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The Calvine UFO Image is finally out

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posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: DiZZyViZiON
a reply to: mirageman
Could I email you directly please? It concerns something possibly related to this event that I hope you can help with. Kind regards- richard

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posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: Blaine91555
Apologies that was my bad - I've now sent mirageman a message. I wasn't aware how to send messages between users on here - it's all good. I wouldn't want to compromise anybody's anonymity

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 03:51 AM
Here is the Q&A with Dave Clarke and the Dave Clarke Five.

They know the name of the alleged photographer :

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: mirageman
I'd be surprised if much more progress than this is made. The freelance photographer interviewed on Alien Addict (poor name for a channel trying to debunk this) was interesting. I'm not saying the guy convinced me 100%. He did say the photo released was a copy that wasn't done very well as the lense was slightly out of focus on the machine used in the early 90s and some of the detail present on the object that would show that it's a man made object is too blurry to make out. And also some more background detail which was faint in the original but is missing entirely due to the lense issue.

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 11:28 AM
Now this story is at Coast to Coast website today as news:

On August 4, 1990, two young men walking in the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland saw something remarkable — a diamond-shaped object hovering in the sky. Frightened by the sight, the men hid behind some bushes and continued observing the strange craft. Soon a Royal Air Force jet entered the scene and circled the object before heading back on course. One of the witnesses was able to snap some photos of the incident and presented the best one to the local newspaper. The photo was never published, however, and instead handed over to the Ministry of Defense which classified the image. An RAF officer hid a copy of the photo inside his desk and 32 years later the now retired officer, 83-year-old Craig Lindsay, decided to release it to the public. The photo shows exactly what the two men described seeing that day: a diamond-shaped UFO with an RAF jet nearby. The object remains an enigma.

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: DiZZyViZiON

Here's the link to last night's alien addict show on YouTube, where an ex press photographer describes seeing all 6 of the calvine object/ufo negatives back in 1993 -

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: TheGeneral33
a reply to: DiZZyViZiON

Here's the link to last night's alien addict show on YouTube, where an ex press photographer describes seeing all 6 of the calvine object/ufo negatives back in 1993 -

I will have to catch up. Thanks for the link.

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: TheGeneral33
a reply to: DiZZyViZiON

Here's the link to last night's alien addict show on YouTube, where an ex press photographer describes seeing all 6 of the calvine object/ufo negatives back in 1993 -

"Stuart" was very convincing, going into great detail about the Daily Record building and his vivid recollection of all six negatives. An important point is that he believes the current print is missing 70% clarity compared to the negative; it's also slightly cropped; and the original detail indicated (in his mind at least) that the object was a man-made stealth vehicle. Furthermore, the 'black dot' toward the centre of the craft was a glitch during the printing process, not visible in any of the six pics.

His description more or less matches Lindsay's recollection of the six pics he briefly saw at the MoD, although Lindsay didn't examine them in as much detail. Aside from a second jet in one pic, all six are more or less the same, taken in quick succession, with the UFO motionless but the jet(s) encircling.

Taking into account both of last night's videocasts, I think it's clear this was not a hoax, rather a lucky glimpse of a US Black Ops vehicle being tested in UK territory - not escorted by US planes but intercepted by British ones, no doubt followed by a swift US communication that it was theirs. The Gulf War had started 48 hours earlier, and the 'Special Relationship' between the US and UK probably doused any bad feelings about the flight test.

None of that can be confirmed of course, and one vital point remains a mystery (one that perked Lindsay's interest at the last moment after he nearly dismissed the entire story as a hoax): the complete lack of sound emitted by the UFO, before and after the jets encircled it. The silent and swift vertical takeoff is a headscratcher, too.

Perhaps Clarke and Co will locate the photographer, although a search of 200 names DID lead to someone who seemed to be the perfect candidate, but he denied being the 'culprit' and signed off with a cryptic "I have no recollection of being in Scotland in 1990" - a typical politician-speak BS answer. I think this story has a long way to go yet...

edit on 23-8-2022 by ConfusedBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: ConfusedBrit
What an excellent summary. Cheers ConfusedBrit
Stay tuned for Professor Simons next video which extols the abilities, and availability, of Quantels Paintbox image manipulation technology. In 1990!

posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

So I wouldn't be too hasty about ruling out a rigid hull airship, nor would I rule out a model or hoax of some sort without examining the negatives. Question everything.

Well, after decades of claims and absolutely nothing in the way of convincing evidence of UFOs, I'm always going to be skeptical and question when I hear the phrase UFO. The default will always be an Earthly grounded explanation first, not trying prove it's NOT a UFO, prove that it is. It's up to the person making the claim.

Just from a visual standpoint, the sheer size of the craft would be tremendous not only in length but in girth. Still for more likely to be a top secret military craft even given the that size than an alien craft.

I see now the claim is that it was hovering and being circled by a jet, but my initial knee-jerk visual response, which I typical don't do without researching things first, is that the object is off in my mind. I still believe it to be a model used or an object CC&Pd into the scene.

a reply to: TheGeneral33

What second color photo? As far as I can tell there has only been one original photo/print, found/released, has there not?

I was using the second CGI photo as an example of a better created image of the scene if the original B&W was CGI. Not that it was the actually one of the other photos.
edit on 24-8-2022 by Ectoplasm8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: ConfusedBrit
"Stuart" was very convincing, going into great detail about the Daily Record building and his vivid recollection of all six negatives. An important point is that he believes the current print is missing 70% clarity compared to the negative; it's also slightly cropped; and the original detail indicated (in his mind at least) that the object was a man-made stealth vehicle.
Yes he said it never occurred to him for a moment that it was alien, and that the stealth features were more apparent in the more clear imagery he saw, than the slightly out of focus image we see today. Stuart was apparently interested in UFOs, but he was also interested in real aircraft so he had a balanced perpective, it sounds like.

Stu also said around the 47m mark, he suspects the planes may be Tornados, not Harriers, which would explain why it was claimed there was no record of any Harriers in the area. Could they be Tornadoes and why didn't they check for records of any planes in the area, instead of only checking for Harriers? I suppose we can guess the answer to that, if officials wanted to obfuscate and cast doubt on the story by saying the photo appears to show Harriers but there were no records of Harriers in the area.

originally posted by: Ectoplasm8
I see now the claim is that it was hovering and being circled by a jet, but my initial knee-jerk visual response, which I typical don't do without researching things first, is that the object is off in my mind. I still believe it to be a model used or an object CC&Pd into the scene.
I'm not really sure either way, but the man who examined the negatives (IamStuLittle in this video) seemed convinced it was a real stealth craft and not a model.

The one part of the story that is not backed up in any of the photos was the claim that when the UFO left it accelerated rapidly upward. I am very skeptical of that to the point I think it's an exaggeration in the story they told, perhaps in an effort to make the photos they were trying to sell to the newspaper more valuable. There are some other aspects to the story that don't seem to add up, so again, question everything, even IamStuLittle who is convinced it's a real stealth craft, though he could be right, but he could also be wrong. Even optical physicist Dr Bruce Maccabee made some wrong analyses claiming some hoaxed photos were genuine.

edit on 2022824 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 12:26 AM
Wow. So clear and crisp. I knew they were among us

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur

The one part of the story that is not backed up in any of the photos was the claim that when the UFO left it accelerated rapidly upward. I am very skeptical of that to the point I think it's an exaggeration in the story they told, perhaps in an effort to make the photos they were trying to sell to the newspaper more valuable.

It is hard to believe.
"Accelerated rapidly" is a subjective interpretation anyway- but if accurate in context of "alleged classified US aircraft"- requires the US to have successfully projected the illusion of having a gap in their inventory (low observation stealth VTOL) for over 30 years.

Lots of real time and money (SOFA, SOFTA, Senior Citizen, Future Vertical Lift etc etc) have been thrown in this direction and when it comes to none prepared surfaces and the hovering of expensive manned craft - survivability meant Helos/Rotors always won the argument.

To seriously consider as a potential "black aircraft" you'd have to go down the "NWO spec ops minivan" route to explain the obvious lack of use over the last 30 years.

edit on 26-8-2022 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: Jukiodone

It is intriguing and maybe it was a British prototype being tested that never went any further.

Even so and even if for the most part invisible in use the funding, R&D, testing and simple logistics in housing a craft of that size would normally leave some paper / rumour trail.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 10:42 PM
Sorry for the late reply; been busy...

originally posted by: Arbitrageur
The one part of the story that is not backed up in any of the photos was the claim that when the UFO left it accelerated rapidly upward. I am very skeptical of that to the point I think it's an exaggeration in the story they told, perhaps in an effort to make the photos they were trying to sell to the newspaper more valuable.

It's interesting that even this detail, as well as the witnesses' story as a whole and the photographical evidence, was not enough for Lindsay to believe this tale initially. The vertical take-off may be what cast the greatest doubt in his mind.

Indeed, he thought the whole thing was a hoax only UNTIL the witness described how the object made no sound at all - and at that moment, Lindsay's interest grew to epic proportions as he set the ball rolling...

Doesn't that strike one as being very odd? Are we missing a piece of the puzzle at that point? Why would he put so much faith in THAT aspect alone, compared to the rest of the evidence?

More generally, I feel sure that sooner or later Clarke & Co will locate the photographer, if he's alive! Failing that, finding his friend will be the hardest task since his name was not on the back of the photo - unless he simply comes forward, but then all he can provide is yet another 'story' since I assume he wouldn't have the six pics and negatives.

One last thought: if the 'swift' vertical take-off did indeed occur, and if Black Ops don't cut it as an explanation, and it's not an elaborate kite or dirigible, then... hmmm, perhaps this really is the best UFO pic ever taken. The fly in the ointment of course is that we can never prove the vertical take-off.

However, despite the intervening 32 years, it's still early days for this investigation.

edit on 26-8-2022 by ConfusedBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 05:34 AM
Some of you have put some great thought into this, trying to piece the puzzle together!
And a lot of very valid questions too.

As for myself, I'm still leaning on it being a Stealth Aircraft of some sort, with an earthly explanation.
But that's just my opinion.

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: Macenroe82

Agreed, if you squint your eyes slightly, you can almost see faceted paneling on the object/ufo, a trademark of early stealth technology, check out the have blue, early stealth aircraft demonstrater that obviously gave birth to the f-117 nighthawk. So I too think we are looking at something very secret, and very compartmentalized. Also judging by the reaction of the raf/mod staff member, that took down the poster size version of the photo, from a mod office wall (as in nick pope's account) would suggest it was some sort of prototype that was top secret. The only question I have is regarding the hovering and instantaneous vertical take off, (if the witnesses account is truthful and correct) as this would seem beyond our capabilities upto this point in time. Even with the harrier jump jet or the much more advanced f-35 lighting 2, they only hover/ascend at a very slow speed for safety and stability reasons I guess, so we are talking about something that has not been disclosed publicly. Like I mentioned before, a well known member over on the aircraft projects forum has alluded to being told that maybe the USAF had a form of technology that was not anti gravitic in nature, but could mimic its characteristics.... The photographer may hold some answers, but I doubt the information we seek will be forthcoming anytime soon, but I hope I'm wrong

posted on Aug, 28 2022 @ 07:18 AM

originally posted by: easynow
Wow Fascinating photo ... thanks for posting !

The shape of the UFO, is similar to the 1980 Cash-Landrum object ?

I was thinking the same thing.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: ConfusedBrit
Dont forget the RAF Boscombe Down incident in 94 involving a still unidentified US plane which resulted in an unprecedented blackout and security by UK special forces.
There was definitely some cooperation between the MOD and USAF regarding top secret aircraft and at the time, the base was under control of DERA (Defence Evaluation and Research Agency).
Coincidence ?

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: devilhunter69

Yes, off topic really as this is a separate incident, but like I mentioned earlier in this thread, my ex brother in law was on base at boscome at the time of the alleged aircraft's malfunction. He was a RAF mechanic at the time and I was in the army throughout the 1990's, and I was involved in some aspects of military intelligence too, so whatever he may of discussed with me at the time I would not be talking about it now, apart from things that are already in the public domain. he didn't witness the event, but was told that, the incident happened, the aircraft had a "pointy" appearance with twin inward pointing tailfins (like the have blue prototype) and that they tried to cover it with a tarpaulin, so make of that what you will. I personally think the calvine object/ufo is something different to the boscome bird, as the calvine one is bigger.

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