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33 Year Old NFL Superstar JJ Watt Had Heart Shocked Back Into Rythm

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posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
I'n the medical field here, specifically cardiology. Pro athletes show arrhythmias more than you think. As a matter of fact, I've personally done testing on pros using specific test protocols to avoid showing arrhythmias (for example, using pharmacologic stress testing vs. treadmill so the EKG will show reduced ST depressions etc.) and that very evening seeing them sign a multimillion dollar contract based on those results. They do indeed go through cardio-version, multiple times in some cases, to get back into normal rhythm. And it isn't something that you are born with as someone in another post stated. Sometimes you can be born with it, but generally it can be brought on by numerous issues. Drugs, steroids, alcohol, dehydration, over-taxing the muscle, medication reactions, and other things.
The heart is an amazing muscle but it isn't invulnerable. These individuals are at the pinnacle of their profession but one can only take so much abuse, so many anti-inflammatories, so many topical steroids before the dam starts to crack.

edit on 5-10-2022 by Dssquared because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 07:29 PM
go for the heart next game!

just kidding, get well big fella

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: Dssquared
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
I'n the medical field here, specifically cardiology. Pro athletes show arrhythmias more than you think. As a matter of fact, I've personally done testing on pros using specific test protocols to avoid showing arrhythmias (for example, using pharmacologic stress testing vs. treadmill so the EKG will show reduced ST depressions etc.) and that very evening seeing them sign a multimillion dollar contract based on those results. They do indeed go through cardio-version, multiple times in some cases, to get back into normal rhythm. And it isn't something that you are born with as someone in another post stated. Sometimes you can be born with it, but generally it can be brought on by numerous issues. Drugs, steroids, alcohol, dehydration, over-taxing the muscle, medication reactions, and other things.
The heart is an amazing muscle but it isn't invulnerable. These individuals are at the pinnacle of their profession but one can only take so much abuse, so many anti-inflammatories, so many topical steroids before the dam starts to crack.

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

On mtiple different threads by the OP claiming thr same thing us sock puppet accounts listed multiple studies that were decades old showing the same types of numbers.

That info was never addressed because it doesnt fit the story the OP is trying to post.

posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 02:16 AM
a reply to: opethPA

It'd quite easy to find the studies that show afib is actually more prevalent in athletes than non athletes.

I cant be arsed to link them though as those that know have seen them and the others will claim its made up or as earlier just outright ignore it as it proves them wrong.

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