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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 07:12 PM
There is absolutely no merit to that anon post about packets of information, media execs and federal agents. This is no different then the Mcafee deadman-switch or Ingersoll locker wood or any of the other millions of dead ends. I'm willing to bet there will be no scandal tomorrow. There will be no narrative collapse. If you pay attention you'll notice they don't simply roll over. Even when caught in blatant lies. Take the rigged election for example. There was no narrative collapse and there was a ton of evidence floating around proving the election was stolen. Do you really think these people are going to take it this far just to say shucks guess we got caught. Oh well maybe we'll getem next time. No. They are going to fight to the bitter end. There is no surrender in these people and as long as they've got people divided chasing their tails following every single distraction like it's a shiny toy then they still have the upper hand. We are in for the fight of our lives.

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: gmx0010110
There is absolutely no merit to that anon post about packets of information, media execs and federal agents. This is no different then the Mcafee deadman-switch or Ingersoll locker wood or any of the other millions of dead ends. I'm willing to bet there will be no scandal tomorrow. There will be no narrative collapse. If you pay attention you'll notice they don't simply roll over. Even when caught in blatant lies. Take the rigged election for example. There was no narrative collapse and there was a ton of evidence floating around proving the election was stolen. Do you really think these people are going to take it this far just to say shucks guess we got caught. Oh well maybe we'll getem next time. No. They are going to fight to the bitter end. There is no surrender in these people and as long as they've got people divided chasing their tails following every single distraction like it's a shiny toy then they still have the upper hand. We are in for the fight of our lives.

You have no way of knowing if what you are saying is true or not.

To the contrary, we already see the media pivoting on this matter. Just today I saw an article quoting Bill Gates conceding that omicron is more effective than the vaccine.

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating
You have no way of knowing if your speculations are true or not either. We'll just have to wait and see how it pans out. Just like we've been doing for the last 5 years. Conceding on a few points here or there is not a narrative collapse.

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 07:21 PM
@EthicalSkeptic says 4 Unvigintillion to One...

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 07:27 PM
Narrative Collapse in real time. Trending (take note of who/what cough CCP cough).

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: gmx0010110
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating
You have no way of knowing if your speculations are true or not either. We'll just have to wait and see how it pans out. Just like we've been doing for the last 5 years. Conceding on a few points here or there is not a narrative collapse.


posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 08:00 PM

a reply to: gmx0010110
Do not despair.

edit on 1/16/2022 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 08:02 PM
7 Days in May coming early?


Art of the Deal

This guy is a good soul...

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 08:36 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating

originally posted by: gmx0010110
There is absolutely no merit to that anon post about packets of information, media execs and federal agents. This is no different then the Mcafee deadman-switch or Ingersoll locker wood or any of the other millions of dead ends. I'm willing to bet there will be no scandal tomorrow. There will be no narrative collapse. If you pay attention you'll notice they don't simply roll over. Even when caught in blatant lies. Take the rigged election for example. There was no narrative collapse and there was a ton of evidence floating around proving the election was stolen. Do you really think these people are going to take it this far just to say shucks guess we got caught. Oh well maybe we'll getem next time. No. They are going to fight to the bitter end. There is no surrender in these people and as long as they've got people divided chasing their tails following every single distraction like it's a shiny toy then they still have the upper hand. We are in for the fight of our lives.

You have no way of knowing if what you are saying is true or not.

To the contrary, we already see the media pivoting on this matter. Just today I saw an article quoting Bill Gates conceding that omicron is more effective than the vaccine.

The issue I see is, as these goalposts move…the people do with it. Completely ignorant or oblivious to the narrative change.
It seems that nothing will promote a change of heart or thought. I genuinely think the dems or MSM could come out tomorrow and say the vax is poisonous and this whole thing has been a psy op and 30+% of the population wouldn’t care or change a thing. They would just double down

I don’t like dooming either but it really does feel like we are entering stretches of “it’s almost happening!” To a week later of “hmmm when’s the next possibility”

I’m starting to feel more like things are going to amplify to the extreme in Eastern Europe (Ukraine) and our efforts to “sanction” Russia to stop will expose the US further, will drive the dollar down more, and incur a successful collapse of the US dollar as the global reserve currency…prompting the successful launch of some centralized digital wallet.

Either way I think we will find out soon enough….but I also feel like we are all running out of time, energy, hopium, etc.
if things do get “worse” in 2022 than in 2021 before it gets better, i think it only destroys the hopium even more.

Typically, even a great chess game has a victor. On a macro scale we may still be right on track….but with the way our human instinct works and todays society if things don’t happen fast, they get forgotten. And this currently feels like a monopoly game that will go on for ages
edit on 16-1-2022 by PeteMitchell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: PeteMitchell

Here's the article about Bill Gates I mentioned. Here we see Bill turning on the vaccine narrative. He is saying the vaccines are missing two key favors and that omicron is likely to be more effective than the vaccines.

Epoch Times

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: PeteMitchell

Here's the article about Bill Gates I mentioned. Here we see Bill turning on the vaccine narrative. He is saying the vaccines are missing two key favors and that omicron is likely to be more effective than the vaccines.

Epoch Times

And in the past he and Fauci have expressed interest in fundamentally changing how vaccines are made, distributed, and studied.
Could be something. Could just be a shift to “hey check out this other new shiny terrible idea I have”

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: PeteMitchell

Here's the article about Bill Gates I mentioned. Here we see Bill turning on the vaccine narrative. He is saying the vaccines are missing two key favors and that omicron is likely to be more effective than the vaccines.

Epoch Times

My point was…we still have a large number of people with wool pulled over their eyes. We need something big and soon. I realize soon is relative but hopefully in the next year or less

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: PeteMitchell

Yeah. I'm still on about seeing the media pivot. I expect that to happen. Time will tell. But the point is, if they do, you're gonna get your wish. And if that anon is correct, it's coming soon. Over the next few weeks. I contend we are already starting to see it.

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: PeteMitchell

Yeah. I'm still on about seeing the media pivot. I expect that to happen. Time will tell. But the point is, if they do, you're gonna get your wish. And if that anon is correct, it's coming soon. Over the next few weeks. I contend we are already starting to see it.

You and I had this exchange on the Narrative Collapse and what would replace it (you said CNN global warming LOL). I said last summer sometime, when the UK announces lockdown #3 the Narrative would collapse shortly there after. December it was.

This indicates more of the same. We predicted this, well observed it was the true design, and timing. Symbols are fun that way.

It will collapse unevenly. I know folks think, foolishly, that all happens with Swiss Watch precision but the top controller leaders are gone, dead, oblivion, which means the drone class and their minions are lost. The collapse will happen fast, end of the month, but will be wildly uneven. Factions fight among themselves now.

The only unity that ever existed among the controller minions was due to having a fear based top down leadership, without it they reveal how stupid the are - and their shill class. Morons at best, bred to be followers.

Not long to wait for the new Narrative to arrive.

edit on 16-1-2022 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Here's my PROOF GRAPHIC for the POTUS45 Hand Signals at Arizona Rally on Jan 15th:


posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 09:54 PM
So here's my question (and pardon me if I sound like a simpleton). If the top controllers are gone and all that's left is the minion class then when the minion class covid narrative collapses, who does that leave to usher in the new narrative?

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 10:00 PM
From X22 report today at 53:33 mins mark; POTUS45 said at the Arizona Rally:


These are both references to the POST MAP:


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 2d673c No.158439 📁
Dec 23 2017 15:58:14 (EST)
_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
Good Hunting!

a) GO signal within ENOU[G]H IS EN[O]UGH,
b) Bolded timestamp encodes tomorrow, Jan 17th... rally on 15th was "2 days ahead of schedule"!

This in turn references #648

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7280b6 No.229003 📁
Jan 31 2018 21:46:08 (EST)

Anonymous ID: e3e8f0 No.228958 📁
Jan 31 2018 21:43:03 (EST)
Potus speech was inspiring!

Timing is everything.
Did you miss the most important line of the entire speech?
Activation code.


Bolded timestamp also encodes Jan 17th, tomorrow.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 54e39d No.11953143 📁
Dec 8 2020 17:05:50 (EST)📁

a) Note 17:05:50 in timestamp = Eyes on 17th.
b) Youtube has made video content unavailable but title still shows when you click URL.

Did he give the GO activation code at the Arizona Rally?

edit on 16-1-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 10:04 PM
Serious messaging conflicts.


No messaging conflicts here, pretty clear.

This guy is a legend in my mind.

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

There was also the very explicit air Q he gave. An air Q followed by a fist pump.

Air Q Shared by Our Friend John Barron

edit on 16-1-2022 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: gmx0010110
So here's my question (and pardon me if I sound like a simpleton). If the top controllers are gone and all that's left is the minion class then when the minion class covid narrative collapses, who does that leave to usher in the new narrative?

“We are here to develop the great narrative, a story for the future”
— Klaus Schwab, Great Narrative Meeting, 2021

Course, there will be plenty before whatever WEF crapola has in mind.

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