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How did we go from that to this in 70 years?

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+4 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 12:50 AM
I put this in Social Issues because it speaks volumes to what we've come to.

This first clip is from about 1951. June Carter and the Carter Family gals are preforming, then there's a square dance.

Then here we are seventy years later, and this is what they are passing off as entertainment today:

That literally made me want to vomit.

The more I know, the more I see, the more I think that we collectiely deserve whatever is coming.

ETA: For the record, I think that June is a helluva lot more attractive than those two thots in the second video.
edit on 2022 7 30 by incoserv because: ETA.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:00 AM
They really are 2 different genres. And they still are.

You also had Elvis the Pelvis in mid 1950 era.

edit on 30-7-2022 by Annee because: (no reason given)

+10 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: incoserv
All perversions are to be celebrated and embraced nowadays,being normal is frowned upon.
Hopefully it has the opposite effect with rebellious teenagers and they be normal.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: incoserv


Elvis faced accusations of pornographic negro devil rock and roll.

Maybe those early accusations were correct?
Tom Parker may have been the devil.

+11 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:05 AM

originally posted by: Annee
They really are 2 different genres. And they still are.

You also had Elvis the Pelvis in 1951.

No, there's a lot more going on there than "two different genres."

Seriously, look at it.

First video, whether you like the style or not, has people with actual talent wearing actual clothes and doing things that their mamas wouldn't be ahamed of.

Second video ... If I have to explain it ... never mind.

+9 more 
posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:06 AM
a reply to: Annee

Elvis the pelvis is a far cry from Elvis the pervert.
We know the liberal game,no hiding it anymore - normalise perversions,leading to sexualisation of children with the end game being the final taboo,peados interfering with kids out and proud.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:07 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
a reply to: incoserv


Elvis faced accusations of pornographic negro devil rock and roll.

Maybe those early accusations were correct?
Tom Parker may have been the devil.

It was a long and slippery slope. Hell, ol' Hank wasn't a paragon of morality and everybody knew it, but his preformance was clean and the man actually had talent. He never would have had to flash his wiener in public to get people's attention.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: incoserv

There's a song from the 1930s called "Shave 'Em Dry".

I'm not even gonna put a link to it.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:08 AM

originally posted by: glen200376
a reply to: Annee

Elvis the pelvis is a far cry from Elvis the pervert.
We know the liberal game,no hiding it anymore - normalise perversions,leading to sexualisation of children with the end game being the final taboo,peados interfering with kids out and proud.

Yean, even Elvis was a far cry from Cardi B and Megan thee stallion. But maybe the old folks were on to something.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:12 AM

originally posted by: glen200376
a reply to: Annee

Elvis the pelvis is a far cry from Elvis the pervert.
We know the liberal game,no hiding it anymore - normalise perversions,leading to sexualisation of children with the end game being the final taboo,peados interfering with kids out and proud.

"Where does your brain go?"

Sounds like a song title.

edit on 30-7-2022 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: glen200376
a reply to: Annee

Elvis the pelvis is a far cry from Elvis the pervert.
We know the liberal game,no hiding it anymore - normalise perversions,leading to sexualisation of children with the end game being the final taboo,peados interfering with kids out and proud.

Yean, even Elvis was a far cry from Cardi B and Megan thee stallion. But maybe the old folks were on to something.

Well, I got to watch (listen) to it all evolve firsthand.

Those days when you hid everything behind locked doors.

There's a trade-off.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: incoserv

There's a song from the 1930s called "Shave 'Em Dry".

I'm not even gonna put a link to it.

Oh, there's always been an ugly underbelly to humanity. There has always been bawdy songs and bawdy humor. The Canterbury Tales was wirtten over 600 years ago. There were speakeasies and such back then. But even Lucille Bogan would have kept her clothes on back in the 1930s if there'd been television. Hell, she wouldn't have performed that on television, even with her clothes on.

There's another observation I could make relating Lucille Bogan and Cardi B, but I'll refrain.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:16 AM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: incoserv

There's a song from the 1930s called "Shave 'Em Dry".

I'm not even gonna put a link to it.

Oh, there's always been an ugly underbelly to humanity. There has always been bawdy songs and bawdy humor. The Canterbury Tales was wirtten over 600 years ago. There were speakeasies and such back then. But even Lucille Bogan would have kept her clothes on back in the 1930s if there'd been television. Hell, she wouldn't have performed that on television, even with her clothes on.

There's another observation I could make relating Lucille Bogan and Cardi B, but I'll refrain.

People can go naked on TV now in America?

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:18 AM
You know, the saddest thing about women like Lucille Bogan and those two thots is the total lack of self-respect and self-esteem that they have.

I stumbled on a YouTube channel a few years back where women would tell about embarrasing sexual encounters they had. I watched a couple out of morbid curiostiy, kind of like looking at a bad wreck on the highway. I remember on woman talking about how she banged a guy in somebody's garden shed while she was drunk.

I don't remember the name of the channel, but I recommened that they change it to "Women with no sense of self-worth."

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:19 AM

originally posted by: Annee

People can go naked on TV now in America?

IMO, that WAP video is worse than going naked.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: Annee

People can go naked on TV now in America?

IMO, that WAP video is worse than going naked.

Honestly, I'm not a fan of "shock and awe".

But, being a child of the 50s -- still a time of forced gender roles -- and hiding any undesirables in the house -- the revolution to break free was needed.

edit on 30-7-2022 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:36 AM
I am a 42 year old musician, guru at multiple instruments, and while I acknowledge that Cardi-B and her lot have zero talent, I very much enjoy the videos on mute.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: incoserv

It was a long and slippery slope. Hell, ol' Hank wasn't a paragon of morality and everybody knew it, but his preformance was clean and the man actually had talent. He never would have had to flash his wiener in public to get people's attention.

Hank Snow my Pop was a huge fan.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 03:25 AM
and i bet it means nothing whatsoever that the OP referred to the women in the second video as "thots",
doesn't speak to the inherent assumptions and values at play here in any way whatsoever.

like seriously, "we should go back to the old ways when everyone was polite" and then immediately drops a cutting edge derogatory term for women. can't make it up.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 04:15 AM
Don’t like it don’t listen to it or watch it or whatever. Literally a non-issue.

I personally hate the song. I won’t actually say what I think of the video though…

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