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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on May, 25 2022 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I'm curious about what twit you're talking about. I don't have a twit account and have no idea what you mean by:

Frankly, I saw the twit and ignored it, it's for the fear addicted.

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: blakdart
Sorry you feel I'm projecting, not my intention to put you off. If you aren't unhappy, then I apologize for the assumption. I truely do hope you are at Peace.

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 01:36 AM

Search warrants were served to an employee at a Yuma, Arizona nonprofit organization in connection to illegal ballot trafficking.

The ballot trafficking scheme was investigated in True The Vote and Dinesh D’Souza’s recent documentary “2000 Mules.” The documentary makes the claim that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen by illegal ballot trafficking done through nonprofit organizations.

The ballot trafficking scheme was discovered by residents in Yuma County, and the documentary features the undercover investigative work of David Lara and Arizona State Senate candidate Gary Snyder as well as the investigations of Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips.

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 03:37 AM
a reply to: Caled

Re the George Soros "cheap hotel" picture:

1) There are 3 copies of a book titled "GEORGE SOROS" on the table... but only the GEORGE is showing. This is messaging KING GEORGE III, who America fought the War of Independence from!

2) The "cheap lights", against a blue wall blackgrounf, seem to be messaging PROJECT BLUE BEAM to me?

3) Soros is holding his hands awkwardly against his script; 3 fingers showing on the left and 4 on the right = #34 EBS

4) There are 3 wine bottles, forming an arc pointed towards Soros/bluebeam lights, and 2 Water bottles. All look opened but only 1 of each contain liquid(ity?). The half full glass and wine bottle are adjacent = Half full or half empty?
The bread roll also has a butter patty = BREAD and BUTTER = MAIN INCOME.

5) There is a BLUE BOOK being used by the guy at the table for notes = TAKE NOTE of BLUE BOOK? What does Blue Book mean in the finance world and in the C_A world?

6) The edge of the wine bucket, to the right of the wine bottle arch, forms a SATELLITE shape!

7) For some reason there is a second MIC on the table and the 2 Microphones form 2 sides of a pyramid shape... MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX?

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

XtMN, you are AMAZING at these value add digs!!!


So, Rel, were you crunching numbers for Serge or Bill back then?? LOL.

...not crunching them... more building them! Tho I was on a division's financial operational review board.

I was bought into Capgemini through Hoskyns and had been bought into them through a small regional company only a year earlier. Out of those of us transferred from the original company 50% made it to senior positions or VP in the UK Capgemini unit, having laughingly sworn that we would "Outsource THEM from the inside".

My time as a UK business unit head only lasted a year after I refused an invite to a social do from a higher up - I'm guessing that would have been a "blackmail gateway event" that opened/closed the career route ahead. At the time I'd just divorced and was single parent to a brood of kids. Shortly after that I was moved to the onboarding team of a major deal, far from home.... lasted a few years and got made redundant on the brink of burnout.

Twice I built up the most profitable unit in the UK and twice the higher ups transferred the now profitable business to less profitable units to up their numbers - soul destroying.

I had to fight to get my earned place on the annual best performers holiday in the West Indies; with the VPs and Chairman of the UK business. I felt like the policeman in the Wickerman film, haha. I remember sunbathing on the beach listening to Hotel California on loop for 2 hours. The drunk UK Chairman's wife was telling me what a small one her husband had as we celebrated her birthday... and I had to look the other way in the toilets whilst board members got their little tins and credit cards out. It definitely blew away the aura of leaders' respectability.

Having said the above, there WAS a great teamwork ethos there and a belief that we could achieve anything!

ETA - I never got to go to the University, I seemed to miss out on a lot of formal training because it was deemed that I didn't need it and others did.
edit on 25-5-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

The guy in the foreground is covering his mouth.

There is a small blue "beam" shining on the seam of his jacket.

Why is a bottle of what appears to be red wine in an ice bucket? (to point at the light?)

The 2 lamps = black hats?

3 books = 3 Gorges = Chinese dam?

Glass bottle is empty and "EG" is pointing towards camera = mirrored E = 3G = "3 gorges" reinforced.

I love these visual games.
edit on 25/5/2022 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 06:11 AM
Something significant seems to have been in play last night between 9pm and midnight!

Either the threat has been averted, or it has not hit the MSM yet?

I've never known Phil Godlewski be so panicked as he was in these posts and videos last night:

All times are in UTC.

Post #1 prior to panic 15:25:53

Tonight's LIVE will be an overview of CHEMTRAILS, which has been a highly requested topic for many months now.

I will also give a Current Events update, although, I am limited on what I am able to say at this time.

I'll explain why during the Live.

See you at 8PM Eastern 🔥

Post #2 17:01:53

Will Byrd - call me

Dropping Opsec?

Post #3 21:58:30

COMMS [detour] salfon:::stR > LIMBO @jersey ))VIKTOR((

Post #4 21:58:38

/end COMMS

Post #5 01:33:44

Stay home tonight. Stay off major roadways. Please trust me.

Post #6 01:39:51

My Live is postponed until further notice.


Post #7 01:41:40

COMMS [flavor] RIPTIDAL•waiVe (spoke/RAFT

Post #8 01:43:23

COMMS [survay] enForth;:-3,5,7=TWO negates? B••M

Post #9 01:43:40

/end COMMS

Post #10 01:47:57



Post #11 01:57:48:
A 1:51 video of Phil in car giving more warning:

This is NOT a test, This is NOT a drill, this is NOT any sort... any sort of comm... I am telling you, for the rest of the night, until midnight Eastern, stay OFF the roadways. Stay off EVERY roadway! It doesn't matter what roadway it is! Whether it's an interstate, whether it's a local roadway, no matter where it is, no matter what city, what town, stay off of the roadways. Do not travel on the roadways tonight. Get off of the roadways until midnight tonight, and... I think it's also important that all of us pray, uh, that... some common sense prevails... if doing what they want to do isn't done. I tried my best! STAY OFF THE ROADWAYS! GET OFF THE ROADWAYS NOW! I'm doing my best to get off these roadways! PLEASE! Just for, what is it, just for the next 3 hours? Please! JUST LISTEN: STAY OFF THE ROADWAYS, GET OFF THE ROADWAYS. DON'T GO ANYWHERE FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT. Stay where you're at for the next 3 hours. If nothing happens in the next 3 hours... consider... ourselves very, very lucky! PLEASE LISTEN!


(I note the express use of ROADWAYS x 12... Roe vs Wade?)

Post #12 02:07:07

I am home and safe: 9:06 PM

Post #13 02:22:04, updated 02:27:38

Post #13 02:28:30

Stay off the f**king roadways

(asterisks added by me)

Post #14 02:28:35

I’ll explain more later, but for now just stay OFF THE ROADWAYS

Post #15 02:41:49

Sirens reported at Fort Bragg

There have been no more posts since... no later explanation!

edit on 25-5-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: nerbot

Nice value adds nerbot, cheers!

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 06:38 AM
Ghost Ezra posted a 911 video on telegram at 05:47:59 - it was his 9119th post:

The video is 3:22 long and shows, at the 24 second mark, a cruise missile travelling at 10 foot off the ground (to right of bolards) before exploding into the Pentagon!

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 06:53 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Ghost Ezra posted a 911 video on telegram at 05:47:59 - it was his 9119th post:

The video is 3:22 long and shows, at the 24 second mark, a cruise missile travelling at 10 foot off the ground (to right of bolards) before exploding into the Pentagon!

Another Angle

7 years ago

edit on 5252022 by MetalThunder because: TIME is what you make of IT

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Ghost Ezra posted a 911 video on telegram at 05:47:59 - it was his 9119th post:

The video is 3:22 long and shows, at the 24 second mark, a cruise missile travelling at 10 foot off the ground (to right of bolards) before exploding into the Pentagon!

One of the biggest holes in the official 9/11 story has always been that the wings & engines of the plane should have been somewhere outside the Pentagon, but there was no sign of them.

Also, the hole in the ground in Shanksville, PA looked way more like a bomb crater than a plane crash.
edit on 25-5-2022 by AndyFromMichigan because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

I get the point MT but I think the GhostEzra one actually shows the cruise missile rather than the trail because there is no flash already in the building as it appears on the right?

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Update from Phil Godlewski at 12:47:27 UTC

Logic won.

Prayer worked.

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Morning Rel, there was also a lot of chatter regarding Fort Bragg and reported sirens. There were several posts from people that were either in Fort Bragg or lived close. There seemed to be confusion as to which Fort Bragg (either NC or California) There was a post I saw from someone inside Fort Bragg that said the sirens heard were from a fire system going off but everyone was safe. Then others posting that there was nothing going on.

Then there was another post from a person that lived approximately 15 minutes away and was filming the sky above Fort Bragg and it looked like fire on the ground type lights. It was a little difficult to see as trees were obstructing the ground viewpoint but there was for a glow in the sky.

Like you said Phil doesn't usually get worked up but didn't he warn us about moving into a confusion phase here as well?

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: MetalThunder

I get the point MT but I think the GhostEzra one actually shows the cruise missile rather than the trail because there is no flash already in the building as it appears on the right?

No point ! (Just going with the flow atm)Just intrigued as the official narrative lacks any evidence , as compared to what's presented IMO ... Carry on

edit on 5252022 by MetalThunder because: TIME is what you make of IT

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: MetalThunder

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: MetalThunder

I get the point MT but I think the GhostEzra one actually shows the cruise missile rather than the trail because there is no flash already in the building as it appears on the right?

No point ! (Just going with the flow atm)Just intrigued as the official narrative lacks any evidence , as compared to what's presented IMO ... Carry on

What's curious is that the planes that hit the World Trade Center appear to be legit (countless eyewitnesses, plus video evidence), but the Pentagon and the crash in Pennsylvania appear to be missile strikes. I'm guessing the missile that crashed in PA probably suffered a mechanical failure or guidance failure. It's always been rumored that the fourth "plane" was intended for the White House.

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Why would roadways be dangerous?

And not a specific roadway. ALL roads.


posted on May, 25 2022 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Why would roadways be dangerous?

And not a specific roadway. ALL roads.


Logic would suggest someone was going to hack into the traffic control grid.

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Heh, TAT, given the way some people drive, that might be an improvement.


posted on May, 25 2022 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Tat, in the UK, electric, gas, water and broadband pipes are under/alongside the roads/pavements.

If it's the same in the U.S. then a mass blowing up or flooding of remaining DUMBS/tunnels would cause flooding and exploding manholes on roads?

Just a thought.

ETA - could be this, reported on X22report telegram, 14:02:20 UTC

Canadian Freight Train mysteriously derailed with 43 cars carrying desperately need fertiliser.... Strange coincidence?!

The video in the post shows it's right next to a road... fortunately no fire/explosion.
edit on 25-5-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

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