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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: Caled
If only there was some way to use those trees for something. I really feel bad for the lumber and paper companies. How do they cut down between 3.5 and 7 billion trees and nobody has to Venmo them money and they don't have to setup a gofundme? Those companies pay to cut the trees down all by's like they cut down the trees...and then create a usable product for people...which pays the cost of cutting down the trees. But that's not possible, because nobody knows what to do with the trees in California. Lumber and paper are magical things that come from fairy land.

Maybe I'm a tree.

originally posted by: brewtiger

“ Maybe I’m a tree “, loved that..🌲 Your post really hits home Caled and as a native of CA ( yeah, yeah, we’re all nuts
) I’ve given a lot of thought to this problem and you’re so right to logically say “ Why can’t the dead trees be thinned out and used for something beneficial ? “ It’s a win, win, right ?!

LOL, if we even eliminate the insane regulations in place, that’s another subject
the logistics of getting in and cutting down these BIG trees is a HUGH undertaking that would require big bucks ( maybe the billions spent on our abandoned rail way system , scam )

For several years part of my job was driving from Santa Rosa up to Crescent City, close to the Oregon border and I’m telling you, it’s hard to even imagine how BIG these Redwood trees are going up into steep mountains, driving down those mountains was almost surreal, because the vastness was so immense !

That was 10 years ago and there were a lot of noticeabley dead trees back then, some think chem-trails has factored in, again another subject, lol, don’t know enough about forest management to be an arm chair quarterback, but I wonder if controlled burns are possible to take out dead trees in areas trucks can’t get to ?
edit on 1-6-2022 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 06:16 PM
Thank you I think we need to pass one around, yes sir!

I am ready to see all that. Thank you for doing your part to uplift us all. I hope I have been doing the same, but from my area of expertise.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Just found an interesting reinforcement of the importance of dates May 28th through 31st, as highlighted in my Baba Cugs post that I reply to!


1) There were several tweets over the last week from US Navy about the release of Top Gun - Maverick:
May 24th = 1
May 26th = 1
May 27th = 6, last has tweet delta of 01:45:46,
May 28th = 3, with Tweet Deltas of:
00:11:30:00 = 11.3 Marker,
00 03:11:37 = 11.3 Marker MIRRORED,
00 11:18:12 = 11.3 Marker because 1+1+1+8 = 11, 1+2 = 3.


Also NO COINKYDINKY that the Maverick tweets per day point to #1163

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 26650b No.1058989 📁
Apr 15 2018 21:19:04 (EST)

Bolded timestamp encodes today, May 29th.
The URL is a PDF of Susan Hirschman's testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in 1993, AGAINST putting Ruth Bader Ginsberg on the Supreme Court! It covers a lot on Roe vs. Wade too!

2) Here's the 1st US Navy tweet on May 24th, at 11:20:06 EST - tweet:

The power of Naval Aviation -- skill, precision, fortitude.

When the #USNavy's #TopGun pilots are by your side, you cannot go wrong.

🎬 #TopGun Maverick hits theatres May 27th. Are you ready?!

#TopGunMaverick #FlyNavy

Are you ready in 7 posts...
Are you ready?
Are you ready to see arrests?
Are you ready to see PAIN?
Are you ready to be part of history?
Are you ready, shill? Survival of the FITTEST.
*** Are you ready to serve once again?
Are you ready to finish what we started?
Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?
Are you ready to take back control of this Country?

3) There are 2 KU posts with MAVERICK:
a) #373

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c07cfc No.122123 📁
Dec 19 2017 01:02:51 (EST)
NAT_SEC_A,H,H, L, B, E, classified Cdg-23k
JUSTICE_FED_J[1-4]_remove + appellate


Bolded timestamp encodes May 28th, 29th and 31st (read right to left)!
Term_[#2]19_y = DJT's 2nd Term as POTUS19

JUSTICE_FED_J[1-4]_remove + appellate is explained in the post's "Answers" section:

Aside from the Supreme Court, there are four federal courts in DC

1) United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit United States District Court for the District of Columbia United States Tax Court

2) United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims United States Court of Federal Claims

3) United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces

4) United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review

b) #4288

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 46cdc3 No.9241503 📁
May 19 2020 14:31:46 (EST) MaverickInSky /status/1262825965534744577📁

May 19 2020 14:3 encodes May 28th to 31st!

31:46 encodes MIRROR/COMPLETION of 11.3 MARKER

JoM! Crack open another bottle of HOPIUM! Cheers matey!

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

They can rotate troops AND Putin's.

Just like with DJT, it makes sense to have body doubles. We know they will stop at nothing to get away with the JFK assassination the CIA under George Bush the future VP and POTUS. One who did his part to "earn" those jobs the old fashioned way of murdering your opponents to clear the path. The corruption has been on display ever since Nov of 1963 if not sooner with McCarthy exposing the plan about 8-10 years earlier.

Suck on it RINO's, Bush Sr was a kingpin.
edit on 1-6-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 06:26 PM
We're right in the middle of history, language and culture being rewritten and the results are fascinating.

What's this witness statement about?

“They threatened to out me as a terf and risk my job if I refused to sleep with them. I was too young to argue and had been brainwashed by queer theory so [they were] a ‘woman’ even if every fiber of my being was screaming throughout so I agreed to go home with them. They used physical force when I changed my mind upon seeing their penis and raped me.”



posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 06:29 PM
Caled’s weirdness for today. I was riding in a car looking at the sky, and for a brief moment I swear I saw a giant golden ring in the clouds. Maybe it was glare. Maybe my imagination. Faint. Almost like it was there, but not. Not in the clouds, not behind the the clouds, and not in front of the clouds.

I’m really hoping what happens will be Biblical.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao

In his newly revealed report from September 2020, then-U.S. Attorney John Bash found “no unmasking requests made before Election Day that sought the identity of an apparent associate of the Trump campaign.” He said much the same about the transition period between Election Day 2016 and Trump’s inauguration in January 2017.

“I … examined whether any senior officials had obtained General Flynn’s identity in connection with those communications through an unmasking request made during the transition period,” Bash wrote. “The answer is no.”

“According to the FBI, the Bureau did not disseminate an intelligence report discussing those communications and containing masked [U.S. person identity information] for General Flynn before President Trump’s inauguration,” Bash wrote. “For that reason, the public disclosure of the communications could not have resulted from an unmasking request.”

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman

I would love to know what Joe Biden said during his visits Sunday (yesterday) with those affected by the Uvalde grade-school massacre. All the still photos on various news websites have him looking like an empathic leader of our nation.

I am sure it was something something, BS of some kind that should be on SNL but they are never going to go after the leftist scum for real.

Then, maybe he starts a sniff or two?

Pedo's are not allowed near my family.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 06:32 PM
I hate to bring this up, but why is it everytime Congress is pushing for a gun bill, and then goes on recess these things happen?
From: ABC News

At least three people are dead and multiple people are injured following a shooting at the Natalie Building at St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Wednesday, according to police.

"We know there are multiple injuries, and potentially multiple casualties," The Tulsa Police Department said in a statement.

Police received a call of a man walking with a rifle near a medical office. When police responded, they said it turned into an active shooter situation, according to Tulsa Police Captain Richard Meulenberg.

When police entered the building, they found multiple people shot.

Tulsa PD said the shooter is dead. It's unclear if he was shot by police, Meulenberg said.

I wonder if this isn't about pushing a bill, but instead is about hiding something else. Did all of those mystery Clinton Servers ever get found?

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 06:43 PM
The leftist playbook on such is to pretend we don't remember the Steele Dossier even when it is mentioned anew. Leaving folks like us go out loud WTH!?!? when someone thinks anything good about a information from a liar like that. The information he offers is suspect for the rest of his life.

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel, I rolled my eyes when I read that bit a couple of days ago mentioning Steele as a source. Crooked once, crooked always is how I see such.

Also recently saw an article on Ukraine quoting that irrefutable military expert, Alexander Vindman. Article was factual, but they didn't help their case by consulting that person.



edit on 1-6-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 06:57 PM
Just wondering why this military surveillance plane was in Uvalde 30 minutes before the shooter entered the school.

MC-12W Liberty

edit on 1-6-2022 by XtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Are you thinking that someone or group wanted to see what the possibly armed citizen reaction and response would be to an active shooting incident?

Because I sure am after seeing that data you posted.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
I hate to bring this up, but why is it everytime Congress is pushing for a gun bill, and then goes on recess these things happen?
From: ABC News

At least three people are dead and multiple people are injured following a shooting at the Natalie Building at St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Wednesday, according to police.

"We know there are multiple injuries, and potentially multiple casualties," The Tulsa Police Department said in a statement.

Police received a call of a man walking with a rifle near a medical office. When police responded, they said it turned into an active shooter situation, according to Tulsa Police Captain Richard Meulenberg.

When police entered the building, they found multiple people shot.

Tulsa PD said the shooter is dead. It's unclear if he was shot by police, Meulenberg said.

I wonder if this isn't about pushing a bill, but instead is about hiding something else. Did all of those mystery Clinton Servers ever get found?

There was also a shooting yesterday at Xavier University in New Orleans.

Anatomy of a School Shooting by Dave McGowan | May 2, 2001

(The following article appears in the book You Are Being Lied To)

It is not, however, the only – or even the primary – goal, but rather a secondary one at best. The true goal is to further traumatize and brutalize the American people. This has in fact been a primary goal of the state for quite some time, dating back at least to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on that fateful day in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

The strategy is now (as it was then) to inflict blunt force trauma on all of American society, and by doing so to destroy any remaining sense of community and instill in the people deep feelings of fear and distrust, of hopelessness and despair, of isolation and powerlessness. And the results have been, it should be stated, rather spectacular.

With each school shooting, and each act of ‘domestic terrorism,’ the social fabric of the country is ripped further asunder. The social contracts that bound us together as a people with common goals, common dreams, and common aspirations have been shattered. We have been reduced to a nation of frightened and disempowered individuals, each existing in our own little sphere of isolation and fear.

Note: Above is only tiny part of his essay that stood out me. Wonder what he'd be saying today if he were alive.

You Are Being Lied To

And Yes, regarding that military surveillance plane; at least part of the conspiracy reason.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: scraedtosleep
You think they bank on bad memories ? I Do

“I … examined whether any senior officials had obtained General Flynn’s identity in connection with those communications through an unmasking request made during the transition period,” Bash wrote. “The answer is no.”

Is that so ?

Sa mantha Power Claimed She Never Tried To Unmask Michael Flynn, But Records Show She Unmasked Him 7 Times

According to NSA documents declassified last week and released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to the U.S. Senate on Wednesday, Power made seven separate requests to unmask Flynn’s name over a six-week period between the end of November 2016 and Jan. 11, 2017. The list of unmasking requests shows that Power requested unmaskings of information related to Flynn on Nov. 30, 2016; Dec. 2, 2016; Dec. 7, 2016; two separate requests on Dec. 14, 2016; Dec. 23, 2016; and Jan. 11, 2017.

“We did not disseminate this [redacted] in any finished intelligence,” Comey testified in 2017, referencing the intercept of Flynn’s calls, “although our people judged was appropriate, for reasons that I hope are obvious, to have Mr. Flynn’s name unmasked.”

“We kept this very close hold,” Comey said.

Just a related flashback

Corney A
Senior Official ...17 contracts

edit on 612022 by MetalThunder because: 313 in the D

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: tanstaafl
It has been pointed out but you would have to prove there was an exchange, it doesn't even have to be money, for the dropping off of ballots.

True, and... ?

The guy in the movie snapping a pic of the box shows he probably was but it takes more than just that to build a case.

True, and... ?

Do you not get that these admissions of yours totally invalidate your false claim the the movie was 'a bunch of hot air'?

Also, the authorities have no way of knowing which ballots where dropped off like this, so they don't know which ones to invalidate even if they charged any of the people in the video and that is why they end up counting any vote they can match to a valid voter.

Which is precisely why mail in voting and drop boxes should be banned in all 50 States, which will likely be a new federal law come next year after the massive red wave in the mid terms.

Oh - and mail in ballots can never be matched to a valid voter, which is precisely why all fo the envelopes are shredded as soon as possible.

At a bare minimum, it is enough to totally invalidate the election and require a new one be held immediately.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:44 PM

originally posted by: wdkirk
The Democratic Party is a virus. Time to kill that virus.

Pat would like that. I would like that. If the RINO's are going to run the R party we need to consider their virus status too. Their leadership is not Rand Paul, Ted Cruz or Mark Levine. It is McConnel a possibly compromised Chinese shill.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
Do you not get that these admissions of yours totally invalidate your false claim the the movie was 'a bunch of hot air'?

It is a bunch of hot air because they are quick to label things illegal and trafficked, and give stats, when they can't quantify with proof that the numbers they guesstimated are even close.

Which is precisely why mail in voting and drop boxes should be banned in all 50 States, which will likely be a new federal law come next year after the massive red wave in the mid terms.

Until it is, it isn't, and all I was doing was pointing out that there was a loophole.

Oh - and mail in ballots can never be matched to a valid voter, which is precisely why all fo the envelopes are shredded as soon as possible.

Then what were they counting by hand?

Looks like an even greater loophole to me.

ETA: And how did they end up invalidating some votes in some states?

At a bare minimum, it is enough to totally invalidate the election and require a new one be held immediately.

Obviously, those who have the power to make that happen disagree with you.

edit on 1-6-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, can you correct the link please? That sounds an intriguing lead!

To save space:

For IAmTat... another interesting history from Ma:

My one night a week at ma's tonight, to keep her chirpy and lucid...

I was telling her how J.R. Tolkien had been raised in the thread. I was thinking about the youtube someone posted showing that, over the centuries, authors often tried to warn the public about what was really going on in society... through metaphors and allegorys. The youtube discussed Tolkein and how his publishers had held back release of the Lord of the Rings for around 18 months.

Here's her reply:

"Oh, I met him loads of times in Oxford in the early 70s! When we got involved in the hippy commune, we made friends with a lot of Oxford students who used to come to it at weekends. They would then invite us to social events in Oxford.

He used to love to be around youthful inquiring minds. Students were always asking him to spend the evening with groups of them. He would never turn down their invites, even when it was only 3 people - he was a very nice man."

When I told her that I'd read that his publishers held back from publishing the Lord of the Rings trilogy; possibly because they realised he was trying to reveal things, Ma replied:

"Yes, he was telling me all about that!"

I did try to milk her for more details but she had other things she wanted to talk about and it was difficult to engineer the conversation back. The irony is that she was bemoaning not having learnt more and done more with her life... When I see how many people she's met and things she's done I realise that the 60s and 70s really were the decades of most opportunity to live life to the full.

I did get some other really good news but I can't tell y'all about it for another 3 months.
edit on 1-6-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 08:36 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
It is McConnel a possibly compromised Chinese shill.

"Possibly"? Haven't you seen how he handed his kid over to Biden when Joey-Joe was VP, or how when he sided with Trump he ended up with the black eye. McConnel is what Swalwell would have become if the Chinese spy wasn't uncovered in the public eye. What do we really know about McConnel's wife and her history in China? He's compromised worse than a Ford Pintos gas tank after a rear-end collision.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: Menesses
a reply to: duncanhidao
Hmmm. I wonder why only India is in all caps... And what is up with the complete misspelling of Martial Law? Any thoughts guys?

Try this for the martial/marshal explanation.

I want to be clicked

The capitalization of India would indicate to me some sort of company rather than the country.


posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 09:58 PM
edit on 1-6-2022 by PeteMitchell because: (no reason given)

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