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Oh It’s Happening The Great Reset

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posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 07:43 AM
originally posted by: Annee

3. United Kingdom -- In the U.K., credit cards, online payments, and contactless payments have largely replaced cash payments. Cash is no longer accepted on public transport in the U.K. and the number of available ATMs is dwindling.

Untrue - Public transport definitely does still accept cash. It's possible this may be true in London (I don't know, I haven't been to London in years and have no intentions of going back to that sh**hole any time soon), but London is in no way indicative of the rest of the UK. In fact, the further north you go, the bigger the difference.

Also, I know of 3 new ATMs that have recently been installed in my town alone.

Whilst I disagree with those 2 points, I must admit that I have been pretty much cashless for years and rarely have more than £10 on me at any time. In fact, I saw a charity collector a few days ago with the normal collection tin, but he also had a card reader!
edit on 26-8-2022 by nik1halo because: I can't count HTML tags apparently.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: nik1halo
originally posted by: Annee

3. United Kingdom -- In the U.K., credit cards, online payments, and contactless payments have largely replaced cash payments. Cash is no longer accepted on public transport in the U.K. and the number of available ATMs is dwindling.

. . . but London is in no way indicative of the rest of the UK. In fact, the further north you go, the bigger the difference.!

Kind of like Phoenix Arizona compared to the rest of Arizona.

I expect its selected areas.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 10:19 AM
Appears that charging back water rates is just another way to poison a well that is already poisoned.

In the US it is a Senator's 'job' to raise money if the state government is in debt to the federal government... unfortunately a state rarely if ever audits itself as it is a state representative's 'job' not the state in question but representing the state in question being a citizen of another state like a diplomat to try to live as a regular citizen of that state and see how it compares to their own. Sometimes that state representative does not want to go back finding things easier in the new state and try to get 'elected or re-elected' to remain in that state since at first it was an appointment.

I suppose the public not knowing the 'job' of those two Senator and Representative has caused quite a bit of confusion and have corrupted many states in the process. Many people that have moved to another state can in essence be said to be a state representative of the state that they have left. Statistics as used in marketing in state and federal services of all of those called 'transplants' of how it compares between 'here' and 'there' would give good datum on how the citizens people of that state not the 'naturalized' transplants view it not to mention those that have immigrated from other countries. Language barriers still exist and I am sure many immigrants find it irritating that Spanish as a second language is a preferred immigration naturalization language when finding it hard or difficult to communicate for proper state and federal abidings as an individual or individual with family. The excuse would be the large Southern border or migrant workers to possibly become immigrant citizens.

I suppose in Europe and other countries identified simply as 'Asia' such a thing is laughable as coping goes when there are so many foreign language borders... yet they still somehow make do. Whether there are European or Asian political 'Trumps' wanting to build a wall against that other language or culture mostly remains silent until some sort of war or conflict breaks out. Not sharing a border with Russia and the Ukraine or even the two languages? It is unwise to get involved; unfortunate is war is the only real message that can be sent; when 'help' is offered it is usually for some 'deal' stuck like a coin for a third party to get involved making it in reality?

A deal with 'The devil' and the excuse for striking that deal is 'peace' instead of simply sticking to the message for whatever two it is? Peace be with you. Striking some sort of 'deal' only means countless amounts of future involvement with whomever that the public will typically be kept ignorant about at least on the 'deal' front and of course 'investment' hoping for some sort of return 'not peace' is not any sort of excuse... sometimes a third country asks a fourth to intervene between two others not keeping peace between each other and says hey so and so we aren't involved you aren't involved but we will give you blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda to shut those two not making peace... up.

Since all of those properties are considered the 'lourdes' isn't it the land barons' job to make sure all of those meters were funded, maintained and replaced? I would say it is a coffer filling scheme as the funding, maintenance and replacement of meters is no different than police booth or hydrant. It's a strange concept that all of the land and property on King and Queens land is essentially all theirs and you as an inhabitant of it should be grateful to be allowed to be on their land and in their presence... the oddest part of the concept? Is at some point or moment they could legally as it is written kick everyone out and off it. Forgettable is that of course... with the concept of 'land' ownership. There is not my body my right there either as it goes anyone born there are essentially 'livestock' and any earnings from of or by that livestock is actually the King and Queens. Meaning in life and in death you've never 'owned' a single thing not even the breath of your life.

Anyways onward and tally ho.

edit on 26-8-2022 by Crowfoot because: editing

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