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Civil Debate Please - Why do you refuse to wear a mask?

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posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: AverageWang

I am in the medical profession. I have been in the field for near on 50 years. I wear PPE when it is required.

Masks were never designed to be worn all day every day.

Mask serve different purposes. They don't all have the same level of effectiveness. Wearing a mask all day creates it own set of problems.

If you find wearing a mask comforting, then wear a mask. I would suggest that you remove the mask when it becomes damp, and replace it with another.

I have an issue with disposable masks and improper disposal of the masks, but that ship has sailed as well.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: AverageWang

Well before answering your question I gotta say that there is plenty of evidence of the harm that wearing a mask can cause.

I do not wear a mask. In fact, I’ve only worn a mask once and it was when I had to go to Whole Foods for patte two Christmas’s ago.
Other than that brief 10 minute shopping adventure, I’ve yet to be required to wear one.

The bottom line for me is that I can’t fake sh!t and I don’t play along with idiocracy.
I think the whole thing is practically speaking - totally fake. So, no, I don’t wear masks.

Although, I take that back. I did wear a mask last month when I was cleaning out the chicken coop and changing out the bedding.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: AverageWang

Ummm…why…all that…and they made the flu and the common cold disappear…for a whole year…

Some magical juju there…who should have thought that just five little layers between me and the rest of you diseased mofo’s…and influenza and the common cold would be eradicated…

Ima wear them whenever I’m around all you diseased bastiges…

No more swapping the bodily fluids either…yeesh…talk about septicemia…

Ya’ll are plague infested…uh huh…and shall forever be known as…the unclean…


posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: AverageWang

Masks have been common in Asian countries since Sars 2002.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Ok you caught me.
Fact is I have a terrible time smoking a cigarette with a mask on.
We dinosaurs are kinda set in our ways.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

originally posted by: Lemon1234
a reply to: AverageWang

I get headaches for days after having to wear a mask for 5 hours or longer.

I repeat myself...

You can repeat yourself ad nauseum without conscience for others because the media is repeating itself ad nauseum and supporting your position but it doesn't change the fact that it's all nonsense that only benefits people who probably were hypochondriacs before this all happened.

For the healthy in body, mind and spirit this is nothing more than a bloody cold. We've been locked down and mandated for almost two years and I only know one person in my town who got covid! Oh, let me correct that, he'd had major heart surgeries and got pneumonia, went to hospital where he tested positive for covid yet was cured by the antibiotics. He lived. I saw him out riding his motorcycle a few months afterwards.

I don't know anyone who knows anyone who died from it. So it might be damn serious elsewhere but why are we here locked down? Why is our government still allowing tourists to come to our island if it's so dangerous? It's total garbage to manipulate us.

Remember social distancing? It's a great tool to stay away from the maskless. Maybe practice that, and a little compassion, and allow the rest of us to breath fresh air.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Ummm…except for those that are smart enough to use an ultraviolet wand on their mask periodically throughout the day…kill those little buggers your exhaling into the filter media…and those little buggers being sucked into the weave from all those diseased…human beings…you come in contact with…


posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: AverageWang

Masks were never designed to be worn all day every day.

Mask serve different purposes. They don't all have the same level of effectiveness. Wearing a mask all day creates it own set of problems.

Thank you for adding some rationality to the discussion.
Rebreathing your own CO2 is not especially good for you.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:16 PM
I wear them when/where mandated and in drs surgeries/chemists as there's a much higher chance someone is at risk or in ill health but don't bother outside as it''s pointless (unless in an inner city) and is the least effective of the measures (social distancing and good hygene are far more important). I live in a small village and don't dawdle/browse in shops so it's easy to mitigate risk.

It's a dynamic situation of risk and taking a static approach causes excess harm at low risk times (childhood development/non-verbal communication issues) and is unsufficient to mitigate risk at high risk times. While they had an effective reduction of Alpha and Delta in the UK, Omicron has such a higher rate of infection and lower rate of hospitalisation and death that wearing a mask has little to no impact on R rate.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: AverageWang

Happy New Year and love to you as well!

Though none of these following directly effect me, I'll add a few harmful effects of masks:

All the gains hearing impaired get from lip and expression reading is gone--further isolates people with this disability.
Infants/toddlers need facial expressions to develop and socialize.
We all could use some expressiveness and connection but I'll stop there.

There are work arounds for both these situations. And yes - children need to learn facial expressions but they learn more from your reactions to other people. Kindness and consideration are important to learn as well. Learn some basic ASL. What can you give to the community to help during this difficult time?

Do you have any idea how fundamental the human face is to the development of our species? Think about how much harder it must be for these children.

So tired of older adults braying on about "but, muh health!" when there are children struggling with socialization and teens/young adults who have lost hope in life. It's so so selfish.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: Karen657
a reply to: ketsuko

I base it on risk not requirements. I live in a city and cases on are the rise here suddenly when we have been below average for the last two years.
In a crowd for sure.

For sure - except there is absolute proof now that they simply do not work.

But, yeah, 'for sure'...

I also wash my hands the moment I get home.

Hand washing is ok as long as you don't use soap, especially antibacterial soap.

If I'm gonna be out for a while I have hand sanitizer in my car.

Hand sanitizer is mostly toxic garbage that destroys your hands. No thanks.

I've remained virus free so far and yes I am vaccinated. Booster is next month.

Good for you. I've remained virus free this entire time, never wore masks (except when it was impossible to avoid and I had to go in a store for something, but I always removed it as soon as I went inside. Sometimes they'd refuse to check me out if I didn't put it back on, so I would after remarking how brain-dead stupid it was.

As for what I wore... for a while it was an organic cotton mask I ordered online (no toxic threads for me, and I didn't contribute one disposable mask to the massive environmental impact those toxic trash masks are causing as we speak.

Now I wear a unmask. These are amazing, if you absolutely have to wear one, and now I have one I'll likely not suffer too badly from having to wear the next time I fly....

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

originally posted by: Mandroid7
a reply to: FyreByrd

Learn sign language?
Any other great insight?

I didn't say learn ASL - just to learn enough to be kind.

I'm a highly social and courteous person--I love people and go out of my way to make a stranger's day or help a person in need whenever possible.
Which includes giving people the freedom to make their own health choices and comfort levels, and I give everyone who looks frightened of breathing a wide berth--other people's sanity is beyond my purveyance.
I don't need lessons in kindness, but thank you anyway.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: igloo

All the grown people demanding sacrifices from children remind me of Moloch worshipers, I can't help it.

"Protect the most vulnerable" has been the catch phrase but we all know the most vulnerable are the kids and no one cares about their health.

And to anyone who thinks I'm exaggerating, please take a look at a thread I researched and put together regarding the ill effects on our childrens' health.

edit on 31-12-2021 by zosimov because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd
in reply to: Asktheanimals

The only reason I can see that you would be oxygen deprived would be poor lung capacity. And that is a separate issue.

You would be wrong.

But yeah, feel free to refuse to admit you're wrong because... bitchute... ?
edit on 31-12-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: igloo

Ummm…I just knew there was going to be a…”think of the cheeldren”…slant to this argument somewhere

Poor little buggers…



posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: AverageWang

Because I'm Antisosialist.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:48 PM
I can't because of instant claustrophobia, it blows particles into my eyes, causes inability to breathe properly, almost impossible to speak without it sucking into my mouth, and also I view it as a sign of over-virtue signaling and control. They are basically worthless for preventing germ spread.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 02:59 PM
Here in the US, it is purely a political decision because the politicians have successfully divided us on the subject directly down party lines. Ask anyone in the thread and a majority (no, not 99%) will give you all the info you need with a single or red = mask or no mask.

For folks who lean red, there are an infinite number of reasons. Some have said because no one tells them what to do. Yet the bill collector says pay and they do, doctor says set of shots before your kid can start school and they get them, boss tells you what time to work and when to collect your paycheck and they listen, drive through guy says pull up to the next window and they obey. Others will say there is no proof they work, yet seem unaware that other countries and maybe a majority of the world seem to disagree.

For the folks leaning left, seems to be less a question but mixed with more fear. They listen to the doctors that say "doom and gloom!", the MSM that says "doom and gloom" and the politicians and scientists all say "doom and gloom". 3 masks, no 4 and maybe....

You have to make up your own mind, make your own choices, but weighed against what you know and what others say and of course, your feelings towards others. I myself, hate all politicians and anyone who worships their twisted dogma and make my decisions based in what I know is fact. I wear a mask

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: YouSir
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Ummm…except for those that are smart enough to use an ultraviolet wand on their mask periodically throughout the day…kill those little buggers your exhaling into the filter media…and those little buggers being sucked into the weave from all those diseased…human beings…you come in contact with…


Are you sure….. or false sense of security?

According to the literature, effective decontamination of N95 respirator masks or surgical masks requires UV-C doses of greater than 1 Jcm−2, which was achieved after 4.3 hours per side when placing the N95 at the bottom of the BSCs tested in this study.

posted on Dec, 31 2021 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: Gothar

It's funny turning on the television news in states where no one hardly wears masks.

You can tell the news outlets are all owned by liberal holding companies, and the people who read the news really would like to quit, but have no place else to go.

Was in Arizona two weeks ago. The news outlets are screaming about the sky falling in Phoenix, yet almost nobody in Phoenix wears a mask any place.

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