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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 12:29 PM
QTSR Nov 1:

Chief justice Roberts knows military intervention is nearing. And TRYING to be good guy....
But I have said long ago he was a turn coat ( forced by military to play a part)...////
>Last month I had heard Justice Roberts had declined several calls from Pelosi and DNC heads ?

_of you don't know already ... Justice Roberts is inside the Epstein list and Roberts has an estimated fortune of 29 billion and connected to human trafficking and illegally adoption of children///// his game in the deep state came to an end in 2019 and Flipped ( I had an article on this before)////

Justi ce John Roberts DELAYS handover of Trump's tax returns

QTSR Nov 1:

// DROPS\ As he stood by 11 U.S. flags and 3 U.S. Flags on on both sides.

That's 11.3

>As Several World countries have initiated their own Laws Of War and fighting off attempted coups and arresting their adversaries......


QTSR Nov 1:


As MUSK TAKES full control and takes apart the board members and becomes the only Board member FULL POWER ......>a MUTINY and ROGUE employees were given orders by [ DS]( most likely from inside Blackhats in PENTAGON) to create CHAOS and disruption as MUSK still positions his management team, NEW Security units, and department heads across the board.
These rogue employees deleted thousands of Right wing conservatives/ truth speakes across the world in 48 hours window over the weekend as several countries were upset and WARNED MUSK had deleted their accounts ( they still dont understand MUSK is cleaning HOUSE as fast as possible and many things like the Rogue employees causing chaos is a factor for awhile longer)////

EU/ NATO/UN [ DAVOS] group in such a PANIC they desperately trying to create a new law AGAINST TWITTER disinformation and the future DROPS coming by hundreds of thousands of White HATS across the GLOBE THAT WILL ALL CONNECT.

It has become evident. Liberals who spent BILLIONS on TESLA to save the environment, global warming and to bring in Transhumanism>>> ACTUALLY HELP MUSK by giving him BILLIONS...ENOUGH TO PURCHASE TWITTER šŸ˜‰

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 12:36 PM
QTSR Nov 1:

As I have said before TRUMP Will be Arrested..... This moment is COMING closer...

All the paper has been done by the DOJ.FBI AND DNC ... and the leaks are hitting the REPUBLIC circles ( how did we ANONS know this was going to happen long ago šŸ˜‰)////

I have said multiple multiple q also informed us... It's all a šŸŽ„šŸæ
It's all for a reason.. Everything has meaning

QTSR Nov 1:

GOP bracing for Trump indictment soon after Election Day | The Hill
GOP bracing for Trump indictment soon after Election Day

QTSR Nov 1:

ā˜ļø like I said.. TRUMP gave MIL COMMUNICATION COMMANDS PUBLICLY on live TV..... By standing by The 11. Flags and 3 flags positioned on both sides of him/// these are COMMANDS and WARNINGS āš ļø..... Is beginning the overt operations in several CHINA fought off it's COUP and secured it's own 11.3 style military protocols and Saudi Arabia does the same and IRAN starts cleaning house silent massive arrests //// These COMMs by TRUMP is for world operations

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
I've come across a new name to add to the list.

Lorenzo Toledo, Pizer enforcer.
Lorenzo Toledo Linked In

Yes, one helluva resume for sure.

Lorenzo Toledo: ā€œInternational Undercover Weapons/Narcotics Traffickerā€ (May 12, 2022)

This week in the studio a man who at the age of 12 lost his brother to homicide in Washington Heights, New York. When he saw the look of devastation on his mothers eyes at the news from 2 police officers, he decided that he would dedicate his life to law enforcement so that he could maybe spare another family going through the pain of such a heinous act. Fast forward to 1987 he was assigned as a US Deputy, to the United States Marshall Service, and upon graduation was assigned to the Southern District of New York where he had the job of transporting and guarding high level Mafia Bosses and Gangsters during the height of the Mafia Commission. After leaving that service my guest became a Special Agent with the ATF where he worked undercover buying machine guns, silencers, narcotics, and a host of other firearms. Moving to Bergen County he worked Narcotics, Vice, Homicide, Organized and Sex Crimes. He finally landed at US Customs where he was a weapons expert , and organized undercover Money Laundering operations. While at Customs my guest worked in Miami and several countries in the Caribbean. This guest has even trained some of Hollywoods most famous actors how to assume the role of an undercover for Blockbuster Hits such as Miami Vice, Burn Notice, and Americas Most Wanted. He retired in the fall of 2019 and now is the Global Security Director for Pfizer and a professional Boxing and MMA judge for the Florida Athletic Commission.
Amazing story!

Lorenzo Toledo

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 12:39 PM
Could be something... Could be nothing

In June last year, when Il Donaldo Trump had the account handle @IlSharko, another account was set up under the handle @IlStormo - and in this tweet, Il Donaldo Trumpo names @Il Stormo:

Whoever is making these, please stop. YouĀ“re gonna make il Presidento get a little lion kitten y Melanita gonna send both our buttos to sleep on the coucho... I shall name him... "il Stormo"šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°

The @IlStormo account, with a lovable Lion pup profile, only posted 4 times, the last being on Jun 15th, 2021:


Recall that DJT expected his @realDonaldTrump account to be reactivated yesterday, which never happened!
(Might be activated today though?)

Consider that it could be the @IlStormo account that actually tweets per #55:
"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 01:05 PM
#30 Minute Thread To Save Your Life

I'm not sure why this hasn't been banned. Checking the original tweets they have all been blocked so someone managed to save this roll out. It takes more than 30 minutes to really listen/read it all.

Lots of info here.
OGY-Seeker covers a few different areas of concern...

Prion Disease involving the mRNA jabs- TDP-43 is the protein believed to cause dementia, ALS and Alzheimer's. Once again connecting to Biden's comment...

"You know, if we don't do something about Alzheimer's in America, every single, solitary bed that exists in America- as the nurses can tell you-every single one will be occupied in the next 15 years with an Alzheimer patient,every-one."
Biden's Comment

The PRP gene V127 [giving immunization from Prion disease was discovered in 2015, the same year Ralph Baric created the S-spike protein.
We need to brace ourselves.
In July 2020 a paper was published demonstrating that "V127 is incapable of supporting prion transmission." "V127 PrP is intrinsically resistant to prion propagation!"
Structural effects of the Highly Protective V127 On Human Prion Protein

So there is a cure or at least a pathway at protecting the population from Prion disease induced by the jab [Alzheimer's and ALS]. No doubt those involved in this plandemic have inoculated themselves with this V127, however we have hope.
"In essence, V127 has as potent a protective effect on the host as a null mutation."
Now if we can only get this deployed ASAP.
Another part off the roll-out deals with DAPA Hydrogel Crystals [DARPA patent] swabs.
"Ivermectin has an incredibly strong effect against what makes Darpa Hydrogel in our organism."

Some of it seems way out there but then at this point who knows...

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
There is something else that I found in the tread roll-out above.

Remember we knew very little about Bill Gates secretive Bgc3?
Bgce Wiki
This was established in 2008.
Maybe a coincidence, maybe not but that is the same year that the whitepaper came out about Bitcoin.
History of Bitcoin

Since Billy has his tentacles into everything, everywhere perhaps he may has involvement in Bitcoin. That would provide him with the perfect cover to fund research/activities that could slide under the radar and avoid regulators that would question the research. At this point I wonder whether they would have questioned anything but maybe it would have been a red flag to scientists and citizens.
Another coincidence> the first awards made from the B&M Gates Grand Challenges Exploration were made in 2008.
B&M Gates Grand Challenges Exploration

I just love the grant for turning mosquitoes into flying syringes. And what is he obsessed with now?

Because all of this crypto back then was really hard to trace it would have provided him with the perfect cover to fund some of these "exotic ideas" which have been turned into reality.
IMHO this is exactly what he would do. Once Bitcoin is made into legal tender he will recoup his investments. After all it is always about the $.

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder
Q 916

We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

I still wonder what that reason is...

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox
I don't know.....part of my personality wants to see them if they are there and if it were 25 years ago, I would have already ordered them but the wiser part of my personality says I'd better pass since there is nothing I can do about them if I see them. The sad part wiser personality usually loses the argument, so maybe it's better if they are hard to get...LOL

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: nerbot
I think they can see us without glasses!

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
NO amnesty! We need to make this something that no one in the future will ever desire to try it again.....IMO.

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

my suspicions
AKA Contractors
Bloody Wonderland style

Other Angle, I'm keeping in my peripheral ATM totally Bibical

Certainly deserves to be followed imho
What a Show !

edit on 1112022 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
a reply to: MetalThunder
Q 916

We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

I still wonder what that reason is...

Maybe it relates to why they are trying to cancel Kanye

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

I donā€™t even know what to say anymore to try to be insightfulā€¦

But it canā€™t go without comment when QTSR says, ā€œ(Chief Justice) Roberts has an estimated fortune of 29 billion...ā€

A quick internet search shows estimates of Robertsā€™ net worth ranges from $5 million to $11 million. The highest was $17 million.

Obviously it isnā€™t known exactly. It could be two times, three times, ten times the estimates...

But 29 billion is just absurd.

QTSR posts just donā€™t impress me as carefully worded, thought-out, and proof-read, as would be expected in any message of importance.

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

QTSR posts just donā€™t impress me as carefully worded, thought-out, and proof-read, as would be expected in any message of importance.

I've chalked it up to English isn't Storm Rider's first language.

As far as Roberts having a $29 billion fortune, how would we really know if he does or not? If it's true and from what the post states, why would it be publicly documented?

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

I saw some speculation on Telegram today that it could be pointing to Israel's election coming up in the next few days. IF we don't have an election in the US then Israel would be the last election under the old system is what it was speculated. It will be interesting to see what Bolsonaro says tonight in his press conference.

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
a reply to: MetalThunder
Q 916

We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

I still wonder what that reason is...

Was the USS Liberty ever mentioned in the Qdrops?

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: NightFlight

edit on 11/1/2022 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: linky

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
a reply to: cimmerius

QTSR posts just donā€™t impress me as carefully worded, thought-out, and proof-read, as would be expected in any message of importance.

I've chalked it up to English isn't Storm Rider's first language.

As far as Roberts having a $29 billion fortune, how would we really know if he does or not? If it's true and from what the post states, why would it be publicly documented?

Well, I suppose itā€™s possible. Iā€™m not in a position to speak from experience.

But with most of the super-rich Americans such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, the Walton family and such there is some pretty large, visible infrastructure that is the source of their wealth.

29 billion isnā€™t quite up with the biggest names, but it is still a really massive amount. That's billion with a B. It aint gonna fit under his mattress. It seems like it would be rather difficult to obtain and hide that much money without anyone noticing.

Even In his 30-year run as the cartelā€™s head, Mexicoā€™s most notorious drug lord, Joaquin ā€œEl Chapoā€ Guzman, is said to have only made about $12,666,181,704. (Bing search) That may be a conservative estimate, but his name became well known, and his operation was far from invisible.

posted on Nov, 1 2022 @ 07:19 PM
The banks that lent Elon money are admitting that they're in for a "huge" haircut.

Financial Times

I think nobody in on this deal cares about the return at all, theyā€™re making activist investments that benefit their interests.

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