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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: brewtiger
Hard to believe some think cause I said "Save their lives", the "un-jabbed weren't going to be saved.
Was it someone's mindset that the "Jabbed" were just going to be "LEFT BEHIND"...
For King + Country
For God + Country.

The answer starts with a question...Why did Bayer halt the production partnership with CureVac???
January 17, 2021 Bayer announced that they would assist CureVac with manufacturing their Covid vaccine. This was halted by both.
Curevac did not seek EUA with the FDA and withdrew their request for EUA from the EU counterpart.

CureVac discovered something very significant in their second generation clinical trials that made them reverse course.
They conducted a clinical trial comparison of their vaccine to Pfizer's BNT 162b2. Their mRNA technology does not use modified mRNA technology which is one of the prime reasons many refuse to take the vaccine. Those would be the group with no cure option weren't going to be saved.

Meanwhile the Jabbed "were going to be left behind experiencing endless rounds of variants and jabs.

Not so fast:
***The second generation CureVac vaccine protects against multiple viral variants!
It elicited substantially greater immune response and showed improved protective efficacy.
No adverse effects!
No skipping the line like Pfizer so more clinical trials ahead since they are not a card carrying member of the Big Pharma Cartel.
[Patents W02002098443 and W2012019780 for the interested.]
We are not divided and we come together, and much stronger.

For the $ angle the share price has taken a beating but the German government is not going to be selling their shares nor the Dietmar Hopp Holding company.[DH-LT-Investments]. Same playbook. All players lining up.>News>Top News Bayer Aims to Help CureVac with Covid-19 Vaccine Output

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao
Really??? My eyes must be deceiving me. Why there where she could be seen?
I hope you can get word out about the CureVac option. I spent hours reading and researching because what we really need is protection from the variants.

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: duncanhidao
Interesting. Q says don't take the vaccine. Q+ says do take the vaccine. Which should we trust?

The question is which one. CureVac is not mRNA modified and has some very impressive results. And even more important deals with the variants.
Pfizer we already see is loaded with issues and questionable motives.
We are able to choose. I looked at the clinical trials and the results and the fact that they did not move ahead with an inferior product speaks volumes!
At least to me it does. They knew when they withdrew their requests for EUA from the EU and did not submit to the U.S. it would devastate their stock price but they didn't care. It was about providing to the public a product that works and now more importantly deals with these variants.

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Thanks for the feedback on that! I think what you surmise quite possibly lends more credence to the drops and whomever is/was behind the whole operation.



Now the End Begins

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Omicron is checkmate.
Whether it is a gift from God or from the White Hats, it has knocked out the narrative of the alleged disease.
The vaccine is NEVER SERVED for our health and has become useless.
In a normal world it would have long since been retired.
They will push it as long as they can hold the narrative but by now it is evident that Omicron DOES NOT KILL.
But you become immune by making ANY vaccine useless.

We are at the 4 booster.

Omicron is
Game over
There will be no step five.

Nov 18

'We hadn't had Covid patients for about eight weeks. In mid-November, a 33-year-old man arrived. He had mild symptoms but different from any I'd seen before. I decided to get tested because we were still faced with a patient. viral infection. When the fourth member of his family tested positive, with the same mild symptoms, a light bulb went on. ' To tell the story, in an interview first with Rainews24 and then with Repubblica, is the South African doctor Angelique Coetzee, who on November 18 discovered the new variant, later christened 'omicron' by the WHO.

2 years delta


edit on 16-1-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-1-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-1-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 03:03 PM
Austria to Start Fines for Unvaccinated in March, Nehammer Says

People unwilling to get inoculated will face penalties of as much as 3,600 euros ($4,108), the Austrian leader told reporters on Sunday. The mandate will apply to all adults living in the country except when a medical exemption is granted. 

Austria’s policy is being closely watched as a model for similar ambitions in other European Union countries. Italy has imposed a vaccine mandate on people aged 50 or over, Greece will start fining seniors who don’t get their shots, and French President Emmanuel Macron has pledged to make life difficult for the unvaccinated.

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 03:28 PM

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Posting work written by others


edit on Sun Jan 16 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 03:34 PM
Interesting, amusing 1964 article [PDF] from CIA archives, the author believes “The manned space programs of the United States and USSR are a propaganda front.” Goes on to say that rockets are “already obsolete.” Why would this document need to be “sanitized”?

“When the truth comes out ― and it will―and contact is achieved with this superior civilization, you can expect a completely fantastic change on this planet such as mankind has never seen nor experienced. These changes will be very radical on religion, governments, science and the military establishment.”

PDF is only one page:

'CIA disclosure' 58 years later, think about this whole UAP farce being propagated by Neocon odd couples: propaganda Lue/Mellon, Gillibrand & Rubio, Avi Loeb (who comes out of the Israeli Talpiot program), WEF, NASA theologians, Hollywood. Are the US intel agencies working with an off-world group?

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 04:10 PM

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

Initially, I had the same problem searching that post - but now I just remember to search "[self destruction]".

I's #596 that we want and, Oh look, it will be a 4 yr DELTA next Sunday!:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 384dbe No.139507 📁
Jan 23 2018 17:36:34 (EST)
The light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be.
This is not a game.
They want us divided.
Last posts [self destruction] will immediately show the world the TRUTH.
Instructions will be sent on how to preserve offline.
You didn’t think this was simply about words did you?

We have it all.
Coming soon to a theater near you.

It implies videos will be forthcoming - now recall the finds on CINEMAS having reduced screenings recently... was that a sign post to what is coming next Sunday?

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: duncanhidao
Q-ers! 🤩🤣

I have reason to believe the cute girl to the left of the podium with the American flag themed clothes is a friend of mine. She let me know she was going and asked me to look for her. She and her husband hated Trump in 2015 and now they love him. I recall sitting with her when the primaries were going. She knew she didn't want HRC worse and was voting Libertarian. She sure didn't even want to hear I was voting for him later when I told her that since Cruz lost I was going ahead and voting DJT. Glad I did now, but I am tickled that she too became a Trump-ster. Surprised as hell she did but she was being logical about not liking the Clintons. She just was leaving the Dems at that point. Wonderful to see this.

Literally she thinks God is supporting DJT and us who love God and the truth to deal with this corruption. Blessings never cease.

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 05:40 PM
I AM IN AWE of the beauty in execution of these HAND SIGNALS by POTUS45 at the Arizona Rally last night!!!

The depth and detail that comes from these 12 gestures amazes me - I can only do the explanation justice with a proof graphic; which will be forthcoming over the next hour or two.

They are shown from the 17th to 27th second of this And We Know bitchute today.

The fact that "And We Know" framed the video to hit exactly the right second marks - but doesn't even mention them in his narration, indicates to me that he is definitely "on the White Hat team", and I think this is COMMS to the deep state! He is open in his videos that he was a Lieutenant responsible for base publicity and communications in his service and was even offered a job by Manchester United to do the same.

In Summary, here are the gestures:

First set is LEFT HAND
2x 5-fingered open hand (5by5, EYES ON) #1, 2
3x 666 gesture.................................. #3, 4, 5
1x 5-fingered open hand (5 = 1 EYE)........ #6
2x 666 gesture...................................#7, 8
Sub-Total = 8 (a ref to 8chan boards... last posts?)
Message = "23 = Pain for 12 cabal families"

...then Second set is RIGHT HAND
1x Index finger point to the sky (think St.John art) #9
2x 666 gesture.............................................. #10, 11
1x Index finger point to the sky......................... #12
Sub-Total = 4 (a ref to 4chan boards... last posts?)
Message = "1-2-1 (Meet) your Maker (St John index gesture points to God)"

Total = 12

In summary this seems to be saying the last posts are coming and will either SHOW pain to the cabal (executions?), or lead to pain for them?

Feel free to double-check my count of gestures at the link above.

edit on 16-1-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 05:42 PM

Spiritual awakening hurts.

Spiritual awakening will leave you feeling alone at times.

Spiritual awakening will test you to your limit.

Spiritual awakening will often break you before you can put yourself back together.

But spiritual awakening is worth it …
If it wasn’t, nobody would continue on the path to shattering their old illusions and embracing new paradigms and more authentic ways of living.

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 05:50 PM

It follows that there is the statistical likelihood that Earth was visited by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization at least once during historical times.
There are serious difficulties in demonstrating such a contact by ancient writings and iconography alone. Nevertheless, there are legends which might profitably be studied in this context. Bases or other artifacts of interstellar spacefaring civilizations might also exist elsewhere in the solar system.

There are other legends which more nearly satisfy the foregoing contact criteria, and which deserve serious study in the present context. As one example, we may mention the Babylonian account of the origin of Sumerian civilization by the Apkallu, representatives of an advanced, nonhuman and possibly extraterrestrial society.

The statistics presented earlier in this paper suggest that the Earth has been visited by various galactic civilizations many times (possibly 10^4) during geological time.

Direct contact among galactic civilization by relativistic interstellar spaceflight.

Recall the Artemis Accords...

Protecting Heritage

Protecting historic sites and artifacts will be just as important in space as it is here on Earth.

Therefore, under Artemis Accords agreements, NASA and partner nations will commit to the protection of sites and artifacts with historic value.

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Thank you Rel!
That's exactly what I was thinking of - they seem to be pointing to some kind of upcoming final flurry of posts or videos or something credible that exposes everything...?

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 06:25 PM

It is 'outrageous' to vaccinate young people against COVID because they have a 'very low risk' of dying from the virus, said Seneff, a senior researcher at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

'When you look at the potential harm these vaccines can cause, it just doesn't make any sense,' Seneff said. 'And the repeated recalls will be devastating in the long run.'

“MRNA vaccines and DNA vector vaccines could pave the way for crippling diseases in the future.
Through the prion-like action of the spike protein, we will likely see an alarming increase in several major neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's, CKD, ALS and Alzheimer's, and these diseases will present with an increasing prevalence among younger populations in the years to come.

'Unfortunately, we will not know if the vaccines have caused this increase, because there will clearly be a long period of time between the vaccination event and the diagnosis of the disease'.

This last point, added Seneff, is 'very convenient for vaccine manufacturers, who are about to profit enormously from our misfortunes - both from the sale of the vaccines themselves and from the great medical cost of health treatments for all these debilitating diseases'

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
I AM IN AWE of the beauty in execution of these HAND SIGNALS by POTUS45 at the Arizona Rally last night!!!

The depth and detail that comes from these 12 gestures amazes me - I can only do the explanation justice with a proof graphic; which will be forthcoming over the next hour or two.

They are shown from the 17th to 27th second of this And We Know bitchute today.

The fact that "And We Know" framed the video to hit exactly the right second marks - but doesn't even mention them in his narration, indicates to me that he is definitely "on the White Hat team", and I think this is COMMS to the deep state! He is open in his videos that he was a Lieutenant responsible for base publicity and communications in his service and was even offered a job by Manchester United to do the same.

In Summary, here are the gestures:

First set is LEFT HAND
2x 5-fingered open hand (5by5, EYES ON) #1, 2
3x 666 gesture.................................. #3, 4, 5
1x 5-fingered open hand (5 = 1 EYE)........ #6
2x 666 gesture...................................#7, 8
Sub-Total = 8 (a ref to 8chan boards... last posts?)
Message = "23 = Pain for 12 cabal families"

...then Second set is RIGHT HAND
1x Index finger point to the sky (think St.John art) #9
2x 666 gesture.............................................. #10, 11
1x Index finger point to the sky......................... #12
Sub-Total = 4 (a ref to 4chan boards... last posts?)
Message = "1-2-1 (Meet) your Maker (St John index gesture points to God)"

Total = 12

In summary this seems to be saying the last posts are coming and will either SHOW pain to the cabal (executions?), or lead to pain for them?

Feel free to double-check my count of gestures at the link above.

Sufi, I feel like someone has video of Dr. Fauci conspiring to kill people with these vaccines. Trump apparently pivoted tonight during his rally and walked away from the vaccines. Instead he was touting his accomplishments in promoting therapeutics. The timing is interesting considering the anon post of the media being forced to pivot.

I believe these "packets" the media got contain actionable and undeniable Intel in regards to the Covid vaccines. This would explain why the media is being forced to come clean and Trump backing off the vaccines at the same time.

Someone has video of Dr. Fauci. Will Q drop them?

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Cheers for the value add PFS,

Sounds like a good possibility that a Fauci "caught in the act" video would be one of the lasts posts - and note that #596 does say "Last posts":

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 384dbe No.139507 📁
Jan 23 2018 17:36:34 (EST)
The light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be.
This is not a game.
They want us divided.
Last posts [self destruction] will immediately show the world the TRUTH.
Instructions will be sent on how to preserve offline.
You didn’t think this was simply about words did you?
We have it all.
Coming soon to a theater near you.

edit on 16-1-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I believe if this were the case, it would set everything into motion very quickly. Question now is, when will it drop? Hopefully soon.

Also, that part about the light revealing who is on the team and who is pretending may be a reference to people who got close to the cabal and the recorded them in the process of conspiring against us. White hat moles.
edit on 16-1-2022 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: duncanhidao
what do you think? fake?


< br />

How the f..k is that I didn't know anything about this ???
How could such a tragedy escape me ???
edit on 16-1-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-1-2022 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

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