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AIDS Is Only Weeks Away For Some Tripple Vaxxt Brits

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posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 01:09 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
I give up folks. You win.

AIDS is HIV. The article meant HIV. HIV is AIDS. HIV is safe. AIDS is safe. The vaccine is safe. The Chinese virus is death. TAKE YOUR DAMN VACCINE!

I'm out of here before my allergy to stupidity puts me in anaphylactic shock. Unless some of you want to argue that doesn't exist either.

Stay ignorant guys!


Not what anyone said. No one here has claimed they are the same thing.

You said this.

In other words, AIDS is any immunity deficiency which is acquired. It is commonly associated with the HIV virus, yes, but is not limited to such. Did the graph you are trying so desperately to disprove say in big red letters "HIV"? Nope. I think maybe your fear did a little translation for you, though.

And this

Any significant decrease in immunity caused by an acquired infection is AIDS. I already posted this; I am not saying it again. If someone wants to ignore it in order to showcase their ignorance after this, so be it.

When asked the simple question about what these other causes are you have deflected, attempted to be insulting, misquoted a link to try support you claim, and created a straw man argument people are saying HIV/AIDS are the same.

Given some of your other views (HIV is transmitted by sharing showers) seem straight out an 80s tabloid it seems a reasonable conclusion this is yet another subject where you pretend to have knowledge you just don't have.

So with regard the topic unless the vaccine contains the HIV virus the claim it gives people AIDS is just yet more anti vax doom porn, just even more ridiculous than most anti vax claims.

edit on 22-2-2022 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-2-2022 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 02:10 AM

originally posted by: BigfootNZ
Sooo... I just perused each of the Vaccine Surveliance documents from the UKHSA and no where does it as far as i can see have any data about Immune System Performance degradation in the triple vaxxed... they do have a single section comprised of a single paragraph and a table in each document dealing with the already Immune suppressed in regards to that groups vaccine uptake.. but that is it.

So where did your source get its info to make that graph from?.. since none of the data required appears in any of documents they site...

Oh and i LOVE the little in red disclaimer the source put up...

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I wonder why that is, HHMmmmmmm... are they possibly lying, making bogus graphs from bogus data while siting legitimate government department documents (the blue graph on their page that you show in your post that says its sourced from the UKHSA is not sourced from the UKHSA since none of the graphs data is in any of the UKHSA vaccine survelance reports)... You guys who believe the 'source' did read the documents the source is supposedly getting its data from right?


Your source appears to have seen a change between the documents format in one small area before and after a set date, assumed its for nefarious purposes to cover up the truth about something, then taken unrelated data and attempted to find and show proof of this hidden statistic and hidden issue from this data then turn this into a series of graphs about something completely unrelated to the data used to derive it...

Honestly... come the F on people. Ive said it before but do you lot in here who are anti vaxx actually try and verify anything your sources claim, do you actually look at your sources sources? or do you simply see someone saying what you want to hear, repeat what they say, link them then go "done" PROOF!?

Sadly you're spot on, that's exactly what they do, the relentless confirmation bias is a big part of why I barely sign in here anymore.

It sucks, this site used to be full of good debate, now it's a bit Right Wing for my liking.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Triggered by you implying we are all going to get AIDS?

Aye that irks me somewhat same as the repetitive doom porn that never comes to pass nor materialises.

As to you knowing what doctors know?

Compter says "No"

Let me guess you take your car to the drycleaners?

edit on 22-2-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

AIDS may be far fetched? LoL

Thought you realised this was nonsense?

Nobody is ignoring science, there is a measure of risk and side-effects involved with the introduction of anything into our bodies, because no two people are alike.

The vaccines are not killing people and save far more than any of the poor sods that manage to experience any sort of issue.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 06:33 AM
Great. We're all graphene oxide magnets with AIDS and microchips now. My first shot was almost a year ago and I had blood work done 2 months ago. I'm perfectly healthy.

I hate to break it to you all, but nothing you've predicted about these shots has been true thus far. I myself question just how effective they are now, but they are not dangerous.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

And what about the people who are scientists or who are medically trained and know what they're talking about?

What about who? What do they know that I don't? Oh, wait, appeal to authority...

The authority of our education and our decades of experience?

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: Albert999

You cannot catch HIV from:

-Giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (the "kiss of life")
-Being sneezed on by someone with HIV
-Sharing baths, towels or cutlery with someone with HIV
-Swimming in a pool that's been used by someone with HIV
-Sitting on a toilet seat that someone with HIV has sat on

Remember those commercials that they ran back in the early 1980s with the guy in a lab coat holding up a toilet seat telling you that you couldn't catch AIDS from it.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 07:02 AM

originally posted by: Stopshilling

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

They don't want to show their data for 70 years.

If you'd bothered to read the judicial review, you would know that 70 years isn't how long they want to keep things secret, it's how long it would take a team of 28 people to catalog, classify, and release 100 percent of all relevant documentation gathered at that time under the FIOA act in batches of 50,000 pages per month.

But of course you already knew that as I explained it to you on several previous occasions.

No they could have those files over as easy as hitting send . Pfizer was able to send the info over very quickly. But you already knew that .
Do you ever get sick of having to correct people on numerous occasions?

They could send those files over, but they'd have the names and address or people in vax studies in them.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 07:04 AM
In the u..s you will find commercials of 2 men kissing and talking about their aids managment medication. It's pretty low brow.

Side effects include the urge to vote Democrat

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I get what you are saying, because no one dies from HIV but they die from complications of HIV, such as a cold, the flu, pneumonia, and so on. So this vaccine is acting like people have AIDS by killing a healthy immune system. Everyone get it now?? God, I feel like people don't really know how to read and really understabd what they are reading, is this vaccine killing brain cells as well??

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Hey a new joke,

What do you call a triple Vaccinated person on roller skates? Roll AIDS

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: starlahazelnut

Actually, I would like to hear your take on the source information provided by the OP.

From what i can gather the three bottom graphs show that there is an increase in catching covid over time the age groups for people per 100k for triple vaxxed vs unvaxxed.

The source aka The Expose’ used those graphs which were created by numbers from the UKNHS statistics.

The Expose’ is saying the increase is related to the destruction of the natural immune system caused by the vaccines. They ended up making a graph of their own out of the bottom three graphs to show their take on what they believe the vaccines are doing, aka causing AIDS.

That could very well be the truth.

However there could be other reasons for the disparity. Such as the vaccinated are more likely to be going out and interacting in society and going to different venues than the unvaccinated. Such as restaurants, cinemas, pubs. More social interaction that the unvaccinated could result in the increase in numbers over time as the vaccinated get back to old habits and go out more, whilst the unvaccinated stay at home more.

Truth be told, I actually believe the expose’s version.
edit on 22-2-2022 by DaRAGE because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: DaRAGE

Once you take into account that the UK has extremely high vax rates, the numbers actually show that vaxed people are significantly less likely to get covid and less likely to die from it. As well as les likely to need critical care.

None of the data that they have show actually immunity levels, and it would be unethical to try to infer it.

Plus, the data is from the UK where most unvaxxed are minorities or illegals, people who are less likely to actually report that they have covid. So there may be tens of thousands of unvaxxed with covid flying under the radar.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Great. We're all graphene oxide magnets with AIDS and microchips now. My first shot was almost a year ago and I had blood work done 2 months ago. I'm perfectly healthy.

I hate to break it to you all, but nothing you've predicted about these shots has been true thus far. I myself question just how effective they are now, but they are not dangerous.

There are good batches and bad batches. Also things like myocarditis can take 5 years to manifest. AIDS is the state of your immune system. You must have had your cd57/cd4/cd8 levels checked.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

where most unvaxxed are minorities or illegals, people who are less likely to actually report that they have covid. So there may be tens of thousands of unvaxxed with covid flying under the radar.

So what difference would that make to the highly vaxxed nationals (you racialized your post). Are your minorities and illegals dropping dead in the streets? Why is CDC keeping their data buried?


But the C.D.C. has been routinely collecting information since the Covid vaccines were first rolled out last year, according to a federal official familiar with the effort. The agency has been reluctant to make those figures public, the official said, because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: fernalley
a reply to: AaarghZombies

where most unvaxxed are minorities or illegals, people who are less likely to actually report that they have covid. So there may be tens of thousands of unvaxxed with covid flying under the radar.

So what difference would that make to the highly vaxxed nationals (you racialized your post). Are your minorities and illegals dropping dead in the streets? Why is CDC keeping their data buried?


But the C.D.C. has been routinely collecting information since the Covid vaccines were first rolled out last year, according to a federal official familiar with the effort. The agency has been reluctant to make those figures public, the official said, because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.

Exactly, I still don't know a single person that's died from the scamdemic virus.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Thing is just because you don't know something or someone doesn't mean they are not real.

And only a self absorbed narcissist could possibly assume otherwise.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 05:39 PM
Title is too funny

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Stopshilling

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

They don't want to show their data for 70 years.

If you'd bothered to read the judicial review, you would know that 70 years isn't how long they want to keep things secret, it's how long it would take a team of 28 people to catalog, classify, and release 100 percent of all relevant documentation gathered at that time under the FIOA act in batches of 50,000 pages per month.

But of course you already knew that as I explained it to you on several previous occasions.

No they could have those files over as easy as hitting send . Pfizer was able to send the info over very quickly. But you already knew that .
Do you ever get sick of having to correct people on numerous occasions?

They could send those files over, but they'd have the names and address or people in vax studies in them.

Yeah excuses buddy . You are full of them and other stuff too .

What did they do with the names and addresses of the people who had an adverse vaccine reaction and were kicked out of the study and the drug companies said they didn’t want to be in the study anymore ??? Can you explain that to me ?

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I had the first two shots, but I also got mine in the early wave with essential workers. I sort of stretched the truth a bit to call myself essential communications.

I reacted strongly to both shots. They made me sick, but since then, I've had, at most, two mild colds. If I've had COVID, it was one of those, most like the one I had around Thanksgiving that pulled me down a couple days.

So if this thing is supposed to erode immune systems, I'm not seeing it. I've actually been healthier with less ill effect from illness since, but I've also been physically in much better shape too. So my better resistance to disease could just be a side effect of that better state of physical condition.

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