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I don't think American and British men can fight wars anymore.

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posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 02:44 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: guaman

I think when push comes to shove you'd find that they are just as tough and resilient as their predecessors.

I don't think so, not in the UK. As a 50yr old Brit, I can tell you for a fact that the younger generations are useless. They are sheltered, protected, entitled and molly coddled to such a degree, they don't know how to do anything except social media. They are soft as # and could not fight a war. Their parents would try and sue the government if they tried to enlist these people.

However, if the war was fought on Instagram, they would have a very real chance of winning that.

Trust me, your father's and grand father's generational values and capabilities are long gone, in the UK at least. Let's hope the US is faring better because someone will have to be left to fight the Chinese.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 06:30 AM
Depends on the kind of war, if you have to fight for your own survival I garantee you will fight!

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: FingerMan

Different times my friend.

The UK at the time was fighting a global war with the world's other superpower of the era; France.

The War of Independence was fought with limited resources supplied across the North Atlantic, a journey that took between 25 - 30 days at the time.

It would be like the US fighting a World War with China whilst also fighting 'rebels' on a Moon base today.

That's not an attempt at belittling the US just trying to put it into perspective.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Paulzx

I don't think so, not in the UK. As a 50yr old Brit,.....

A youngster then.

..... I can tell you for a fact that the younger generations are useless.

Some are, certainly more so than in my day - and yours - but by no means not ALL of them.
I don't know how much contact you have with them but I still have quite a lot of dealings and interactions with young kids.
Sure, there's differences - always has been between generations - but I assure you a hell of a lot of them still have that resolve and determination that has been a national trait for many, many years.

They are sheltered, protected, entitled and molly coddled to such a degree, they don't know how to do anything except social media.

Without a doubt that sums far too many of them up, the one's who make the headlines.....not the majority.
And whose fault is it?
Ours, your and mine for letting it get to that stage....if it is a problem its one of OUR making.
Hardly gives us grounds to criticise does it.

They are soft as # and could not fight a war.

One of the guys I worked with in the first job I had - it was YOP scheme - was a Desert Rat in WWII and was in the first group of troops to enter Belsen near the end of the war.
Boy did he tell me some of them was how all his elders who had fought in WWI etc told him that he and his generation were a bunch a wimps and fannies, or whatever was the term in use for such things at the time. and that they'd had it easy.
Turns out they had proper balls of steel.

However, if the war was fought on Instagram, they would have a very real chance of winning that.

Says the man complaining about todays youth on social media.........

Trust me, your father's and grand father's generational values and capabilities are long gone, in the UK at least.

No, they aren't....I know for a fact they aren't.

Do I fear for the future?
You bet I its up to the likes of you and I to do something about it.

Let's hope the US is faring better because someone will have to be left to fight the Chinese

From what I can tell they are in a worse position than us.....but others on here are far more qualified to comment on that.
Despite our many, many problems I don't think we're anywhere near as broken and divided as they are....and they are much further down the woke path than we are.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 07:58 PM
How many of you "old folks" actually spend time with younger folks? Do you beneficially contribute to helping guide the younger generations or do you just sit at home and bitch about "Those damn kids!" all day long?

Every time I see a thread like this is just a bunch of old men and women complaining. Seems pretty obvious why the world has gone to # when the older generations would rather make their bed and then selfishly screw over younger people and shake their fists while blaming young people for all the problems in the world that were in motion before the young folks were even born.

Complain all you want, but no one will respect you.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: Paulzx

As much as I came here to scold you for generalization, you're probably not wrong. As a ~30 year old, Its going to be up to people my age + that will be called upon for fighting in the next world war. People my age are probably the last generation of who were not half-assedly raised (Read: molly coddled) into some entitled, litigious existence.

I wouldn't want 99% of today's youth in a trench next to me.

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 08:44 AM
Ironically though (don't have the exact quote, but also heard it on Gutfield), the countries that the US have bombed and sanctioned in the past have a greater appreciation than the countries they actually died for.

Look at Prince Harry, for example:
The first amendment is "bonkers", and giving abortion rights to individual states is "rolling back democracy".

Excuse me, your granny is head of the Church of England!
The ungrateful ginger fuzzball.

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: halfoldman

What is the psychology there?
We wouldn't have won squat without the Americans.

But let's sweep that fact under the carpet by turning on them?

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: AutomateThis1v2
How many of you "old folks" actually spend time with younger folks? Do you beneficially contribute to helping guide the younger generations or do you just sit at home and bitch about "Those damn kids!" all day long?

Every time I see a thread like this is just a bunch of old men and women complaining. Seems pretty obvious why the world has gone to # when the older generations would rather make their bed and then selfishly screw over younger people and shake their fists while blaming young people for all the problems in the world that were in motion before the young folks were even born.

Complain all you want, but no one will respect you.

I work part of the time in a very run down area. Lots of young lads around. Talk to them all the time and attempt to steer them in a good direction. Advise them to watch out for d*ck heads who will try to use them. Watch of for drug dealers who again will use them. Advise them and it's hard, to study as best they can at school. To stay on the straight and narrow. Advise them to get trained in something useful to sell to other people so they have a trade and can earn a living rather than becoming dependent on state benefits. Advise them to save 10% of their wages when they go to work so they can start to gather some peace of mind in case things go wrong and don't have to rely on going into debt with all the spiral downward that comes with it. Advise them to go and see the world when they can, travel and take in the wonders of our planet. Hope it will do some good
edit on 22-7-2022 by ufoorbhunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2022 @ 05:52 PM
edit on 22-7-2022 by TheReaversChain because: ..,;.,

posted on Jul, 23 2022 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

That's awesome!

posted on Jul, 23 2022 @ 09:16 PM
You don't "think"? You already admitted to it.
I have "served" with some very fine "Brits" and some damn good Americans and Canadians. (I wouldn't curtsy to thier Monarch,), ...(American men don't, do that #)! .....
But I do believe, we understand each other.
I'm of Irish blood, my contempt runs deep, regardless of the form, of "government".

But my people? I have sworn an oath to.

edit on 23-7-2022 by murphy22 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-7-2022 by murphy22 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-7-2022 by murphy22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2022 @ 09:41 PM
I hope to our God, you are right!
That would take a big load off some of us American and British Men/Soldiers ...
G Damn! About time, the "colonials" kind, start pulling thier weight!


edit on 23-7-2022 by murphy22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2022 @ 09:59 PM
OP? Have you ever been a Soldier? Have you ever had to be, a Soldier?...
I'm just asking.
Historically it is said. It is was an "American" that, "fired the shot, "heard around the world".
There is no "educated", or real "American Soldier", that believes for a second, that we had a chance in hell, to win, "the war".
But we did. Thank God.
But, and we are, Americans.
That being said? We don't forget our family. We will face punch them ourselves. But God help the M'fers that try it!...
The U.K. will never fall!... No "American Soldier" would/will, allow it.

edit on 23-7-2022 by murphy22 because: (no reason given)

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