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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: Menesses

The notion of central African countries taking decisive military action is hard to believe. Their armies are little more than palace guards.


posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 10:45 AM
They are really getting desperate.

14 Mass Shootings in US Over Memorial Day Weekend
edit on 6/1/2022 by Menesses because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

At this point, if any authority declares the 2020 election fraudulent, about the only option is a military government until such time as something like fair elections can be conducted, AND, measures are taken to purge corrupt and treasonous operators from government positions.

My guess is that the people who are actually corrupt is not that large of a number, but they wield so much power that the group of officials who are neither white nor black hats go with the flow to avoid repercussions. Once the worst of the black hats are publicly relieved of their duties and appropriately punished, it will send a clear signal to everyone else on the government payroll.


posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

As I said years ago, IF Trump wanted to, he could have offered a blanket Pardon to everyone in DC involved with this mess, but still allowed those people that are directly connected to murder and human trafficking to be held accountable. This would have shut most, if not all, of this mess down.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 12:17 PM

ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)

Just to clarify where we are at in the Great Awakening:
We are the furthest we've ever been.
More people are awaken than at any point in modern history.
Some are half awake but the needle has been moved with millions and millions of people.
This is no small feat. You become discouraged because you don't realize how much progress we've made.
The cabal, elite pedophiles, the swamps corruption, local state election corruption, teachers, always follow the money, Bill Gates and no pedophile can keep their comment section on without getting roasted by the populace, and much much more.
The only way any of this would be defeated if it was first exposed. It has been brought out into the light which causes you distress but keep heart. This was always part of the plan. You're on the cutting edge of the awakening. Paving a way for the masses behind us. They will awake and you're contributions are not in vein.
Did you honestly think a death cult of this magnitude would fall so quickly after controlling the world for this long? But the light is shining and they are running out of places to hide.
We are winning the information war.
One step at a time.
There's no question. The masses will be red pilled.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 12:25 PM
Perkins Coie has an FBI Portal in house

In response to a letter sent by Rep. Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan, Perkins Coie, the legal arm of the DNC and Hillary Clinton, admitted they have been operating an FBI workspace in their Washington D.C. office since 2012.

Essentially, what is being admitted in this claim is that a portal existed into FBI databases within the law firm that represents democrats. This means access to FBI database searches exists inside the office of the DNC and Clinton legal group.

FBI was set up to deal with enemies of the state, not enemies of the people. Hoover = mafia enforcer. This is just the next step in the evolution. By making "lawyers" the go between the thugs, who want retribution or worse, they can hide behind privilege. The fact that, in court, this was revealed is far bigger than most can grasp. Most just want convictions, an end like on Law And Order, but one head of the Hydra was slayed with exposure, in court, under oath, and nothing Mook said prevents new cases from being opened, quite the opposite. And Sussman already pleaded to another charge.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: Menesses

Hi Menesses, sometimes the platform that is used for communication is monitored for certain trigger words. Misspelling them sometimes gets the messages out with their true meanings before the monitors start reading them for closer scrutiny. Sometimes one word may get the whole message deleted...

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: FlyingFox
Well, let me explain. The movie was a bunch of hot air because the state laws in the states they focused on don't invalidate the votes stuffed into ballot boxes although they kept saying illegal votes and trafficked votes throughout the movie as if it was going to make a difference.

Are you aware that while ballot harvesting is legal in some (about half) of the States, ballot trafficking - aka paying someone to deliver your vote to a drop box - is a federal crime, therefore illegal in every State of the Union. Every single one.

... the state law didn't invalidate votes that could be linked to a valid voter so they couldn't just invalidate votes because they were delivered incorrectly.

Any vote that was delivered illegally (by a paid actor) is by definition an illegal vote.

Now the makers of the movie are saying they have info on who funded it but those same state laws probably don't have any laws to even slap them with charges.

Again, it is a federal crime to pay anyone for anything with respect to their ballot.

Add to that, that the geotracking info they used is circumstantial at best, they have nothing that would stand up in court. It will probably get a lot of clicks though.

Wrong again, the bar they set was ridiculously high - a target had to go between at least 10 different drop boxes and 5 different radical leftist NGO voter organizations within a single 24 hour period to be included in that 2000.

Sorry friend, but there is simply no, rational, logical reason for anyone to do anything even remotely close to this other than ballot trafficking.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Hopefully that is used for prosecution against those illegal craps.
A lot of bad stuff going on.
On a brighter note my neighbor looked at my broken finger and said "That deserves a mow" making my day yesterday mowing my lawn after installing a new pump for my well.
Nearly broke down in tears still have to fight them.
There is more good than bad out there unfortunately the good does not scare into submission so is not reported on.
Off to Yelp paying it forward.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 01:57 PM
I have quite a few as well, and miss him too. He led me here a long time ago as well (LOA due to not wanting internet etc Cable in my house) Simon Parkes led me back (long story lol sat TV and internet somehow snuck back in.)
This is not a favorable eulogy lnk

We are told not to speak ill of the dead, but it is difficult for me to find much else to say about him. He was, in private life, apparently loving and devoted to his family, but publicly, for decades Marrs promoted a noxious brew of rightwing conspiracies that danced around anti-Semitic themes, and he happily embraced ancient astronaut theories and wove them into a dark vision of a genocidal Obama government hellbent on mass liquidation of conservatives, a vision that never came to pass and whose predictive failure Marrs never acknowledged. Seriously, he used to claim that Obama and the Chinese and/or Russians were working together to launch a coup against white Americans.

This stood out to me tho
How deep of slumber is this guy is in

Conspiracy entertainer Alex Jones, on whose show Marrs sometimes appeared, marked Marrs’s death by calling him a “truth seeker” and a “friend.” Jimmy Church of Fade to Black eulogized Marrs, writing on Twitter that “He changed the world. Not many do … ever.” And yet Marrs left the world worse than he found it, popularizing antigovernment conspiracy theories, including Kennedy assassination conspiracies and supporting claims that 9/11 was an inside job. He led his audience down the garden path of conspiracy and promoted a paranoid world view that directly contributed to the rise of unreason in America and around the world.

This comment made me smile

2/19/2022 01:23:21 pm
I had never heard of JIm Marrs until today (2/19/2022).

You stated above, "Seriously, he used to claim that Obama and the Chinese and/or Russians were working together to launch a coup against white Americans." I guess Mr. Marrs is now vindicated on that "conspiracy theory." Along with Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci - that "theory" is now a fact - but it did not limit itself to white Americans - it included the entire world. It's not a theory if it is true.

Also the Kennedy "conspiracy theory" has now come to light also.

a reply to: GAPeach3

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 02:00 PM
Rick with a P
Speaks for itself

edit on 2022/6/1 by CrazyFox because: Already covered

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 02:13 PM
link (from the ATS image below) redirects you to Q Care+. HIV prevention pill, after being redirected from lgbtqnation. Very weird.

originally posted by: CrazyFox
I have quite a few as well, and miss him too. He led me here a long time ago as well (LOA due to not wanting internet etc Cable in my house) Simon Parkes led me back (long story lol sat TV and internet somehow snuck back in.)
This is not a favorable eulogy lnk

We are told not to speak ill of the dead, but it is difficult for me to find much else to say about him. He was, in private life, apparently loving and devoted to his family, but publicly, for decades Marrs promoted a noxious brew of rightwing conspiracies that danced around anti-Semitic themes, and he happily embraced ancient astronaut theories and wove them into a dark vision of a genocidal Obama government hellbent on mass liquidation of conservatives, a vision that never came to pass and whose predictive failure Marrs never acknowledged. Seriously, he used to claim that Obama and the Chinese and/or Russians were working together to launch a coup against white Americans.

This stood out to me tho
How deep of slumber is this guy is in

Conspiracy entertainer Alex Jones, on whose show Marrs sometimes appeared, marked Marrs’s death by calling him a “truth seeker” and a “friend.” Jimmy Church of Fade to Black eulogized Marrs, writing on Twitter that “He changed the world. Not many do … ever.” And yet Marrs left the world worse than he found it, popularizing antigovernment conspiracy theories, including Kennedy assassination conspiracies and supporting claims that 9/11 was an inside job. He led his audience down the garden path of conspiracy and promoted a paranoid world view that directly contributed to the rise of unreason in America and around the world.

This comment made me smile

2/19/2022 01:23:21 pm
I had never heard of JIm Marrs until today (2/19/2022).

You stated above, "Seriously, he used to claim that Obama and the Chinese and/or Russians were working together to launch a coup against white Americans." I guess Mr. Marrs is now vindicated on that "conspiracy theory." Along with Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci - that "theory" is now a fact - but it did not limit itself to white Americans - it included the entire world. It's not a theory if it is true.

Also the Kennedy "conspiracy theory" has now come to light also.

a reply to: GAPeach3

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Menesses

The notion of central African countries taking decisive military action is hard to believe. Their armies are little more than palace guards.


Speaking of Africa...

US revives its request to Nairobi to launch drone strikes from Kenya

The head of Kenya Defence Forces, Robert Kariuki Kibochi, with his American counterpart Gen Mark Milley.

No mention of this on the US AFRICOM twit acct. Worried about "Putin’s chef" though...

Wagner Group, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, and Russia’s Disinformation in Africa

Prigozhin is best known for financing the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a troll farm most often recognized for repeatedly attempting to interfere in U.S. elections, but also involved in and spreading disinformation worldwide, including in Africa. Social media companies’ responses to Prighozin’s disinformation activities in Africa show the extent of his efforts:
Russia’s intensified application of disinformation and the use of the Wagner Group across Africa has spread a trail of lies and human rights abuses. Despite U.S., EU, and UK sanctions and exposure of Prigozhin-linked entities that spread disinformation, these actors continue operating in Africa, exploiting turbulent situations through disinformation to sway public support for the Russian government to expand its influence.

Africa, the next ground war...USA-Russia-China seems to be heating up with some 5500 sanctions against Russia (I think the most in history) and China must expand in order to survive, US wanting to maintain its dominance (however much that is) and the poor natives caught once again in the cross-fire.

And the band played on.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl
It has been pointed out but you would have to prove there was an exchange, it doesn't even have to be money, for the dropping off of ballots.

The guy in the movie snapping a pic of the box shows he probably was but it takes more than just that to build a case.

Also, the authorities have no way of knowing which ballots where dropped off like this, so they don't know which ones to invalidate even if they charged any of the people in the video and that is why they end up counting any vote they can match to a valid voter.

edit on 1-6-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: CrazyFox
Did you finish reading the post or just cherry pick this quote?
Context is important.

I read the article, most of it was speaking about the actions of election officials and some other things and I cherry picked that quote because it pertains to my point. Unless someone is charged and convicted and they can tell you which votes they dropped off, the thing to do is count all votes that match to a legal voter.

You hunting skills seem to be off.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I don't follow Alex Jones, just what I read about him here. It always made me happy when he was a guest on Ancient Aliens, my favorite show. I found Marrs book on population control extremely interesting. I've always felt there was something sinister about our children being so unhealthy now days. In the 60s and 70s I only knew 2 people that had asthma. No such thing as ADD or kids on medication for mental disorders. It is not a conspiracy if it is truth. There is a lot of truth yet to come out.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 03:46 PM

Ukraine Was Building Dirty Bomb. Advance Of Russian Troops Reveals New Circumstances

Just before the beginning of Ukraine’s war with Russia, Vladimir Putin uttered a key phrase, the meaning of which was that Russia could not allow Ukraine to reacquire even tactical nuclear weapons and that Kiev was literally one step away from creating them. It was this emphasis that immediately fell out of the public spotlight amid claims of “denazification” and “demilitarization”. What is a dirty nuclear bomb and how likely is Kiev to have one?

“This is a sly thing. If the state has sufficient competence to dismantle fuel assemblies, the spent nuclear fuel can be used to make weapon-grade isotopes. And for sure, in order to fill a missile warhead with it, a subversive charge, to arrange a dirty bomb, when the territory is contaminated without a nuclear explosion. And the activity of such a bomb will be higher than that of a cobalt bomb by one and a half times,” said the expert.

“Let’s take the Bushehr nuclear power plant in Iran as an example – the whole Western world demanded from Russia to close the project at first, and then they agreed – Russia takes the spent nuclear fuel so that Iranians would not accidentally start using it illegally for weapons-military purposes. For some reason it was scary in Iran, it was a stumbling block, but with Ukraine it is not frightening”.

In conclusion, the threat of Kiev creating a dirty bomb is serious. This is confirmed, albeit indirectly, by statements by experts, journalists around the world, and Russian officials. Despite the revelation that a large amount of spent nuclear fuel is stored at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, no one knows reliably how much is stored at other nuclear power plants. We can only hope for the remnants of the adequacy of the Ukrainian government. Otherwise, it could do irreparable harm not only to Russia and Belarus, but also to their neighbours.

It's that last question (first para above) that the article is arguing: how likely is, or was, Kiev to have a dirty nuclear bomb? Indeed it's a sly thing, and possibly an existential crisis for Russia since the beginning. Imagine if the Mexican government suddenly decided that it was going to put the drug cartels in charge of a Mexican nuclear program, and the cartels suddenly start displaying Waffen SS divisional insignia, and Mexico announced to the world that for its safety and security against its big northern neighbor, it was going to develop nuclear weapons. You can bet all hell would break loose in Swampington DC.

Also, recall the Ukraine publicly announced its intention to reacquire nuclear weapons, IF left out of NATO.

Note that the linked "Southfront" article/site is on the US State Department blacklist as Russian disinfo.😆🙃

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: Caled
Creepy weird I chose that one cause of ATS logo

5 years
edit on 2022/6/1 by CrazyFox because: Rabbits

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: GAPeach3

The truth would bring the destruction and rebuilding this nation needs.

posted on Jun, 1 2022 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: GAPeach3
Way back (early 00s) I checked AJ out seemed like a huckster.
When he is on Joe Rogan talking it's entertaining.
He used to have 3 or 4 websites hawking products
Some was good his presentation skills could use improvement.

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