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self assembling nano particles responding to wifi

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posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 07:59 AM
Just 2 images . Cornet ED78S is the top meter , which can measure magnetic, electric . The bigger meter down is just only RF meter ,not measuring Magnetic, Electric . There are two LF modes in Cornet meter , i use only one in this test ( LF 30 )

One image is just without using mobile phone

Second image is taken when i use mobile phone to call another phone , this image show clear increased magnetic field .
The high point seemed to be 03,45 Microtesla [µT] = 34,5 Milligauss [mG] if the conversion was right

So the point is , using just a mobile phone causes big increase in both RF and also magnetic, electric field. I dont have WIFI but most likely same would shown also with WIFI

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: Kenzo


posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 09:24 AM
skip to 6:06 it gets straight to the data. When he turns wi-fi on, structures start to precipitate in the vaccine solution. When he turns it off, they go away. It's quite straight-forward cause and effect. If this anomaly is strictly happening in vaccine serums then that is huge! If this anomaly happens in many types of solutions, then it is wi-fi that could be causing some anomalous biological behavior.

I would like to see this effect conducted on a solution of blood plasma, with and without the vaccine.
edit on 9-9-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 09:28 AM
Even if you avoided taking the jab one mosquito bite may be enough to put weird things in your system. Vaccination via vegetables too. They are making this unavoidable. Whatever it's purpose and contents I think we can agree it is critical to those pushing these technologies. Kill, disable, zombify - or any combination of them. They sure wouldn't do it just to make it easier to track us. Don't believe there is something nefarious behind this? Please explain to me why they seemingly have no other goals aside from pushing ev cars.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 10:54 AM
This whole topic reads like a Rick & Morty episode. In a sentence, humans are worth more as autonomously selfish cretins than we are worth as artificially selfish cretins. In a longer sentence, eliminate that agency and you have to put in all the extra effort to fabricate emotional feedback and radicalized behaviors that are abundantly available without the frivolous exertion of valuable resources.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: anonentity

I said the same thing on this site, several months back, and got jumped on by many (mainly Augustus)
I'm certain they are using these so called 'vaccines' to turn us into controllable drones.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 11:41 AM

The fights still are going on today: Court wars over some governmental, corporate or educational demand that someone else take the COVID-19 shots.

The toll from the side effects created by the experimental shots may never be fully known, even as those experts who demanded America’s population be subject to their doubtful medical agenda be punished for failing to comply.

But now there’s a new level of control being discussed: ingestible medications with microchips embedded that would send a signal to authorities – but only after you have taken your medicine.

“Imagine the compliance,” noted Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, which had revenue in the billions from the COVID shots.

As many years as microchipping people has been proposed - and resisted - it seems inevitable that TPTB would find a work-around.
California scientists found a way to genetically splice the vaccine into produce; trials are underway in several countries to test the new aerosol vaccine, and now we have a pill form coming.
It's only a CT for those who have complete trust in their governments and the scientific community. Those people would have a better response if they just beat their heads against a brick wall and quit trying to convince anyone who still has questions that they're wrong.

Governments can only get away with enslaving people if nobody questions their motives, yet we have a handful that always appear reeeeeing how we're wrong to question anything against the group think.

None of has to be right or wrong; ATS is just a place to explore as many possibilities as we can find. Fighting throughout the thread to convince people they're wrong only serves to try and stop the exchange of ideas.

The WEF forum has a goal of microchipping humanity, as stated many times. To pretend it's not happening - or isn't going to happen - makes little sense at this point.
Whether in the air, in the food, in the pills we take or in our arm, it takes a special kind of thought process to think it won't happen.

How do we know they haven't been microchipping our children with mandatory vaccines? How do we know our prescription medication doesn't contain nanotechnology?

To get the most out of any information you have to be willing to read between the lines, as most on ATS do very well.

The fights still are going on today: Court wars over some governmental, corporate or educational demand that someone else take the COVID-19 shots.

The toll from the side effects created by the experimental shots may never be fully known, even as those experts who demanded America’s population be subject to their doubtful medical agenda be punished for failing to comply.

But now there’s a new level of control being discussed: ingestible medications with microchips embedded that would send a signal to authorities – but only after you have taken your medicine.

“Imagine the compliance,” noted Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, which had revenue in the billions from the COVID shots.


posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Even if you avoided taking the jab one mosquito bite may be enough to put weird things in your system. Vaccination via vegetables too. They are making this unavoidable. Whatever it's purpose and contents I think we can agree it is critical to those pushing these technologies. Kill, disable, zombify - or any combination of them. They sure wouldn't do it just to make it easier to track us. Don't believe there is something nefarious behind this? Please explain to me why they seemingly have no other goals aside from pushing ev cars.

The Rockefeller think tank is investing millions into learning how to psychologically manipulate people into getting more vaccines.

Why are they so absolutely obsessed with this? Is it because they want to help humanity so much with their trillions of dollars and power they hold?

Or is it because of what many of them have said about reducing the population. It's practically all they talk about.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Even if you avoided taking the jab one mosquito bite may be enough to put weird things in your system. Vaccination via vegetables too. They are making this unavoidable. Whatever it's purpose and contents I think we can agree it is critical to those pushing these technologies. Kill, disable, zombify - or any combination of them. They sure wouldn't do it just to make it easier to track us. Don't believe there is something nefarious behind this? Please explain to me why they seemingly have no other goals aside from pushing ev cars.

The Rockefeller think tank is investing millions into learning how to psychologically manipulate people into getting more vaccines.

Why are they so absolutely obsessed with this? Is it because they want to help humanity so much with their trillions of dollars and power they hold?

Or is it because of what many of them have said about reducing the population. It's practically all they talk about.

And this right here is why most depopulation conspiracies fall flat.

If the goal was depopulation It would be easier, cheaper, and less risky to the people behind it, to simply put the exact same amount of money into researching ... I don't know

1) Encouraging the use of contraception
2) Opening more branches of planned parenthood
3) Campaigning for easier access to abortion
4) Getting men to jack it more

You don't need a wild conspiracy to murder a great swath of the world's population with a tainted vaccine when you can achieve the same effect by reducing the number of unplanned pregnancies by encouraging greater condom use.

Oh, and they want people to get vaxxed so that they can get back out there into the sports stadiums and shopping malls spending their money. Simple as that. No need for any wacky conspiracies, it's just about the money.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

There's a problem with that. The human body functions as an antenna. If your car keys are ever being dodgy point them at your head and press to unlock. Works everytime.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: anonentity

For the uninitiated, the performance of a transmitter scales directly to the size of the antenna, as does the performance of a receiver. While signal strength drops off exponentially based on distance and insulating mediums.


A device that small physically cannot detect a signal on either the 2.5ghz or 5ghz range that wifi uses, and even if it could detect it (It can't because it violates the laws of physics), it would not be able to do so from inside your body because the antenna is too small to pick up a signal through your skin.

Oh, and that kind of nano technology doesn't exist, period.

Problem is that you're using the science that you know. There is most definitely all kinds of tech and science that is being hidden from us.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Epistemology is always a very slippery set of Penrose stairs to navigate and actually conclude with more information than when you started. The truth is, we can't actually know that nano tech doesn't exist or that it isn't in vaccines or that you don't currently have said microbots inside you hacking your synaptic processes. At a certain point, it's simpler to suggest you don't until weird grainy silicon speckled sludge drips from your nostrils or something.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: cooperton
skip to 6:06 it gets straight to the data. When he turns wi-fi on, structures start to precipitate in the vaccine solution. When he turns it off, they go away. It's quite straight-forward cause and effect. If this anomaly is strictly happening in vaccine serums then that is huge! If this anomaly happens in many types of solutions, then it is wi-fi that could be causing some anomalous biological behavior.

I would like to see this effect conducted on a solution of blood plasma, with and without the vaccine.

There, finally an intelligent reaction. I don't care who is reporting or if they're a "scientist" or not. I see the video, I see what is supposed to be happening. Let me try to figure out what it might be. Could be faked for some reason. Barring that it could be a lot of other things, and it's a reasonable suggestion to do more tests, far more reasonable that dismiss the whole thing altogether because "It's impossible"

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 01:21 PM
You are such a Debbie doubter. Tech is so far ahead of where your small brain thinks we are that you are the type of mind that thinks nothing is possible until it is possible and then you go " Oohhhhhh! Duhhhhhh!" Whoever thought one would hold a computer that does most thins in the palm of your hands???? Who would have ever thought we would go to the moon and back??? Who would have ever thought we would have EV cars that go 300 plus miles on a single charge??? (hahaha! ok that one was just to make you laugh!!)
I do not think you are that closed minded that there is tech out there that is not known by the minions in this world that the government or large pharma companies are not using.
I know you are not that stupid. But you do like making dumb remarks towards others. Please tell me you are not that naive? Dang!a reply to: AaarghZombies

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 01:25 PM
Well we are definitely turning ourselves into the Borg© (sounds swedish ehh?) with all these damn new Borg implants and all these damn new Borg® nano-probes witchcraftery technologies that "usss" "huuumans" have just invented! Hell we may even become the damn Borg™ origin species for all we know, Species 0001, and don't even know it yet until it's too late that is! We are bringing them into the "real" universe and "we" "will" be here real soon in a galaxy far far away.... (Dang it Jim, no damn Borg emoji found because we haven't been released just yet to the MilkyWay® BAR 🍫 galaxy) 🌎🧐🤖

'Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not a Borg medical drone!' 🖖🤨🤳

edit on 9-9-2022 by DoomsdayDude because: 🛸🚀☄️

edit on 9-9-2022 by DoomsdayDude because: 🤦🏼

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: Kenzo

I found your link to Tessa very interesting, and well written. I particularly found the final four paragraphs describing the Missionary Mind and the Healing Mind to be succinct. After her description of a Healing Mind, one we all like to believe we are examples of, she zeros in on the Missionary Mind and summarizes it thusly.

''The key components are the anxious feeling and the self-authorization to dominate! In other words, I am not a fan—but at the same time, I think that a missionary is a healer, gone extreme.''

''a missionary is a healer, gone extreme.''

For me Kenzo, this is a key with a capital K.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Yeeh i thought also it was good, the whole Missionary Mind terminology totally new for me, but in some way i could see it familiar , thought i only fast read it and saved to bookmark to read again later .

I catch up later

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Even if you avoided taking the jab one mosquito bite may be enough to put weird things in your system. Vaccination via vegetables too. They are making this unavoidable. Whatever it's purpose and contents I think we can agree it is critical to those pushing these technologies. Kill, disable, zombify - or any combination of them. They sure wouldn't do it just to make it easier to track us. Don't believe there is something nefarious behind this? Please explain to me why they seemingly have no other goals aside from pushing ev cars.

The Rockefeller think tank is investing millions into learning how to psychologically manipulate people into getting more vaccines.

Why are they so absolutely obsessed with this? Is it because they want to help humanity so much with their trillions of dollars and power they hold?

Or is it because of what many of them have said about reducing the population. It's practically all they talk about.

And this right here is why most depopulation conspiracies fall flat.

If the goal was depopulation It would be easier, cheaper, and less risky to the people behind it, to simply put the exact same amount of money into researching ... I don't know

1) Encouraging the use of contraception
2) Opening more branches of planned parenthood
3) Campaigning for easier access to abortion
4) Getting men to jack it more

You don't need a wild conspiracy to murder a great swath of the world's population with a tainted vaccine when you can achieve the same effect by reducing the number of unplanned pregnancies by encouraging greater condom use.

Oh, and they want people to get vaxxed so that they can get back out there into the sports stadiums and shopping malls spending their money. Simple as that. No need for any wacky conspiracies, it's just about the money.

The amount of extreme push back you have against this very specific idea tells me it's 100% correct.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Of course. It's your confirmation bias.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 02:16 PM
Literally, I had to register in order to *rectify* some self-professed connoisseur members' ("or the uninitiated") misgivings (voluntary? Let the reader judge for himself.)

1) The higher the freq. the smaller the antenna,

2) certain graphene composites are freq. scalers, i.e., e.g., they receive a wave of a given freq. and emit a similar signal except of at an order of magnitude higher rate (form GHz to THz,) these, then are usable by the self-assembled antennae and vice-versa,

3) an ubiquitous, already existing media for these diminutive botnets to interchange, is expedient, as were Roman roads a matter of course for Christ's disciples to spread the Gospel.

4) Why 3)? My, it is simple, the very high freq. waves are of low power and range, thus for them to tx "their samples" and rx the commands (without quotes,) a "middle man" as it were, is required. Now it so happens that the misled masses were duped into lusting after smartphones for about 30 years now, which, for some reason, still offer Bluetooth ...

Annex: 5) Covid is no common microbe, it is "concocted" within hosts (this means you) by the everywhere GSM (4G/4G+/5G/6G) masts. Masks and the like paraphernalia are a pointless, humiliating, ritual. If you were vaccinated then pray Jesus Christ, maybe he will pity you, who knows?
edit on 9-9-2022 by CaiusAfricanus because: On Android: 1) "Developer options", 2) "Show Bluetooth devices without name", 3) switch on Bluetooth and 4) say hello to your new "MAC" friends.

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