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The Boy George Effect

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posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy


# knows!
Its sort of creeped up on us.

I think they call it progress....shear stupidiy

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

What changed?


"The (Gay) Plague", specifically its highly visible (and hyped) spread among the gay, especially the gay male population set the stage for much of the cultural schism we see today.

edit on 13-8-2022 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
A long time ago, back in the before times, in the long ago. . . . . .

We had Boy George. A cross-dressing feminine gent. We all danced to his music back then. We never had a thought about him really. Just enjoyed his music. If he wanted to dress like that, if he was gay. . . *shrugs* who cared.

That was in the 1980's. By then we also knew David Bowie and Elton John were not members of the John Birch Society.

We didn't care.

Really. No one cared. Live how you want to live, do your own thing, we didn't care.

I was too busy trying to push up sleeves like Crockett and Tubbs to worry about what anyone else was doing, or sleeping with.

What changed?

What the ever-loving hell changed?

Live and let live. . . . that was a thing.

What changed and why do we or should we care now?

I humbly offer this thread for discussion.

I have been trying to explain this very thing to my daughter for months now.

It is disgusting how they are teaching kids to hate in the name of love.

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021


This guy?

History...repeating...rhyming.....fools.... Oh I can't remember the quote.

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

You want epic casual racism? Ice Pirates is an old '80s movie with people like Robert Urich, Angelica Huston, and Ron Perlman (you know, the screaming lib one) in it. It is so casually racist it makes an "n" word joke. I recall seeing it in the theatres and everyone laughed, and the theatre was mixed.

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 07:29 PM
What two consenting adults do is there business, I don't care. How these kind of things are been targeted at young kids is a problem. Pushing this transgender before they have even reached puberty is a disaster. Then all the grooming issues going on, trying to normalize these cycles of abuse.

It is sad to see the family unit under attack the way it is. The kind of guidance the next generation is getting is going to have a lot of dysfunctional issues wrapped up in it.

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

People started to push for harmful drugs and medical disfigurement on children without parental consent.

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Yeah and that song about "I wanna be your father figure, put your tiny hand in mine" was creepy pedo sounding.

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

If we are into pointing fingers we could also point to Tim Curry as Dr. Frankenfurter. Slinking across the screen in his underwear and brazier, licking his painted lips and looking oh so sexy, spouting bisexuality. Hell the whole movie hit that hard. People dressing up weird and extolling outlandishness. That was one hell of a flick that told a whole generation it was okey dokey to step outside of the ancient boxes of established sexual roles. That was one hell of a rebellion movie that was.

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 07:52 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
a reply to: DBCowboy

If we are into pointing fingers we could also point to Tim Curry as Dr. Frankenfurter. Slinking across the screen in his underwear and brazier, licking his painted lips and looking oh so sexy, spouting bisexuality. Hell the whole movie hit that hard. People dressing up weird and extolling outlandishness. That was one hell of a flick that told a whole generation it was okey dokey to step outside of the ancient boxes of established sexual roles. That was one hell of a rebellion movie that was.


The play was in the 70's.

Much better.

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 08:01 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: ketsuko
The self-esteem movement would be my guess. It was all about everyone feeling good about themselves. Then we found out some people are miserable SOBs who just won't do that, but the crusaders tried by trying to make us all care so very much about. If those poor people don't feel good, it must be our fault, and miserable people embraced that. No one likes to think they're miserable because they're making themselves miserable.

CAn we go back to the 80's?

No cell phones, no computers, just people?

All jokes aside, can you imagine taking cell phones from teens and young adults ? The suicide rate would skyrocket. Some people are so addicted to their instant fix, they literally can't live without it.

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

We all danced to his music back then.

Just enjoyed his music

speak for yourself pale face
back in the long ago, if we heard anything culture club or any of that, new wave, we cranked the stereos up and drowned that sh@@ out. wishing our amps would go to 11. Now don't get me wrong there were a few new wave groups that had some good tunes. but culture club wasn't one of them.

it wasn't nothing to do with what their lifestyle or preference was, it was their music sucked.
the other bands mentioned in the thread rocked and their lifestyle wasn't a issue, if was if you rocked or not.

edit on 13-8-2022 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Can you imagine if they tried to make "Blazing Saddles today ?
BLM, Liberals/Democrats and ANTIFA would burn the studio to the ground and hang Mel Brooks in the street.

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

Hell, Im casually rewatching the Office.

Most of that wouldnt even fly today and i think that wrapped in 2012

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: JinMI

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

You are aware that most people didn't give a crap that he was africian. Most people gave a crap about the fact he sold 40% of our land to china, killed millions of children, drone striked a wedding, recorded shouting that they wanted our own military men dead. Probably sold them out when they came under fire. Then on the live feed. "JUST DIE ALREADY" That is what pissed people off, not the fact he was a black transgender loving man. (this is based off my African friend's view of being black and gay - apparently the ultimate sin to African Americans as he told me specifically - fyi not 1 person i knew hated the guy either, we LOVED HIM as family, this was his view of his own community and real fam, I hope we changed that for him).

People need to get their stories straight and stop automatically assuming it's because of the color of their skin. I think that's the ultimate first step to fixing our screwed up nation and people's dumb ass view points of hating each other.

Everyone has problems, I grew up knowing white boys who were known by name from officers and were literally stalked and harrassed by police just as much as I have known Africian's actually NOT afraid of the police. Africian's assume that white people are at 'ease' when police are involved with anything. Again it is an assumption, it's untrue. When I see police driveby, or approach a neighbor's house for whatever reason. My heart stops too, why? I didn't do anything wrong, but it's because EVERYONE no matter the color of your skin is trained to 'submit' to police, and not to anger them in fears of lockups and more.

This isn't a racial thing, everyone has those fears. Everyone know's a police officer is capable of making your day or ruining your life. It's how you handle it that matters. If africian's stopped running from police, and stood still instead of instinctively fleeing like they have something to hide. Then the police will not assume you are hiding something. But that's about the mentality you give your children, and yourself.

You keep telling your kids to fear police because africians get shot, or checked out more then white people. White people learned to 'submit' not run, answer questions honestly and fully. As well as to LISTEN to what the officers say. Everyone has that fear, it doesn't matter who you are or what color your skin is. White people don't get mouthy with police officers, unless your a criminal. Most white people, try and compliment the work the officer is doing. Which btw, if you manage to do before the officer walk's away can 'sometimes' get you out of speeding tickets! Not all the times, but sometimes a little appreciation to an officer can change their entire day especially if they are already having a crappy one. So recognition is always a good thing, especially if you haven't really committed any crimes.

Next time you get called down at the police station, don't assume your kid is innocent. Be kind to the officer, and be a parent. Chances are if you punish your damn kid's illegal behavior, the law won't have to. Thank the officer for keeping drug's and such off the street, and taking care of your kid whenYOU failed as the parent not them. If your kid is hanging out with known junkies, ask the officer which kid's are known for this. Then forbid and keep your end of the deal to keep your kid's away from them. Because if they have to raid a courtyard because the bad kid's that are known for selling drug's are shooting ball and your kid is involved or in that area during that raid. Your kid will look like he/she was involved.

It's instincts that is built into you that needs to change, because of what a few bad guys did in the past who probably deserved it. Not saying there isn't misfiring's or bad officers, but I am saying that 'YOUR BAD DAY IS THEIR BAD DAY'. Any actual 'arrests' made is a HUGE paperwork most officers don't want to fill out, debrief, spend hours recollecting all the events and thing's that occured during the incident, and each arrest and incident that occurs can easily keep them up to 4hours per incident on the clock at the end of their shift. They don't get paid overtime for this either.

If Africans literally stopped running, respected authority and realized that the encounter won't last forever, so be respectful. Then they can get past it and not give police extra warrents. I have learned in dealing with police, as long as your respectful they won't harrass you. But if your disrespectful, expect to be treated the same. Always respect those who have 'authority' to make or break your day, and your day will come out a lot better. If there's issues, report it to the office AFTER the encounter. Do not encourage it, Don't use the race card, don't get so damn mouthy your own mother would knock your teeth in. Don't encourage a police officer to abuse any powers, like "hit me, hit me mofo, hit me, come on" arms up and swinging in the air like a chump. They WILL tackle your ass to the ground and arrest you.

No matter what skin color you are - Rules are as followed: Don't run, don't speak unless spoken to or asked a question, and be respectful. If you have a good encounter with an officer, tell them you respect them and what they do. They will remember that for next time and leave the scene without being pissed off. They are humans after all, your bad day is also their bad day. This is a 100% survival rate.

If you want to change the way police behave around you, then change the mentality of how you handle the situation. Be polite, respectful, don't run, don't hide. You'll do alright, but you have to also break that mentality in the children as well as teach them right from wrong. Teach them that it's not okay to enact violence, it's not okay to hold up stores, it's not okay to beat a man to death with a cane, it's not okay to sell drugs in school yards, or steal from stores.

If your busted doing anything wrong, those kids need to learn to cooperate with the police. Most of the time, if a minor has done something wrong. They will contact the parents, and then YOU as a parent need to show respect during this encounter. Not going in calling your kid an angel, when they are clearly in the wrong for something they did. Sometimes officers will actually round up kid's if there's a known pedo, or they are tracking a human trafficker in the area or other crime is going on and then contact the parents especially if they are out late at night. Those encounters often have nothing to do with crime or harassment.

But automatically assuming they are out to get you, is what makes you a target. Because of that 'fear', your seen as guilty of 'something'. It's not the color of your skin, promise. It's your posture and behavior. People need to realize that a lot of crimes that are commited, isn't because of 'falsed' evidence. YES YOUR KID HAD DRUGS ON HIM WITH INTENT TO SELL! It was not planted evidence against him. Sorry, but in the eyes of the law and society your little special boy or girl ain't that special. But it's not just your kid, it's ALL KIDS. Unless your worth millions, you are not worth the effort to falsify evidence on for bribes just from the paperwork alone.

So biggest key here, be respectful and you will be free to go as long as you didn't commit any actual crime.
edit on 13-8-2022 by BlackArrow because: I use real experiences to explain my views. Since calling an 'obama a transgender loving man' is apparently 'hateful'. But in the Africian Community it's commonly seen as one of the biggest sins. This view is literally taken because 'good african men' are 'rare'. Those that don't wind up in prison, and take care of their kids, aren't dead by 40 thanks to high crime etc. So I get it, I see the struggles a lot of african's go through, nor will I deny it. I also know there was a lot of biased and racism built off of this towards multi-racial couples. Which has been around for a rather long time.

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: BlackArrow

and here we are...

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 08:36 PM
Around the time the Beatles came to America I saw all the kids idolizing them. Their grew their hair long and followed them into the drug craze/find yourself Guru phase. That's when I realized most people are happy to follow the crowd and do whatever the majority is in favor of.

Look at the role models kids have had to emulate. Shock value & violent song lyrics are the norm. Children learn what they live, and too many are not learning much about contributing to make the world they want.

The change happened so slowly nobody noticed....kind of like waking up one day to look in the mirror and realize you're officially old.

posted on Aug, 13 2022 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: BlackArrow


Straight African and most everything else was made up. He was the real beginning of the steep US decline

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