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Missouri Allows Spanking in Classrooms

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posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Riddle me this..

And.. keep in mind I was spanked in school as a child one time and I am STILL bitter about it.
Missouri is allowing paddling with parental permission.

Riddle me this…
If a child gets paddled and they fight back is it self defense?

#2 if a teen/child gets paddled and they like it, is it sexual assault?

Let’s face it, we live in a different world with different kids!

PS> I did not deserve the spanking I got. If I could go back I would have popped that teacher in her face!
That’s me healing my inner wounded child! 😂

Evidently since you only got spanked once, the spanking deterred your bad behavior in school for a period of it worked.

I used to hate the yardstick across the back of the hands, you learn quickly not to do things to have it happen again. I remember kids getting dragged along to the principle's office by their hair...usually girls since when I was that age, boys with long enough hair to drag them with did not exist back in the early sixties around here.

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I do think it's good for the kids to be spanked when they are bad at school. I remember being paddled a few times in elementary school. But I do have a little concern about spanking kids today with how it seems shooting up the school has become all too common.
edit on 28 8 2022 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: Mantiss2021

Isn't this just another form of "grooming"?

Grooming to approve, and use, violence.

Then we shouldn't put them in time out, that's just grooming them for prison.

We shouldn't take toys or video games away either. That would be teaching them that it's ok for people to take their stuff.

Not prison, office "cubicles" and meetings in "conference rooms", where many of them will spend the majority of their responsible and respectable lives.

"Their stuff"?

You mean, like, how a part of their wages are taken away for taxes every pay period, and they are supposed to enjoy it? Or how, if their marriage fails, they should be happy about paying alimony?

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: JAGStorm

Why do we believe that it is acceptable to do to a child something that, if done to an adult, would be considered a crime...even when approved by another responsible adult?

Isn't this just another form of "grooming"?

Grooming to approve, and use, violence.

Good stuff, keep it coming. The Colbert staff reads here and is always looking for writers👍

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 01:28 PM
There are other measures to discipline that do not use violence or humiliation as a correction factor. Is it effective? I guess so, though. Never got spanked though -by a teacher

However I lately heard that even house or room arrest, giving them chores or taking away access to TV and computers is now deemed abuse here. It's like the government want's children to grow up as unruly non working idiots that set up CHADS and lay peaceful fires.

I solve it so that if my daughter want's something, she has to earn it. This way instead of using fear inducing methods, I cherish her will to accomplish something and that nothing comes for free. Except paternal love and care, of course. She's very well behaved what does not mean she's always like that. It's a balance between raising a pushover and raising a plain rude idiot / class clown.

Maybe if parents did their job better and spend more time as a family, we could avoid the need to such punishments. However, I acknowledge that there are cases where my methods would be lost on them.

My father always tried to demonstrate to us that a little slap on the back of the head strengthens intellectual capacity. Not if a concussion does that, though.

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 01:34 PM
Not suprising from a state that allowed creationism to be taught in the past.

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 01:40 PM
"Parental Permission" may be code for opening the doors of pedoism as some pedo teachers and admins might offer big money to Parents for "Permission" to "paddle", especially for 17 and 18 year old high school girls 🥶

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain

Sitting in a corner and wearing a Dunce Hat work 😎

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
Not suprising from a state that allowed creationism to be taught in the past.

You biased fool !!!!

How do you know creationism is fake? Who are YOU to make THAT decision for somebody else ?

Who died and left you king anyway 🤣

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 01:57 PM
it's like the opting in or out part is ignored.

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 02:07 PM
On our journey back first into the caves and then back onto the trees, it looks like we are in the middle ages right now.

Btw, a redheaded woman will visit me later, is it safe for me for me to light her up and being praised as witch hunter afterwards or am i a bit too early for such shenanigans and should ask next month again?

With parental admission... my parental admission was that i can and have to do anything necessary if i am attacked, no matter who it is, and i know to 100% that i am in the right. Once a teacher tried to grab my arm and throw me out of the classroom because he thought that i, and not the guys behind me, was talking and laughing all the time. He yelled at me, came up to me and wanted to grab my arm, i grabbed his wrist before he could touch me, pushed him a bit back, raised my first and calmly said: Try this again, do me the favor please! I was 13 or 14 at that time but i was so angry at that moment, that when he looked into my eyes, he realized that i am dead serious because i could see pure fear into his eyes. Not unsatisfying at that moment, tbh. He never said anything to anybody about it, not the principle, nobody. Good for him that he didn´t try to talk to my parents because i guess they would have verbally killed him in one or two sentences. Maybe saying something like: If somebody touches our son than it is only us!

Beatings were not that rare for me, it didn´t kill me when my father hit me even with fists or whatever, it even hardened me in a way. But it killed the relationship between me and my father, nearly killed the family and i had to leave house and family with 17 because at that point i was afraid of my reaction if he would try it again, i was afraid that i would beat, stab or whatever him to death. For all the beatings over the years he gave me, where i had no chance against him. So the wiser gave way and left house and family into an unknown and absolutely unsafe future but here i am with nearly 50.

Had one time contact to him (but all the time to my mother who didn´t beat me like my dad did) because they needed me and my ex to take of the house and animals while they were on vacation. And one time around christmas some year for a few minutes. He became like a stranger to me and somehow it felt good. Next time i saw him and talked to him was on his deathbed, a few days before he died.

He destroyed a lot with these unnecessary beatings but achieved nothing than a reign of terror and fear at home, for me. Not always but often enough. I have a younger sister, they wanted to do everything different with her, wanted to make everything better. She never was beaten once, she could get away with things im a pretty sure my father would have beat me nearly to death for. They payed thousands of Euros for her (while i didn´t even get regular pocket money every week or month, never money for good grades but beatings for bad ones) because of unpaid invoices but she always was the little angel. Tbh, she really didn´t grow up to a good, trustworthy person with a good character, she never learned to deal with money, she is selfish, arrogant, like if she was mixed up in hospital after birth and my real sister had to grow up in another family. She is the complete opposite to what i became over the years, unfortunately. This is, for sure, absolutely not because she was not beaten but because absolutely no limits were set for her and she got away with really anything.

If i suddenly would be young again today and my parents would allow my teacher to beat me and he really would do it, a dangerous situation would be created. For both, parents and teacher. Because as a child you sometimes cry only because of anger, because of having no chance of defending yourself, when getting beaten. This anger sums up over the time, gets more and more and not a bit less. If kids are angry enough they come up with the most crazy ideas(believe me, i know it from experience), not really thinking about later consequences.

As a teacher i would be afraid of gangs of beaten pupils using their own tactics to defend themselves But after and outside of school, like guerrillas at night. I would be afraid of getting beaten to death by such a group of physically and mentally abused kids who only grow up to become bigger and stronger while i develop myself slowly into the opposite direction simply because of mother nature and time. Even decades later there could be a "nice present" standing behind the door, still full of anger, after the former teachers door bell rang. And everything that can happen to teachers or former teachers who abuse and abused kids can also happen to parents who allowed these teachers to beat their kids.

Dear kids over there, if they really beat you, you need to fight back otherwise they will never stop it again. You have to make them stop, maybe by using the same methods they use to abuse you. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Because it´s your future, your development that will be harmed and maybe even your personality will change to something else, not so good as if it could have been without these physical and mental abuses. Please, don´t let this happen!

edit on 28 8 2022 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Uhhh, you're not burning witches now?



posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

You know, if the roof ist rusty, the cellar is probably moist.

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: TDDAgain

Sitting in a corner and wearing a Dunce Hat work 😎

Three months into my sons' kindergarten year we moved and he had to change schools. He had been doing very well and loved school, but his new teacher was quite elderly and had rules he hadn't yet learned-such as raising your hand and waiting until you're called on before speaking.

She asked the class a question and he blurted out the answer. He spent the entire day sitting on a tall stool facing the blackboard with a dunce cap on his head.

In second grade (same school) we got a note from the principal requesting we come in for a meeting. He wanted our written consent to paddle my son for fighting on the playground at recess not once, but three times now!
When asked what the fights were about he didn't know but fighting wasn't allowed. When asked if any of the other kids involved would be paddled, he said no; they didn't start the fights. We told him we'd get back to him on the matter tomorrow.

My son admitted to beating up the other kids. His reason? He was friends with a little girl that nobody in school liked. They would call her names, pull her hair and push her down.

We explained that the proper thing to do was let the playground teacher know what was going on so SHE could stop it. He said he did tell her, every single time and she wouldn't make the other kids stop being mean to her, even when she saw them knocking her down.

I was trying to understand, since my son wasn't one to stick up for himself whenever he was picked on. I told him there had to be a reason not one person liked this girl, not even the PG teacher. He said he didn't know why people were mean to her; maybe because she was different? I asked him how she was 'different', thinking maybe a speech impediment or something. All he could think of was she had 'funny' hair. It was really curly, like nothing he'd ever seen before.
I asked him if there was anything else that made her different; not that he could think of. Then it clicked!

I asked if she had 'tan' skin. He didn't think so; it was a lot darker brown than any tan he'd ever seen.

I was never so proud of son than at that moment. He got taken out for ice cream and the principle got one heck of an azz chewing.

I've seen my four kids through school and I can tell you there are a LOT of teachers that should never be allowed anywhere near a classroom, let alone children.

It's a shame that parents have now abdicated their responsibilities to expecting the education system to teach their children manors, right from wrong, and all the other qualities our forebearers instilled in us. Responsible parenting isn't seen nearly as often as it should be, and effective parenting skills have been forgotten or never learned in the first place.
A trip to any public venue is full of examples of parents rewarding bad behavior, and no amounting of corporal punishment is going to tame the monsters they're creating.

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 02:15 PM
Getting away from corporal punishment is part of the reason we have so many problems with discipline today.

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: nugget1

What your son showed is what we call "civil courage" here and is applaudable. I wish someone would have stuck up to me this way. I mean, not necessary beating my bullies (aka the whole class) but be a voice of reason. For me it was speech disorder and a lot of scars. I have forgiven them today.

Children can be cruel and single out other children that are different. It's a runaway train and get's worse by time. Each time a border is overstepped, it gives precedence for more violence and assaults.

I am proud by proxy of your son and it shows you have done many things right. So I also applaud you, Sir.

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: DerBeobachter
On our journey back first into the caves and then back onto the trees, it looks like we are in the middle ages right now.

Btw, a redheaded woman will visit me later, is it safe for me for me to light her up and being praised as witch hunter afterwards or am i a bit too early for such shenanigans and should ask next month again?

If it's not just a simple natural or bottle-redhead, but a Ginger? Napalm that soulless demon.

edit on 8/28/2022 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 02:28 PM
Anyone that spank my kid will get spanked themselves, HARD.

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

In junior High school, that was prior to 1961 there were two teachers a student would be taken to for corporal punishment. Like yours it was a wooden paddle about an inch thick. This one though had holes drilled in it about an inch in diameter that allowed for circular marks to be left on a butt. I don't know though as they used that on girls, I don't think so. But us boys? Oh yeah.

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Of course, it's the red states doing this in America. Typical of how they think.

I think red, blue, green, or purple is a bad idea.

How long? Do they do it in High school? At what age do they stop?

edit on 28-8-2022 by peaceinoutz because: (no reason given)

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