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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---The Great Awakening--- -Part- - §39§ -

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posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: PATRIQT
Wait till you realize that the Joe and Hunter have been working as white hats the entire time. Oh how I love a good movie. Filled with who done its and the viewers always get it wrong.
a reply to: IAMTAT


edit on 3-3-2022 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: PATRIQT

those bidens are awful handsy with kids for white hats

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

It's no wonder the deep state had to wack JE; so many countries, so many deep intel connections in the corruption racket. Much of the American war machine has been privatized. Intel is often outsourced. Where are those people? Here's a few Swedish journalists digging into JE...

Here, the princess' mentor takes young Swedes home to Jeffrey Epstein (Swedish paywalled article)

Jeffrey Epstein, the American billionaire and pedophile, donated large sums to the Stockholm School of Economics' women's scholarship. When he was convicted of sex crimes against children, the school darkened the connections and continued to receive money.

The scholarship's founder, Barbro Ehnbom, has repeatedly taken young Swedish women home to Epstein's luxury home in New York. The dress code? Only legs.
Today's ETC can now not only reveal new serious information about the School of Business's actions but also that Epstein approached several of these women - and urged them to find new suitable victims.

Dunno anything about the name bolded. Anywho, thought I'd just pass it along.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 12:39 PM
Yesterday I posted the rickards on the right...

Which takes us here...

Which takes us here...

Which takes us here...

Right now the mind control is turned up to Eleven. Not only that, it is just seQuencing randomly selected previous programs to BROADcast all at the same time without regard to end goals. This matters, it shows us something. Previously these sorts of event+attacks were orderly, to an extent, but this is full blown chaos.

Now, we've seen m.A.L.I.C.E. deploy the minions during: Q's arrival, Syria, JE arrest/death, Perfect Call, Charlotte, The Rona, The Jabs, and of course J6, 2020 election month etc. m.A.L.I.C.E. deployed all the minions on Ukraine, and the reaction is predictable. "Yes it is, not it isn't,,, FU, yes is it, NO it isn't..." and round the merry goes for those who never learn.

So what does this tell the illuminated. When m.A.L.I.C.E. deploys, she wants to alter the reality that is being created by simply jamming mind control poison into the heads of the weak and HOPIUMFULLY altering the course of the reality created. Every hook placed into one's consciousness is bad, teeeveee, darpaAPPS, threads, papers etc. are all looking to hook into anyone that can be got, spun into anger, fear, anxiety, panic, depression, rage, etc.

So, for the hard of hearing in the back. When m.A.L.I.C.E. deploys --------- INVERSION is in play!!!!

In this case, do not look to what is being said is happening, look to what is NOT being said. A military guy posted a quick take, noting that if this Ukraine thing was an "invasion" the day to day lives of folks in Ukraine would look a lot different. He also noted the images, the one's not faked, are of old tech. Another suggested it might not even be the Russian military but the reserves getting some practice. Is Ukraine even a country? By the goons and ghouls system of "laws" it MAKES HUGE SENSE to keep Ukraine out of the UN/NATO/LEGAL system of what is and what isn't a "country."

Regardless, INVERSION is in play, if the Roths et al own all the eneMedia, and say Ukraine is a bastion of democratic freedom we KNOW Inversion is the truth.

Fun fact. I didn't post, or really follow the past week, and no SPAM calls. As soon as I posted the other morning the SPAM calls have been non stop. FU m.A.L.I.C.E..

Now here's a fun reality check. Show this to 100 friends, 99 won't put it together. Even after The Rona. Governments around the world have been building, testing and itching to deploy bioweapons on the 100 you show the pic to and their kids, and their families. Doesn't it make sense that those who spent trillions on those labs want to deploy the fruits of their labor at some point??? What leader, anywhere, ever, took out ANY labs for our benefit?

Mike not Mike still sporting the fancy footwear.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Georgia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan are all biolab centered countries funded by the US DOD and the CDC.

Docs Leaked From Top-Secret Ukraine Biolab Show U.S. Was Performing Deadly Biological Experiments On Ukrainian Soldiers

Confidential Pentagon papers have been leaked, revealing that the United States government has been operating top-secret biolabs in Ukraine and conducting biological experiments on Ukrainian soldiers while receiving complete legal indemnification for fatalities and injuries.

As the mainstream media and fact checkers continue to assert there are no Pentagon biolabs in Ukraine, fresh evidence emerges proving them wrong.

Internal papers illustrate what Anthony Fauci-sponsored “protection” and Pentagon “defense” means in practice, even as the US plans to boost its military presence in Eastern Europe to “protect its allies against Russia.”

The Pentagon has performed biological tests on 4,400 soldiers in Ukraine and 1,000 soldiers in Georgia, with possibly fatal results. All “volunteer deaths” should be reported within 24 hours (in Ukraine) and 48 hours (in the United States), according to the stolen papers (in Georgia). iers/

I think alot of that Bio-lab stuff comes from this site, which I see often plastered all over western alt-news sites. I'm sure some of it is true and who knows what else lurks in the shadows.

And Project UP-8 along with "Black & Veatch."

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
White hats, how?

Pointy white hats with a big "D" on them.
edit on 3/3/2022 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: nerbot

Joe Biden holding hands with his friend Robert Byrd, WV Senator & KKK leader, in the 1970s. Pic is from Oct 24, 2008.

File this under mental gymnastics and 'a distinction without a difference.'

Biden did not eulogize former KKK "grand wizard"

Byrd never held the post of “grand wizard” in the Ku Klux Klan — a top leadership role — though he was a member of the organization in the early 1940s.

As a young man in West Virginia, Byrd recruited members to a local KKK chapter and was elected to the post of “exalted cyclops” according to his 2005 autobiography.

edit on 3-3-2022 by EndtheMadnessNow because: Added Date for pic

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: nerbot

Joe Biden holding hands with his friend Robert Byrd, WV Senator & KKK leader, in the 1970s.

File this under mental gymnastics and 'a distinction without a difference.'

Biden did not eulogize former KKK "grand wizard"

Byrd never held the post of “grand wizard” in the Ku Klux Klan — a top leadership role — though he was a member of the organization in the early 1940s.

As a young man in West Virginia, Byrd recruited members to a local KKK chapter and was elected to the post of “exalted cyclops” according to his 2005 autobiography.

I've also heard his title given as "Grand Kleagle".

To me, all of the above titles sound like a bunch of guys made them up after few beers.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 01:55 PM

28 "ukraine" Q Posts none talking about the sanctity of the Ukrainian democracy.

Over the absolutely weakest of excuses... US off to Libya, off to Afgh, off to Iraq, off to Syria, off to Korea, off to Vietnam, off to Haiti, off to Central America, oddly,,,,,,,,,, US not off to Ukraine. Instead the most corrupt, disgusting, proven lying scum are doing pressers and tweeting, and,,,,,,,, suppressing any information that doesn't fit the narrative.

I hope folks see why DJT had to avoid being POTUS now. There was no way he could be there, Team Joe needs to preside over this collapse. Everything must be revealed, including, what isn't being revealed. Had DJT been in office, this would have been a huge mess, and, frankly, he'd have been impeached over Rona and or Jabs. Now Team Joe is a dumpster fire, and epic one, and Durham is coming and Joe cannot stop it, Jabs fallout lurking +++

Old Guard.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: nerbot

Joe Biden holding hands with his friend Robert Byrd, WV Senator & KKK leader, in the 1970s.

File this under mental gymnastics and 'a distinction without a difference.'

Biden did not eulogize former KKK "grand wizard"

Byrd never held the post of “grand wizard” in the Ku Klux Klan — a top leadership role — though he was a member of the organization in the early 1940s.

As a young man in West Virginia, Byrd recruited members to a local KKK chapter and was elected to the post of “exalted cyclops” according to his 2005 autobiography.

No way that photo (the one with Byrd, Biden and Manchin) is from the 1970's.
Byrd in 1977
edit on b000000312022-03-03T14:01:03-06:0002America/ChicagoThu, 03 Mar 2022 14:01:03 -0600200000022 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: butcherguy
Hey Butch,
Bird was still in the KKK, in the 70's, is what they were saying.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 02:19 PM
I went back to re-look at the book produced by National Geographic "FAUCI Expect The Unexpected". I have been skeptical that the information and his thoughts would really reveal anything because he would have control over the narrative but that is not the case. The material has been sourced from interviews that he gave to National Geographic to produce the documentary. In fact he does not receive any proceeds from it, which I am super glad about since I had to buy the book.

This is really, really odd. Page 79- Scene From A Life- he speaks about attending Jesuit high school and Jesuit college but smack in the middle > "The 17th round, 16th, 15th, 14th. We got down to the third or fourth round and they asked me to spell millennium" He spelt it incorrectly and this really upset him.

So here we have the number 17 and the word millennium.

The next generation is the Z generation which is at the very end of the alphabet and to extrapolate further the end of generations. Why did the Pew Research jump to the end. Apparently Goog Trends Data indicated that was the name preferred and by whom exactly???
Pew Research on March 1, 2018 cut off the end point of births for the millenniums to 1996 [16 year gap from 1981-1996] with Presidents George Bush, Bill Clinton and Obama serving as presidents over this time period.

Now we have the mRNA vaccines for Covid-19 which many are linking to genetic changes, reproductive issues, and the transhuman agenda and the section of Generation Z. In no such thing an coincidences.>...>Generations January 17, 2019
The paper cover of the book ...just wow. Someone in National Geographic is a white hat.
Front cover the unmasking of Fauci> his eyes are closed and he is removing the mask. The back cover is completely black with a seriously stern, very disturbing picture of his face. And just for fun a round circle with Tune in to Fauci on Disney+.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

Ooop, I trampled over my older journal notes for the caption. It's from Oct 24, 2008.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 02:38 PM

Zelensky found a billion dollars and a villa in Miami🤡🤔

It is this amount that is in Zelensky’s account at the Costa Rican branch of Dresdner Bank Lateinamerika. And it was accumulated, as it turned out, through monthly installments that reach the account of the President of Ukraine from three “philanthropists”: Ukrainian oligarchs Rinat Akhmetov (from First Union Bank), Viktor Pinchuk (with Deutsche Bank accounts) and, of course, Igor Kolomoisky (he prefers to send transfers from the Banque Nationale de Paris in Geneva).

The investigators managed to get acquainted not only with the timing and volume of cash receipts in the Zelensky account in Costa Rica, but also with some of the expenses of the Ukrainian president. So from his account in the United States they transferred 34 million dollars to buy a villa in Miami. British jewelry house Graff received about $80,000, which seems modest in the context of real estate spending.
That story comes from a Russian source, so take it with a grain of salt as the tentacles of Russian propaganda are everywhere.

Similar to America on who is the real active president, in the Ukraine it's likely not 'actor' Zelensky, but maybe an oligarch pulling the puppet strings like a president Kolomoisky, friend of Obama.

Pandora Papers Reveal Offshore Holdings of Ukrainian President and his Inner Circle

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky rode to power on pledges to clean up the Eastern European country, but the Pandora Papers reveal he and his close circle were the beneficiaries of a network of offshore companies, including some that owned expensive London property.

The documents show that Zelensky and his partners in a television production company, Kvartal 95, set up a network of offshore firms dating back to at least 2012, the year the company began making regular content for TV stations owned by Ihor Kolomoisky, an oligarch dogged by allegations of multi-billion-dollar fraud. The offshores were also used by Zelensky associates to purchase and own three prime properties in the center of London.

Cut from the same World Economic Forum cloth...isn't that special...

European Lithium secures Ukranian lithium deposits (Nov 8, 2021)

Australian mining company European Lithium is in the process of securing two promising lithium deposits in Ukraine, aiming to become the largest lithium supplier in Europe and an essential part of an integrated European battery supply chain.

The two deposits, discovered and subsequently explored in the 1980s and 1990s, are located in Shevchenkivske in the Donetsk region and in Dobra in the Kirovograd region of western Ukraine.

Both sites are said to be “under-explored” according to modern methods and “contain significant expected resources”, according to a statement by the Australian company, who have so far made a name for themselves in Europe mainly as the owner and operator of a lithium mining project in Wolfsberg in Carinthia, Austria. A “phased acquisition” of the two deposits has now been agreed, with the transaction expected to close in November 2022.

I'm sure EU president Ursula von der Leyen is very pleased and stuff like this has the potential to fast-track the Ukraine into becoming an EU member.

Ukraine Oligarchs for war:

1. Svoboda Tyaghnibok neo-Nazi with Biden
2. Victor Pinchuk Uranium 1 (Clinton)
3. Ihor Kolomoisky: arms, oil, media
4. Vadim Rabinovitch Israeli-Ukraine weapons dealer

They all play/finance both sides, no loyalty to any flag, but they do hide behind specific one's.

Book source: House of Trump, House of Putin

Rabinovish square in Jerusalem, named for Vadim Rabinovitch located near the Western Wall funded a $3 million replica of the Temple menorah, which stands in a case in the square now named after him, weighs half a ton and contains 45 kilos of 24-carat gold.

As Trump said, "the swamp is deeper than you can imagine."

"Bigger than you can possibly imagine." -Q

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Worth bearing in mind the PTSD these poor Ukrainian kids are currently experiencing is also likely to last them into their senior years.

I too got to experience the pleasure of fleeing my country at a young age under duress. While not likely even close to what these children are likely to experience my heart goes out to them as a father and as someone who saw the evil of humanity and those that govern us.

It is also why I HOPE every day that I'm wrong about Q and your guys overly unfunded optimistic faith on Q getting rid of all these scumbags in power that don't care about anyone but themselves and are destroying our ability to be better as humans.

However it is also why I find it so disappointing that a group people that have come together with this whole Q thing that simply want to do good and fix the corruption and abuse in the world are just simply chasing their tail and being appeased waiting on the sideline until its to late.

I have never been wanting to be proven so wrong on something so bad.

This viewpoint, to me, seems really logical and I appreciate that it's not twisted, talking down like some others who doubt keep doing. Doubt is healthy, it's why none of us have sucked up the propaganda.

I enjoy that so many crazy connections are involved and doubt it could have been fabricated without some basis in reality but I also have many days when I feel defeated. I believe Q is a spark initiating growth in the quantum mind but if that's the case my mindset is often hampering progress. For all of us, it's ok to be where we are with it. This is the universe/creator experiencing itself. Kind of like when babies punch themselves in the face when learning to use their arms.

edit on 3-3-2022 by igloo because: spelling

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 02:41 PM
Cranky I just wanted to throw out this idea about all of the confusion over gender , trangenders and the alphabets. This might sound far fetched...

We were having a family round table discussion about how Covid as a bioweapon seems to impact males more seriously than females. We know people across various ages and women who have caught it recover and most do not have any serious long lasting adverse effects. But the men it is the total reverse. We know many who have died, many with seriously damaged lungs, many who are taking much, much longer to heal and regain their energy and this is across all age groups.

As a bioweapon this makes sense to weaken the fighting forces. However those involved would not want this to be easily observed because that would be undeniable proof. Also just think of what the data, that is if we ever really get the real data, would show. What better way than to have the sexes mixed up to muddy the waters.

Consider California> It was the first state to have gender neutral birth certificates effective October 2017. All of this makes it very difficult to track the impact of the disease but also moving forward it also muddies the water for vaccine adverse impacts differential between the sexes. The CDC has reluctantly confirmed heart issues in young men but what else is coming down the pipeline that is sex specific?

I know some odd dinner time discussions but the reason it keeps coming up is that a number of years ago my youngest son became ill at school and I had to pick him up. When I went into the classroom there were only girls. The teachers told me that oddly only the boys were getting sick. It was so noticeable that many parents were talking about it and were very worried that something...was not right.

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 03:20 PM

Oil Rig connection with Russia. Just a thought but...

Since Biden and gang's first priority was to shut down the keystone pipeline that has made the U.S. more reliant on imports and we do import from Russia. Russia = RED. With this war with Ukraine the oil prices have shot up and that of course fuels inflation and we get poorer. Back in November Biden accessed the strategic petroleum reserve for a savings of a few cents at the pump so now the reserves have been depleted when we really need them to be full. We have to import.

In an "I don't believe this moment" the Biden administration sanctioned Russia and prohibited U.S. $$$ transactions. So exactly how or with what are we to pay with?
Russia will take the Chinese Yuan though which would place us in the weirdest position ever. Russia has been divesting from the U.S. $$$ in their rainy day fund so they may be receptive to gold.
In fact the Russian finance minister has stated that they see gold as an alternative to the U.S. dollar. However I don't know but they have been buying up a lot over time and now they have stated that they are halting purchases of foreign exchange and gold.
The one country that we do import the most from is Canada but it is not possible to increase the amount with the main pipeline shut down.

I guess this is C before D> Currency before digital or the alternative Crash before Depression. The last is a horrible option.

Do we have the gold?
Gold shall destroy the FED.>business>russian-finance-mini...>article>us-russian-reserves>2022/02/28>new-sanctions-...

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 03:31 PM
its getting warm in the kitchen

The storm is here eh..

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

An excellent thought provoking post. Thank you!

posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 03:36 PM
Circling back to Biolabs...

Secret sanctions revealed against university hosting $1.25 billion biolab (Aug 4, 2015)

Kansas State’s “history of non-compliance” during four consecutive inspections over two years shows a “systemic problem” and has “raised serious concerns” about the university’s ability to put safeguards in place to ensure safety and containment of dangerous pathogens, according to a March 2014 letter to the university from federal lab regulators.

The regulatory action against Kansas State is of particular importance because the university’s campus in Manhattan is the site of the federal government’s new National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF), which held a groundbreaking ceremony in May. Construction of the 570,000-square-foot facility has faced years of delays and controversy because of concerns about whether research on some of the world’s most dangerous agricultural diseases can be done safely in farm country and near herds of livestock.

The Manhattan Bio-bomb BSL-4 in dead-center of the US, within tornado alley which was built per Bush Presidential Directive 9 (HSPD-9) and went operational in May 2021. Operations will be fully transferred from the Plum Island facility to Manhattan by 2023.

DHS announces NBAF Site: Manhattan, Kansas

Recall in 2014, Obama put a moratorium on all the Biolabs on US soil. So, many of the projects were transferred out of Country to places like China and Ukraine. They got the media whores once again to propagate fear in the US which in turn helped justify the clandestine & covert funding overseas.

USDA’s Plum Island research complex spared from sale

Perhaps you’re familiar with the USDA’s sprawling, mysterious research complex on Plum Island from our article last year, discussing how researchers there were frantically preparing for the “porkpocalypse,” aka African Swine Flu (remember that virus?). This research facility has long been slated to be shut down, with USDA’s virus research facilities to be moved to a highly secure complex in Manhattan, Kansas. But in the Covid-19 spending bill approved this week, Plum Island got spared from the auction block, in a move that James Bennet at The Washington Post characterizes as Congress working “in confounding ways.”

Another big Agra-Bio-Defense facility is (or was) in Middleton, Wisconsin, that goes back to the first days of Biotech companies back in circa 1981.
Owned by the GMO beast Monsanto since 1996, but in Dec 2016 they generously donated the facility to the University Research Park and the UW-Madison. I'm sure still under the watchful eye & $$ from Monsanto.

In 1997, Porton International was spun off in a partnership with the defense contractor, DynCorps, which created the DynPort Vaccine Company. A former employee said of El-Hibri’s business:

“You have to realize: BioPort and now DynPort, these are arms dealers. They are part absolutely of the military industrial complex. This is their business. They are selling to a captive audience: the Defense Department. That's all-American. All these defense contracts—they are boondoggles—and that's the American way, to make as much money as possible.”

Dr. Robert Kadlec: How the Czar of Biowarfare Funnels Billions to Friends in the Vaccine Industry

Dr. Robert W. Malone was the Associate Director, Clinical Research 2002-2003 at Dynport Vaccine Company, LLC. The DynPort direct connection to DynCorp was scrubbed off the wiki, but here's a short 2002 article on them.

Dyncorp unit to test smallpox vaccine

Course, all of this Bio-tech now falls under Biden's trillion dollar "Critical Infrastructure" plan to keep us safe.🤡

Ok, back to the 💩 show.

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