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Russia Ukraine Update Thread

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posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: alphabetaone

It's amusing that Putin actually believes he's in any position to make demands at all. 

Then on what date is Putin going to tuck tail and go home?

Doesn't really matter. His country (and by extension, the people he claims to be protecting from NATO missile defense systems) is almost out of money and on the verge of economic collapse. He has no table clout left.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 07:27 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: alphabetaone

It's amusing that Putin actually believes he's in any position to make demands at all. 

Then on what date is Putin going to tuck tail and go home?

March 25th or 26th.

biden's coming to take credit.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: alphabetaone

I can agree to that at face value.

Wider picture though:

Russia has established a monetary pipeline to China, no pun intended.

SA in talks with China to get away from the dollar.

SA not talking to Biden.

Breaking his ties, whatever they may have been, from the EU and US is inconsequential to putins desires in my estimation.

Money, clout and unless he is utterly insane, a cost/risk vs reward assessment have been factored.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: alphabetaone

It's amusing that Putin actually believes he's in any position to make demands at all. 

Then on what date is Putin going to tuck tail and go home?

March 25th or 26th.

biden's coming to take credit.


posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: JinMI


posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: JinMI


Fair enough

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 07:53 PM
BMW convertible fitted with machine gun spotted in Mykolaiv, Ukraine amid Russian invasion

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:32 PM
American volunteer in Ukraine
edit on pmTuesdayTuesday20800000003pm3 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:49 PM
Ukrainian military flights now beginning to land in Poland.

Russian navy blockades the black sea

Russian strikes reportedly struck the facility of Ukraine's 301th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment (armed with S-300PS) located in Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

Russian channels says that a commander of the separatist militia Taras Gordienko "Clooney" has been killed in combat in the vicinity of Mariupol on March 14

Another Starlink delivery sent by Elon Musk arrived in Ukraine.

Dozens of Russian equipment abandoned/destroyed after a successful counterattack by Ukrainian paratroopers in Luhansk Oblast.

Tochka-U short-range ballistic missile landed in the center of Makiivka, Donetsk Oblast.

Kyiv enters 36-hour curfew after residential buildings hit by heavy shelling

Attack on Kherson airport, helicopters burning

Russian warships entered the Ukraine port of Berdyansk

Russian Army breaks through frontline at

Small arms clashes reported near Boyarka, southwest Kyiv

Air raid sirens All around Ukraine.

Nikolai Kravchenko, one of founders of Azov, allegedly killed in Mariupol

Kharkiv, explosions near Victory Park, Russian artillery and MlRS still pounding the city

Mass transfer of American armored vehicles from Germany to Poland

Apparently Russian forces after heavy artillery barrage managed to break through Ukrianian positions near Horlivka at Novoselivka and are moving towards Toretsk.

Fourth Russian general killed yesterday 15 March 2022 in Mariupol Ukraine has been confirmed to be Major General Oleg Mityaev

edit on pmTuesdayTuesday21000000003pm3 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 08:54 PM
Mariupol is surrounded, no matter the outcome no azov member is leaving alive

Pretty insane stuff

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: all2human
American volunteer in Ukraine

OK this is VERY INTERESTING about an American volunteer who is in Ukraine fighting against the Russians.

The American man who is in UKRAINE, his wife gives an UPDATE about what's going on, this really should have a thread of its own!!! Someone should start a new thread with this, LOTS OF TALKING POINTS!!!


posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: all2human
American volunteer in Ukraine

This should be a separate thread with his wife's update!!!

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: Xcalibur254
You can debate Russia's legitimacy all you like, but it is Russian boots on the ground in Ukraine and American boots are mysteriously absent.
The message this presents is that USA is only able to fight Third World countries, all the rest is just bluff and bluster.

edit on 15-3-2022 by PacificViking because: typo spelling correction

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 09:47 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: ADUB77
Mariupol is surrounded, no matter the outcome no azov member is leaving alive

Pretty insane stuff

Russia is claiming most Azov forces have been obliterated and civillians that Azov was not allowing to leave will soon be leaving. *Russian Source but I believe ALL sources should be shared because as we all known the Western MSM is trying to control the narrative

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: all2human
American volunteer in Ukraine

I started a thread on this hope you don't mind I think its important to talk about

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:39 PM
Here are two russian sites that are reporting on events. As always trust nothing you are told and only half of what you see.


News Front

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:57 PM

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: JinMI


Ah, upon further investigation, i see now. Qrazy talq.

Suppose thats why youre using your 2nd? Sock puppet account?

Not to be intended as an attack, but an observation.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 10:59 PM

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: PatriotGames4u
a reply to: JinMI


Ah, upon further investigation, i see now. Qrazy talq.

Suppose thats why youre using your 2nd? Sock puppet account?

Not to be intended as an attack, but an observation.

No idea what you're talkin bout.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 11:46 PM
Mariupol and Donetsk Oblast:

Russian and proxy forces conducted several assaults on Mariupol from the east and west on March 14 and 15.

The Ukrainian General Staff claimed that Ukrainian forces repulsed a major Russian assault on an unspecified location in Mariupol on March 15, claiming to have inflicted 150 casualties and destroyed nine Russian vehicles.

The Azov Regiment reported defeating one of the “units” (likely a battalion or company) of the Russian 22nd Separate Guards Special Purpose Brigade, a Spetsnaz unit.

The Ukrainian General Staff additionally reported Ukrainian artillery and aviation destroyed 12 Russian vehicles in columns around Mariupol on March 15.

Russian forces continue to shell civilian infrastructure and residential areas of Mariupol to force the city to capitulate.

DNR forces claimed to capture the towns of Rivnopil, Zlatoustovka, and Blyzhnje north of Mariupol on March 15.

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