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Russia Ukraine Update Thread

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posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 02:35 PM

Ukraine Armed Forces Shot Down SU-34 "Fullback" Fighter Bomber Jet

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

Has he?

So what?

More whataboutisms whilst ignoring this very nasty war.

Being conducted by Russia.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: ISeekTruth101
An Egyptian footballer has called out western media Double standards on Ukraine news coverage

Stating that several other regions in the world are suffering atrocities and oppression but because it does not server the current narrative of the media it is ignored.

His thoughts are echoed by Irish MP

While I agree there are other regions around the world suffering but the threat of a nuclear war sort of gives the Ukraine war Pole position.
edit on 13-3-2022 by Tagz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

Has he?

So what?

More whataboutisms whilst ignoring this very nasty war.

Being conducted by Russia.

Has he? So what?

In my opinion Thats ignorant of you. I’ve not ignored anything. You however are blatantly ignoring the events that lead to the conflict.

This is what they teach in school to kids. Looks like they need to teach the adults too. How conflicts start.

You see condeming the situation wont solve the situation. Understand how it started and establishing the concerns from both sides as well as other parties that have directly contributed to the conflict... is a far more effective use of time.

As it also helps to avoid future conflicts. “Whataboutism” has become the new excuse to deflect from the real issues.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol
Over a million were killed and Afghanistan and in Iraq by US and UK Weapons.

Um, I think you are in danger of propagating a myth. The vast majority of people killed in Iraq and Afghanistan were killed by their fellow national. In Iraq, the US and UK were just in the middle of internecine warfare between different brands of Islam. The AK47, RPG and IED were the cause of death.

In Afghanistan, most people killed by IEDs were locals. IEDs planted by the Taliban.

Anyway, off-topic, but I thought I would pick you up for your myth propagation.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 02:50 PM

Bayraktar Drone Action Destroying Russian Multiple Rocket Launcher

Turkish Instructors And More Bayraktar TB2 Drones Join Ukraine Armed Forces

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

I prefer to deal with the here and now and this war rather than hand wringing and navel gazing.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

There has been no need to deploy nuclear capable forces in Ukraine. The Russian mindset is stuck decades in the past. The reality is they will not put nuclear weapons in any country that orders Russia it's a huge tactical blunder giving them the ability to capture those sites. We have the capabilities to have them 1000s of kilometers away this isn't world war 2 which is where the Russian military seems stuck.

Sub launched gives Moscow 7 to 10 min and is much more secure than putting them in a country still fighting a civil war. There is no such thing as buffer countries any more bombers can take off from the US and strike anywhere in the world. Launches can be detected seconds after launches the globe just isn't as big as it used to be. With the HAWC project, hypersonic cruise missiles can hit anywhere on the planet in fact if I were the president this may be my response to Iran's recent attack. If Russia decides to escalate further they may find out about space assets available such as communications jamming making even secured communications impossible. The Russian military is easily about 4 decades behind in capabilities.

So in short it doesn't make any sense for NATO to risk assets in Ukraine or Poland etc. All they might get is air defense units oh and javalins as they just went way up in value as they show how they tear through russian armor.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 03:02 PM
********************************* BREAKING!!! ********************************

p.s. --- Use Closed Caption Option

edit on 13-3-2022 by Erno86 because: added a few words

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 03:08 PM

Field Camp With Destroyed Russian Military Vehicles Found Near Kyiv

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: Erno86

Impressive set up a morter team to destroy Russian artillery. Notice they are using drones to coordinate fire appears US training is paying off. I had to laugh at the Ukrainian soldier right after he says the Russian army don't even have the basic military skills . He said we are very lucky they are so f****** stupid. When he was asked what do you mean he replies rounds flying above us F*** knows where they are landing. lol

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: ISeekTruth101

Understand how it started and establishing the concerns from both sides as well as other parties that have directly contributed to the conflict... is a far more effective use of time.

There was plenty of opportunities to have done that at the negotiating table prior to Feb 24. Prior to Russia sending 130,000 + troops onto Ukraine's border (which one should note is not the way to begin a negotiation - at gun point). Prior to invading Ukraine. Russia chose invasion and genocide, that's how it started.

originally posted by: ISeekTruth101

As it also helps to avoid future conflicts. “Whataboutism” has become the new excuse to deflect from the real issues.

I assume you mean like "Well were invading yes, but what about alleged guarantees in 1991 (that never occurred according to the one man who is more an expert than anyone on ATS could be, Gorbachev) not to expand NATO eastward?"

Or like "But what about Iraq"?
Or like "But what about (non-existent AGAIN) Bioweapons research labs"?
Or like "But what about Ukraine being nothing but Nazi's"?

Those were the "whataboutisms" you were referring to, im sure.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 03:43 PM

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Russia Ukraine Update Thread

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posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

Then why the initial need for a NATO
Ukraine? If weapons have range that nullify proximity
Zelensky or his handlers were aware, heavy flirting with an
Organization with the stated goal Of containing Russia
he was endangering his countrymen
Not mentioning the elephant being resources and the chance
to blunt an emerging economic block

edit on pmSundaySunday20500000003pm3 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: all2human
a reply to: dragonridr

The same psychology can be used in asking why the need for a NATO
Ukraine? If weapons have range that nullify proximity
Yes it is their right,but Zelenaky was aware flirting with an
Organization with the stated goal
Of containing Russia, he was endangering his countrymen
The elephant in the room being resources and opportunity to blunt an emerging, competitive economy

NATO is an organization created to prevent russian invasion.

You don't think Ukraine has any concerns about russian invasions?

But correct, NATO has no interest in putting missiles in Ukraine.

edit on 13-3-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 04:37 PM

originally posted by: alphabetaone

There was plenty of opportunities to have done that at the negotiating table prior to Feb 24. Prior to Russia sending 130,000 + troops onto Ukraine's border (which one should note is not the way to begin a negotiation - at gun point). Prior to invading Ukraine. Russia chose invasion and genocide, that's how it started.

Do you have any proof that between 2004 and 2022, Russia did not call for negotiations? Or not call on NATO to address it's security concerns? Concerns echoed by the US defense secretary himself!

I counter your point, and say, was there not plenty of opportunities for NATO to not expand further eastward, to stop and consider the potential fall out with Russia. A nuclear superpower. Many think tanks, policy makers, politicians on NATO's side did consider those topics.

The leaders did not listen. Here we are today.

originally posted by: alphabetaone

I assume you mean like "Well were invading yes, but what about alleged guarantees in 1991 (that never occurred according to the one man who is more an expert than anyone on ATS could be, Gorbachev) not to expand NATO eastward?"

Or like "But what about Iraq"?
Or like "But what about (non-existent AGAIN) Bioweapons research labs"?
Or like "But what about Ukraine being nothing but Nazi's"?

Those were the "whataboutisms" you were referring to, im sure.

Looking past the guarantees of 1991 that aren't documented, and in a bid to not start my next sentence with "what about" lest someone's head explodes... there is no denying that between 2004 to 2009 NATO expanded all the way to Russia's border. And they didn't stop there, they deployed nuclear capable missiles, alongside NATO troop deployments an arms.

And you have NATO officials, and high ranking US state officials voicing their disapproval, and concerns regarding such actions that serve only to destabilize peace in eastern europe, and the potential to start a european war.

So what do you say to those officials? Are they full of "whataboutisms"?

If that's your stance, then in my opinion your stance is an ignorant one.

edit on 13-3-2022 by ISeekTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: PatriotGames4u

Then explain Libya
or would you prefer hypotheticals for 300 Alex
edit on pmSundaySunday20400000003pm3 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

There has been no need to deploy nuclear capable forces in Ukraine. The Russian mindset is stuck decades in the past. The reality is they will not put nuclear weapons in any country that orders Russia it's a huge tactical blunder giving them the ability to capture those sites. We have the capabilities to have them 1000s of kilometers away this isn't world war 2 which is where the Russian military seems stuck.

Sub launched gives Moscow 7 to 10 min and is much more secure than putting them in a country still fighting a civil war. There is no such thing as buffer countries any more bombers can take off from the US and strike anywhere in the world. Launches can be detected seconds after launches the globe just isn't as big as it used to be. With the HAWC project, hypersonic cruise missiles can hit anywhere on the planet in fact if I were the president this may be my response to Iran's recent attack. If Russia decides to escalate further they may find out about space assets available such as communications jamming making even secured communications impossible. The Russian military is easily about 4 decades behind in capabilities.

So in short it doesn't make any sense for NATO to risk assets in Ukraine or Poland etc. All they might get is air defense units oh and javalins as they just went way up in value as they show how they tear through russian armor.

So why did NATO deploy AEGIS Ashore system in Poland, what is its purpose? After everything you just typed, the actions by NATO don't add up to your narrative.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: ISeekTruth101

Did Poland join NATO?

To protect frommrussian invasion.

Ukraine was repeatedly refused NATO membership.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 04:52 PM

March 13, 4:00 pm EST
Russian forces again conducted few ground offensives on March 13, only securing new terrain in Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian forces predominantly took measures to restore combat readiness and regrouped combat units as of noon local time on March 13.[1] Russian forces continue to assemble reinforcements and attempt to improve logistical support in both the Kyiv and southern operational directions. Russian forces may intend to resume larger-scale attacks on both axes of advance in the coming week, but will likely take longer to (or may never) cohere the combat power necessary to complete the encirclement of Kyiv.
Key Takeaways

Russian forces did not conduct offensive operations northwest of Kyiv for the third day in a row.

Russian forces did not conduct attacks toward northeastern Kyiv and prioritized reinforcing their lines of communication and logistics routes.

Russian and proxy forces successfully captured several towns north of Mariupol in Donetsk Oblast on March 13, the only offensive ground actions of the day.

Ukrainian protests in occupied Kherson are likely expanding.

Russia is diluting its international deployments in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh to reinforce operations in Ukraine and pulling additional forces from Russia’s far east.

Ukrainian intelligence reported Russia will deploy preexisting pro-Assad Syrian units to Ukraine, in addition to previously announced plans to recruit new Syrian and Libyan mercenaries. These forces are unlikely to enable Russia to favorably change the balance of forces around Kyiv in the next week but may provide a longer-term pool of low-quality replacements.

Russian ballistic missiles killed 35 Ukrainians at the Yavoriv military training center near Poland in a likely effort to interdict Western aid deliveries to Ukraine—following up on the Kremlin’s March 12 announcement it will treat international aid shipments as military targets.

russia is ALREADY attacking incoming weapons shipments.

This was the attack near the Polish border thats been making news.
edit on 13-3-2022 by PatriotGames4u because: (no reason given)

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