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A trap for the intellect

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posted on Aug, 6 2022 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

The seven is also mentioned many times in revelation. I feel it represents energy/emotion centre's in consciousness that is also symbolized in the east by the seven chakra's. These temples are said to be controlled by gods/angels in themselves. But my knowledge of them is limited to say the least. Yes, I too instantly felt she was talking about another plane of existence when she said the Gods were also on the pilgrimage. She obviously didn't feel comfortable elaborating as she realizes it sounds too far-fetched to those fully immersed in the materialistic. So gave the interviewer a little teaser to test those waters.

There is a tibetan woman called Khadro-la. She is the state oracle for the Dali-lama. She also has her feet in many worlds but can also visualizes each persons ethereal image manifest itself in this material world. When she first saw the Dali-Lama she saw him with many sets of arms etc. So I suspect your abilities are a sign of greater spiritual awareness. Your consciousness is not limited to your local consciousness.

If you cannot already do so. If you lower the noise level of your local consciousness. The far more subtle thoughts of others will become your own thoughts. That feels like they are of a different color so you can differentiate. This was perhaps the normal means of communication between souls before we became too materialistic.

posted on Aug, 6 2022 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Thought makes believe there is a someone that can accept or not accept what there actually is.

I quite like having a sense of being me, I like having a sense of having a past and a future. Sitting around a fire drinking and sharing stories is fun.

I like being here as a human doing ordinary things like gardening, getting annoyed at the neighbor and all that stuff. Even feeling fear for someone's well being sets things into motion, a very human trait. The fairies and deceased come and visit bringing their problems for working out. Interesting that these 'spirits' don't go to the churches, ashrams and theosophical society for help . . .

Humans can do so much already as ordinary living humans, if they would just stop fighting and work together. The ascended masters and saints on the other hand are what one would call in the polite PC fashion; physically challenged. They are useless in this "lower" world of the living, and they need the us more than we need them.

That is because they have lost their sense of self.

(Nobody special ends rant with a few choice words and a vigorous shaking of the fist at the heavens ; )

edit on 6-8-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: clarity

posted on Aug, 6 2022 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: glend

Yeah, Omm Sety was testing the reporter, I noticed that too. So much the lady must know that doesn't sit well with the "experts". I ordered her book by the way 'Omm Sety's Abydos'. The gods on pilgramage - one can think of it as an overlay on the physical.

Those guys with many arms seem to be portrayed often in the East. Someone once lent me a Vedic burner complete with dried cow dung. The idea was to ritually burn the manure at sunrise and sunset. Hinduism is not my thing, and I accepted out of politeness. It sat on my front verands for a time. Then I noticed a little blue fella with many arms sitting on my veranda railing. He was annoyed I was ignoring his burner.

We got talking and he described how he works on the atomic level to fertilise gardens with the burnt cow dung. He also described how they manefest in the smoke of cow dung. He was sad that the practice is being neglected in India. Without the smoke the Hindu will loose something important.

Fast forward a few years to a few weeks ago. I had discovered the local kids are jumping the fense to pick fruit from my small organic orchard. I live in a small rural town. So I thought I would plant goose berries and other interesting fruit. Clean up, and revitalise the fruit trees, got the compost going and ordered bio-dynamic preparations. That is when the little blue fella showed up again.

We talked again and he wants to help.

So with the Vedic prayers and rituals put aside, I brought him a Mexican burner with a chimney.

We will use that to burn his cow dung for him.

There is a lot of practical considerations to work out yet. The point of the matter is we don't need the vedic rituals to work together . . .

Your consciousness is not limited to your local consciousness.

I think it important to maintain a strong sense of self, the sense of being me, so one does not get overwhelmed.

If you cannot already do so. If you lower the noise level of your local consciousness. The far more subtle thoughts of others will become your own thoughts. That feels like they are of a different color so you can differentiate. This was perhaps the normal means of communication between souls before we became too materialistic.

You may be right there glend - the older method of communication. Now everything is "oneness".

I find what you say to be so, the thoughts of others becomming one's own. But I reckon that is because people can't tell the thoughts of others from our own. We just assume. Emotions too are not always are own. Most people have the empathy to do this. Like when the wife is cranky, husbands can sense it.

I often wonder why I get anxious or feel a fear I can't find a cause for. Often enough it is the feelings of someone else like a spirit or deceased kid. Once I track the origin of a thought or feeling, it is then a matter of fixing the problem for them.

In a practical sense, I reckon we need to know ourselves as separate from everything else, otherwise it is all just a blur.

edit on 6-8-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Aug, 7 2022 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Hope that book is good.

That little blue fella is Vishnu. Thinking your friend that lent you that Vedic burner prayed near it to Vishnu which energized the burner with positive energy.

In a practical sense, I reckon we need to know ourselves as separate from everything else, otherwise it is all just a blur.

Most of us associate our identity of self with our memories. But when access to those memories are lost, as in case of Alzheimer's, our identity of self still remains ...

"Recent research has challenged the previously held view that people with Alzheimer's disease (AD) lack a sense of self, with several studies demonstrating that the sense of self is partially preserved, even in late stages of AD."

That sense of self is what some religions term as "I AM". That "I AM" is said to exist prior to consciousness. So even if our consciousness expands the identity of self always remains. Even when that expansion of consciousness takes the form of little blue fella's!

edit on 7-8-2022 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2022 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: glend

Hope that book is good.

I actually ordered two. Omm Sety's Abydos, and Omm Sety's Egypt. The first is written by the lady herself. The second is written by someone else. I'll read her words before the other.

Usually I don't read books because things step out of them. I read the first chapter of the Skinwalker book, just the first chapter about the bullet proof wolf. Had them prowling the house a week or two later.

So I'll see what steps out of Omm Sety's words.

That little blue fella is Vishnu. Thinking your friend that lent you that Vedic burner prayed near it to Vishnu which energized the burner with positive energy.

A bit short to be Vishnu : ) no reason for someone like him to visit a nobody who lives in Australia. But yeah, one of those blue guys with the arms.

The lady who lent me the burner probably did the ritual according to the book which probably included Vishnu somewhere. She was with a new age crowd who ran a health retreat on a farm. Permaculture and all that stuff.

Most of us associate our identity of self with our memories. But when access to those memories are lost, as in case of Alzheimer's, our identity of self still remains ...

"Recent research has challenged the previously held view that people with Alzheimer's disease (AD) lack a sense of self, with several studies demonstrating that the sense of self is partially preserved, even in late stages of AD."

I spose it would remain, even if one lost all memory, the 'I am here.'

I worked out parsley root tea for an elderly lady once for the Alzheimer's. Never heard back from her though. Musta forgot about me ; )

That sense of self is what some religions term as "I AM". That "I AM" is said to exist prior to consciousness. So even if our consciousness expands the identity of self always remains.

Is that what it means. Like in a "soul" or a "god" ?

Even when that expansion of consciousness takes the form of little blue fella's!

Nope, not my "expansion of consciousness", he isn't me nor an aspect of me : )

The burner was a double pyramid in brass about 18 inches tall and used. The little fella didn't stray far from it. When he talks he uses "we" to refer to his kind, and he is homeless. I guess the elderly lady no longer uses the burner. One is supposed to do the ritual at dawn and dusk from the little I have heard. You'd have to be keen to do that twice a day, every day.

edit on 8-8-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: clarity and neatness

posted on Aug, 8 2022 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Extremely well made point.

I'm reminded of the Buddha's story who to sum it up had the life of Riley and really struggled with the fact existence isn't the same for others.

Most of us cannot find nothingness, trauma is the hardest to forget and it affects us physically and chemically. I have nothing but love and respect for the Eastern schools of thinking and at the risk of sounding truly ignorant Hinduism/Buddhism is a place I've tried to find peace... I think I'm trying to understand Itisnowagain.

Bad experience or misery is the defining thing that erodes the wonder in interacting with a new world. I struggle with the accepting ideal and on a personal level I've felt the useless endeavour of it. Maybe I was trying things wrong but I did find comfort? Feels to me that down that path I'd find myself living in a cave alone writing God is nowhere on the wall or something

I definitely find more comfort in seeing naivety in play and the youth do that best! Growing up too fast is a sad fact for too many. It's a weird one though, seems to me the ones that retained happiness and life best had little to nothing at all in my experience, some of them had the worst lives imaginable. Damned If I know what the key is though.

The "spiritual aspirant" is looking for something to distract him from the misery.

Giving that sparkle has provided the best distraction from the misery for me, selfish maybe? I never really found 'peace' elsewhere or alone... But if oneness dictates that we're never alone?

Thing is I don't feel that oneness with my dog who gets super excited every time I cook steak. All because he knows he gets a good portion too, in fact I'm slightly jealous of him especially the way he sprawls out like something out of a Roman fresco.
I get more out of that than any church, art, music or meditation technique.

Probably didn't spiritual hard enough.
loving this thread btw... Back to lurking!

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: RAY1990
Did you listen to the last video I posted on this thread?
I highly recommend listening to John Astin...or Peter Brown (both are in the videos I have posted on here).

edit on 9-8-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

I did but as I extremely poorly explained it's a headspace and level of acceptance I can't achieve.

If what is simply is then why can I change it?

I think/assume (bad choice of words I know) that I'm an active part of the equation and free will comes into it but maybe it doesn't and I'm not changing anything. But that's about as far as my nature and the wiring allows me to go unfortunately.

My want to see a ferret's war dance for instance does seem inherent but I don't share it with the ant so for me there's hiccups that's probably my own, possibly based on misunderstanding.

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

Extremely well made point.

I have those "moments" : )

I'm reminded of the Buddha's story who to sum it up had the life of Riley and really struggled with the fact existence isn't the same for others.

I read somewhere that Budhah had two wives. ; )

Most of us cannot find nothingness, trauma is the hardest to forget and it affects us physically and chemically. I have nothing but love and respect for the Eastern schools of thinking and at the risk of sounding truly ignorant Hinduism/Buddhism is a place I've tried to find peace... I think I'm trying to understand Itisnowagain.

If I may suggest, there is an approach that may help. What one is trying to do is bypass the intellect to experience a state of mind. What we want is to get it.

To 'get it' is to bypass the intellect and understand in a way that goes beyond words. To experience something for ourselves.

An analogy, and no disrespect meant here, is to tell a joke. The listener 'gets it'. If we explain the joke, all humour is lost.

That is what I mean by 'get it'.

So if I may suggest, for now ignore the philosophy and sanskrit technical terms and just do the exercise. They are simple enough to follow the video instruction a few times, and then practice when you can. For me, I got it for a few moments, and then went back to my normal consciousness. Do the exercise again later. When you get the knack of shifting back and forwards, well your there. Personally I don't see why one would want to stay there all the time.

There is a difference between 'understanding' and getting it.

Bad experience or misery is the defining thing that erodes the wonder in interacting with a new world. I struggle with the accepting ideal and on a personal level I've felt the useless endeavour of it. Maybe I was trying things wrong but I did find comfort? Feels to me that down that path I'd find myself living in a cave alone writing God is nowhere on the wall or something

I definitely find more comfort in seeing naivety in play and the youth do that best! Growing up too fast is a sad fact for too many. It's a weird one though, seems to me the ones that retained happiness and life best had little to nothing at all in my experience, some of them had the worst lives imaginable. Damned If I know what the key is though.

I have a concept that works in practice. A simple home grown one. Happiness is the default state of being alive. Children are happy to be alive. However, we live in a mortal world, people get hurt and die, disappointment and all the rest. In the child I have found that misery will accumulate, and after a time the sparkle will disappear from the eyes of a child.

Basically, happiness does not manefest in the presence of misery.

If we are miserable, we hope for a better future and live in that thought. Hopium I think is what they call it here on ATS. We live in the future and not the now. Conversely, if we are miserable, we remember better times and live in those thoughts. We live in the past and not the now.

That said, in this world we have to think of the future and plan. The wife's birthday, planning for kids future and so on. We also have memories of the past and those memories are important to us.

Practice those three techniques in the three videos Itisnowagain posted. See if you can 'get' them. For me they were subtle in the experiencing.

'Oneness' - I can put something together on a generic exercise one can use for children, dogs, cats and so on. I worked it out healing kids when the light goes out of their eyes because of misery. It is based on a memory nearly everybody has.

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: RAY1990
Nothing can change what is actually appearing.

What is appearing as presence, already is the case.

If there's nothing other than here and now then what needs to change?
There's nothing separate that can change what is.

edit on 9-8-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-8-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 07:34 AM
Here is another 'technique' to try.

edit on 9-8-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 08:20 AM
Just a thought on the "movie scenario" of mind/perception.

Sure, one can say what we see with our eyes is just an upside down image made of light. Our brain uses imagination to create the movie in our mind based on light.

The fact of the matter is the image we see has the world around us as it's basis.

The 'movie' on the retina of our eyes has real people, real trees, real cars, real trucks as it's basis. That "imagined" truck can kill us.

Maybe I'm missin' somethin' . . .
edit on 9-8-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: added last line

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I read somewhere that Budhah had two wives. ; )

I couldn't keep up with one atm ha! Harmony is needed in larger families. Well, all of them probably.

An analogy, and no disrespect meant here, is to tell a joke. The listener 'gets it'. If we explain the joke, all humour is lost.

That is what I mean by 'get it'.

I understand, I'll rewatch the videos and might even tap into my older ways to somewhat revisit this stuff because I know I've been "there" in certain frames of mind... As daft as that sounds but not a conversation for ATS unfortunately!

Practice those three techniques in the three videos Itisnowagain posted. See if you can 'get' them. For me they were subtle in the experiencing.

'Oneness' - I can put something together on a generic exercise one can use for children, dogs, cats and so on. I worked it out healing kids when the light goes out of their eyes because of misery. It is based on a memory nearly everybody has.

I will. I'd be interested in hearing it, I've been doing some thought experimenting tapping into my memories of being a kid, my hopes and dreams etc. I'm rare in that I have memories before 3-4 year old and I know we have an idea of self and the future pretty darn young.

My thoughts on misery and suffering pretty much align with yours too, I guess what really matters is what works for the individual, enabling them to do the best with what they have. Not becoming jaded too easily.

Yeah, I've got brain chemistry imbalances (could just be insomnia lol) that's made dwelling or wishing in terms of time a rather destructive endeavour for me so I fully understand this :

If we are miserable, we hope for a better future and live in that thought. Hopium I think is what they call it here on ATS. We live in the future and not the now. Conversely, if we are miserable, we remember better times and live in those thoughts. We live in the past and not the now.

I'm still learning logic and realistic expectations... But there's definitely time for other stuff too. Because again I'm reminded of the happiness I've seen in a tramp's eyes once and I've always wondered how he got there... I know I'm being told too lol.

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Not too indifferent from thought techniques they teach people with debilitating thought patterns tbh.

If the brain is too stricken or focused on negativity the technique is to apparently accept and let the wave metaphorically wash over you as many metaphorically see it. Just drawing a comparison on something I drew insight on... Had insight on.

To understand I think I may need to cut some noise pollution?

To add:
Obviously a lot more to the accepting of brain chemistry and thought processes, negative thoughts are only an issue if they're debilitating but the key to beating them isn't erasing them. It's accepting they're a consequence of chemicals and that it'll pass, worrying and reinforcing the process just strengthens the pathways in the brain ultimately.
edit on 9-8-2022 by RAY1990 because: Try to expand

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: RAY1990
This talk has apparent listeners asking questions and recieving answers...

@ around 38.00 childlike innocence is spoken about.

What occurs when wording stops?
When the narrative of 'me and my life' ceases.....'your' world of past and future disappears.

It's the death of an illusion.

edit on 9-8-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Ok, I'll give it a listen before bed tonight

Already here...

Just had a dumbass moment from my younger days, I used to find 4-leaf and upwards clovers for fun, not looking for them or anything we just found each other... I learned to stop picking them but I used to attempt to ascribe something to it or figure it out so to speak.

I've mentioned it over the years here incidentally, sorry probably should've replied to the earlier post with the vid.

posted on Aug, 11 2022 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: RAY1990
Here is another Peter Brown compilation from Alan Neachell channel on yt.

If you click on the circle top left of the video image, it will take you to Alan Neachells channel, where you can find other speakers pointing to the unspeakable.

edit on 11-8-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2022 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

still trying to find the time for the last one and this new one... Spent a couple hours writing a post I never posted here last night about the earlier videos too...

Just felt short of what I wanted to convey and I must have wrote it 15 times lol but anyways yes I do understand the concepts in the earlier videos. Knowing without knowing or rather akin to having someone explain a colour to you. The colour isn't new but the way of describing it might be, It's not like an invisible spectrum just revealed itself to you.

I guess similar to me thinking I'm wholly unqualified to participate in this thread, even if I was born yesterday I'd be equally qualified essentially right?
*Nods at the Theologians

I know, chill out buddy... You're over thinking it.

posted on Aug, 11 2022 @ 09:57 AM
Who's to say that the universe is even real. There is a long history of this line of thought. The ancient religions state that our world is an illusion created by gods for their entertainment or to test us, the modern theories of the Matrix say basically the same thing. Plato and his cave expirement is a great example. Then modern science says that everything is information. Art, computer simulation, illusions, etc, all information.

posted on Aug, 11 2022 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: SQLinject

Testing and experimenting.

It's all we can do, it's what we're doing here really and what the religious folk and scholars of the past did... What Itisnowagain has been slapping into me (sorry) is that the ability to even question, perceive and toy with reality is the fundamental point of existence/life/reality anyways.

The illusion is as real as any reality. What's the alternative? Because I can't think of it

I don't think we can think our way out of the box per say, it's fun to try. Sometimes we see a different angle as we go around the merry go round too. Not necessarily the same throughout history but the logic is circular and the line of thinking often goes the same way doesn't it?


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