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AIDS Is Only Weeks Away For Some Tripple Vaxxt Brits

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+23 more 
posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 11:24 PM
When your immune system is degraded to the point where the common cold or any minor infection can kill you, you effectively have AIDS. It's odd how the media has began to claim we are on the verge of an outbreak of AIDs, and are asking us to get tested. Why would they begin to make this claim, and why are they focusing on some new "super" strain of AIDs? It makes much more sense when you consider that many will be experiencing vaccine induced AIDs very soon.

Projections show that everyone between the age of 18 and 39 who has had three doses of a Covid-19 vaccine could surpass the minus-100% barrier indicating AIDS by the end of February 2022, whilst everyone between the age of 40 and 59, and 70 and 79 could have surpassed the minus-100% barrier indicating AIDS by 13th March 22.

The only age groups who are projected to have not yet developed AIDS by the 13th march are the 80+ and 60-69 year-olds. But projections show 60-69-year-olds will still be just a couple of weeks away from having developed AIDS, whilst the 80+ will perhaps have to wait until the middle of April.

Official data published by the UK Health Security Agency is beginning to look terrible for those who have succumbed to three doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, with statistics showing the triple vaccinated are now up to three times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 than the unvaccinated population.

But a look back at previous statistics shows that this risk is increasing by the week, indicating the Covid-19 injections are damaging the natural immune system, and an analysis of the official UKHSA data strongly suggests most of the triple vaccinated population are just weeks away from developing full blown Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

Unfortunately, UKHSA data shows that triple vaccinated Brits are just weeks away from developing Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, (AIDS) or a novel condition with similar attributes that can only be described as Covid-19 Vaccine Induced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).


posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Since the jabs for covid started, I seen an increase of ads in the media for treatments for AIDS, something I found odd, especially when is obvious pharma is pushing treatments, now the new mRNA AID jab is offered for those that wants to be in trials.

I was wondering why soo much push for AIDS treatments, when AIDS is been around since the 80s and the cocktail for AIDS seems to be working just fine.

posted on Feb, 20 2022 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

I thought most Brits got the Aztrazenica vaccine which was not the MRNA and works a bit differently?

+10 more 
posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 12:19 AM
Sooo... I just perused each of the Vaccine Surveliance documents from the UKHSA and no where does it as far as i can see have any data about Immune System Performance degradation in the triple vaxxed... they do have a single section comprised of a single paragraph and a table in each document dealing with the already Immune suppressed in regards to that groups vaccine uptake.. but that is it.

So where did your source get its info to make that graph from?.. since none of the data required appears in any of documents they site...

Oh and i LOVE the little in red disclaimer the source put up...

The Exposé is now heavily censored by Google, Facebook, Twitter and PayPal. Let’s not lose touch, subscribe today to receive the latest news from The Exposé in your inbox…

I wonder why that is, HHMmmmmmm... are they possibly lying, making bogus graphs from bogus data while siting legitimate government department documents (the blue graph on their page that you show in your post that says its sourced from the UKHSA is not sourced from the UKHSA since none of the graphs data is in any of the UKHSA vaccine survelance reports)... You guys who believe the 'source' did read the documents the source is supposedly getting its data from right?


Your source appears to have seen a change between the documents format in one small area before and after a set date, assumed its for nefarious purposes to cover up the truth about something, then taken unrelated data and attempted to find and show proof of this hidden statistic and hidden issue from this data then turn this into a series of graphs about something completely unrelated to the data used to derive it...

Honestly... come the F on people. Ive said it before but do you lot in here who are anti vaxx actually try and verify anything your sources claim, do you actually look at your sources sources? or do you simply see someone saying what you want to hear, repeat what they say, link them then go "done" PROOF!?
edit on 21-2-2022 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-2-2022 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 12:28 AM
The problem with screwing up the immune system of these people is that the people left working will have to pay the bills for the medical costs. Remember this if you are unvaccinated....they get sick, we get broke...the rich people are still going to get richer. Since most healthcare workers got vaccinated, where does that leave us....without people to take care of anyone if you get hurt or sick.

I am not convinced that this is going to be a problem for the majority of the vaccinated, I feel it will only effect maybe ten to fifteen percent of them badly, but will weaken the rest so they are sick and not able to work for a long time till their immune system can correct themselves.

This is my opinion based on what science I am reading, but it is hard to get the whole information from studies since research never seems to say the same thing, half the medical research says opposite what other medical research says. I am just trying to make a prediction based on looking at both sides of medical research. I do not believe that these mRNA vaccines should have been approved without long term testing.

+5 more 
posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 12:29 AM

originally posted by: BigfootNZ
Sooo... I just perused each of the Vaccine Surveliance documents from the UKHSA and no where does it as far as i can see have any data about Immune System Performance degradation in the triple vaxxed... they do have a single section comprised of a single paragraph and a table in each document dealing with the already Immune suppressed in regards to that groups vaccine uptake.. but that is it.

So where did your source get its info to make that graph from?.. since none of the data required appears in any of documents they site...

Oh and i LOVE the little in red disclaimer the source put up...

The Exposé is now heavily censored by Google, Facebook, Twitter and PayPal. Let’s not lose touch, subscribe today to receive the latest news from The Exposé in your inbox…

I wonder why that is, HHMmmmmmm... are they possibly lying, making bogus graphs from bogus data while siting legitimate government department documents... You guys who believe the 'source' did read the documents the source is supposedly getting its data from right?


Your source appears to have seen a change between the documents format in one small area before and after a set date, assumed its for nefarious purposes to cover up the truth about something, then taken unrelated data and attempted to find and show proof of this hidden statistic and hidden issue from this data then turn this into a series of graphs about something completely unrelated to the data used to derive it...

Honestly... come the F on people. Ive said it before but do you lot in here who are anti vaxx actually try and verify anything your sources claim, do you actually look at your sources sources? or do you simply see someone saying what you want to hear, repeat what they say, link them then go "done" PROOF!?

Yes, we know you're here to regurgitate what CNN says verbatim. Why even post?

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: infolurker

I thought most Brits got the Aztrazenica vaccine which was not the MRNA and works a bit differently?

While I understand it is vogue and all the rage to attack the mRNA process, it actually works well. The problem seems to be the spike protein itself... in creating a light infection of the same protein that the virus itself uses to cause major health issues, we are effectively injecting ourselves with the worst part of the virus directly.

The spike protein itself is the problem, not the mRNA process.


+15 more 
posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: BigfootNZ

i LOVE the little in red disclaimer the source put up...


The Exposé is now heavily censored by Google, Facebook, Twitter and PayPal. Let’s not lose touch, subscribe today to receive the latest news from The Exposé in your inbox…

I wonder why that is, HHMmmmmmm... are they possibly lying, making bogus graphs from bogus data while siting legitimate government department documents...

Or they are possibly telling the truth. Are you seriously claiming that Google, Facebook, and Twitter do not censor data that runs counter to official government narratives?

Oh, and I am not an "anti-vaxxer"... please stop throwing that term around. I am anti-vaccines-that-do-not-prevent-the-disease-and-carry-additional-health-risks. Let's try to at least get that much straight, shall we?


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 12:41 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: infolurker

I thought most Brits got the Aztrazenica vaccine which was not the MRNA and works a bit differently?

While I understand it is vogue and all the rage to attack the mRNA process, it actually works well. The problem seems to be the spike protein itself... in creating a light infection of the same protein that the virus itself uses to cause major health issues, we are effectively injecting ourselves with the worst part of the virus directly.

The spike protein itself is the problem, not the mRNA process.


And its traveling to areas in the body the virus doesn't go, and spike is being detected for at least 8 weeks after, which is longer than the virus. And the spike protein load is exponentially higher. Its pretty easy to see how the vaccine is way worse than the virus.

+6 more 
posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

The original mRNA vaccines were designed to be aspirated... that is, the person giving the injection is supposed to aspirate the site - pull back on the syringe slightly to see if there is any blood, which would indicate the site is too close to the bloodstream. But those giving the injection are not doing that. Therefore, the mRNA (or the adenovirus, which is what is in the J&J/AstraZenica vaccines) gets carried throughout the body before it produces the spike protein.

I find the idea of placing my health in the hands of someone i do not know who may or may not decide to aspirate and having zero recourse if they do not, quite unnerving. Certainly not worth the risk considering the vaccine is only a vaccine because the CDC changed their definition of "vaccine" to include those that do not work.


+13 more 
posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 12:53 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Yes, we know you're here to regurgitate what CNN says verbatim. Why even post?

You do know there is no CNN in my country, never even watched a single minute of it online or otherwise...

Why do I post, because your a prolific thread maker who simply throws up endless threads regurgitating 'proof of conspiracy' from sites and people who are pushing utter twaddle and unscientific BS (even by conspiracy circle standards), that takes all of 10 minutes of simple internet research and reading to verify as being complete bollocks.

And that sort of thing irks the living # out of me (and im not the only one)... especially from someone that models themself as 'Sir Virtuous'. So yeah, if im bothered and passing through ATS during the day, and I find a thread or post thats wayout there and can find simple proof its been either misinterpreted or just plain crap then yes, ill post a rebuttable showing it to be so... you just happen to have the largest quota of such threads in this forum.

But you still havent answered my question... do you actually read the sources of your sources? As an example, have you read ANY of the UKHSA vaccine surveillance reports yourself?

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 12:53 AM
Aids, I call it fake news. Lie in the sky type of news. ( MiM's signature " the big lie in the sky ".

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 01:02 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: BigfootNZ

i LOVE the little in red disclaimer the source put up...


The Exposé is now heavily censored by Google, Facebook, Twitter and PayPal. Let’s not lose touch, subscribe today to receive the latest news from The Exposé in your inbox…

I wonder why that is, HHMmmmmmm... are they possibly lying, making bogus graphs from bogus data while siting legitimate government department documents...

Or they are possibly telling the truth. Are you seriously claiming that Google, Facebook, and Twitter do not censor data that runs counter to official government narratives?

Oh, and I am not an "anti-vaxxer"... please stop throwing that term around. I am anti-vaccines-that-do-not-prevent-the-disease-and-carry-additional-health-risks. Let's try to at least get that much straight, shall we?


So your saying your anti vaccine then... since this "anti-vaccines-that-do-not-prevent-the-disease-and-carry-additional-health-risks" is literally applicable to any vaccine, as vaccines dont prevent disease, it simply gives you anti bodies prior to a real infection that allow your body to fight and rid you of it quicker should you get it and usually avoiding most of the long term symptoms which could result in serious health issues otherwise... and all vaccines have a chance for potential side effects from mild to sever, if very rare.

Also no, they arent telling the truth, that graph aside from having no indication as to what any of the values are aside from big red letters 'AIDS' Ooo scary (which is god damn terrible as far as graphs go) is made from infered data that was gleamed from data that had no attachment or bearing to what the graph is saying its showing... while bold face siting the source of the data as from the UKSHA reports... that is straight up god damn lying on their part... followed by a disclaimer saying 'believe us the elite are out to censor us!.. oh and subscribe!'.

If you buy into that, I feel sorry for you.
edit on 21-2-2022 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

+7 more 
posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 01:08 AM

originally posted by: BigfootNZ

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: BigfootNZ

i LOVE the little in red disclaimer the source put up...


The Exposé is now heavily censored by Google, Facebook, Twitter and PayPal. Let’s not lose touch, subscribe today to receive the latest news from The Exposé in your inbox…

I wonder why that is, HHMmmmmmm... are they possibly lying, making bogus graphs from bogus data while siting legitimate government department documents...

Or they are possibly telling the truth. Are you seriously claiming that Google, Facebook, and Twitter do not censor data that runs counter to official government narratives?

Oh, and I am not an "anti-vaxxer"... please stop throwing that term around. I am anti-vaccines-that-do-not-prevent-the-disease-and-carry-additional-health-risks. Let's try to at least get that much straight, shall we?


So your saying your anti vaccine then... since this "anti-vaccines-that-do-not-prevent-the-disease-and-carry-additional-health-risks" is literally applicable to any vaccine, as vaccines dont prevent disease, it simply gives you anti bodies prior to a real infection that allow your body to fight and rid you of it quicker should you get it and usually avoiding most of the long term symptoms which could result in serious health issues otherwise... and all vaccines have a chance for potential side effects from mild to sever, if very rare.

Also no, they arent telling the truth, that graph aside from having no indication as to what any of the values are aside from big red letters 'AIDS' Ooo scary (which is god damn terrible as far as graphs go) is made from infered data that was gleamed from data that had no attachment or bearing to what the graph is saying its showing... while bold face siting the source of the data as from the UKSHA reports... that is straight up god damn lying on their part... followed by a disclaimer saying 'believe us the elite are out to censor us!.. oh and subscribe!'.

If you buy into that, I feel sorry for you.

It's not a vaccine, it's an mrna drug. It doesn't provide immunity except for the pharma companies from lawsuits. They don't want to show their data for 70 years. It's obvious what's going on and you're not fooling anyone.

+16 more 
posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 01:25 AM
a reply to: BigfootNZ

So your saying your anti vaccine then... since this "anti-vaccines-that-do-not-prevent-the-disease-and-carry-additional-health-risks" is literally applicable to any vaccine, as vaccines dont prevent disease, it simply gives you anti bodies prior to a real infection that allow your body to fight and rid you of it quicker should you get it and usually avoiding most of the long term symptoms which could result in serious health issues otherwise... and all vaccines have a chance for potential side effects from mild to sever, if very rare.

OK, OK, we get it... you believe whatever you see/hear on that talking picture box with pictures of people you do not know telling you what to think. No need to keep throwing out proof of your MSM-induced delusions.

I have been vaccinated against polio. Do I have polio? Nope. Did I ever get polio? Nope. Did a few people get vaccinated and somehow contract polio? Yes, a precious few, as in countable in the millions of doses. Are some people allergic to the polio vaccine? Yes, but those allergies are known and rare, and can thus be avoided in the vast majority of the cases.

I have been vaccinated against mumps/measles. Di I have mumps or measles? Nope. Did I ever contract mumps/measles? Nope. Did a few people contract mumps or measles after being vaccinated? Yes, but precious few.

The official statements from the Chinese virus vaccine manufacturers state that the "vaccine" is not intended to prevent or contain the spread of the Chinese virus.

Now, please, take that information back to whatever MSM outlet you guys use over there and see what your answer should be. I'll wait.

big red letters 'AIDS' Ooo scary

A cquired
I mmune
D eficiency
S yndrome

In other words, AIDS is any immunity deficiency which is acquired. It is commonly associated with the HIV virus, yes, but is not limited to such. Did the graph you are trying so desperately to disprove say in big red letters "HIV"? Nope. I think maybe your fear did a little translation for you, though.

But you're right in that it is "scary." You should be scared. Without innate immunity, a common cold is fatal; an insect bite can be fatal; a scratch can lead to gangrene and the loss of a limb. If I heard that something I had injected into my body could cause that, I think I'd be scared too.

But I didn't and I'm not. You did and you are. Might want to up that health insurance, just in case.


+13 more 
posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: BigfootNZ

Oh, let me just add in a couple of anecdotal observations...

Most of my friends/family have been vaccinated (although few took all the boosters). Almost everyone I know who has been vaccinated has also caught the Chinese virus after being vaccinated against it. Some of those have had serious cases that required medical intervention; two that I am aware of were actually in mortal danger from their infection until monoclonal antibodies were used. Thankfully they're fine now, although they are in worse overall health since that experience.

There are three people living here right now: myself (age 60 with a helluva history of heart failure), my wife (Type II diabetic, but under control), and a friend who is staying with us for a while with no health issues. None of us have been vaccinated. I have never worn a face mask; my heart issues prohibit me from doing so (and remaining vertical). My wife wears them only when absolutely necessary and takes it off whenever possible. My friend wears them occasionally for his job, but also removes them whenever he can.

We recently had the Chinese virus (probably Omicron) go through this household. I was down for a day with fever, chills, dry cough, and overall body aches. I took no medicine for it. My wife had similar symptoms, plus she lost her sense of smell and taste, and was down for a day and a half. She treated it with zinc and diphenhydramine (generic Benadryl). My friend is not as strong immunologically as we are; he was sick for 4 days, and we were starting to worry. He took the same treatment as my wife and finally recovered fine. No one here has had any lasting effects once the cough went away (that took a couple weeks). No hospital; not even a doctor.

I was told by a local doctor that he had, in one month, had 20 patients with no history of heart issues die from myocarditis. All had been vaccinated within the previous two months. I cannot post his name, because he is under attack by the AMA threatening to pull his license if he advises against the vaccine.

That's my experience and no one is jabbing a needle into my arm to inject something that is both dangerous and does not work. CDC propaganda be damned. You do you... get the vaccine if you want... but you will allow me to do me.


posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 02:03 AM
You e

originally posted by: BigfootNZ

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Yes, we know you're here to regurgitate what CNN says verbatim. Why even post?

You do know there is no CNN in my country, never even watched a single minute of it online or otherwise...

Why do I post, because your a prolific thread maker who simply throws up endless threads regurgitating 'proof of conspiracy' from sites and people who are pushing utter twaddle and unscientific BS (even by conspiracy circle standards), that takes all of 10 minutes of simple internet research and reading to verify as being complete bollocks.

And that sort of thing irks the living # out of me (and im not the only one)... especially from someone that models themself as 'Sir Virtuous'. So yeah, if im bothered and passing through ATS during the day, and I find a thread or post thats wayout there and can find simple proof its been either misinterpreted or just plain crap then yes, ill post a rebuttable showing it to be so... you just happen to have the largest quota of such threads in this forum.

But you still havent answered my question... do you actually read the sources of your sources? As an example, have you read ANY of the UKHSA vaccine surveillance reports yourself?

You've not posted a rebuttal though, much beyond "I don't like the source, ergo it's not true"

Did you read the article beyond looking at the graph? It explains in some detail how it's conclusions were reached

I haven't checked the source data as I'm not long awake, but it certainly seems to echo what I'm seeing around me...the double and triple-jabbed + going down with illnesses over and over

Fwiw, I'm hoping against hope it's not true as I have loved ones who have taken this rubbish - but time will tell (and they shouldn't be widely using a therapy that only time will tell how dangerous it is)

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Vaccines by definition are meant to make you immune from the disease they're intended for. Which this one doesn't therefore it isn't a vaccine.

Apparently pointing that out makes me an antivaxxer too! Which like you, I'm not.

Injecting yourself with unicorn piss would likely have a better result than whatever it is they insist this one is.

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 02:12 AM
a reply to: BigfootNZ

I don't need the media, or graphs to tell me anything, I can see with my own eyes that vaxxed people seem to be getting the illnesses that school children with developing immune systems get, now when there's a cold about everybody is walking about with a shot gun cough

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 02:12 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: BigfootNZ

Oh, let me just add in a couple of anecdotal observations...

Most of my friends/family have been vaccinated (although few took all the boosters). Almost everyone I know who has been vaccinated has also caught the Chinese virus after being vaccinated against it. Some of those have had serious cases that required medical intervention; two that I am aware of were actually in mortal danger from their infection until monoclonal antibodies were used. Thankfully they're fine now, although they are in worse overall health since that experience.

There are three people living here right now: myself (age 60 with a helluva history of heart failure), my wife (Type II diabetic, but under control), and a friend who is staying with us for a while with no health issues. None of us have been vaccinated. I have never worn a face mask; my heart issues prohibit me from doing so (and remaining vertical). My wife wears them only when absolutely necessary and takes it off whenever possible. My friend wears them occasionally for his job, but also removes them whenever he can.

We recently had the Chinese virus (probably Omicron) go through this household. I was down for a day with fever, chills, dry cough, and overall body aches. I took no medicine for it. My wife had similar symptoms, plus she lost her sense of smell and taste, and was down for a day and a half. She treated it with zinc and diphenhydramine (generic Benadryl). My friend is not as strong immunologically as we are; he was sick for 4 days, and we were starting to worry. He took the same treatment as my wife and finally recovered fine. No one here has had any lasting effects once the cough went away (that took a couple weeks). No hospital; not even a doctor.

I was told by a local doctor that he had, in one month, had 20 patients with no history of heart issues die from myocarditis. All had been vaccinated within the previous two months. I cannot post his name, because he is under attack by the AMA threatening to pull his license if he advises against the vaccine.

That's my experience and no one is jabbing a needle into my arm to inject something that is both dangerous and does not work. CDC propaganda be damned. You do you... get the vaccine if you want... but you will allow me to do me.


Your experience echoes mine completely, as I've posted elsewhere - I knew nobody who got it let alone became sick before jabs were rolled out, and the only person I know hospitalised with it was my double-jabbed Aunt who caught it from someone triple-jabbed

The recent bout that went through the maternal side of the family (including myself and my two sons, all unjabbed) - bar one unjabbed Aunt who was barely effected at all, the rest all had broadly the same symptoms, same duration, jabbed or not
It's useless! Useless, harmful, and may be more harmful yet than we know even now

Oh, as an aside because I still can't multi-quote and don't want to make a third post - Mr Redneck by the new definition, ypu are definitely an 'antivaxxer' - heck, even my double-jabbed mother falls under the 'antivaxxer' umbrella because she commits the crime of being against mandates! Somehow, they've twisted it so if you believe it should be personal choice whether to get jabbed with something that doesn't stop you catching it, doesn't stop you spreading it and arguably doesn't reduce symptoms and IS still experimental you're an 'antivaxxer' even if you've taken it yourself... unbelievable!
edit on 21222 by WraithOfEva777 because: Typi

edit on 21222 by WraithOfEva777 because: Typi

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