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Parents Claim Their Child Came Out To Them As Trans At Age 2

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posted on Jun, 6 2022 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: pteridine
a reply to: Annee
I knew one. He/she committed suicide at about 40 years of age. He told me during his transition that he was aware that there suicide levels were high amongst trans people. His transition to female occurred at about age 30 so he was well aware of what he was doing. A few years before death, he confided in me that he was having regrets about changing but had no choice but to stick it out as the transition couldn't be reversed.
People now seem to do this casually as the latest thing and may not realize that it may not be possible to undo. Hormone treatments at an early age cause many problems over time. Parents who abuse children like this do lifetime damage but are too stupid to understand what they are doing.

Always gotta go for the extreme. However, Firearm suicide among America's youth has hit its highest rate in 20 years, report finds:

I know several -- happy, well adjusted -- good people.

As said before my city's art culture puts on drag shows and has an open LGBTQ+ community.

This is the only one I knew for sure as he was in my division when he started. If it is extreme, it is extreme. The high suicide rate is what he told me at the beginning and I am certain it was well researched.
His/her suicide was by firearm but likely didn't fit the "youth" category. That statistic may have to do with confusion and feelings of hopelessness brought on by the uncertainties of modern life. Guns are easy and quick and, I imagine, relatively painless when done right. They are also available whereas cyanide, guillotines, and such are not.
Drag shows and LGBTQ++ things do not affect me and I leave them alone unless they intrude on me. I did have a problem with the gendarmes when one exuberant soul screamed in my face and pushed me. He/she needed minimal medical help but complained bitterly about it. This was a minor incident among many and the police just wanted the crazy to end so they sent me on my way. I don't purposely attend marches and celebrations of month long "pride" events but they sometimes appear where I am. I am not a "me too" pawn that feels compelled to validate and celebrate the life style choices of others. The annual Furry convention is not at all confrontational.
I do shop at various art galleries and am aware of artistic proclivities. The real or desired gender of the artist and their political bent do not determine any purchases and I don't buy "art" that is from minimal talent artists.

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