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The Calvine UFO Image is finally out

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posted on Mar, 6 2023 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: chunder
a reply to: mirageman

Well, there just happens to be a Kevin Russell who is a Photographer/Imagery Analyst at the UK Ministry of Defence according to linkedin.

I'll do some more digging to see if dates etc match up but as you say I think someone else has already been there.

I’m not sure if Russell matters at this point.

What we need is forensic scrutiny on the original Photo(s) and the whereabouts of the negative(s). Do we know where the negative(s) is? Does Russell have it? Will he release it to be examined since not only does the photograph show up, but now a named witness who took the said photograph?

Yes his story may be of interest, but then all hoaxers have interesting stories now, don’t they?

For me it’s about the technical authenticity of the photograph and negative…..and so does the witness/photographer Russell have the technical skills to produce a fake? If the Kevin Russell in the news story….is the guy?

edit on 6-3-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2023 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: chunder
a reply to: mirageman

Well, there just happens to be a Kevin Russell who is a Photographer/Imagery Analyst at the UK Ministry of Defence according to linkedin.

I'll do some more digging to see if dates etc match up but as you say I think someone else has already been there.

I'd say that the people involved are already a few steps ahead in the game and have been since before the photo was made public. There's been a slow but deliberate ramping up of pressure since the photo first came to light.

Maybe Mr. Russell photographed something that wasn't meant to be seen. He was silenced by the OSA all those years ago and needs to remain silent for that reason? Or maybe he was part of a hoax that ultimately backfired for him but wasted a lot of man-hours in the MoD? He could simply just want a quiet life after taking a few photos of something he found really weird but now just wants to be left alone.

For me, there's a slight question of ethics here. One of respecting an individual's right to privacy (whatever the motive) whilst inquisitively wanting to know his side of the story and whether the original negatives are still being held somewhere.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Prof Simon Holland is busy.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

If he's a professor, then I'm the Duke of Edinburgh! I note the column doesn't credit him as one, either.

...His own investigation suggests that defence firm British Aerospace were developing a classified Radar-busting defence system, which may have involved a secret diamond shaped aircraft escorted by privately owned Harrier jets..

...Holland said: “I think there is an acceptance by many that the photo is not a fake. There was, I believe, a mysterious aircraft in the sky that day. The MOD previously stated, no ‘known’ Harriers were flying in Perthshire on 4th Aug 1990. That turns out to be a massive clue to who’s they were...

So he thinks there is an acceptance by many that the photo is not fake. Which also means it could be fake.
And he also thinks that the MoD would not know about any Harriers belonging to one of their major defence contractors operating in their airspace?


posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Maybe he is "thinking " too much.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 05:49 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: Baablacksheep

And he also thinks that the MoD would not know about any Harriers belonging to one of their major defence contractors operating in their airspace?

At least he dropped the Prof. BS.

But- fairly sure he plagiarised that "theory" from an old discussion on the secretprojects forum.
Upshot of the thread was people knew about the Harriers and due to the active aviation nerd community in the UK- had kept tabs on their activities.

IIRC... that thread also mentioned some US Harrier T4s operating out of Machrihanish (another of Hollands favs) in the required time frame- whose activities were all duly recorded and noted by the local aviation buffs.

Also got to hand wave metamaterials into the article.

The grifters are everywhere.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: Jukiodone

He is still the Professor in this one.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: Jukiodone

IIRC... that thread also mentioned some US Harrier T4s operating out of Machrihanish (another of Hollands favs) in the required time frame- whose activities were all duly recorded and noted by the local aviation buffs.

From memory I think the Harriers were RAF and 4 pilots sent back from their German base deployment for additional low flying training during the time frame, which apparently was a bit unusual.

CT that they were on undisclosed escort duties.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I believe Russell does matter quite a bit - how can the person who took the photographs not ?

a reply to: mirageman

For me the ethical question in relation to Russell is only if he says he does want privacy, we don't know that yet, plus isn't the bigger ethical question how he ended up in a role like that (if it is the same person and it was related to the photo).

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: chunder
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I believe Russell does matter quite a bit - how can the person who took the photographs not ?

His story matters if the picture(s) and negative(s) are proven to be legit…..if not, he becomes irrelevant as a liar and hoaxer. So until the photo(s) and negatives(s) are analyzed…..he can stand in line with everybody else’s sightings stories……imo. (guilty until proven innocent)


posted on Mar, 8 2023 @ 03:49 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

That sensationalist MuthaFunker!

a reply to: chunder

I'll try and dig out the links but yeah - this theory was almost certainly explored in subsequent years on various forums.

Its crazy to transpose US classified activities onto the UK IMO...apparently the "secret" UK Nighthawk landings used to have 20 people sat out with deckchairs watching..

To put in perspective - NTTR has around 2.9 million acres of prohibited land to provide "good enough" privacy.
To replicate in the UK- you'd have to fence off an area the size of Yorkshire..

edit on 8-3-2023 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2023 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: Jukiodone

That sensationalist MuthaFunker!

That made me smile Jukidone.
He has the most wonderful air b and b ever ! Must be profitable all this Professor business, then again he is in the film industry. Anyway, plenty folks turn their French properties into air b and bs, in his case I give him a gold star in that department, it looks totally gorgeous.

edit on 8-3-2023 by Baablacksheep because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2023 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1

His story matters if the picture(s) and negative(s) are proven to be legit…..if not, he becomes irrelevant as a liar and hoaxer. So until the photo(s) and negatives(s) are analyzed…..he can stand in line with everybody else’s sightings stories……imo. (guilty until proven innocent)


Well the photos and negatives were analysed by the MOD at the time and were taken seriously enough to warrant querying the US military / intelligence services whether it was anything they had !

It is also very strange how the original photographer ended up working as an image analyst at the MOD (if that is the case) and the story / timeline of that is of interest.

posted on Mar, 8 2023 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: chunder

Sometimes it just doesn’t matter……

Assuming the photo(s) and negative(s) are real…….where’s the “Stop the Presses!!! Breaking News…We now have photo(s) and Negative(s) of a genuine UFO!!!” across the planet?

Where’s the worldwide reaction of the earths population’s to this news? are there panics and kaos across the world? Are people screaming in the town centers OMG, OMG….run for the hills!! ….over the Calvine sighting photograph(s)?

Of course not……… goes on….people have bills to pay.

UFOs UAP’s are desensitized for most of the general populous I would think …’s like who gives a ratz A$$….so what…there here.



edit on 8-3-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

The general populace are desensitised full stop with the most important thing being what some celebrity half wit is half wearing - for 30 seconds anyway until the next less than 100 digits post or unreality tv show.

That doesn't mean something outside of their sphere of interest (attention span) doesn't matter. But you know that so I am a bit confused by your post.

In this instance it could be that inadvertently we have been given a glimpse of a very deep black project utilising highly advanced technology still not in the public domain.

Or it's a hoax, an airship, a time traveller, ET popping by - either way I'm interested.

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: chunder
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

The general populace are desensitised full stop with the most important thing being what some celebrity half wit is half wearing - for 30 seconds anyway until the next less than 100 digits post or unreality tv show.

That doesn't mean something outside of their sphere of interest (attention span) doesn't matter. But you know that so I am a bit confused by your post.

In this instance it could be that inadvertently we have been given a glimpse of a very deep black project utilising highly advanced technology still not in the public domain.

Or it's a hoax, an airship, a time traveller, ET popping by - either way I'm interested.

Overall…..I think we’re on the same page…..


posted on Mar, 11 2023 @ 11:43 AM
Hi guys, the disclosure team has put out an update on there YouTube channel, what was most interesting was an intelligence source of dr Clarke's, said to him outright that he knew what the ufo in the photo was, and that it worked in conjunction with the f-117's in GW1! So is the craft in the photo the famous f-117 companion aircraft? If it is, it's no wonder it was such a hot potato to the MOD back then, and even to this day, that particular rumored aircraft is still classified. Link below -

posted on Mar, 11 2023 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: TheGeneral33

Thanks. I wonder if this is supposedly the craft that in an earlier show they claimed that "...this thing was supposed to be invisible! And so what's caught them out is it wasn't invisible for that period of time, when they saw it and photographed it."

posted on Mar, 12 2023 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: mirageman
Hi MM, yes, maybe, the mind boggles doesn't it. If the Intel source is telling the truth (and that's a big if) about it being a super secret u.s aircraft, it would make sense, like you said, that something had malfunctioned causing it to stop and hover, and making the harriers drop altitude and circle back to check what the problem was, and so being caught in the photo. I mean, even know the scenery is rather beautiful up there, why else would it hang around there for all to see? Big kev and his mate, while picking there psychedelic supper got real lucky that's for sure 👍

posted on Mar, 13 2023 @ 05:29 AM

originally posted by: TheGeneral33
Hi guys, the disclosure team has put out an update on there YouTube channel, what was most interesting was an intelligence source of dr Clarke's, said to him outright that he knew what the ufo in the photo was, and that it worked in conjunction with the f-117's in GW1! So is the craft in the photo the famous f-117 companion aircraft? If it is, it's no wonder it was such a hot potato to the MOD back then, and even to this day, that particular rumored aircraft is still classified. Link below -

The fact it would still be classified after >20 years is problematic and would represent a significant amount of cash required to keep it that way.

If we overlook some of the obvious issues with the F117 even needing a companion.....what could be the reason?- given that we now know every single aspect of the F117's capabilities would be VASTLY improved upon in following years.

edit on 13-3-2023 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

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