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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 10:53 PM

Jeffrey Epstein Did Not Kill Himself

whaddaya know joe?

Through property record information, Politico uncovered that Joe Biden's brother, James Biden, purchased approximately 1-acre of land on Water Island, located fewer than 9 miles from Epstein's private island

While Joe Biden is reported to have made several trips to Water Island over the years, he has not stayed on the land owned by his brother, James, or Scott Green because the property remains undeveloped

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

He is not only sniffing them.

on camera in front her parents

Joe Biden pinched the nipple of Senator Steve Daines’ niece on C-Span when she was a young child, according to her reported confirmation of the pinch, which occurred on January 3, 2015 at her uncle’s swearing-in ceremony when she was eight years old.

Citizen journalist Jonathan Pasetti has the image of his journalistic conversation with the young woman, Maria Piacesi, on Tik Tok. Piacesi has since deleted the comments, but they have since been archived and began going viral earlier this week.

edit on 10 15 2022 by dashen because: Q

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

I don't actually have a problem with foreign countries influencing US elections. I don't think they should do it with cash, just like corporate contributions, keep their money out of it. But, US goes overseas and throws it's weight around, then pulls back behind the lines and puts the onus on the general public to vote warmongers in and validate their actions, all after fortifying the election to go their way.

No, I don't blame a country like Russia at all for stirring the pot with bot farms and giving up secret intel to public scrutiny. It would actually do more good than harm. Maybe even a step further and run a parallel "election" with the entire world "voting" for a US Prez! Not binding, of course, but maybe the world stamp of approval might not be a bad thing to obtain as a PotUS.

Another idea might be to have a zero-budget campaign, all subsided equally by the govt to a reasonable sum, like a $1B pot, for instance. So candidates get access to free bandwidth and then form their positions and talking if they even want to show their face, or debate or publish position papers. This way, the only "influence" is free thought and ideas.

edit on 16-10-2022 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: dashen

a reply to: dashen

Good they already have an island, send them to it. Take them all to the island. Let them eat each other for food.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 03:21 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: dashen

a reply to: dashen

Good they already have an island, send them to it. Take them all to the island. Let them eat each other for food.

I'd rather see them volunteered to be the first Mars colonists.

Yo everyone, long time no see. 🍻
edit on 16-10-2022 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: dashen
Wonder if nothing is happening? 17?

At least 269 K-12 educators arrested on child sex crimes since January

According to that research, the scale of sexual abuse in the public schools is nearly 100 times greater than that of the Catholic Church,” he said. “The question for critics who seek to downplay the extent of public school sexual abuse is this: How many arrests need to happen before you consider it a problem? How many children need to be sexually abused by teachers before you consider it a crisis?”

What is this?

China's Semiconductor Industry 'Decapitated Overnight': What 'Annihilation Looks Like'

Sanctions imposed by Biden prevents businesses from sending cutting-edge processors required to run efficient AI algorithms to China.
The sanctions require any U.S. citizen working in the Chinese semi industry to quit their jobs, or be at risk of losing U.S. citizenship.

edit on 2022/10/16 by CrazyFox because:

edit on 2022/10/16 by CrazyFox because: a reply to: RookQueen Thanks gonna try to watch

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 05:23 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

These are metrics gathering operations designed to colonize your attention. These operations can be recognized because the content is repulsive and vapid, and interacting with it has an immediate devolutionary aspect on all who participate. It is operant conditioning, and we transform into salivating dogs awaiting algorithmic treats for empty takes. It's about the reaction to a certain type of content, not the content itself. Attention is a finite resource more precious than gold to the social architect class and it's important to maintain control over where one directs the social media syringes and to do so with conscious intent.

That’s the best thing I’ve read, or the best way of describing the situation I am aware of.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 06:10 AM
This directly involves the military

The Curious Case Of the US Dept. of Defense Contract Signed During Obama Presidency, Konnech and Overseas Voters

Documents show Konnech, Inc., founded in 1999 in East Lansing, Mich., received $306,000 grant funding from the Michigan Economic Development Council with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s blessing.

According to the Konnech tool App, “the City of Detroit under a grant from the Department of Defense…allows any Uniformed and Overseas Citizen to register annually with the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) form and request access to an absentee ballot, and to submit a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB) at the same time easily.”

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 06:47 AM

Head of Congressional Ethics Office Arrested, Charged with DUI After Crashing Car Into House

“We take this matter very seriously and the Board will be reviewing the circumstances surrounding it,” read a statement from Mike Barnes and Paul Vinovich, co-chairmen of the board of the Office of Congressional Ethics. “In the meantime, Mr. Ashmawy has been placed on leave to deal with the issues that contributed to this incident. Helen Eisner will serve as the Acting Staff Director during his absence.”

Ace Ventura popped in my head for some reason

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 10:57 AM

edit on 2022/10/16 by CrazyFox because: Interesting thought

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox
Did you watch it?

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 11:55 AM
Goliath sling-shot space.

Daily Mail

Jornada del Muerto - Dead Man's Journey.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Cancer at an Unprecedented Rate

It is surreal to see family members and friends eagerly anticipating their next jab. In fact some of them are serious influencers in their communities and it doesn't help to see them cheering their jab status on Facepalm. Others like lemmings will follow their lead.
What happens to those that have a predisposition of cancer within the family? I would suspect that they will be the first to have rapid, aggressive onset.
I can't even imagine what the next few years are going to be like. I do keep feeling that 2024, 4 years into this, is a very key year.
The issue I have is that as people receive more and more jabs I suspect cancer rates will be turbo charged even more.

"Government data confirms the risk of developing cancer following Covid-19 vaccination is 1422X greater than the background risk."< That is not including the new jab specials.

Meanwhile I believe that Big Pharma like Pfizer has the cure for cancer and where are they?
When does big pharma make money?
Curing or containing?
Mind will be blown by chain of command.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 01:09 PM
Time to put the spotlight back on Peter Daszak from EcoHealth Alliance.
Peter Daszak Pinned Tweet

If he tweets this paper we should have a closer look.
Covid-19 )Origins
Just for fun click the authors. Peter Daszak helped write this Lol "Independent" report.

Still pushing the animal spillover but what's this?
"However lab accidents do happen, and NO FORMAL INDEPENDENT AUDIT of the Wuhan Laboratory facilities has been possible do to geopolitical conflicts."
Soooo conspiracy "facts" cannot be ruled out.
What are they worried about. Mis/dis information which has been a thorn in their side through this entire plandemic.

The answer is always about smart surveillance but wait...

We need our tin foil hats.
To tackle vaccine hesitancy would they do this?
"Immunization of critical amplifier hosts could potentially limit virus evolution towards enhanced transmission or virulance."
They have been giving raccoons vaccine bait to stop rabies, so they are practicing.
Just more disinformation> Where is Bill Gates in all of this?
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grant

One way or another they are trying to make sure each and every one of us gets the magic jab.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
Not yet,

Democratic Lawmaker Backs Down From Bill That Would’ve Made It a Crime for Parents Not To Affirm LGBT Child

Stacy Langton, a Fairfax County mother of six and a Republican, has been fighting to remove obscene books in the county school libraries. She told The Epoch Times, “I would like to take this moment to thank Delegate Guzman for committing the Terry McAuliffe gaffe for the 2022 midterm elections.”

DeSantis Intends To Ship Migrants to Delaware, Illinois

Two flights are scheduled to transport approximately 100 illegal aliens from Florida to Delaware and Illinois before December 1, according to state DOT documents released Friday. The flights previously scheduled for October 3 were delayed due to Hurricane Ian’s severity

edit on 2022/10/16 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 01:23 PM
Robert F Kennedy Jr Tweet

Starting October 18th the movie "The Real Anthony Fauci" will be free for 10 days.< "All Assets Deployed".
"The times are too grave, the challenge too urgent, and the stakes too high- to permit the customary passions of political debate. We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle that can guide us through that darkness to a safe and sane future."

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 02:00 PM
June 8, 2021 Albert Bourla tweeted this "Although the data shows that severe #Covid-19 is rare in children, widespread vaccination is a critical tool to help stop transmission!
That's why I am excited we have begun dosing participants 5-11 in a global Phase2/3 study of the Pfizer-BioNTech #Covid-19 vaccine."

We have heard this #Bourla lied people died enough times now and know that there were no tests conducted to determine if the Covid jabs really stopped any type of transmission at all.
How is Bourla going to edit his tweets to delete this "stopping transmission" false claim because it is evidence and will void their contracts with governments around the world.

Twitter Edit.

Just a bit suspicious that suddenly Twitt has introduced this edit function. What are the chances that the program can go back even longer allowing Bourla to edit rather than deleting. Stephan Bancel, CEO of Moderna deleted all of his Tweets early on but this is much too late in the game. Best thing is to #delete the claims.
Just in case>[url=]Albert Boural Tweet Covid Vaccine Stops Transmission

How can he be excite?

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 02:28 PM
Pfizer Remains Discreet

Janine Small, Albert Bourla's stand-in at the EU Covid Task Force stepped in it again>
"Pfizer is 'Very Transparent' and all contracts are available to MEP's."

Setting aside the redactions...
What about the issue of Albert Bourla negotiating with Ursula von de Leyen via sms the pricing of the jabs?
The Fact Checkers are going wild claiming nooo this didn't happen.
The Task Force is having none of this...
"The issue concerns text messages sent while the EU was in the process of concluding contracts to buy vaccines against Covid-19 and, at the same time, a conflict with Astra Zeneca was emerging."
"Nothing is ever truly deleted.
Threats, blackmail, and bribes."

Covid-19 Vaccine Pricing

Pfizer has now increased their pricing for the EU from $18.40 per dose to $23.15. Moderna is doing the same. I'm sure there is nothing to see here.

posted on Oct, 16 2022 @ 02:57 PM

Lab Origin: HIV Research Timeline (1955-1981) - Guidestones leading from the advent of medical primatology to the outbreak of HIV/AIDS.


The use of primates in medical and scientific research brought about several historic changes in public health starting in the late 1950s. This timeline traces the path of primate pathogens as they “emerged” in mankind.

It examines the Special Virus Cancer Program which combined medical primatology and virology resulting in the global catastrophe of HIV/AIDS.

Policies, projects and funding which enabled the HIV disaster were targeted at populations classified as "subnormal" in the scientific literature.

He discusses his Timeline research in this Video.

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