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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 10:18 AM
reply to: daskakik
If your soul can handle it. Go ahead and scroll thru these and try not to feel

  1. Traumatized
  2. Violated
  3. Deceived
  4. Queazy
  5. Nauseous
  6. Symbology will be downfall

Not as bad as cern induction but how many visit this evil daily
The Catholics have been the hardest to awaken.
The ending will not be 4 Sum

4 Sum this will be hard

Do not get me started on public indoctrination camps

Good question

What happened to ideas like this?

edit on 2022/3/26 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 10:37 AM

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Please don't broad-brush the Catholics.

There is the hierarchy (clergy and prominent others), and then, there is a huge community of decent people who see what is going on and are sickened by it.

That noted, that community (the true church) has no desire to destroy the institution or attack the faith because they realize the Church has been subverted and corrupted. The question for them is how to purge the evil but not destroy the Church in the process. It won't be simple and it won't be straightforward, as filthy practices have been tolerated for centuries.

Priority One has to be removal of the pope-pretender in the Vatican and those cardinals who back him. Getting that done would be a huge step in the right direction, but as people in this thread must realize, that office, and in particular, that individual in the office, have very strong backing.


posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 10:55 AM

Arizona sent passed HB2492

SCOTUS nominee doesn’t know what a woman is

Russian Soldiers in Ukraine as you've NEVER seen them before!!!!

🔥Trump details his ‘VERY STRONG’ case to SUE Hillary Clinton [Full Interview]

Muscle man looks like death

Cold vs awesome response by troops to Biden vs. Trump

Biden not president

Dr. Andreas Noack attacked

Skippy Dee Doo Dah
May 7 2022. 3p-6p

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 11:26 AM
I am basing my comment on the Pope, the attitudes of "Non-Practicing but still loyal" Clowns i am in contact with.
After so many attempts to bring light rejected I have become more aware of the meaning of the end will not b 4 every1.

a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

edit on 2022/3/26 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 11:28 AM

edit on 26-3-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 11:38 AM

How can there be FACTS if the entire story (narrative) was FICTION?

Manhattan DA Suspends Trump Investigation ‘Indefinitely,’

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 11:40 AM

a reply to: duncanhidao

On the fateful day in September when malice told me to turn on the TV as a I thought looks like Y2K did not destroy the World.

Apparently a re awakening was needed 4 me as i was sold out (as much as i ever could be)

edit on 2022/3/26 by CrazyFox because:

edit on 2022/3/26 by CrazyFox because: Tblt

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: CrazyFox

Please don't broad-brush the Catholics.

There is the hierarchy (clergy and prominent others), and then, there is a huge community of decent people who see what is going on and are sickened by it.

That noted, that community (the true church) has no desire to destroy the institution or attack the faith because they realize the Church has been subverted and corrupted. The question for them is how to purge the evil but not destroy the Church in the process. It won't be simple and it won't be straightforward, as filthy practices have been tolerated for centuries.

Priority One has to be removal of the pope-pretender in the Vatican and those cardinals who back him. Getting that done would be a huge step in the right direction, but as people in this thread must realize, that office, and in particular, that individual in the office, have very strong backing.


Quite agree. The same can be said about Muslims. The real enemy is that it's more of an ideology vice religion propagated & brain washed into millions/billions by the clergy. Trust the experts they say. Iran is a good example.

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 11:45 AM

What happens when a blockade (threat) is dismantled & removed?
“You’ll find out.”


What "unlocked" the laptop from hell?


edit on 26-3-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Fox, a lot of Catholics I know are not impressed with the pretender posing as the Pope.

No doubt you've met some who don't want to believe in the corruption.

But you should understand that in their view, they're part of an organization that has had a "vision of the light" for a very long time. If they believe that someone is attempting to lead them away from that, anons included ... yeah ... you'll get resistance.

Likewise, they have their own version of "the end won't be for everyone", or, rather, that not everyone reaches the same end.

Some are irreversibly corrupted and will reap the consequences. Others are decent. But I don't know any Catholics who want to destroy the Church. There are bonds at the community level that they value, even as they curse those 'Catholics' who do truly evil acts.

The scandals we've heard of have been absolutely necessary to force the decent people to confront what has been going on. As I said, how to confront without leveling the entire institution is not easily answered. Like other groups (Hollywood etc), it will have to be a step by step dismantling.


posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 12:29 PM

It is easier to fool someone than it is show them they have been fooled

Someone said this before

Religion is a useful tool to control the masses

Someone said this before too.
I have observed services performed by various sects of the "Christian" cults.

It is time to get out of the bullpen if you cannot recognize what you just stepped in
Someone may have said this before but if not
CrazyFox 3/26/22.
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 12:31 PM
Flynn/Clark - Arrogance & Selfishness Will Be The Downfall Of The [DS], Patriots Are Winning

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 12:41 PM

Fake Today.
Truth tomorrow.

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: CrazyFox

Fox, a lot of Catholics I know are not impressed with the pretender posing as the Pope.

No doubt you've met some who don't want to believe in the corruption.

But you should understand that in their view, they're part of an organization that has had a "vision of the light" for a very long time. If they believe that someone is attempting to lead them away from that, anons included ... yeah ... you'll get resistance.

Likewise, they have their own version of "the end won't be for everyone", or, rather, that not everyone reaches the same end.

Some are irreversibly corrupted and will reap the consequences. Others are decent. But I don't know any Catholics who want to destroy the Church. There are bonds at the community level that they value, even as they curse those 'Catholics' who do truly evil acts.

The scandals we've heard of have been absolutely necessary to force the decent people to confront what has been going on. As I said, how to confront without leveling the entire institution is not easily answered. Like other groups (Hollywood etc), it will have to be a step by step dismantling.


Whether or not anyone agrees with the spokesperson of a cult
Identifying with it and saying oh he's not thinking right etc is akin to just doing my job.
Belonging to a cult and identifying as a member knowing the disgusting and horrendous misdeeds performed by the cult and claiming that's just the other members we are the good ones is beyond ludicrous.

If you allow someone else to define your spirituality you need to do some serious soul searching or you will NEVER have FREE WILL

Crazyfox 2022

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

All I'm telling you is that is it is not as clear-cut as you perceive.

Every religious faith has members who let others do the thinking for them (which is pretty close to the meaning of 'cult').

Catholicism is no different.

If you wish to condemn all Catholics ... have at it. I have a different view based on Catholics I've known.


posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 12:59 PM

Fake Today.
Truth tomorrow.

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 01:20 PM
I am not condemning all or really any Catholics
I stated that Catholics are hard to awaken in a nutshell.
If they are awake then at best they are cino.
If i was to condemn it would be all controlled religions/cults
How many have been slaughtered in the

Name of God

1990 was when I started research on the different cults/religions of the world.
I like Boondock Saints as much as anyone FTR
If all roads lead to Rome
What or who controls Rome.
Who created Christianity?
Who was crowned King of Jews?
Why do they not even acknowledge their biggest sect or (their 2nd Islam) as followers?
Chrislam ?
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

posted on Mar, 26 2022 @ 02:00 PM
Update to last night's post BoJo coded rambling HERE

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