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Civil Debate Please - Why do you refuse to wear a mask?

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posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 09:49 PM
Face diaper placebos.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: XipeTotex

originally posted by: rickymouse
I really cannot negatively comment about someone using a mask, it is actually smart to wear a mask in a crowded place, people are always spreading germs about, I can't even count the times I got sick from others. I often wear a mask in stores if it is crowded and expecially if I have a cold or have a nose that is dripping or throwing junk down my throat, I feel intimidated when I cough on someone. I am not into eat in restaurants much these days, I often suck down crumbs into my windpipe when I eat or I get water or pop down my windpipe when sucking sodas or water through a straw, that rarely happens when I have a cup of coffee. I hate freaking people out with a cough or sneeze.

Went to a restaurant a couple months ago, inhaled some couscous while chomping my salad, panicked and ran to the restroom and in to a stall, there i coughed as loudly as one can imagine, i heard another person quickly pulling his pants up and running away from the restroom, got the sucker out of my lungs and proceeded to laugh hysterically about the situation.
Poor dude must have been thinking that i am dying from covid or turning in to a zombie.

Probably thought you were either drunk and trying to puke in which you would have got puke all over his shoes, or maybe the person just thought you got some reaction to the food from poisoning and wanted out of the place before he/she started to puke in the restaurant.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 10:05 PM
Honestly, my biggest objection to a mask is:

a.) They make my nose run profusely. The second I put one on my nose starts running, and it doesn't stop until I take the mask off.

b.) My body temperature rises about 10 degrees with a mask on. A few minutes after putting one on I'm sweating.

c.) I feel like I can't breathe. I don't notice it until I take down my mask for a few breaths after I have it on, but it really restricts my breathing.

d.) Lastly, and most importantly, I have a periodic irregular heartbeat. When I wear a mask my heart rate is all over the place because of items #1 - #3 above.

So, being "completely civil", as you request in your OP, those are the reasons I object to wearing a mask.

I'm certainly open to hear why you think I am an idiot for not liking a mask for the reasons I've stated. I truly am.

That is all.

edit on 12/31/2021 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 10:24 PM
It seems like there quite a few of us here who have strong reason beyond just "muh freedumbs" for not wanting to wear a mask.

But how can it be that anyone would actually have a reason beyond just being a stupid MAGA idiot? And maybe if people were listened to, really listened to rather than just painted as a bunch of uncaring jerks by a bunch of uncaring jerks, this issue would not be so contentious.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: AverageWang

How many times a day do you take it off and handle it? Lay it down on things like tables?

How do you think a walk from a door to a table in a restaurant would be safer with a mask? I could hold my breath that long if it makes you feel safer!

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 10:47 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
It seems like there quite a few of us here who have strong reason beyond just "muh freedumbs" for not wanting to wear a mask.

But how can it be that anyone would actually have a reason beyond just being a stupid MAGA idiot? And maybe if people were listened to, really listened to rather than just painted as a bunch of uncaring jerks by a bunch of uncaring jerks, this issue would not be so contentious.

I found out this late in life I have a major phobia of covering my face. Had no idea! Have a problem with heights even a ladder, no one hates me for that one!

Now I have cataracts and need them removed and they would not let me in to the only place within 2.5 hrs. drive each way so I can't see!
WHY would that be, clearly I could safely come in and get it done never endangering anyone, people no longer have any care for others and they did indeed seem smug with 50 people all in masks acting as though they somehow feel superior to me just because they look like bandits all the time now!

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: AverageWang

OK, I'll bite.

A few years ago I had a quintuple bypass, open-heart surgery. When I started recovering, my legs didn't. Even now, a few years later, I can manage to walk for maybe 15 minutes before they collapse and I literally fall to the ground. My doctors (GP, Neurologist, and Cardiologist) put me through a battery of medical tests and finally identified the problem: one wall of my heart is not moving like it should. Therefore it can't pump out as much blood as fast as a normal heart. So my legs, being the farthest from the heart, do not get enough oxygen to go more than a few minutes at a time, even though my blood oxygen almost never drops below 96-97%.

When the mask thing started, I didn't know why I couldn't walk far... so I actually tried wearing a mask. I have worn bandanas all my life when I needed protection from fumes, so I had some here. I put one on and within less than 2 minutes I was lying in the floor unable to get up. I checked my O2 level and it was running in the very low 90s.

So I cannot wear a mask, unless someone wants to literally carry me and hope the lack of oxygen supply doesn't affect something besides muscles.

At first, it wasn't a problem... if someone in a store asked me to "mask up" I just told them I couldn't due to a medical condition. I still social distanced, but then came the day when the stores started restricting different entrances to exit only and enter only. I innocently parked close to the entry door and did my shopping, checked out, and started to my car right outside. My legs were already feeling wobbly, but I figured I could make it to the car. But no... the store employees stopped me and demanded I walk the length of the store to the far exit and then back across the parking lot. When I tried to explain I couldn't make it that far, they didn't care.

So I collapsed just outside the store. Fun, fun, fun. Ever been on the ground unable to get up? It doesn't feel good.

Then there was the time I took my car in for repair. I had already talked to them about bringing it in for a diagnostic, already agreed to the price, everything. So I call up a wrecker and he drags me and the car to the shop. They told me it would only take a couple of hours, and if it had to be kept overnight for any reason, they would give me a loaner.

I got there, walked in, and was immediately escorted out the door again. No mask, no service, no excuse. So instead of getting my car fixed like a normal human, I was forced to have it hauled right back where it came from. That not only kept me from getting service, but cost me money out of my pocket for nothing. I'll never recommend, visit, or in any way patronize that particular business again.

And then there's the hospital... at one time during all those tests, I needed blood drawn at the hospital; my GP didn't have the facilities needed for that particular test. So I go to the hospital; I cannot get in! The mask police block my way, even though I have an appointment for an outpatient procedure. Finally, I get the test, but it involved the nurse coming to my car in the parking lot with her tray and literally taking my blood right there.

I suppose I should be thankful that it wasn't a blizzard at the time, and that all I needed was a blood test. I imagine my car hood would make for an uncomfortable operating table.

When my wife went to the ER over a very bad case of poison oak, I had to wait until she called, then call the ER to get a nurse to come to my car, verify who I was, and tell my wife I was waiting for her outside.

Or when a close friend had a stroke at my house and we couldn't get hold of his family... I couldn't even see him, even though the hospital was asking me about his reactions. Had I been a relative, how would I have known what shape he was in? I couldn't even see him!

Even without ever wearing a mask, and never changing where I go, who I see, or what I do, I have yet to have any serious effects. If I had the thing (possible) it was a minor bug that was gone quickly at most. On the other hand, I have inlaws who worn a mask, apparently full time, even at home, since this all began. They gave up church, and gave up shopping... they have their needs delivered exclusively. They got vaccinated as soon as the shot was available. Both just finished recovering from a serious case of the Chinese virus, in the hospital, and the only thing that helped was monoclonal antibodies... which the same people demanding mask use are also trying to keep people from using.

In short, I have seen absolutely zero evidence that a mask works to prevent or even attenuate transmission to any appreciable degree; the fact that I cannot wear one has caused me untold needless pain; actual helpful treatments are under attack and have been since this all began. At this point, I simply do not trust anything said by anyone at a national level, very little at a local level, and am even a bit suspicious of my own doctors... all of whom, incidentally, are perfectly OK with me not wearing a mask and don't wear one themselves.

So yeah... at this point, even if I could, I would not wear a mask. Period. I think I have been punished for having a disability enough.


posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: AverageWang

I don't

I don't refuse but in my state, it is rarely required... usually only in a healthcare facility.

I just don't go anywhere where it is required but if so, I will pull one out.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: AverageWang

I'd say 99% of the population doesn't know how to wear a mask properly.

They become petri dishes for respiratory bacteria and viruses over time.

99% of the population have not been fit tested, thus negating the efficacy of masks.

People wearing masks are often touching their faces before and after donning masks, negating the efficacy of masks.

Masks are a symbol of obedience and virtue signaling.

You avoid the question.

Wearing a mask (even if not perfectly) is better than no mask at all.

Ok so you chose the current pardigm on masks but funny how the data was conclusive that not wearing a mask is the very best way to live. Not only is it best for the human forced to wear one, but it also helps prevent you from being a germ factory to others as you promote germs on the mask itself has been correctly pointed out here already..

Grow up, and be nice to each other. If you wish to wear a mask or get the fake vax, go ahead. But please don't let your fears infringe on others rights to go about their lives without control freaks and Nazi's making things "safe for others".

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: TexasTruth

originally posted by: RonnieJersey
I'm back wearing the mask again when in the stores. What bothers me is those who do not wear a mask (none of my business) and cough and sneeze with their mouths wide open (definitely my business).
Also, there is simply no need to stand right behind anyone when on line, I always stand back several feet, but that is being ingnored as well.
What happened to courtesy, common sense, and just plain manners??

I don’t wear a mask, but if somebody is wearing one, I give them a wide birth and never stand close out of respect for them. I don’t mock others who have concerns.

You are doing what I do. I never wear one unless absolutely required. I will be kind to others and maybe say something about the liars causing us to run around afraid but I won't say anything mean or scold someone for believing this fairy tale.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 11:59 PM
I don't care to wear them due to masks not stopping covid. But I still wear them because I don't want random people to see me.

So I have reasons for both sides. Of course, I don't care much for my opinions either and have never told anyone my opinion due to being humble and, for the most part, apathetic.

(Still caught covid yet wore masks in public every possible chance)

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 03:15 AM
edit on 1/1/2022 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: AverageWang
I'm going to be completely civil no-matter how much hate I get.. but I've been wearing a mask in indoor public spaces (UK) since the pandemic began. When it was mandated, when it wasn't mandated, it didn't matter to me, it just seemed like a very easy thing to do.

I own a mask, it's free to wear, and there is evidence that wearing a mask can limit transmission of particles expelled from your nose and mouth, that is why they are used in healthcare all the time, pandemic or not.

I have absolutely no issues whatsoever with people who decide not to take the vaccine, it's a medical procedure, and it's not my place to judge those that decide they do not want a medical procedure, for the people that aren't vaccinated - I respect your decision.

But I'm slightly different on the mask situation. We know at the very very least that they are not harmful to use, and regardless of what you believe the benefits of them are, if you know they aren't harmful, why don't you wear one in public places?

Please don't be salty towards me, this is a genuine question and I'm not looking to exchange insults.

Love you and Happy New Year.

i'm the same, public trans and eateries and shops i don't need any real life hassle but as soon as i'm outside, it's off.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: AverageWang

I don't

I don't refuse but in my state, it is rarely required... usually only in a healthcare facility.

I just don't go anywhere where it is required but if so, I will pull one out.

Same here.

It seems that most businesses must require them for the employees, because most have the on in some fashion.

Very few customers wear them. I have never had, or seen a hostile reaction between those that wear them, and those that don't.

But this is a mind your business area, for the most part.

We are being locked in by city folk, so I am sure this too will be short lived.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: AverageWang

I don't refuse to, but I hate and despise them. Here are my reasons.

1) The effectiveness of them may be limited as pathogens can land in other areas of the face.
2) People are taking them off to eat, if they cough or sneeze during that point the whole effort was futile.
For example on an airplane, the persons head is around just foot away from yours, when their mask comes off to eat
or drink, if they are contagious the whole effort was useless.
3) I sell safety equipment, if a mask is not tightly fitted it's effectiveness for both parties drops considerably see this
3M "fit testing" link 3M FIT TESTING
4) It is harder to breathe
5) Dirty masks may contain harmful elements to us
6) It is dehumanizing us, why do you think they put a similar type masks on villain's like The Winter Soldier and Bain in movies. Notice once he turns good, Bucky takes the mask off.

I am forced to wear them because I work with the public, as it is corporate and government policy, but if given a choice I would take it off permanently.

edit on 1-1-2022 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: Karen657

I've not worn a mask and also not had a cold in 2 years.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 12:04 PM
I think masks are good since there are a bunch of very unattractive people out there and the masks help them a good deal.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: loveguy

i got the shots,so i dont wear one anymore unless i HAVE TO. WHy? because i can.

Beneficent new year to you.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Businesses are afraid of lawsuits.

posted on Jan, 1 2022 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Lol! They don't have the balls to stab you. I don't wear a mask at all. Don't care, plus it's awesime way to clear out an isle in a store, if Karen sees me unmasked they will turn around and leave, even though it apparently protects me against their nasty germs. Plus, I am.not complyjng with anyone, they can kiss my butt!

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