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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Ghost in my machine? A twitter tab appeared in my browser with the following tweet... I don't recall opening it???

Alexander Vindman:

Re: Vindman -

As to that Sebastian character recall he formerly went by Sebastian1717 and later changed his youtube channel to SebastianRLC.

In The Godfather III, Michael Corleone is awarded the "Order of Saint Sebastian". The highest award of the Catholic War Veterans which notably had JFK as a member.

Furber SebastianRLC 7 channel.

Sebastian R L C / Rusty Shackleford video archive

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: interupt42

Maybe Trump gave the ISPs what they wanted and got something in return. That's how value is created.

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: interupt42

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: interupt42

Refining my question, how do things like labtops, under the table deals, pead0 networks, election fraud...all come info focus for average citizens, but you think DS is in charge and winning...?

What has been the consequence?

We can leave it at that.

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 12:31 PM
"Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna vaccine trials explored whether vaccine efficacy differed by sex, finding more than 90% efficacy for both men and women.
But neither trial broke out adverse effects by sex!

Could be that all the dressing up is pointing for us to look at this very issue. They must be having so much fun.

Pfizer knew that there were differences in adverse events between the sexes but withheld the data from the public. Women are not out of the woods either since there are fertility issues as well. That is why there has been so much emphasis on sex.

"I would assume that sex would be picked up in the trials, simply because it is part of the puzzle. Skipping that is potentially dangerous."

All this gender fluidity talk would have us feel we should not break down the trials and results and current data by sex because of discrimination and so therefore by doing so it would be sexist. But that is exactly what should have been done but again we never were privy to the data.

What about all of the other data we have been getting? We just see the #'s but there is no real clear breakdown of cases and death between the sexes. That is very valuable data and would have shown us that there was a clear and present danger.

Covid-19 Affects Men and Women Differently

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: interupt42

Maybe Trump gave the ISPs what they wanted and got something in return. That's how value is created.

Not to many things would be more valuable than controlling the internet.

Besides the ISP being able to control freedom of speech and the narritves online by having the ability to restrict or limiting access to sites like ATS that go against the narrative , unprofessional journalist with live streams, uncompromised journalist,leaks, etc . The internet more importantly is the worlds biggest and future marketplace and your ISP controls the front door to it.

The only thing I see as a SMALL hope of light in the end of the tunnel is Elons Musk Starlink. However, I'm not completely sold on Elon or the inability for existing telecom to derail him or create new legislation to prevent him from ensuring net neutrality principles. That is assuming Elon is a white hat and not a DS controlled asset now or in the future . TBH I don't see how the DS couldn't have dirt on Elon with his crazy antics and erratic behavior. Plus its not like they couldn't pin something on him anyways.

Again the accountable wins so far since Q and trump came in the scene have been in heavily favor for the deepstate. The whitehats have more of trust me bro wait an see wins that haven't pan out yet. Hopefully it does but each time the end result has been in favor of the deepstate besides that epa recent ruling which I need to look further into .

Hopefully more REAL wins start coming but to say the deepstate is losing its grip is going against reality at this time.

edit on 42731America/ChicagoFri, 01 Jul 2022 12:42:41 -0500000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15731America/ChicagoFri, 01 Jul 2022 14:15:09 -0500000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 01:04 PM

Wife made me watch this....

edit on 1-7-2022 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Link not correct but I did find them here...scroll to the bottom....

I never knew about those...some very interesting videos....especially the one about the movie Unacknowledged...

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 01:51 PM
See Somethin Say Something.

u/SeaSomewhere 3756 on Reddit.

He works in a pharmaceutical distribution company and posted that technically the Covid jabs are in clinical trial phase until 2023 so therefore there should be placebo lots, since placebos are necessary when conducting a clinical trial.

The supervisor said:
"The most annoying orders always come from the government, because they order specific lot numbers.

SeaSomewhere 3756 said:
"That's not good. That means the shots are not consistent batch to batch and they know that!"
Gasp... the government is ordering the placebo batches ? No, really?

Reddit is going wild. 1.9K views, 494 comments and being upvoted. Posted 2 days ago.

Why am I not surprised.

Not sure where to put this

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 01:54 PM

Let’s zero in on what interests me at the moment.

What we know from June 24th is this: someone posted a message on the 8kun qresearch message board—using the handle “Q” as well as the password that (we assume) had been used before to access that “account”.

That is the extent of what we know.

Shortly thereafter, someone accessed the “projectdcomms” board—what is called “Q’s private board”— and deleted what is believed to have been a “rogue post” by someone named “B”. That message had no tripcode; it was allegedly put there by a board volunteer who somehow had access to that board back in May of 2021. Whatever the truth of this situation is, that post had been languishing untouched on that board until June 24th of 2022. Until it was suddenly deleted. By someone.

These are the bare facts. We do not know if “Q” actually did both of those things; if someone who had “Q”s password (but wasn’t Q) did these things; or if rogue sysadmins at 8kun did these things. Nor do we know if “Q” used two different passwords—one for the qresearch board, and one for the private board.

We also do not know if the “new Q” is the same as the “old Q”. All we can say is—assuming honorable behavior on the part of 8kuns admin staff, and a robust design for the authentication of the 8kun service— that “someone with the correct password logged in and took these two actions.” If the 8kun system is properly designed, even the 8kun sysadmins could not know whether there were two distinct passwords being used for these two purposes.

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Gee wasn't someone asking recently WHY Trump was pushing the vax?
This has been my thoughts all along....
For whatever reasons certain lots of the jabs are placebos....

Targeted demographics or?

Early on rumor was they were targeting adreno users.....

edit on 1-7-2022 by SMOKINGGUN2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Loss of narrative control.
You are the news now.

I have friends who only watch CNN and they love Anderson Cooper. I can just hear it now. What is this Ku thing he's talking about? They are awakening the most asleep people in the country.

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
I have been thinking about this for quite awhile now- why all of the gender confusion? It is being amplified more and more.
If I look at this in the context of the Covid bio-weapon it has affected men much more than women. Men are more vulnerable to it and also more men die from it as well.

Then when we look at the mRNA jabs once again men are more impacted with adverse affects such as myocarditis.
Could be that the duel weapon has had men of working and fighting age as the primary target. Hence the comms about looking at sex.

Then we have the fertility issue. Once again differences between the sexes. They must have fun dressing up.

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

Nuclear woke waste

Crimes of the Future...

"We are making God as we are implementing technology that is ever more all-knowing, ever-present, all-powerful, and beneficent."

The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities

Way back Andy Grove signed my hiring papers.

Make sure you understand what you're looking at because you can't develop effective resistance strategies for what you don't grasp.

There are no “gender children.”

The rest is corporately engineered propaganda. The only reason "transgenderism" has entered the cultural lexicon, all our institutions and the law, is corporate profit. It has nothing to do with human rights and more so about funding eugenics & frankenstein R&D projects for global wealth domination.

Those at the pinnacle of the global LGBT corporate juggernaut come out of banking & investment, not human rights. BlackRock employs both a former Federal Reserve vice chairman & a former head of the Swiss National Bank.

There is no “transgender” community that pushes an ideology of body dissociation around the world—at lightning speed—into language, law, institutions, and the media simultaneously. We are governed by oligarchs at the highest echelons of finance, and they have a vested interest in the gender industry.

“Gender identity” ideology is not politically separate from business. Business is no longer separate from politics. We in Western cultures are governed by billionaires in finance who drive policy through our political institutions. A facade of democracy shrouds the oligarchy we live in, just like the gender performances in gender ideology shroud the capitalist profiteering from the colonization of human sex.

Gender identity also works as a grooming apparatus that dissociates us from our sexed reality. The language and laws being changed, even in our medical institutions, for “gender identity” ideology are based on the deconstruction of sex. The gender performances in gender ideology obscure the corporate mining of our reproductive capacities for profit. We are being reduced to parts—no longer men and women—but breasts, penises, vaginas, wombs, eggs, and sperm that can be bought by either sex, for either sex.

The gender industry has nothing to do with inclusivity. It is about corporate profiteering.

Which is more likely outcome?
- elites are grooming the next generation to dissociate from their sexed reality in prep for the virtual world they are intent on creating.


- international banksters, corps, legal entities, & govs care about the rights of people who think they’re not male or female?

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012
I was wondering why he had pushed the jabs as well. My first impression was that he was trying to show how unrealistic it was to be able to manufacture the Pfizer jabs in such a short period of time. He knew that they already had the manufacturing plant ready to go.

During the plandemic I started noticing that people that I know in the government never seemed to suffer any side effects from the jabs. It was weird. Almost everyone else had some reaction like at least a sore arm, headache, nausea but for them nothing at all.
That made me very suspicious. Even more so as the second and third jabs rolled out and still not one single reaction.

I'm still struggling with why the Cali government had all of those n-95 masks ready to go and distributed them to all of their staff when there was not any to be found anywhere. All of it has just a really bad look.

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: duncanhidao

Also posted by +++ on Truth....

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: tanstaafl
Again you are talking about things you have no idea about.

Again you make specious claims backed by nothing but vacuous speciousness.

Look at my posting history where I have even stated that Trump is one the best POTUS we have had withing the last 5 decades simply for exposing the masses to the fake news and dependencies on the foreign nations like China.

That is irrelevant to the falsehoods you are now posting.

you do not understand net neutrality principles and how it works and how it will be abused.

I obviously understand it far better than you.

Even most post I have come across on ATS from folks in the tech industry and that supported Trump agree that we need net neutrality principles and don't agree with getting rid of it.

Yes, and...

most economists agree that our economy is doing better than ever, and

most meteorologists agree that man made global warming global cooling climate change is an existential threat to our planet.

At minimum trump should have put something in place to preserve net neutrality principles

What Obama instituted and called 'net neutrality' was not what was claimed or what you seem to think it was, but until you actually decide that maybe just maybe you don't know it all and learn the truth about it, you'll continue to be wrong.

"By all means, please point to the rules/regulations/laws that Trump implemented "giving complete control to the ISP".

He took away net neutrality principles that gave the ISP complete control which sites they can slow down or prevent access to..

Mere words that mean absolutely nothing.

Again: by all means, please point to the rules/regulations/laws that Trump implemented "giving complete control to the ISP".

They already did a test run with netflix where the ISP customers were paying for fast 50MB download speeds but the ISP purposely slowed their own customers speed to under 1MB speeds despite paying for 50MB.

The reason why was because they wanted to extort money from netflix and they were successful in doing it.

while you may say who cares about netflix , netflix isn't the issue the issue is they can do this to any website and they could even block access to the site altogether or slow it down to a crawl if they chose to make it unresponsive.

Yes, they could, and they can.

So tell me... how did that work out in the end?

They could also do so with the so called 'net neutrality' rules that were in place under Obama that Trump's FCC chair helped remove.

They did do it and there was a backlash so they are doing slowly and not to the full extent they can , but they will over time. It will be increasingly abused as time goes on.

Again, so simplistic, and you can't even see it. Sad, but amusing nonetheless.

"By all means, please point to the rules/regulations/laws that Trump implemented "giving complete control to the ISP".

Since there is no net neutrality principles in place or a law in place to prevent network traffic control to the user.

Nor were there before his FCC chair changed the rules back to what they were pre Obama.

Again... state the rules/regulations, specifically, that implemented 'net neutrality' as you mean it.

Or, just go read the articles I linked that explain just how and why you are so so wrong.
edit on 1-7-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-7-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

will you two please take this argument somewhere else?

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: cnuts

But that is all there is now.



Both controlled.

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

Thankyou both for the last 48 hours of pure information.

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
I have been thinking about this for quite awhile now- why all of the gender confusion? It is being amplified more and more.
If I look at this in the context of the Covid bio-weapon it has affected men much more than women. Men are more vulnerable to it and also more men die from it as well.

Then when we look at the mRNA jabs once again men are more impacted with adverse affects such as myocarditis.
Could be that the duel weapon has had men of working and fighting age as the primary target. Hence the comms about looking at sex.

Then we have the fertility issue. Once again differences between the sexes. They must have fun dressing up.

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

Nuclear woke waste

Gender identity also works as a grooming apparatus that dissociates us from our sexed reality. The language and laws being changed, even in our medical institutions, for “gender identity” ideology are based on the deconstruction of sex. The gender performances in gender ideology obscure the corporate mining of our reproductive capacities for profit.

The gender industry has nothing to do with inclusivity. It is about corporate profiteering.

Which is more likely outcome?
- elites are grooming the next generation to dissociate from their sexed reality in prep for the virtual world they are intent on creating.


- international banksters, corps, legal entities, & govs care about the rights of people who think they’re not male or female?
edited, Bolding Added

I have said for a long time that everything is becoming more virtual.
From simple things like switches or buttons that used to be mechanical and are now a click or a touch on a screen…

To games and machines that used to be physical that are now computerized, and re-programmable…

And now to personas and gender that can be whatever you “identify” as.

A big part of the trans agenda is to minimize the importance of physical reality and replace it with a malleable virtual reality.

Physical reality used to be the inventory of what actually exists, and could not be changed by simply wishing it otherwise… just like some things were considered factual and true and others where considered not factual and false.

Physical existence used to be the default measurement of what is real. People would ask “what really happened,” with the idea that the answer could be definitively determined. And that would be the last line of defense against liars and deceivers. It was a reasonable possibility to prove them wrong. Reality was a pesky, unavoidable litmus test of what was true. And that was rather inconvenient for liars and deceivers.

But now the powers that be are attempting to overcome reality itself. As everything goes virtual, so does the idea of truth. Separated from the physical world, it becomes a relativistic quantum paradox where what is true or false depends entirely on viewpoint. State of mind takes precedence over state of matter.

And that is so, so much easier for evil people to manipulate.

When we laugh at the constantly ridiculous, transparent lies and deceptions of certain factions, we have to understand that they are intentionally violating the construct of truth as something physical and real. Insisting on obvious falsehood is part of the push for people to accept the pliable virtual world over any fixed standard of truth.

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 08:15 PM

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