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England and Wales excess deaths terrifying MSM

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posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: nickyw

If I read that report correctly, the percentage increase over past 5 years is about 14%?

That dovetails with the numbers I am seeing in the US.

I would guess that for both the UK and the US, deaths, with the increases, will far exceed births. That's great news for the Davos Elites!

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: TonyS

Primarily due to obesity, alcohol and drugs, with poverty being the main factor behind them.


Still not even coming close to Davos. Primarily because the poorest women are having multiple children by multiple fathers. And being significantly off set by booming populations in Africa and Asia. You'll see a demographic change, not a population decline. In order to decrease the actual population you're going to need to legalize abortion and throw condoms at people, or to drop a nuclear bomb on the slums.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: anonentity

How on Earth can you say that when Phizer wanted to hide the data from the public for seventy-five years?

They don't, they simply have protection against people spamming them with data requests. The 75 years isn't how long they have to release all of the data, it's how long it would take them to release it in batched of 50,000 documents a month. On account of there being millions of pages of documents.

They hid and buried data in their own trials

Link, please.

It's a business model that works.

For them, maybe, but not for governments, so why would governments go along with it. Especially socialist governments like those in Europe, or like China, Russia, and the African governments who make zero money from this.

Why would Trump go along with this?

As for the front men, they are like everyone else "Only as good as their word"

And 99.999 percent of them are just regular people. Coroners, pharmacists, grad students. People who have nothing to gain, but everything to lose if they are found tampering with the data.

Plus, there are just so many people with access to the data. Even if 99.999 percent of them were corrupt, that would still leave hundreds of thousands of people who weren't all around the world.

Pushing bad health products on a naive public is not new

And in previous cases, such as the opioid crisis, people all over the industry were blowing the whistle years ago. Nothing was really secret from the very beginning.

it's a gift to pharmaceutical companies.

Maybe in the US, but in much of the rest of the world they're prices are capped, and they have to go through narrow business channels. You're argument might be plausible in the US, but somewhere like France or Germany it's absolutely not. What they gain in selling the vax at a tightly controlled price they lose by not being able to sell other products like cosmetics because people went out less.

Most people will do what is suggested by experts even if the science is screaming "Don't do it

For example?

Most of the experts are socially screened so they don't turn people off

Like Faucci?

That’s a f’n lie and you know. Now you are malicious and trying to hurt people. You should be kicked off permanently.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: anonentity

How on Earth can you say that when Phizer wanted to hide the data from the public for seventy-five years?

They don't, they simply have protection against people spamming them with data requests. The 75 years isn't how long they have to release all of the data, it's how long it would take them to release it in batched of 50,000 documents a month. On account of there being millions of pages of documents.

They hid and buried data in their own trials

Link, please.

It's a business model that works.

For them, maybe, but not for governments, so why would governments go along with it. Especially socialist governments like those in Europe, or like China, Russia, and the African governments who make zero money from this.

Why would Trump go along with this?

As for the front men, they are like everyone else "Only as good as their word"

And 99.999 percent of them are just regular people. Coroners, pharmacists, grad students. People who have nothing to gain, but everything to lose if they are found tampering with the data.

Plus, there are just so many people with access to the data. Even if 99.999 percent of them were corrupt, that would still leave hundreds of thousands of people who weren't all around the world.

Pushing bad health products on a naive public is not new

And in previous cases, such as the opioid crisis, people all over the industry were blowing the whistle years ago. Nothing was really secret from the very beginning.

it's a gift to pharmaceutical companies.

Maybe in the US, but in much of the rest of the world they're prices are capped, and they have to go through narrow business channels. You're argument might be plausible in the US, but somewhere like France or Germany it's absolutely not. What they gain in selling the vax at a tightly controlled price they lose by not being able to sell other products like cosmetics because people went out less.

Most people will do what is suggested by experts even if the science is screaming "Don't do it

For example?

Most of the experts are socially screened so they don't turn people off

Like Faucci?

That’s a f’n lie and you know. Now you are malicious and trying to hurt people. You should be kicked off permanently.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

"The World’s Population Growth Rate is Declining
While there are hundreds of thousands of babies born around the world each day, it’s worth mentioning that the world’s overall population growth rate has actually been declining since the 1960s.

This is happening for a number of reasons, including:

Increased wealth around the world, which research has correlated with fewer births
Various government policies discouraging large families
The global shift from rural to urban living
By 2100, global population growth is expected to drop to 0.1%, which means we’ll essentially reach net-zero population growth"

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 11:16 AM
MSM ignores that. They are in the pockets of the big pharma.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70

And yet you can't muster even a token argument, or a single link, to justify your stance.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: TongHuaGuShi

What about the people who are in the pocket of the alternative and new age industrial. Do you have any idea how much money Big chiropract is throwing around, or the people behind the vegan influencers. Getting people to deliberately provoke fear and uncertainty in order to promote their own products.

Who do you think took down the Opioid companies?

Do you think that it was a couple of crusading journalists, or a multi-trillion dollar organization selling crystals and kale?

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: TonyS

And yet some countries have booming younger generations Link We're seeing a shift, not a decline.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Trust me on this though the TORY's would rather blame the vaccine than there own welfare policy's and war against the working class and the sick.

What you have to remember is there are other factors at play within the UK, the introduction of UNIVERSAL CREDIT a one for all welfare payment that has only been implemented to cut costs and reduce staff levels at the DWP in order for the government to be able to cut taxation for the rich.

Basically they are treasonous in that they are enemy's of the greater bulk of the UK population and want to take from have not's what little they do have (Prince John style) and give it to the HAVES even though they have already got too much and they are willing to kill people - the state is the people remember even though we operate a parliamentary monarchy rather than a true democracy - so killing the people the poorest is basically an act of treason no matter how you look at it.

The Tory party even plotted a coup TWICE, once in the 1960's and again in the 1970's but were able to oust the democratically elected Labour (centre left socialists) from power by other mean's including swaying the public and creating scandals something they themselves are far from innocent of.

This is even officially provably using Documents released in the United States as the Tory's through there MI5 Lacky's made contact with the CIA the real rulers of the US to all intents and purposes and gained there tacit approval something they had to do in case the US whom had many military bases within the UK at the time had stepped in to stop the coup if it had occurred without there knowledge.

But since the Tory's were in alignment with the CIA's own overall goals -

-(later prime minister Margaret Thatcher a TORY was even best of friends with Pinochet a Chilean general that had been installed by the CIA as head of Chile after they orchestrated the overthrow of a democratically elected socialist government there - remember also the CIA genocide of the people in Guatemala - and it was these ilk of individuals that really rule the US and whom the Tory's went to for permission to perform a coup in the UK)-

-they got there blessing to proceed though it never actually came to pass, probably because the British public of the time whom were still British enough to know what there fathers had sacrificed for those freedoms the Tory's were plotting to steal from them would have risen up and fought back, an action that would undoubtedly have ended the monarchy as well since Lord Mountbatten was the one plotted to be placed into power as the head of the illegal government.

Coupled with removal of worker's rights and protectionary laws by the TORY's and the adoption of fire and rehire by many firms within the UK as a result of this along with pay reduction and people in work having to go to food bank's just to survive while at the same time the rich in this nation one of the richest nations on earth are getting even more rich with each of these greed driven and destructive policy's.

Basically the TORY PARTY are enemy's of the state, it is even on there manifesto to REDUCE the state, to REDUCE government and to make our country basically a free for all for the rich and a place of terror and poverty for the poor.

On the back of this the Covid crisis has just been a convenient blanket because they know most will start blaming those death's, some of which are definitely down to the bad vaccines but not all by any means, not even half perhaps as the other death's have been down to there welfare policy's, at least 120 to 130 thousand people have died as a direct result of the introduction of UNIVERSAL CREDIT, that is at least that number but likely many times that number as the Tory's are a very dishonest government and have hidden the true figures for unemployment and other statistics so have probably massaged this death figure which they tried not to release down even further than it really is.

edit on 20-8-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: Iconic
are there literally ANY other sources other than bitchute? thats the equivalent source of a facebook post

Well, there's CNN, MSNBC, and always YouTube!

They level of denial is amazing.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Aug 16, 2022 The Centers for Disease Control has announced that it is rolling back COVID restrictions, eliminating calls for self-quarantining, acknowledging the validity of natural immunity and essentially adopting a “back to normal” attitude toward the pandemic

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Basically the TORY PARTY are enemy's of the state, it is even on there manifesto to REDUCE the state, to REDUCE government

Buddy, read the room.

You're in Trump town. Most of the people here, myself included, think that less is more when it comes to government.

The Tories are merely trying to get the UK to live within its means. Less spending, means less borrowing, and not having to mortgage your children's futures because a bunch of people on twitter are demanding that the state pay for their dog walking service.

Don't think of it as being "cuts" think of it as being undoing the unaffordable legacy of the Blair and Brown years.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: TonyS

data from the CMI & ARG had last summers non covid excess death rate increase to 4.8 or 5% as you say this year its near 14% which is the real reason for the concern with the most significant rises in both periods coming from at home deaths..

this is an issue as it begs the question what has happened to the displaced mortality rates as that means we should be seeing a decline rather than increase in excess deaths.

displaced mortaility rates

Despite continuing deaths from COVID-19, in 2021 mortality from other causes has been about 9% lower than usual (in England, January to September 2021). In the midst of a pandemic, how could this have happened? Did the pandemic, and our lockdowns, unexpectedly reduce deaths from other causes? Or have deaths during the pandemic ‘displaced’ mortality that would otherwise occur at a later point in time?

This analysis explores the story behind this 9% figure

i guess the question is how long post pandemic should we be seeing displaced mortality rates? we've gone from a reduction of 9?% to 5% and now 14% that's quite a shift and it explains why like the pandemic its causing concern..

England and Wales see return of 'excess' deaths in second quarter

It is a failing health care or more.. but as a topic it really shouldn't be brushed away..

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

The CDC isn't "admitting" that it's wrong. It's simply removing policies that are no longer relevant now that the country is approaching herd immunity.

Something that most of Europe did in 2021. Because their vax programs were more successful.

Links in my signature show the curve of vaxxing and serious sickness. If you know how to read statistics, the numbers are pretty clear on this.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: nickyw

As was predicted. Covid mostly kills the elderly and those with one or more comorbidity. Even if they don't actually die from covid it frequently weakens people enough that their comorbidity gets them. Like elderly people having heart attacks or renal failure.

Trust the science, it was right all along.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

The CDC isn't "admitting" that it's wrong.

It was wrong, all agree now natural immunity is as good or better than any treatment and the new flu is here to stay.
Bill Gates admits now that this was a disease that really only effected the elderly.

Vaccines did not immunize but natural immunity is need in the population, but you know as well as anyone else this was all about trillions of $.
I don't know who you are maybe you benefit from that yourself.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 01:34 PM
Interesting, they used many of the same tactics here during the hype but the threats to jobs were aimed at governmental employees for the most part.

With hindsight it appears to now be a Pandemic of the Vaccinated as it seems the only noteworthy enough who are contracting the virus in the media spotlight are those who have been vaccinated.

Appears this is a sensitive topic to many across the pond, not my business really... ibwas just curious.


a reply to: Motorhead

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Sorry but you are most certainly wrong, the UK has paid off the lend lease, the TORY's are spending BILLIONS on arming foreign powers not because it is good for our nation but because it is good for there business interests and the only part of the UK they care about is the CITY OF LONDON and it's financial institutions, they are trying to turn MY NATION into a TAX HAVEN for the elite, while putting our poorest and our working class ever more into poverty, stripping them of there right's.

Sadly you over in the US have been so brain washed you cant' even smell the smoke when your house in on fire, you had moderate socialists - and it is not the same thing as WOKE scumbags that have twisted it to there own agenda - whom wanted to give your workers right's, to protect your people against poverty but most of them were taken down mines and murdered, check your history there were no investigations they simply vanished after being kidnapped by the mine foremen and there men and taken down those mines.

Your nation ceased to be a true democracy quite some time ago I am afraid, Eisenhauer tried to warn you, Trump spoke of it as the swamp but he probably never had any real intention of cleaning it up and as far as democracy concerned yours is the same nation that performed such hideous actions against it's own poor as the Tuskegee experiment's.

But back over here for the past 20 years our government and media have been brainwashing our people with the lie that Socialism failed, communism most definitely did but actually OUR socialism established after the war within the existing Parliamentary Monarchy framework worked very well indeed, most of our motorway's, bridges, new housing, public library's, public swimming pools, NHS and our formerly very functional welfare system as well as our state pension system all worked fantastic.

Oh there was corruption but so is there in the US under it's massively deregulated capitalist system, a system which HAS failed, were is the American dream now that Corporations own your soul, now that they rule your government, now that the majority of taxes are on the public with little or no representation while at the same time those corporations are buying your politicians and getting to pay ever less tax while being OVER represented by those same bought off politicians.

What went wrong in our country was the perfect storm of corruption, Soviet interference as they tried to stir up social troup within our nation in the 1970's and 1980's and Tory Malfeasance and corruption with the deliberate sell off of our national assets - non of that money made from that sell off by the way went to pay off the lend lease it was all invested in the Tory voting county's and funded - SHORT TERM - economic boost in the white collar sector while the industrial sector once it had been deregulated by Thatcher and in your nation by Regan then had the green light to go and betray our nations and invest there money in the GENUINE communist Nation of CHINA whom were undoubtedly laughing at how easy it was to get someone else to invest in and built up there nation at there own expense.

My form of Socialism is not the form you think, it is very much an old English style.

Currently the Tory's are presiding over the death of so many of my people they need to face justice but sadly they probably never shall, there is NO excuse for there actions against our people and the way they have constantly sold us down the swanny to benefit there international corporate backers.

There is enough money in the UK and enough money that the elite managed to whittle away into offshore account's while fiddling there tax over here that they could pay off our national debt several times over with what they REALLY owe alone but no they are wanting to strip our nation of's humanity and turn it into a tax haven for the crook's at the top simple as that.

Unlike you in the US we do NOT worship the rich, they are the same as you the same as me, if they are honest and pay there dues fine we could do with more them but if they are like the majority of the Tory's and there financial backers we need less of them because they are blind, stupid and cutting the trunk of the tree they live in to make a fire in there tree house.

edit on 20-8-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 03:26 PM

here is a vid form Dr John Campbell who lives in the UK ....basically saying the same as the op..
he has the stats from the official published source...excess deaths are being counted. a reply to: anonentity

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