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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 10:28 AM

Take a break ladies and gents and listen to some good tunes. Then keep up the hard work! People like me are still reading daily.
edit on 8-4-2022 by PraetorianAZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 10:35 AM
Consider also the difference between Biden's racist ridiculing of Justice Thomas at his nomination hearing compared to Ketanji Brown Jackson.

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 10:46 AM

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Some CAPITOL HILL DOG COMMS: Fox News tweet:

Capitol Hill fox euthanized, will be tested for rabies as DC Health officials weigh kits’ fate
Capitol Hill fox euthanized, will be tested for rabies as DC Health officials weigh kits’ fate
The tail of the wild Capitol fox who bit a congressman, a reporter and at least seven other people in Washington Tuesday has come to an end after city health officials put her down amid cause fur...

Here's a youtube news report on it:

Read at 1:56min, putting words in the fox' mouth:

Today, I was forcibly removed from my den by very scary and mean individuals. I am innocent of the crimes in question. This will not be the end.
"I am a work in progress"

Work In Progress = W.I.P. = WHIP in congress?

Who knows what kind of sick comm this was, but that little fox looks terrified, not aggressive and rabid. 😔 Pycho’s like torturing innocent animals and kids.

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
DuckDuckGo Search Algorithm changed?

I have read on another forum that DDG has changed policy and is no longer favored by the anon posting.

Here is a brief quote: "After DuckDuckGo announced that it would be abandoning its years-long commitment to “unbiased” search results by down-ranking “Russian disinformation,” two alternative search engines, Brave Search and Presearch, have committed to not censoring their search results."

I'm not posting a link because I seem to recall something in our terms of use against linking to another forum.

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: cimmerius

Here's an ATS thread describing how DuckDuckGo has degraded recently.

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

Well Foxes are very sneaky thieves...
The picture shows the obvious....
The Fox was out-foxed and caught....LOL
edit on 8-4-2022 by SMOKINGGUN2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 12:00 PM
CIA: Three Information Reports on Extrasensory Perception and Human Radio, Soviet CYBERNETICS, 1964:

PDF, 28-Mar-2022

JASON Global Grid:

AD-B169095 - JASON Global Grid Study, Mitre Corp. McLean VA, 28-October-1992 - [PDF - 11-Dec-2008]. It's a lengthy 160 pg presentation format covering the future of global comms & Surveillance, along with list of recommendations for DARPA to pursue, as above, so below.

Three Selected JASON Defense Advisory Panel/MITRE Corporation Reports released by the Department of Defense (DoD), 1984-1985 - [PDF, 19-Apr-2010]

1) AD-B149675, Radical Computing, May, 1984, JSR-82-701
2) AD-B099221, Report on the Workshop for Automated Software Programming, 1985
3) AD-B149872, Space Power System Study, May, 1984, JSR-82-801 (Solar, Batteries & nuclear space power)

On paper the JASON's were way ahead of the curve ball.

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: Caled
Complicated question. You shouldn't assume there was any single mechanism. It was likely done by arrests on-site, reports from others, posts from social media, and records from local cellular providers. I would imagine there are two classes of J6 prisoners; covert operatives and unlucky chaff that are necessary to prevent you from figuring out this was two groups fighting in a clandestine battle in plain sight disguised as a protest.

originally posted by: loveguy
What method was used to identify, then apprehend j6 political prisoners?

I will accept that explanation. However, NSA is not off the hook.

When will something tangible be presented to me to convince me that the money I pay into the tax system isn't being laundered to fund fairy tales? Like actually providing security to ward off the elements in gov. forcing blood shed onto other nations because we got caught violating bwc treaty?

I did not knowingly hire a state level bogeyman to be the babysitter. But I'm finding that to be the case.

Very disappointing.

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 12:27 PM
These MOST definitely go together. [summer]

Yes, that's the sound of Jake Sullivan being thrown in front of the "we caught them all" Trump Train.

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I was looking through all of the HRC posts and this one still stands out for me.
Define Evergreen.
Non-standard definition.
The Silent War continues.

This may have been covered earlier but many Evergreens are poisonous and cause death, hence her name choice. Hemlock, one of the most deadly in the evergreen family is very toxic and in fact the dead canes are toxic for 3 years.

We are now just past the two year mark of the Covid wars. Just musing out loud but at the 3 year mark we may start to see serious deaths related to the jabs. I hope not but as the wave of 4th jabs, disguised as two jabs and two boosters, I am starting to see some people really struggling with health issues.>13427999-poisonous-... < July 17, 2017

Fun fact...There are plants that are poisonous for a Russian Tortoise at the link.

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 01:24 PM
Oh, I forgot to add that they likely used cameras is the building and surrounding area, as well as pictures from mobile devices.

You can’t get anything tangible to support what you are asking. You already know the real answer. Anything provided that tells you otherwise is a lie.

originally posted by: loveguy

originally posted by: Caled
Complicated question. You shouldn't assume there was any single mechanism. It was likely done by arrests on-site, reports from others, posts from social media, and records from local cellular providers. I would imagine there are two classes of J6 prisoners; covert operatives and unlucky chaff that are necessary to prevent you from figuring out this was two groups fighting in a clandestine battle in plain sight disguised as a protest.

originally posted by: loveguy
What method was used to identify, then apprehend j6 political prisoners?

I will accept that explanation. However, NSA is not off the hook.

When will something tangible be presented to me to convince me that the money I pay into the tax system isn't being laundered to fund fairy tales? Like actually providing security to ward off the elements in gov. forcing blood shed onto other nations because we got caught violating bwc treaty?

I did not knowingly hire a state level bogeyman to be the babysitter. But I'm finding that to be the case.

Very disappointing.

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I was looking through all of the HRC posts and this one still stands out for me.
Define Evergreen.
Non-standard definition.
The Silent War continues.

This may have been covered earlier but many Evergreens are poisonous and cause death, hence her name choice. Hemlock, one of the most deadly in the evergreen family is very toxic and in fact the dead canes are toxic for 3 years.

We are now just past the two year mark of the Covid wars. Just musing out loud but at the 3 year mark we may start to see serious deaths related to the jabs. I hope not but as the wave of 4th jabs, disguised as two jabs and two boosters, I am starting to see some people really struggling with health issues.>13427999-poisonous-... < July 17, 2017

Fun fact...There are plants that are poisonous for a Russian Tortoise at the link.

Interesting train of thought, but poisonous Hemlock plants are different than the evergreen trees, although some of those can be poisonous too. They grow wild all over here, pretty wildflower, related to carrots.

I always wondered if HRC’s name “Evergreen” was related to all the shipping and trucking companies ?

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 02:02 PM

Dang cts

George wth?


Well we always can have


Wouldn't that be something (His name was Donald in the comics)

Good times


edit on 2022/4/8 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 02:04 PM
For the Record.

I have been very, very heavily involved in the mental health field so I just wanted to review

#4498 [clips]
Targeted [mental] 'criteria' designated as [ , ].
Mental institutions & therapists > 'program-specialists.....
The hole is deep.

As a parent dealing with a child that made a bad situation worse with drug addiction I got a bird's eye view of the goings on at the mental health facilities, private psychiatric hospitals and public psychiatric hospitals, half way transition facilities and rehab centers and of course all the fun through the judicial system.
During that entire time I was the only parent that accompanied a mentally unstable adult and remained actively engaged and involved. There were no eyeson what was going on there and the victims/clients were unable to speak for themselves or think clearly. However I could and did. This is an important issue because these individuals are at the mercy of these institutions and there are no safeguards over what is being prescribed or programs that in some cases are 'forced indoctrination'.

1. It is not cool to have extension telephone numbers as 666. If they were not paranoid going in they will be coming out. I complained. Not sure if anything was done about it but these people are sick.

2. Changing medications for all clients suddenly despite them operating much better on their existing meds. There was no reason to change abruptly everyone, all at once. This created more illness, more erratic behavior and led to behavior that resulted in interactions with the judicial system.
Or was there a reason? I asked. It was because the big pharma company was no longer giving a rebate. This had nothing to do with the mental health of the client. Once again all about the $$$.

3. Those most at need were considered too problematic and were forced out of the system. They only wanted compliant clients. Those most at need caused problems and made their stats look poor.

4. Labels. Every client would ask each other "So what do they say you have?" The labels were uniform Schizophrenia and Bi-polar.

5. Drugs that were effective treatment were denied or made really, really expensive so out of reach.

6. General Practioners were given psychiatric drugs by big pharma reps and they would give them out for free so that the client could self medicate. Who would know what interactions all of these drugs were doing with some prescribed and some not.

Having gone through 2 school shootings this is one issue that should be addressed> School administrators responsibilities.
In both cases the student involved had serious mental health issues and were receiving psych meds. Over time their behavior became more erratic and aggressive. The psych meds were not working but in fact doing the opposite. In one case the student was running up and down the halls pounding his fist on the classroom windows, aggressively arguing and generally becoming out of control and the teachers and students were afraid. Yet the administrators made the back room decision to not address the issue because the student was in his final year and they could just pass the buck.
That is until he came in with a gun. The police investigation was blocked because the teachers were warned to provide limited cooperation or else...
The students knew who the shooter was. They didn't need a media update.

7. The psychiatric drugs have so many serious side effects and the Psychiatrists of course prescribe more drugs and soon there are so many drugs being taken that it is difficult to keep track. This is a real issue because how can anyone expect them to be compliant when different drugs have to be taken at different times during the day and these are the least capable group able to do this.

*** Parents are not the enemy but it is made very clear that their involvement is discouraged. No prying eyes or questions.

The administration placed a ballot box on the office counter asking the clients to choose the best therapist and that therapist would receive an award at the annual event. Democracy at work. They voted for someone not on the ballot.
ME!. Ha! I passed on the phony award.

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

I just love evergreens so I always find it disturbing that she chose that name. They are so beautiful and the sound they make when the wind swooshes through just feels like a deep sigh. I am a big gardener so I can never have enough trees.

I agree with you about the shipping connection but it seems that there is more than one way to interpret these posts. Anyway I just thought that 3 seems to follow the Covid timeline. Who knows, right?

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
Psychologist Bolded tells you what you need to know
Prescribed me prozac and kept upping the doses all the while telling me pt would be bad. Now it's prescribable for my condition.
I meam

Sound advice

ok so can we go there

Movies one last marathon

No way


posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 02:25 PM




Been a while for a duplicate post lol

edit on 2022/4/8 by CrazyFox because: Double

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Interesting angle of thought T1!

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

The lines are drawn.
Define Renegade [Hussein USSS code name].
Standard definition.
Define Evergreen [HRC USSS code name]
Non-standard defintion.
Think depopulation.
The Silent War continues…

The second "defintion" is misspelled.

I've always leaned that "Evergreen" Non-standard defintion pertains to...

Within the context of journalism and broadcasting, evergreen content is content that is not time-sensitive. Evergreen content does not rely on current events; thus, an evergreen story can be prepared, then mothballed until it is needed to fill time on a slower news day or on a holiday when fewer journalists are on duty. The term is derived from evergreen trees.

Aside from daily fake news reporting, the media so typically holds onto a story (obeying their masters) until the right opportunity presents itself.

Strange, when I search on "Zw7301" - Goog returns this old Agenda 21 UN site.

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