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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 06:59 AM
The FBI Paid for Russian Disinformation While Punishing a Patriot

To understand the state of disrepair of our national security and law enforcement apparatus, look to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's contrasting treatment of Russian disinformation-spinner Igor Danchenko, and whistleblowing Special Agent Steven Friend.

Counterintelligence officials opened an investigation into Danchenko from 2009 through 2011, identifying him "as an associate of two FBI counterintelligence subjects" and finding that he "had previous contact with the Russian embassy and known Russian intelligence officers." Danchenko, according to the filing, "had also informed one Russian intelligence officer that he had interest in entering the Russian diplomatic service."

The FBI closed its investigation after incorrectly concluding Danchenko had left the country.

As Russiagate analyst Hans Mahncke writes:

...the FBI was able to use his status to conceal Danchenko and his disclosures from congressional inquiries, such as the investigation by then-Rep. Devin Nunes led by Kash Patel. Other inquiries...could similarly be stonewalled by reference to the "sources and methods" justification for concealing the identity, and even the existence, of a CHS [confidential human source].

Friend claims that, among other things, the Washington FBI field office is manipulating January 6 cases to juice figures substantiating the idea of a right-wing domestic violent extremist threat, amid an intensifying effort to overzealously pursue cases that are at all related to the Capitol breach; Friend was removed from active investigations into child sex abuse and trafficking in favor of January 6 cases; and that innocent Americans are being pursued on domestic terrorism grounds via FBI tip line leads and surveilled Facebook messages.

1st Video below borrowed from another Thread ATS Thread

Deepstate spy College - Eyes On

Thierry Baudet continues to spread truths in the Dutch Parliament.

reminder Flashback - here in the US

The full list of everyone who's been sentenced in the college admissions scandal so far - Dec 2021

Sentencings are still ongoing for the college admissions scandal, in which federal prosecutors say parents paid about $25 million to get their students into elite schools like the University of Southern California, Stanford, and Yale.


edit on 9232022 by MetalThunder because: Carpe F'N Diem

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 07:04 AM
Is anybody having trouble viewing Q the Storm Rider's Telegram feed? I don't have the actual Telegram app installed, but I've always been able to view people's feed's on the "preview" page. Since yesterday, I can't do this for QtSR. Any other T-gram feeds I check (such as Praying Medic and News You Can Trust) shows up just fine.

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 08:03 AM
STARCOM’s ‘Black Skies’ exercise includes satellite jamming

Black Skies will be followed later this year by the Red Skies exercise focused on "orbital warfare," STARCOM Commander Maj. Gen. Shawn Bratton said. Next year, the Blue Skies exercise will focus on cyber warfare.

The ongoing Black Skies exercise includes Guardians and Air National Guard units specializing in space, since the Defense Department has yet to come to a conclusion about the fate of those Guard personnel. Bratton explained that the exercises mixes both “live fire” and “constructive” training, including the use of a satellite “leased” from commercial companies to play the target.

He explained that the key area of EW training for Space Force personnel that is different from that required by Air Force trainees revolves around satellite jamming — a capability that many potential adversaries, including China and Russia, have in spades.

Black Skies will be followed later this year by the Red Skies exercise focused on “orbital warfare,” Bratton said. Next year, he added, the Blue Skies exercise will focus on cyber warfare.

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan
Here's QTSR's latest intel posted today:

[Forwarded from Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page] MIL.OPS: To take down the Deep State military. > _What was in the 11,000 documents the FBI seized... >Including Illegal IRAN Nuclear DEAL connecting OBAMA to blackmailed by the Iranian regimen who entrapped him into believing Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan and the Killing of the fake Bin Laden would lead to Obama second term as President ( knowing he had been lied too and had to pay BILLIONS to IRAN to keep the secret going)... ☝️ I have explained this story multiple times in the past two years in detail. _The drops on the RAID are connected CLASSIFIED information on CIA projects that connect Clintons to UKRAINE money laundering ring through several channels> UN. > IRAN > Kazakhstan> > > > . ] MAJOR UPDATE; TRUMP MEETS WITH LAWYERS AND SPECIAL MATTER// > and discuss jurisdiction and who has the power to classify unclassified documents. >THE FBI were heavily invested in retrieving unclassified documents that were part of_ Sealed indictments that are part of the TRUMP VS. CLINTONS. TRUMP VS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA _In these documents were sealed indictments against the Clintons/ Foundation, (Luciferian)brotherhood illuminati that have CONTROL inside the MILITARY COMMANDS. LEADERS THROUGH THE UNITED STATE GOVERNMENTS , BRANCHES AND SECTORS. These sealed indictments WERE sealed untill they came into the hands of Minnesota district courts through Woodrow law firm. ( Look into federal court filings in Minnesota district court and Florida district court filings . DONALD J. TRUMP VS. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON / & DONALD J. TRUMP VS. THE UNITED STATES) -Military Tribunal number to look into 42-2016-DR-D3626-HJ _The FBI wanted all the sealed military Indictments that connected The Clintons ,Obama [DS] Military commanders and Leaders of U.S. Gov. Branches to the World human trafficking NETWORKS, the FULL [ EXPOSURE] of Military Tortures and Cannibalistic (Luciferian) Brotherhood of Illuminati Satanic Rituals inside the military/U.S. government sectors. _Currently the Brooklyn judge Special Master is over looking the Documents to see if they WILL be processed as CLASSIFIED or Witness or Testimony or affidavits and who can rule over the DOCUMENTS __ These military operations and set ups ( FORCED FBI RAIDS .... Planted Raids by the ALLIANCE ..) are All meant to come into the PUBLIC DOMAIN and PUBLIC COURTS..... Thats why TRUMP publicly stated , he WILL " Fire tens of thousands of civil servants and gut the Government" The SAGA OF EPSTEIN is only beginning..... WATCH when TRUMP ALLIES RETAKE THE HOUSE//// they are coming after the FBI and EPSTEIN LIST..... EXPOSING THE WHOLE SATANIC HUMAN TRAFFICKING. SACRIFICING SYSTEM. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY THAT INVOLVES EVERY COUNTRY...... THEIR CONNECTIONS TO DAVOS ROCKEFELLER, ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT.... THE VATICAN> THE PANDEMIC. BIO-WEAPONS ] DURHAM [, FBI. EPSTEIN, PANDEMIC, BIO-WEAPONS. PUTIN. UN. >>>> ALL ON A COLLUSION COURSE THE STORM OF THE CENTURY 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥 _____ Follow> David Rodriguez Jesse Czebotar Timothy Charles Holmseth

If there are no objections, I'll continue to post these daily. No worries about clogging up the thread, I'll try to keep them to a single post per day
Here is the intel post from Sept 21:

>As Putin/RUSSIA begins mobilization of over a Quarter of a million troops ( 300,000 to be specific)/// _NATO begins moving military flights and silent preparations drills through the EU regional bases and everyone is on high ALART. _last week as PUTIN met with Chinese President Xi, their discussion were obviously centered around the escalation in Ukraine and UN. NATO. U.S ( the past month the U.S. military actively bombed and attacked RUSSIAN forces with Drones.... That was part of the response of PUTINs dramatic swift Massive increase In Helicopter delivery and Armored assault units and gaining fighter jets squadrons among other necessities of tens of thousands of munitions delivered...) Covert operations against Russian forces. China had WARNED EU NATO on there different occasions in the past two months , that their escalation of the conflict in Ukraine would lead to an All out WAR and collapse of the the EUROPEAN UNION. _ With sanctions on RUSSIA, China is also heavily invested in losing billiond daily through their holding in Russia and EU nations. .. But at the heart of Russia and Chinas allegiance to each other is the BRICS currency reserve system. This important Banking>Alliance< Can not be jeopardized in anyway and the ongoing escalation of [ DS] NATO. UN. Provocation and [ DS] world MSM misinformation campaign on behalf of the CABAL> VANGUARD invested owned news OUTLETS and behind the scenes military funding projects by BLACKROCK money laundering projects over sought by CIA channels through SWITZERLAND/ UKRAINE EU BILLIONAIRE banks has become increasingly close to CREATING AN ALL-OUT WAR. CHINA GAVE A FINAL WARNING YESTERDAY TO EU. NATO. UN. FORCES> BEHIND THE SCENES AND UP FRONT DROPS. ... They are supporting RUSSIA interest and they are WILLING to get involved in the conflict. _______ _EVENTS [COLLAPSE] IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY. MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY ( the ALLIANCE long ago knew this EVENT was coming)/// The GREAT>NUCLEAR< STANDOFF......... ( You may not know or hear about it in the news or social networks.... But everyone has Nukes pointed at each other the past MONTHS )// INSIDE THE STORM ( remember I told you of these EVENTS would happen back in January/ February 2021 ... And it All had to happen to EXPOSE the DARK [ DS] MILITARY that is runned by the CABAL who control BLACKROCK / VANGUARD . VATICAN BANK OPERATIONS ROTHSCHILDS ECT ECT....)//// ... Their WILL be NO NUCLEAR WAR but we come to the edge. .... THE WAR TO END ALL WARS

edit on 9/23/2022 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: moar

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: Caled
I’m pretty sure bad things are happening right now and we don’t even know about it. At a minimum, all heck is breaking loose in Iran and Russia. I’m seeing some indication the reports of internet being cut in various places is legitimate. It feels like something is about to go hot.

I think you're quite right on happenings we have no idea about.

Please standby while we "Vaccinate the Internet."

As above (Space Force now has command of all mil Sat Comms), so below (US Navy & Submarine cables), as within, so without. Doubt they can take it all down, but as we've seen they can definitely isolate countries.

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Harley Quinn?


posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 11:51 AM
Corn comms?

Ask Me About Corn
Weird and creepy. That's all I can say.

Maybe the corn is ready to be harvested.
There were ku posts about corn so maybe this connects to Billy and his deceptive corn yields in Africa.
Gematria Ask Me About Corn

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 11:52 AM
Jordan Peterson droppin bombs on Piers Morgan

edit on 23-9-2022 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 12:02 PM


posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Thanks for the link about the Jasons. There was so much there. Now we can add their interest over the SARS-Covid-19 bioweapons to the list.
Joe DeRisi seems to be a very important piece in the chess game.

I've been mulling over the implications of him being basically "bought" by the Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub prior to the Covid launch.
He had success with his Virochip slides to not only identify the virus but also identify a cure. When he was hijacked they turned his tech into basically a testing tool for Covid infections and new mutations which would overwhelm operations. What seems to have been left in the dust is finding and proving that there were therapeutics that could effectively cure Covid and the result would have put the plandemic in deep freeze.

The implications are just mind boggling. Listening to the Clubhouse interview I doubt he understands since he is thrilled that he had his 12 year old child jabbed. On the positive this tech exists so we should be able to prove that therapeutics like Ivermectin really do work. Those that worship at the alter of science will then finally believe that the horse de-wormer really works.
The narrative spin that I keep coming across about the CDC is that now they were just academics and simply incompetent. Their actions reflect much more than incompetence. They deliberately censored him, locked him out and made him an unknown resource by most researchers, Doctors and patients so that they could continue to create work for themselves and assist the medical cartel to keep marketing their jabs and pills.
Reading the book Joe comes to the realization that the entire set up is just about the $. Not healthcare.

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: loveguy
I am also dealing with some very deeply asleep people and I have to tread very carefully around trying to wake them up and at the same time trying to help them without a huge backlash.
I did come up with something that oddly was seized on. I have sooo many books that I am currently reading and I just had them piled up on the counter. They would kind of flip through them [believe me they are full of highlights and notes Lol] and low and behold the cell phone came to the rescue.
They took pictures of the titles! I think that one of the books that will have more success is the book The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He is strongly connected to Democrats and they will be much more receptive to his message than if say a Republican giving the same information. Anyway I now have a few people who have bought the Audio book and are listening to it as they commute.
Cali traffic will give them hours of listening pleasure.

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe
I do not for a moment believe that the CDC is that incompetent that they would just casually send SARS Infected lung tissue in an ordinary FedEx box via weekend delivery to a lab.
Joe DeRisi was in a panic over the issue that it was sent by weekend delivery when most buildings at the university would be closed. He had his students staked on the campus streets in an attempt to intercept the FedEx truck. He was horrified when he saw the box and knew what was inside.

Even the average person with no scientific background would do this. This appeared deliberate and imagine if this is what they did with other labs across the country. We should change their name to CDS> Center for Disease Spread.

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 01:30 PM
Circling back to the Clubhouse interview with Michael Lewis, Priscilla Chan and Joe DeRisi about the book "The Premonition".

Priscilla Chan said something very interesting during the Clubhouse talk [38.49 to the end] ...the issue of the role of Chief Health Officer's authority in the community and their role in the plandemic.

She claims that the there are around 3,500 local health officers who are supposed to be overseen by the CDC. The CDC left them feeling like they were lone warriors in the Covid battle with no back-up and starved for resources. She amplifies the narrative that the CDC is a failed academic institution, which is what they now want to promote.

Here is where it gets interesting. She messages that these public health officials should form a trade association so that they can have a cohesive strategy in the future, bypassing the CDC. Facebook connected Chan during the plandemic started funding the public Health office in Cali with basic items like Fax machines. [I know that's how starved they are]. Another fail for the CDC. Who would they would become more loyal to Biohub or the CDC? Imagine the next plandemic who would really be giving the orders.

During the Pandemic states like Cali had the most draconian health measures from lock downs to testing. Because there was not a one step approach other states were able to try something different and came out of the plandemic much more quickly and with less damage to the economy and people's mental health. Wyoming is not the same as New York City.
In the book Charity Dean occupied the position of Chief Health Officer of Santa Barbara County. She seized on the legal description of her job as a means of enforcing Covid restrictions.

"...that any case of the diseases made reportable by regulation of the department, or any other contagious, infectious or communicable disease exists, or has recently existed, within the territory under his or her jurisdiction shall take measures as may be necessary to prevent the spread of the disease or occurance of additional cases." "Not may. A shall." "If you get a disease you can do whatever the h*** you want." page 16-17

There was only one authority that could over rule and that would be the Governor of Cali if and only if he declared a state of emergency. page 18
So what has Charity been up to? Public Health Company
"We're going to do private government operations like Blackwater, ' Wow you could take over the world.' "

Her new hires? Some from the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, including Joe DeRisi.

Venture capital firm Venrock took a stake in the company. page 299

Now Charity was turned into the "local public health officer for everyone who needed one- a group that suddenly included just about every big corporation." Page 300

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD
This is the stuff we want to clog the thread up!......Thank you!

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
I like the cat with shades on

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 01:48 PM
Iran Internet Shutdown

Meta is up to their tricks. WhatsApp and Instagram are not working for Iranian +98numbers and Iranian authorities are claiming that only 17 people have died.
Looks like things are reaching a boiling point there.

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Harley Quinn?




Letter Surfaces of Obama Foundation Admitting in 2018 They Keep Classified Documents in Unsecured Storage at Furniture Warehouse.

The Conservative Treehouse

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Fox did a piece on how Obama, Bill, & GW stored their classified documents. They showed the Hoffman Warehouse and Bill stored his in a used car lot in Arkansas, in the Trunk of a I think he may have owned the car lot.

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Supposedly (I think the official story) is the bloody protests have been over the murder of a young woman arrested for wearing the Islamic headscarf "improperly."

A growing number of women in Iran are taking to streets to protest against mandatory hijabs. After the Islamic Revolution in 1979 the government made it illegal for women to expose their hair in public and they cannot wear clothes that show off their figures. The penalties include jail time and lashes.

Flashback to the good'ole days:

Buckle up...Patriarch Kirill:

"Go bravely to fulfill your military duty. And remember that if you lay down your life for your country, you will be with God in his kingdom, glory and eternal life," he told a sermon at the Zachatyevsky Monastery in Moscow.

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Supposedly (I think the official story) is the bloody protests have been over the murder of a young woman arrested for wearing the Islamic headscarf "improperly."

A growing number of women in Iran are taking to streets to protest against mandatory hijabs. After the Islamic Revolution in 1979 the government made it illegal for women to expose their hair in public and they cannot wear clothes that show off their figures. The penalties include jail time and lashes.

Flashback to the good'ole days:

Buckle up...Patriarch Kirill:

"Go bravely to fulfill your military duty. And remember that if you lay down your life for your country, you will be with God in his kingdom, glory and eternal life," he told a sermon at the Zachatyevsky Monastery in Moscow.

Seen a lot of chatter that it’s a us and Saudi backed colour revolution.
They’ve done this a half dozen or so times in recent years. The striking difference imo this time is that Iranian military personnel are being killed as well.
It could get ugly over there.

Separately: random blue bird rumors of a coup forming in China and xi being on house arrest

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