on classifying any variance, we may lose sight of what's "normal" all together.

To your point on ADHD. It's the mind seeking stimuli. Not too long ago survival depended on situation awareness and constant foraging. Kind of hard to reverse all the time that went into developing that. Another example would be anxiety which is often healthy. It's our body and minds way of letting us know there's something we need to address.

The tricky part isn't recognizing that someone may have anxiety or are seeking stimuli, it's determining if it's normal or a normal.

For conditions that are a little more fit and dry like afib, I think we're just going to find with smart watches people will identify it more often. And maybe some of them have a one off that self corrects.

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

What’s wrong with mention that it was probably the clot shot?

Have you seen the news about that # or maybe witnesses people in real life taking that # and having problems?

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: Salamandy

What’s wrong with mention that it was probably the clot shot?

Have you seen the news about that # or maybe witnesses people in real life taking that # and having problems?

You can do that, all you want, but what are you trying to do?

1. Does the person even have the vaccine?
2. Which vaccine is it? Your so called clot shot is like 95% associated with the J&J vaccine and not the Pfizer one.
3. Is A-fib even remotely related to anything vaccine?

We could go on, but we have people here that instantly say VACCINE DID IT!!!!

It seems everyone here at one time thought the whole VIRUS KILLED THEM! no matter the reason a person died was extremely dishonest and completely absurd in saying so.

I see people doing the same damn nonsense with the vaccine now.

edit on 3-10-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Do you understand why the vaccine is much more dangerous than the virus????

The virus cannot go into any cell in your body, it mainly will only get into the lungs, throat and nose, only with a very severe infection will you see any damage and further distribution of the virus. The nanoparticles have a far greater level of movement around the body and are far greater quantities than when compared with virion numbers.

The liponano particles enter the cells via low density lipoprotein receptors, these particles are also designed to evade the immune system and because they're injected into the arm, they bypass many localised areas of the immune system the nose and throat which would have been previous exposed to corona viruses and would have an immune response much more readily and would activate from prior memory.

If you have spike protein or mrna transfection, this will cause localised immune responses, if you have the heart or brain or many other parts of the body, like veins, nerves, arteries, there will be an immune response to any of these areas and cellular destruction will occur, these areas of the body would never be affected in all people infected by the virus.

Just imagine it this way, imagine you had a particle that can move freely around your entire body and inside that it has a genetic instruction that when transcribed, will cause a cascade of immune reactions which cause damage. Cellular destruction via cd8 killer t cells and from natural killer cells. They will release perforins.

This damage would never occur to healthy people, this could never happen in a mild infection. It will absolutely occur every time you get vaccinated. It will also confuse your immune system when another massive load of the same antigen is detected because usually, that wouldnt be able to occur since your immune system has already dealt with it will cause hyperreaction of the immune system and antibody production.

This also occurs with the adeno virus vectors, which use variously genetically modified adeno viruses, a large number of the population already have immunity to adeno viruses so your body will be making 2 reactions, firstly peoples immune systems will stop alot of the virus before it even delivers its genetic payload. This virus is also capable of distributing to many parts of the body due to the fact its injected into the arm and contains up to 50 billion viruses at once. This is a MASSIVE amount of viruses at once, this is akin to a severe viral infection, your immune system would have difficulty dealing with an immediate shot of 50 billion viruses into a place you never find these viruses, usually replication of a virus is gradual, even in a severe infection it would take a few days for the virion number to reach 50 billion. These viruses are modified not to replicate because if they'd absolutely die starting from 50 billion. Also ...there are replication competent viruses in every vaccine.

The nature of the single antigen, the spike protein can also cause all kinds of auto immunity issues when the spike protein is fragmented or if its transcribed incorrectly or if the mrna is not a full and complete message. There are also double stranded rna contamination, immune system is highly reactive to this, dsRNA is capable of gene silencing.

There is also the fact the gene sequence is based on the original spike protein which has had many alterations in the spike protein since that virus existed, this virus no longer exists. Also the mrna is not ordinary, the changes to its nucleotide sequences due to replacement with pseudomethyluridine it makes an enlongated spike protein. This will cause specific antibodies for ONLY the spike protein from the vaccine, meaning if your body produces those antibodies, they will grab onto a different part of the spike protein on the virus currently in circulation compared to the spike protein that are generated by your cells from vaccination.
edit on 3-10-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: thethinkingman

Do you understand why the vaccine is much more dangerous than the virus????

No I don't...

The virus cannot go into any cell in your body, it mainly will only get into the lungs, throat and nose, only with a very severe infection will you see any damage and further distribution of the virus. The nanoparticles have a far greater level of movement around the body and are far greater quantities than when compared with virion numbers.

You do know they have recategorized the virus to be more of a blood vessel disease than what was at first seen as a purely respiratory one? 40% of deaths are now seen to be more cardiovascular complications. That means that little nasty spiked protein sucker is getting into your blood from the virus. Blood clots are a much higher risk from the virus than the vaccine, as example.

The longer you have the virus the more mass production of the protein is happening, and that production is on a massive scale compared to a set amount in the vaccine as the virus also destroys the cells it is using to reproduce. This is why at first it was seen as a respiratory issue because the virus would destroy so many air sack cells a person just could not transfer O2 anymore into their blood and they would die. Well that is just one of many issues with the virus as it also can cause blood clots and inflammation in many parts of your body too.

these areas of the body would never be affected in all people infected by the virus.

Total BS... The virus will do a hell of a lot more damage just because it is throughout your system if given enough time and the scale of spike protein produced is massive compared to the what is in the vaccine. Vast majority of the vaccine stays localized in deep muscle tissue, some may get to the lymph nodes and then captured there as that is their purpose. There is a good reason why vaccines as a whole have always been injected into deep muscle tissue, as this process has not changed.

Whatever issues is seen with the vaccine is magnified with the virus... You all are hyping the risk of the vaccine why saying the virus is nothing. I'm saying the virus is not much for most people and the vaccine is good for high risk people to give them more of an edge to combat the virus. I'm not a fan to give everyone the vaccine as there is still small risk associated with it that the virus is just not that big of a deal for most now, and so any risk no matter how small is not needed.

We are now billions and billions of vaccines given and your doom porn is just not panning out, so maybe you all need to turn down the flames just a little...

edit on 3-10-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: thethinkingman

"Do you understand why the vaccine is much more dangerous than the virus????"

No. I don't understand it because it's not true.

Did you cut and paste that?

All those billions of vaccine doses and there aren't billions of vaccinated folk seriously adversely affected.

Your doom porn is not real

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

Did I mention the Vaccine ? I simply saying it's not normal in Athletes .

Don't play coy, what forum are you in right now....

The same Forum as you mate but I don't see this as Black and White there is a Gray area.

Meaning this uptick of Heart related issues in Professional sports is not normal and we should look at any new Variables introduced over the past few years including that of Covid-19 and the Covid Vaccines , It is a Fact that Covid-19 affects the heart and the Vaccine has also at the very least has been shown to cause High Blood pressure and Myocarditis .

Now there is another variable being ignored which is the use of PED's ' Performance Enhancing Drugs ' in particular the use of HGH ' Human Growth Hormone ' which is known to cause Cardiomegaly which leads to many Cardiovascular issues , This could be the clue that everyone is missing Athletes with Cardiomegaly who are also Vaccinated are at great risk of Cardiovascular issues .
edit on 3-10-2022 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-10-2022 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

Meaning this uptick of Heart related issues in Professional sports is not normal

Is there really an uptick, or just an uptick in awareness/reporting? Go read my post a few up from here and see what I mean. JJ Watts had zero issues with this, but it is dumped into the big uptick bucket.

Now there is another variable being ignored which is the use of PED's ' Performance Enhancing Drugs ' in particular the use of HGH ' Human Growth Hormone ' which is known to cause Cardiomegaly which leads to many Cardiovascular issues , This could be the clue that everyone is missing Athletes with Cardiomegaly who are also Vaccinated are at great risk of Cardiovascular issues .

Well it sucks to get old and still need to compete with 20 year-olds at an extreme level. I personally take 200 mg of testosterone every two weeks at my age of 62. It really balances me out and improves all aspects of my body that I had back when my body produced it naturally. HGH is not bad either as you get older to replace what your body doesn't make anymore...look at Stallone, he lives by it as the main reason he is as he is today. At the ripe old age of 33 JJ Watts is reaching the end of his professional career, so who knows what he is doing to prolong that a few more years.

edit on 3-10-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

No. It can only distribute further in very severe infections essentially when people have already failing immune systems.

99+% of people do not have this what so ever. The scale of the spike protein cannot be comparable to several shots that are designed to make you produce spike proteins, when people barely get any virion replication in them.

Its doesnt stay in the muscle what so ever, there are many, many studies showing this, its obvious just by the fact its causing injury and death. The needle bursting through your skin and piercing it is giving the nanoparticles entrance into the blood stream. There is not free floating spike proteins en masse from the virus, the're attatched to the virus....

Nonetheless, even relatively low ACE2 expression levels in endothelial cells (e.g., compared to levels in epithelial cells) , along with the high expression levels of ACE2 in other cell types of the vasculature (e.g., heart fibroblasts/pericytes) indicate that the vasculature can be sensitive to free-floating S protein or its subunits/peptide fragments .

These effect(s), especially in capillary beds, and the prolonged antigen presence in the circulation, along with the systemic excessive immune response to the antigen, can then trigger sustained inflammation (discussed later) which can injure the endothelium, disrupting its antithrombogenic properties in multiple vascular beds.

Reportedly, intravenous (i.v.) injection of the S1 subunit in mice results in its localization in endothelia of mice brain microvessels showing colocalization with ACE2, caspase-3, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a), and C5b-9; it was thus suggested that endothelial damage is a central part of SARS-CoV-2 pathology which may be induced by the S protein alone .

Also, the S1 subunit (or recombinant S1 RBD) impaired endothelial function via downregulation of ACE2 and induced degradation of junctional proteins that maintain endothelial barrier integrity in a mouse model of brain microvascular endothelial cells or cerebral arteries; this latter effect was more enhanced in endothelial cells from diabetic versus normal mice .

In support of this, administration of the S protein promoted dysfunction of human endothelial cells as evidenced by, for example, increased expression of the von Willebrand factor .

Other reports indicate that S1 can directly induce coagulation by competitive binding to both soluble and cellular heparan sulfate/heparin (an anticoagulant), while cell-free hemoglobin, as a hypoxia counterbalance, cannot attenuate disruption of endothelial barrier function, oxidative stress, or inflammatory responses in human pulmonary arterial endothelial cells exposed to S1 .

Consistently, S protein binds fibrinogen (a blood coagulation factor), and S protein virions have been found to enhance fibrin-mediated microglia activation (data not yet peer-reviewed) and induce fibrinogen-dependent lung pathology in mice, while S1 binding to platelets' ACE2 triggers their aggregation.

Interestingly, both the ChAdOx1 (AstraZeneca) and BNT162b2 vaccines can elicit antiplatelet factor 4 (anti-PF4) antibody production even in recipients without clinical manifestation of thrombosis .

Intriguingly, the S protein increases human cell syncytium formation, triggering pyroptosis of syncytia formed by fusion of S and ACE2-expressing cells .

Also, in cells or mouse experimental models, it was shown that S removes lipids from model membranes and interferes with the capacity of high-density lipoprotein to exchange lipids , inhibits DNA damage repair processes , and induces Snail-mediated epithelial–mesenchymal transition marker changes and lung metastasis in a breast cancer mouse model

These findings suggest the evolution of novel genomic responses after the second dose and, more importantly, the unique biology of mRNA vaccines versus other more conventional platforms.

Of particular interest is also the report of a cytokine release syndrome (CRS) – an extremely rare immune-related AE of immune checkpoint inhibitors – post-BTN162b2 vaccination in a patient with colorectal cancer on longstanding anti-programmed death 1 (PD-1) monotherapy; the anti-PD1 blockade-mediated CRS was evidenced by increased inflammatory markers, thrombocytopenia, elevated cytokine levels, and steroid responsiveness .

These proinflammatory effects could be particularly pronounced in the elderly, since recent data revealed that senescent cells become hyperinflammatory in response to the S1 subunit, followed by increased expression of viral entry proteins and reduced antiviral gene expression in nonsenescent cells through a paracrine mechanism

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 01:09 PM

Although, the modern viral vectors that are used in CoViD vaccines are silenced (replication-deficient), each dose of the vaccine contains a very high viral load (e.g., 50 billion viral particles per dose in Ox/AZ or J&J/Janssen CoViD-19 vaccines whereas 100 billion viral particles per dose in the Sputnik-V).

The viral particles are unlikely to be confined to the muscles at the injection site; they are free to distribute across the body and drain through the lymphatic system; their apparent volume of distribution is likely to be very high.

The biodistribution of ChaAdOx1 containing HBV in BALB/c mice (study 0841MV38.001) indicated the highest viral levels at the injection site, but low levels of virus were still detected after 24 hours of injection in all other tissues (including blood, brain, heart, inguinal lymph node, kidney, liver, lung, gonads, and spleen).

The proportional tissue distribution of viral vectors in the body tissues away from the injection site was likely to increase with time, however, biodistribution beyond 24h post-dose was not studied. The biodistribution of ChAdOx1 encoding nCoV-19 following intramuscular injection in mice (study 514559) was ongoing at the time of its regulatory approval

However, in the absence of the results of study 514559, the biodistribution of ChaAdOx1 HBV in mice (study 0841MV38.001) confirms the delivery of vaccine into the brain tissues. The vaccine may therefore spur the brain cells to produce CoViD spike proteins that may lead to an immune response against brain cells, or it may spark a spike protein-induced thrombosis.

For COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna), the biodistribution studies in animals were not conducted. The surrogate studies with luciferase and solid-lipid nanoparticles (Pfizer) confirm a biodistribution to the liver and other body tissues beyond the administration site [5].

For Moderna, the biodistribution of mRNA-1647 (encoding CMV genes) formulated in a similar lipid nanoparticulate delivery system confirms a biodistribution beyond the injection site, in particular, the distribution to the lymph nodes, spleen and the eye was noted [6].

However, the detailed tissue-specific distribution of mRNA vaccines encoding SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins (Pfizer or Moderna) is not fully known that can offer invaluable insights into the potential safety of these vaccines in peoples with pre-existing conditions or those on certain medications.

edit on 3-10-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: thethinkingman

"Might post-injection distribution of CoViD vaccines to the brain explain the rare fatal events of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST)?"


Do you ever actually read your sources or do you just Google and post stuff that sounds like it might help your cognitive bias?

edit on 3-10-2022 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: thethinkingman

No. It can only distribute further in very severe infections essentially when people have already failing immune systems.

99+% of people do not have this what so ever. The scale of the spike protein cannot be comparable to several shots that are designed to make you produce spike proteins, when people barely get any virion replication in them.

Its doesnt stay in the muscle what so ever, there are many, many studies showing this, its obvious just by the fact its causing injury and death. The needle bursting through your skin and piercing it is giving the nanoparticles entrance into the blood stream. There is not free floating spike proteins en masse from the virus, the're attatched to the virus....

Well they do and you are talking about mice here mostly. Once again billions of shots have been given and we are not seeing what you suggest. We are well beyond your mice studies. I'm not going to tit for tat you on this, believe what you want. Your type will cherry pick what you can no matter how it relates to anything, or how minimal it might be and then you blow it all out of proportion to support some level of doom porn. You need to look at all the data and not just what you might think fits your narrative.

Go ahead and keep linking but you are wasting both our time in doing so. I have seen most of them already and followed up with looking into them too. Do you know how much they actually injected those mice BTW? Massive

edit on 3-10-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 02:46 PM
hmmm studies.... lets see which ones pfizer didnt do before OR after giving BILLIONS of people something.

Pharmacokinetic studies have not been conducted with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 and are generally not considered necessary to support the development and licensure of vaccine products for infectious diseases (WHO, 2005; WHO, 2014).

No absorption studies were conducted for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 since the route of administration is intramuscular (IM).

No excretion studies have been conducted with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2. In the PK study, it appears that 50% of ALC-0159 was eliminated unchanged in faeces. Metabolism played a role in the elimination of ALC-0315, as little to no unchanged material was detected in either urine or faeces. Investigations of urine, faeces and plasma from the rat PK study identified a series of ester cleavage products of ALC-0315. The manufacturer has proposed that this likely represents the primary clearance mechanism acting on this molecule, although no quantitative data is available to confirm this hypothesis.


No toxicokinetic studies have been performed with the vaccine. This is consistent with WHO guidelines on the nonclinical evaluation of vaccines (WHO 2005).


No genotoxicity studies are planned for BNT162b2, as the components of all vaccine constructs are lipids and RNA that are not expected to have genotoxic potential (WHO, 2005).


Carcinogenicity studies with BNT162b2 have not been conducted as the components of all vaccine constructs are lipids and RNA that are not expected to have carcinogenic or tumorigenic potential. Carcinogenicity testing is generally not considered necessary to support the development and licensure of vaccine products for infectious diseases (WHO, 2005).

A combined fertility and developmental study (including teratogenicity and postnatal investigations) in rats is ongoing.

Prenatal and postnatal development, including maternal function No such studies have been done.

Local tolerance
No such studies have been done. The assessments made as part of the general toxicity study should suffice and a separate study is not needed.

Using outdated guidelines on a brand new product and also catagorising outside of genetic catagorisation. So scientific. So caring.

Remember this was all based around the results of 170 people out of 43'000 testing positive....thats apparently enough to give BILLIONS of people an injection thats basically not tested at all considering regular measures for any other drug product.

Study R-20-0112 aimed to characterise T- and B-cell responses in the spleen, lymph nodes and blood of BNT162b2 immunised mice. It characterised changes in the myeloid cell compartment, determined the ability of CD8+ T-cells to react to cells presenting the vaccineencoded antigen, and determined antibody responses.


Well would you look at that.... its saying right there, pfizer themselves are saying..... cd8 t cells react to cells presenting ....the spike protein from the genetic sequence in the vaccine.... lets explain what cd8 t cells cells.

CD8+ T cells (often called cytotoxic T lymphocytes, or CTLs) are very important for immune defence against intracellular pathogens, including viruses and bacteria, and for tumour surveillance. When a CD8+ T cell recognises its antigen and becomes activated, it has three major mechanisms to kill infected or malignant cells. The first is secretion of cytokines, primarily TNF-α and IFN-γ, which have anti-tumour and anti-viral microbial effects

The second major function is the production and release of cytotoxic granules. These granules, also found in NK cells, contain two families of proteins, perforin, and granzymes. Perforin forms a pore in the membrane of the target cell, similar to the membrane attack complex of complement. This pore allows the granzymes also contained in the cytotoxic granules to enter the infected or malignant cell.

Granzymes are serine proteases which cleave the proteins inside the cell, shutting down the production of viral proteins and ultimately resulting in apoptosis of the target cell. The cytotoxic granules are released only in the direction of the target cell, aligned along the immune synapse, to avoid non-specific bystander damage to healthy surrounding tissue (see Figure 1).

CD8+ T cells are able to release their granules, kill an infected cell, then move to a new target and kill again, often referred to as serial killing. The third major function of CD8+ T cell destruction of infected cells is via Fas/FasL interactions.

Activated CD8+ T cells express FasL on the cell surface, which binds to its receptor, Fas, on the surface of the target cell. This binding causes the Fas molecules on the surface of the target cell to trimerise, which pulls together signalling molecules.

These signalling molecules result in the activation of the caspase cascade, which also results in apoptosis of the target cell. Because CD8+ T cells can express both molecules, Fas/FasL interactions are a mechanism by which CD8+ T cells can kill each other, called fratricide, to eliminate immune effector cells during the contraction phase at the end of an immune response.


Do you understand now why the vaccine is dangerous???? They activate your immune system to DESTROY the cells that have been transfected by nanoparticles and transcribed mrna from the vaccine. If the vaccine particles get into your heart ....your heart will be attacked by your immune system. Comprende?

Wherever you put those nanoparticles and that generates spike proteins in the cell.....your immune WILL attack those cells. get it???? Dangerous...yes. This is also occurs when injecting 50 BILLION GENETICALLY MODIFIED ADENO VIRUSES into someone.
edit on 3-10-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 02:50 PM
its strange how certain members are not bringing up when other members joined (ie recently), its as if they are in agreement with there point of view its fine but if they disagree then they get labled bots and shills, quelle surprise

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