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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
So they're full-on fortifying the White House. The concrete barriers are large. Large enough it would be very hard to get over top of them. And they're putting them up all around the White House.

Here's a live feed. Castle lock?

Clearly looks like they're anticipating an event that will trigger people trying to storm the White House.

Yup. Something in the works.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan
My first guess was the SCOTUS affirming the jab mandate.....
It has gone into affect, are they waiting to see 80 million people's reaction before they rule?
Little to no outrage from 80 million people, they let it slide?
80 million people show they mean business, they squash the mandate?

Not so sure now. Also not sure why SCOTUS are having a hard time with this.

The only thing I am sure of, at this point in time, is that WE, as a nation, are SCREWED.
This with the creation of a agency to locate 'domestic terrorist' does not bode well for ANYONE leaning to the right or common sense and critical thinking skills.
edit on 12-1-2022 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
So they're full-on fortifying the White House. The concrete barriers are large. Large enough it would be very hard to get over top of them. And they're putting them up all around the White House.

Here's a live feed. Castle lock?

Clearly looks like they're anticipating an event that will trigger people trying to storm the White House.

Yup. Something in the works.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 07:06 PM

Biden Admin Compiling Database Of Religious Objectors To Vaccine Within Obscure Agency

An obscure agency within the Biden administration, the Pretrial Services Agency, announced an Orwellian tracking scheme on Tuesday that could serve as a model for the entire US government to collect the names and "personal religious information" of federal employees who make "religious accommodation requests for religious exception from the federally mandated vaccination requirement," according to the Daily Signal.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

I really cannot grasp why these are still standing. Of all the statues the BLM/Antifa goons tore down, the one that ACTUALLY points to their death as glorious is still standing unharmed. Remarkable.

They have been vandalized in the past, and on more than one occasion.

It would be lovely to see them razed, even more so in real time (of course).

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 07:20 PM
Re Guidestones ...First couple minutes will hook you ..... Club of Rome - crisis creation

If I recall correctly there is more immediate security there than the DC Capital Building.... Go figure

edit on 1122022 by MetalThunder because: TIME is what you make of IT

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 07:28 PM
I don’t understand the barriers. They aren’t going to stop a blast, or people. They might slow vehicles, but there is already a heavy duty fence, and the barriers aren’t all around the building. I’ve never seen anything like that before. The only thing I can picture is armed guards behind the barriers.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: Caled

3 quick thoughts, YMMV
1 their going after Trump as in Arrest
2 some bad legislation is going to get shoved thru
3 what we have been waiting for
Ma ny Americans Wondering Why Giant Barrier Is Going Up Around White House And Live Feed Is Off

Late eta
'Chernobyl' At State Department As COVID Decimates Agency

edit on 1122022 by MetalThunder because: TIME is what you make of IT

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 08:18 PM
I pledge to never say the words "a new low has been reached" ever again. Not because this isn't a new low, but because this sets the bar so far down that when it is beaten tomorrow, and it will be, the Earth's core will be right upon us.


posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 08:32 PM
Psyop stories all throughout the year!!


posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
So they're full-on fortifying the White House. The concrete barriers are large. Large enough it would be very hard to get over top of them. And they're putting them up all around the White House.

Here's a live feed. Castle lock?

Clearly looks like they're anticipating an event that will trigger people trying to storm the White House.

Yup. Something in the works.

It's an interesting construction. The lower concrete blocks are "U" shaped and then they're dropping another block in from the top side that looks to be made of wood and some of them appear to have windows. As if they intend to put gunners behind the wall.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Reminds me of this guy...

edit on 12-1-2022 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 08:57 PM

originally posted by: Caled
I don’t understand the barriers. They aren’t going to stop a blast, or people. They might slow vehicles, but there is already a heavy duty fence, and the barriers aren’t all around the building. I’ve never seen anything like that before. The only thing I can picture is armed guards behind the barriers.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

That wall will 100% stop people. Especially if they intend to put gunners behind it.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Regarding the image of Fauci and the orange... Blatant symbolism. Dr. Death. Hopefully it also means his time is almost up as well.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 09:13 PM

originally posted by: Quadrivium
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan
My first guess was the SCOTUS affirming the jab mandate.....
It has gone into affect, are they waiting to see 80 million people's reaction before they rule?
Little to no outrage from 80 million people, they let it slide?
80 million people show they mean business, they squash the mandate?

Not so sure now. Also not sure why SCOTUS are having a hard time with this.

The only thing I am sure of, at this point in time, is that WE, as a nation, are SCREWED.
This with the creation of a agency to locate 'domestic terrorist' does not bode well for ANYONE leaning to the right or common sense and critical thinking skills.

I'm leaning more towards Fauci is arrested once this hearing is over. Veritas is still dropping docs. They've been reporting from right outside the Senate chambers. Fauci gets arrested and in the process they expose the fact that he himself developed the virus and suppressed the cures. Cooperating with China, all to get Trump.

That would set into motion the end of this thing and the wall may be necessary to stop the people from storming the White House and dragging them all out by their hair.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 09:23 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating

originally posted by: Quadrivium
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan
My first guess was the SCOTUS affirming the jab mandate.....
It has gone into affect, are they waiting to see 80 million people's reaction before they rule?
Little to no outrage from 80 million people, they let it slide?
80 million people show they mean business, they squash the mandate?

Not so sure now. Also not sure why SCOTUS are having a hard time with this.

The only thing I am sure of, at this point in time, is that WE, as a nation, are SCREWED.
This with the creation of a agency to locate 'domestic terrorist' does not bode well for ANYONE leaning to the right or common sense and critical thinking skills.

I'm leaning more towards Fauci is arrested once this hearing is over. Veritas is still dropping docs. They've been reporting from right outside the Senate chambers. Fauci gets arrested and in the process they expose the fact that he himself developed the virus and suppressed the cures. Cooperating with China, all to get Trump.

That would set into motion the end of this thing and the wall may be necessary to stop the people from storming the White House and dragging them all out by their hair.

We can only hope that is it.....

Bad feeling though.
This makes me feel differently....

WASHINGTON, Jan 11 (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department is creating a new unit to counter domestic terrorism following the 2021 U.S. Capitol attack, a senior official said on Tuesday, as it faces a growing threat from white supremacists and anti-government activists.

The move reflects a growing realization by U.S. national security officials that domestic extremists represent a threat on par with that posed by foreign militant groups such as Islamic State.

"We face an elevated threat from domestic violent extremists - that is, individuals in the United States who seek to commit violent criminal acts in furtherance of domestic social or political goals," Matthew Olsen, the assistant attorney general of the department's National Security Division

They throw 'racial' in there to get some of the non-thinking, boot licking leftists on board.
Many may be surprised at how diverse pissed off Americans are. They don't report it because it would cause unity while they are spreading divisive propaganda.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: Caled

The White House is worried that IRAN is preparing to assassinate somebody inside the building.

Source: -a73e-dd7dd68f2a75.html

If the above is not clickable, copy/paste the below URL. Remove the "--".

h--ttps:// 75-a73e-dd7dd68f2a75.html

Sounds like TRUMP's people are still working there, doesn't it?

edit on 1/12/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 09:31 PM
So here is an odd one regarding the wall and the possible purpose. Just tossing it out, as when I looked it all seemed to fit with my previous post linked below, but in that kind of dream imagery sort of way.

I posted a bit about the change in Narrative and DJT Truth Media Company launching HERE I made note of the presence of 11:11 occurring through the mirror. Mirror, looking glass, reflection between realities can be seen in the math, created then mirrored through manifestation on earth sort of thing.

The "launch" is Feb 21, 2020 or Presidents day 45 DJT President. But I'd argue that the real real launch is 2-22-2022 or 222222 but Presidents day is a better earthly symbol.

That said. 3 drops with "Wall."

Wall Means More Then You Know drop features 21.

So folks posting about the Wall or Barrier gets me thinking gematria.

Other variations of White House wall produce various connections...

My thinking is, The White House Wall relates to whatever is revealed post Rona Narrative through the Trump Media network whatever that network may look like. We know the Queen lurks, we know Rona Narrative is changing, we know DJT is launching a media company, we know team Joe has taken about 500 Mike Tyson blows to the mouth, we know something has to give.

Worth remembering, it was said that DJT said the WH was a dump when he entered it, he's in construction, it's the kind of thing you'd say before you tear something down.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 09:34 PM
Something to ponder:

'Build Back Better'
What exactly are they building back 'better?
The best economy we saw in decades?
The lowest unemployment?

What is the name of this thread?
What made it one of the top ATS Mega threads?

You have more than you know.

Build Back Better is a GLOBALIST PLOY.
if you make over 30k (USD) you are in the top 1% globally.
Can Globalist bring 3rd world countries up to that standard?
Can they bring the US and other countries down to 3rd world standards?
Once that is done, THEY can build back 'better".

Think about all we have learned.

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
A word to the wise, re BITCHUTE videos:

Over the last few weeks, I've noticed BITCHUTE videos stop playing before important segments - acting as those they've reached the end of the video!

This has been particularly noticeable on And We Know daily updates:
The one at the link stopped several times!
Each time I had to reload and start playing from just beyond where it had stopped.
This indicates that code has been added to force early stops.

I've also noticed it on X22 daily updates

Thought I'd point it out because many, like me, will play these videos in the background and carry on with other work - therefore it's not obvious that you've missed half the video.

I watch those on Rumble. I don't like the format of Bitchute. Bitch ute.....hmm

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