a reply to:
I wouldn't care to speculate there NobodySpecial268.
One might get lynched . . .
Especially if one started drawing comparisons between spiritual worlds and quantum physics, causatively speaking.
One might get burned at the stake . . .
The phrase that got my attention:
" . . . . our world would cease to exist without someone awake to observe and "collapse the wave function"."
(evil and mischievious grin)
How are they like the collapse of a wave function?
Wave function collapses without the observer.
I went into the nature of the human spiritual worlds in depth and practicality in another thread. It comes from a unique view, a non-human view -
through the eyes of the fae as they see the world of human thought. Fae = Sith for example.
It is also why I say there is an outside and an inside to human thought. Especially where philosophical and religeous constructs are concerned.
"Thinking as thought", as far as I know, is unique to the human. I haven't come across it in other Beings from the unseen realms. One has to
communicate elsewise unless they have experience with humans.
Collective consciousness is very much like a dream. When the last dreamer stops dreaming the dream disappears.
So a question:
Why are holy books so important?
What is achieved by book-burnings?
I am of the opinion that the spiritual worlds of man are
dreamscapes that are interactive, shared and persist in the 'landscape'. When people
become devout and pious the dream becomes a waking dream that persists as an overlay on the waking consciousness.
Collective consciousness is very much like a dream. When the last dreamer stops dreaming the dream disappears. - thus the posibility of wave
function collapse.
Edit to add:
The connection to quantum physics (of which I know sweet Fanny Adams) is presuming I understand correctly:
'Wave function collapses without the
observer' as equivalent to 'collapse of a reality'.
If so, then I may suggest quantum physics has more to do with consciousness than physical nuts and bolts atoms and molecules.
edit on 30-7-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: ETA added