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A trap for the intellect

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posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: Nothin

Yeah, it is fun to try out new perspectives, sometimes it can make a difference. Just adding two dimensions changes things. "Egregores" (for want of a better word) become 'things' in a larger world of similar 'things'. I like the in between the 'things', so many Beings there. Generally those Beings not allowed in the 'things'.

Whether we see it as an art of relative-positioning, or any other way : agree that we often have the ability, and/or means, to shift our perceptions, and view situations differently.

There are multiple ways, to escape from traps.
But there are many tricky traps, in all manner of disguises...

Yup, I have been caught in more than my fair share : (

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: whereislogic

Don't believe in pantheism. That's not that hard is it?

That is so. Yet still, belief and non-belief are based on not knowing either way. One might say a state of ignorence.

For example I don't believe nor disbelive in fairies. Simply because I know they exist. A wood-nymph took up residence in my garden until I could find her sisters for her. Three months or so they were here. So I know they exist. I am well aware unless one meets them for oneself, my story is just an anecdote.

Now the churchman in the next town may disbelieve in fairies, but that doesn't make a scrap of difference to the existence of wood-nymphs.

Once one knows something exists one cannot exercise either belief nor disbelief.

Cardinal Newman sounds like a cloistered man sitting inside his neatly arranged church.

the cardinal admits that these “are all of pagan origin, and sanctified by their adoption into the Church.”

"sanctified by their adoption into the church" suggests a boundary to me; that which is sanctified and that which is not. That which is the church and that which is not. Inside outside thinking.

Talking about traps, according to the Bible, false religion is the trap ("a snare"):

Which is not the false religion?

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 05:04 AM
a reply to: Terpene

For how the other worlds work, if you can imagine it to the point of having faith, that this is how it actually works , then this is how it will work.

What you say there Terpene reminds me of the interactive shared dreamscapes. Let us say it is based on a book read by all the dreamers, that book becomes the infrastructure of the dream.

One time I watched Persephone watching CERN. CERN looked like a pointy ended blue coccoon - CERN's "egregore".

I still don't know if quantum physics theory is peculiar to CERN's egregore, their shared dreamscape. The smile on Persephone's countenance was that of a mother who's child had graduated from scribble and drawn their first stick figure.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

You're not wrong, create your own egregore and you can enter an exit others without being subjugated to their workings.
I'm not sure what CERN in general is up to, the LHC is what repeatedly attracts my attention. I don't like the topology around it.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: Terpene

You're not wrong, create your own egregore and you can enter an exit others without being subjugated to their workings.

Sound like a Tulpa type thingamabob.

As to the LHC well that's the world's most powerful particle accelerator and a great big science experiment that allows physicists to test their predictions of different theories where particle physics is concerned far as im aware.
edit on 1-8-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

It probably is a tulpa thingamabob.... Many names same underlying concept I guess...

Fast rotating stuff, like really really fast has been at the core of many theoretical propulsion systems and other woo...

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: Terpene

A magnetohydrodynamic drive?

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: Terpene

You're not wrong, create your own egregore and you can enter an exit others without being subjugated to their workings.

Don't disregard the idea that you may be seen as an intruder, and dealt with accordingly. Better to stay away from those things.

Unless one likes the place. Plenty of people like their havens. Nothin' wrong with that.

I'm not sure what CERN in general is up to, the LHC is what repeatedly attracts my attention. I don't like the topology around it.

Like andy06shake says, a big experiment. I used to wonder about the place until I saw Mrs Hades there. I stay away now because one time I was watching and thought about something I read in the UFO forum. "People should bring back some proof, something we don't know" someone said.

That's when I realised ol' Hades was behind me watching me watch his wife and CERN. He said "They (CERN) will try to prove the non-existance of time".

I have a soft spot for Hades and Persephone, they let me use the Fields of Flowers for healing deceased kids.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Don't disregard the idea that you may be seen as an intruder, and dealt with accordingly. Better to stay away from those things.

I absolutely don't disregard it, I'm very aware of how much they hate it when you show the lower cast that there is a world outside their spiritual gated communities, I just don't like to go off fear mongering.
I admit, I love the looks when they realize that their working model does not work on mine, they know by now that this will end in the highest echelons and things don't pan out how they hoped. There is no highest authority If you appeal against their judgment... Few know, and they'd rather keep it that way...

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

A singular god came first?

My view on god is, if you cant create a planet, solar system, galaxy, then, you are no god. Though that particular "god" secret society did create a planet like structure, its only a cheap knock off of what a real planet is. You can see the thought train in its construction, just as can be seen in a real planet(Or what we comprehend as real).

The concept of god is one of creator, it is a construct to explain the un explainable. In my view our reality is two fold, physical and spiritual. The creator gods manipulate our physical reality, the Divine Creator made it possible.

Obviously, the universe came first, and who ever is responsible for that, would be the Divine Creator. Nothing else could have existed without that coming first, in our fabricated reality. To me, the universe is a thought process put into motion, a very long time ago. Each galaxy has its own unique orientation, beginning. There is no galaxy factory spitting out galaxy's, they must "Inspire" in place. "Something from nothing". It is a sealed entrance, for a reason. And, we will never find that reason in the physical reality. Kind of a trap in itself.

People mistakenly judge peoples intellectual abilities by speed, or the IQ test. This is fine and dandy for route-en life. But, there is no test for the most important aspect of thinking, logic. Throw a question at someone and they will respond in a timely manner, and the quickest to answer is the winner of the IQ test. But if you want the correct answer, the information of the question must be annualized, interrogated for truthfulness, correctness. This, takes time.

Our gray matter is actually a computer, a bio based translator. It allows us to navigate this reality, as it is programed to do. Feed bad information into it, and you will get the programed response the programmer wishes. Program the correct information in, and all hell will break loose lol.

Much of our programing comes from the Bible, Quran, and ancient Greek writings. But recently more ancient writings have been discovered that reveal a far more detailed history, and far older. All of the programing we have received to this point must now be re-evaluated for truthfulness and correctness. Of course, those "Secret Societies" could assist us in this task. The one Society might, while the other absolutely would not. (There is more in this train of thought, and Ill leave that here) (Disclosure is going to be a hoot)

(There is a possibility we are sitting in a classroom learning some very difficult lessons that can not be taught any other way, spiritually. I cant put limits on technology I have no knowledge of.)

In those biblical writings we are programed with what appears to be two basic trains of thought, the physical creator gods, and, the Divine Creator. I'm guessing, its up to the individual, which to follow.

So to answer you, no, no singular god. A Divine Creator. The Creator gods can manipulate the spirit, soul, but can not create one..

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268

Once one knows something exists one cannot exercise either belief nor disbelief.

What exactly is existence?

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Sommething from nothing, is something i can't warp my head around with good faith.

I read a very entertaining/excellent book a long time ago on precisely this - that everything, including the gods and the angels, was created from nothing - or, as it is called in the book, chaos.

To Reign In Hell, by Steven Brust.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: 19Bones79
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Religion is a blankie

Usually, but doesn't have to be...

I like to engage in these kinds of discussions from a more philosophical standpoint.

Personally... I was raised Christian/Episcopalian, but now consider myself spiritual, in that I do think that there is some kind of after life, but I'm not presumptuous enough to declare that I know exactly what it is or will be like.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: TOOLPART
a reply to: Terpene
Leave a nail out in the rain and see what happens.

It gets wet. What your point is I have no idea though.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268

To my own way of thinking the heaven of the Catholic is not the same heaven as the Hindu, nor the same heaven as the Theosophists for that matter.

Always the starting point, a trap for the mind I shall suggest; "god is everything".

Can you escape from that thought?

To step outside so to speak?

Your way of thinking is wrong. Theosophists have no heaven of their own because Theosophy is not a religion. Nor do it fight with other religions over who is right. Instead, it is the "perennial philosophy" that is the basis of ALL religions. It teaches that "heaven" is the same in both Christianity and Hinduism. In the latter, however, the concept is far more refined and differentiated (there are several heavens) because Christianity has little understanding of the higher planes of consciousness, of which there are six (six centred on the Solar system and six galactic), with each divided into seven levels, making in all 84 superphysical levels beyond the physical universe (space-time). They are what Genesis refers to as the six "Days of Creation."

Why should anyone want to escape from what is a tautology, namely, "God is everything"? It would be illogical to try. Your question contradicts itself and is therefore meaningless.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

If you believe that death is just a door to another reality then the act of being dead is rendered pointless.

Your belief has conquered death and bestows immortality upon the believer.

Is that not a blankie?

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

if you cant create a planet, solar system, galaxy, then, you are no god. Though that particular "god" secret society did create a planet like structure, its only a cheap knock off of what a real planet is. You can see the thought train in its construction, just as can be seen in a real planet(Or what we comprehend as real).

The moon?

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: Annee

What exactly is existence?

Geez, what a question. I can't really define "existence" as a metaphysical definition, or something that comes complete with etymology.

I'll try to explain though.

Existing is when a desire obtains geometry of it's own. It then has existence. Now that doesn't actually say anything.

So, to understand "existence" I'll have to use an event in my life.

A short anecdote as an introduction to existence:

When my mother passed on in old age, it was two days later I saw her again. She was sitting up in an afterlife bed, and looked all of sixteen years. A few special deceased people from life beside her. I stood a short distance from the bottom of the bed. She did not recognise me, though the look on her face said she thought she should.

The explanation here is she had a desire that brought her to this world. That desire was to be a soloist in the ballet. She achieved that at sixteen. I was born a few years later. Memories return in order of emotional importance.

She existed in this world. The bhuddists say this is the desire world. The ticket to here is a desire.

edit on 2-8-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268
"Peter Brown............. An experiential investigation"

Here is Peter Brown's website.....

edit on 2-8-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 06:54 AM

Your way of thinking is wrong. Theosophists have no heaven of their own

Well "yes", you are probably correct in what you say.

However, the point of the OP was to introduce a simple concept, so I used simple terms that anyone would understand.

Fo example I used the term "god is everything", rather than Pantheism as was suggested earlier in this thread. I had to look the word up myself.

Actually I threw the word 'theosophists' in to widen the examples of 'catholic' and 'Hindu'. I could have also used 'corporation' and 'nation' but wanted to keep things focused.

Nor do it fight with other religions over who is right. Instead, it is the "perennial philosophy" that is the basis of ALL religions. It teaches that "heaven" is the same in both Christianity and Hinduism. In the latter, however, the concept is far more refined and differentiated (there are several heavens) because Christianity has little understanding of the higher planes of consciousness, of which there are six (six centred on the Solar system and six galactic), with each divided into seven levels, making in all 84 superphysical levels beyond the physical universe (space-time). They are what Genesis refers to as the six "Days of Creation."

You have me at a disadvantage as you used the terms teaches and "perennial philosophy". I have nothing to draw upon except my own personal experience. I have no experience of the 84 superphysical "levels" beyond the physical.

Though I can say that there are infra worlds too, and underworlds. My favorite is an underworld within the Earth. Nothing grows there any more as far as I can tell. There are tall transparent and glassy mountains in the distance coloured with a dusting of sulfur yellow. Plains and a river and a lake. The lake is full of the remains of dead people and the water is black.

If one lays down and looks at the black sky one sees yellow lines in a grid pattern. Pushing down to create a wire basket effect is a catholic hell below a church, the cause of the destruction.

So why is this my favourite place? Well that is because there is absolute silence there and I can't hear the cacophoney of human thought. A respite.

The churchmen above are the authors of the hell. That hell is certainly not a mixed religious affair.

Interestingly, the churches have boundaries around them. There is an inside to the church and also an outside. The theosophical lodge in Perth near Hyde Park has a boundary that extends to the front gate. The boundaries are normally intangiable, yet if one is listening with the body one notices the crossing.

Boundaries and five dimensional objects go together. Length X width X height X inside X outside - a simple thing. The church has five dimansions and so did the Perth Theosophical lodge. So do humans have boundaries and are in 5D. Add motion (walking) and there is a sixth. Heck, a cardboard box is 5D - think outside the box ; )

Here is the catholic church as I see it:

Appologies for my poor graphic skills. For the sight impaired the image shows a large yellow ovoid sphere. Four smaller ones are linked to the larger. The smaller spheres have what may be refered to as black tentacles in the lower portion.

The larger ovoid is not connected to the Earth, yet connects through the smaller ones which sit in the landscape. There are quite a few smaller ovoids, one at the vatican, yet most have settled in France. The smaller ones can be tens of kilometers wide.

The black tentacles are the conflict and corruption of the church in society and the landscape. The inquisitions and similar horrors for example.

Within the ovoids is all the philosophical architecture of the church. Along with deceased churchman. I stay away from the church becaue I have fae for friends. Yet I can appreciate the structure of the church from outside.

The principal of the container and the contained.

These things, "egregores" if one wishes are here and there in the ordinarily intangiable world. The word "egregore" hardly does these places any justice. More like city-states scattered across the Earth's surface. One can find the Hermetic 'collage' out there too. I have stood and watched the coming and goings there. A golden amber light floods the enterance with two spiral staircases entwined like the snakes in that staff of Hermes.

Why should anyone want to escape from what is a tautology, namely, "God is everything"?

The view "god is everything" is so within the church city-state, yet not outside. I can walk on the other side of the street and avoid it.

It would be illogical to try.

Back in the days of the inquisition, the church went to great trouble to cull certain people from life. Children in their thousands who's only crime was to have the wrong friends that were on the churches black list. The fairy folk for instance. Outside of the heavens and the church the afterlife landscape is littered with dead kids with no future.

I fix them when the fae bring them to me or show me where they are hiding. After twenty years I have thousands. The churchmen call the kids 'abominations unto god'.

So of course it is logical for me at least, to actually do it.

Your question contradicts itself and is therefore meaningless.

If one is content with life within the city states of human philosophical creation, then you are right. At least as far as the individual is concerned. I do not criticize anyone for wanting a safe life and afterlife haven.

edit on 2-8-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: misspelt thosophical

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