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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on May, 2 2022 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Menesses

Pic is up elsewhere that was unable to upload here.

a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012
edit on 2022/5/2 by CrazyFox because:

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 12:26 PM

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: Menesses
a reply to: loveguy
Like weird weird or just weird??

Crappy weird.
I use 3 browsers on a secondary tablet, none of them are able to establish a connection to the upload page.
It's crappy.

I'm guessing a rollout of a paid subscription to offset the cost of bandwidth room on the servers will help fix the issue.

I can't afford a dollar a day, but it's worth it if that becomes the solution.

Got ur pm X thanks.

Maybe I'll consider using an image hosting site in the future.

Kinda blows to find out my collection of uploads have become unavailable unless I turn the cheek to offer the other.

edit on (5/2/2222 by loveguy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 12:37 PM

Wait until she hears about the US military budget. The US military burns through that in five days. Meanwhile in the US, homelessness is booming due to skyrocketing rent and manufactured housing crisis.

NATO countries drooling at the thought of turning Ukraine into a permanent, hyper-militarized frontline in the Project for a New American Century.


posted on May, 2 2022 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: Justoneman

a reply to: CrazyFox


Me and my American foxhound are going after this rabbit, she is fast.
Nothing yet but these are odd fb from 2020?
46 states ballots
This says not true fact checkershuh
edit on 2022/5/2 by CrazyFox because: Tblt

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 12:48 PM
Why wouldn't Lesia post in Rubles rather than USD? Her audience should be Russians, not the US. She should take her disinformation somewhere else. The US has its own problems to worry about.

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

Wait until she hears about the US military budget. The US military burns through that in five days. Meanwhile in the US, homelessness is booming due to skyrocketing rent and manufactured housing crisis.

edit on 5/2/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Hi Jane, I agree.
I zoomed in as best I could on the handshake and it does look strange. As do their shoes which are very pixelated compared to the shoes of the man behind or even those walking near by so movement shouldn't have been a factor. Tried to upload but nope.

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 12:57 PM
This looks like a significant step from Putin, posted by Whiplash347:

Putin signs law on data sharing with ‘unfriendly’ states

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on Sunday barring the country’s banks from sharing data with government agencies from so-called ‘unfriendly’ nations that have illegally sanctioned Russian entities and individuals.

The new law prohibits the country’s financial institutions from responding to requests from foreign agencies, including judicial bodies, for information about their clients and transactions.

From now on, banks are instructed to reject such inquiries, citing Russian law as the reason for not processing such requests.

Subscribe to RT

My first reaction was that transactions are all just data - unless you physically hand someone else an asset.

Potentially this could mean no government transacting with Russia (for gas...) unless you become a friendly nation?

I guess it depends on the scope and constraints in the small print of the law.

Now consider the timing of adding this into the mix:
Putin to undergo cancer surgery, transfer power to ex-FSB chief

Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to undergo cancer surgery and temporarily hand over power to a hardline former federal police chief, according to a new report.

Putin will transfer control of Russia’s government to Nikolai Patrushev, head of the Russian federal police’s Security Council, while he is incapacitated during and after the procedure, according to a video from the mysterious Telegram channel “General SVR” on Saturday.

Imagine the line of European leaders queuing up to try to argue concessions from Putin... only to be met by "The Bouncer"... "Sorry, the boss is unavailable and I have been given no power to negotiate - just to manage that the law is followed!"

edit on 2-5-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

How about this....

Alot of comments about a Cabal bloodbath coming....

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

Nice to meet you, MountainLaurel!

That sounds like an incredible experience, you piqued my interest by mentioning inversion... Would you mind sharing a little of how that manifested in their relaying of understanding?


posted on May, 2 2022 @ 01:07 PM
I don't like the source. Whose blood?

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

How about this....

Alot of comments about a Cabal bloodbath coming....

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: Caled
I don't like the source. Whose blood?

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

How about this....

Alot of comments about a Cabal bloodbath coming....

BTC and casino coin.

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 01:18 PM
File under ... 'That was then = joke"

"This is now = no joke"

Remarkable how a send up, an extreme level of absurdity is now a contemporary meme meant to be serious.

The world flipped while folks were sucked into their phones.

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: Menesses
Watching Joshua Philipp of Crossroads/Epoch Times right now talking about the points of this new Office Of Misinformation and how it includes the term malinformation, or the malicious use of true facts.

Worse, how spreading mis/dis/malinformation is literally now categorized as terrorism and an act to undermine the stability of the nation...

We have reached the point where telling the truth is officially an act of terrorism.

It's hard to even imagine the next step.

Unconditional loyalty oaths to Der Fuehrer?

One step closer to worshipping The Beast?

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow
a reply to: loveguy
a reply to: Menesses

PM 4 U both.


ODNI annual transparency report on the government's use of FISA, pen/trap, national security letters, etc. The FBI looked up your nudes by name over 3 million times last year.

Executive Summary
The Annual Statistical Transparency Report Regarding the Intelligence Community’s Use of National Security Surveillance Authorities provides statistics and contextual information concerning how the Intelligence Community uses the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and certain other national security authorities to accomplish its mission. The report also describes the circumstances under which such national security activities are conducted and the rules that are designed to ensure compliance with the Constitution and laws of the United States. By providing statistics along with explanatory narratives, the Intelligence Community endeavors to enhance public understanding of intelligence activities by adding further context to other publicly released materials regarding the oversight framework. This is the ninth such transparency report.

Annual Statistical Transparency Report [PDF]


posted on May, 2 2022 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: loveguy

originally posted by: Menesses
a reply to: loveguy
Like weird weird or just weird??

Crappy weird.
I use 3 browsers on a secondary tablet, none of them are able to establish a connection to the upload page.
It's crappy.

I'm guessing a rollout of a paid subscription to offset the cost of bandwidth room on the servers will help fix the issue.

I can't afford a dollar a day, but it's worth it if that becomes the solution.

Got ur pm X thanks.

Maybe I'll consider using an image hosting site in the future.

Kinda blows to find out my collection of uploads have become unavailable unless I turn the cheek to offer the other.

I'm so confused, why am I seeing others being able to upload images?

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 01:28 PM

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: duncanhidao
Hi guys.
I opened a new account on twitter:

I am trying to post only in Italian to help fight censorship in my country but after a few days I am discouraged ... 2 followers and statistics views close to zero.

I feel like I'm talking to an empty room.
If you would like to help me grow I would be grateful.


You might have to change your bio pics there as anything pertaining to 17 puts you at a disadvantage.

Another thing to try would be put @elonmusk or a check marked account with a large following in all your posts. Or only reply to large accounts inserting your replies on their feeds to access a larger audience.

I was up to 7k followers before the purge in 21. 3 accounts later, I'm at a solid 800!

It took 3 years to build up to 7k.

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: Menesses

I found that my firewall wasn't allowing through because it didn't match security certificates.

Once you add the former url to your browser exceptions list image uploading should work ok?
edit on 2-5-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: Menesses
X sent u and me a pm
giving an avenue to utilize if the normal upload button stays broken.


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