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6 of 7 Recent COVID-19 Deaths Had Been "Vaccinated"--Aussie Gov Official

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posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 11:15 AM
Where is around here? Where are your facts and numbers?? Or are you just taking out of your ass? You do know they will call you unvaxxed until at least two weeks after the second one and now you probably aren’t even fully vaccinated until a booster. They use semantics and their own little guidelines to lie to you. Wake up clown. a reply to: vonclod

edit on 2-10-2021 by antmax21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 11:19 AM
we would have already had herd immunity and I am certain many us already do. However, that vaccine is causing new strains of a virus that we don’t even know what the hell it is. Delta? Don’t think so. It’ll be far worse. It hasn’t reared it’s ugly face yet.
a reply to: IAMTAT

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: antmax21
we would have already had herd immunity and I am certain many us already do. However, that vaccine is causing new strains of a virus that we don’t even know what the hell it is. Delta? Don’t think so. It’ll be far worse. It hasn’t reared it’s ugly face yet.
a reply to: IAMTAT

Actually, I'm kind of waiting on the announcement of a disorder caused by the "Spike Protein". It seems, that under some conditions a vaxxed person can begin to 'shed' the 'Spike' and, it itself can cause a Covid like illness.

It seems that many Doctors (including mine) think that the "S" protein is what is causing the most damage to Covid patients, and thus attempt to avoid that factor when treating their own patients. My Doctor prescribed Ivermectin, seems to work, but that is something I can't back-up without some experiments that I will not participate in.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Then why pray tell did this happen?
I have two friends who are avid sailors, one vaxxed the other not. They spent 4-5 hours one Saturday restoring their vintage Cal 20, elbow to elbow below deck even though the vaxxed one wasn't feeling right. The following Tuesday the vaxxed one calls the other and says he's been bedridden and tested positive for covid. What's worse he infected his wife and one of his two sons (all vaxxed). So 75% of his fully vaxxed family got sick. Meanwhile, my unvaxxed friend goes for testing and comes back negative.
So much for your greatly reduced rate.

Anactotal accounts aren't worth the paper that they're written on. It could simply be that they were over confident and didn't socially distance while they were out.

Could be that they were never vaxxed at all, but just claimed to be.

Could be all kinds of things.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Your posts are no less anecdotal. You rattle off stats and numbers with no citations practically every time, the post I intentionally responded to being the most recent example. Your post has no more credibility than mine, which was my point.
Thanks for playing.
edit on 10 2 2021 by underpass61 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: Jimy718
Actually, these older/existing therapeutics still need trials, in order to determine the effectiveness in a given circumstance.

No. They don't. They need a Doctor, and a Patient, willing to try it.

My doctor prescribed Ivermectin 6 months ago (haven't been sick once), and while it is a solution that is much more inconvenient and costly (about $16 per dose, once a week),

Not sure where you're getting yours, the average cost is about $1/pill, and the dose is usually less than one pill.

Maybe your Doctor is ripping you off?

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Jimy718
Actually, these older/existing therapeutics still need trials, in order to determine the effectiveness in a given circumstance.

No. They don't. They need a Doctor, and a Patient, willing to try it.

My doctor prescribed Ivermectin 6 months ago (haven't been sick once), and while it is a solution that is much more inconvenient and costly (about $16 per dose, once a week),

Not sure where you're getting yours, the average cost is about $1/pill, and the dose is usually less than one pill.

Maybe your Doctor is ripping you off?

Actually; I take 12mg weekly (4ea., 3mg tablets). That is the recommendation from the FLCCC. I get my prescription from Walmart Pharmacy, though I'm switching to CVS for a lower price. The cost is currently about $64.00 each month. So there is no 'ripoff' here. And, did y'all know; "horse paste" costs more? (about $30/dose).

So, the "average" cost of a 'pill' is about $3 - $4 each, and you will need more than one pill...depending on your weight (mass).

ETA: That trial you don't think is necessary? It will tell you that Ivermectin works against Covid, but, Gabapentin doesn't. It will also tell you "how" effective the substance is against Covid. So, it seems that it is still BEST to use and trust science.

edit on 2-10-2021 by Jimy718 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 02:33 PM

edit on 2-10-2021 by vonclod because: You aren't worth it

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

When I see information like this, I have to laugh.
This is drawing on a simple cause and effect conclusion, which most simple minded people will point to and say "gee willikers the vaccine doesn't work durrr".
6 out of 7 people got the vaccine (1 or 2 doses, mind you, which is a variable), and they all die.


The entire population of Australia? Whats the vaccination rate and the spread of the delta variant in that country? The layperson does not know, or is completely ignoring the fact, that any virus is opportunistic. If a majority of the population is vaccinated, the virus will find a way to mutate and propagate in order to survive. Not only is this science, its reasoning that goes over peoples heads because frankly they are too stupid to understand basic common sense.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: texasgirl

I'm sorry to say, but it appears that they are actually doing it...they're murdering us.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 07:32 PM
We have 25 cases here in QLD, normally we lock down as soon as we get 1 positive but the grand final is on today so Anna hasn't locked us down but my guess is we will be in severe lockdown just after the full time whistle.
I've noticed that when the media tell us how many people have died we usually hear ( 6 people have died from covid and they only tell us how many unvaccinated people have died so when they say 8 have died and there is no mention of unvaccinated dying its because the ones that died are all vaccinated.)
Then they move onto everyone needs to be vaxxed. Its a freekin shcamozzle.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 07:54 PM
I was listening to the High Wire today and essentially two very credentialed and knowledgeable scientists, explained that the continued use of vaccines, that do not work, will cause weaker variants to essentially, one day, turn into alpha variants that even non-vaccinated people will have difficulty defeating. Ive come to the point where I am preparing myself and my family. I’ve tried for years to reach others and I continue to do so. Until the media is stopped, we are going to have trouble. The lying media is our first enemy to take down to crack a dent in their armor.
a reply to: Jimy718

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: EvilAxis

Raw numbers account for absolutely nothing, until the per capita death rate is the same this is a significantly less deadly pandemic. That being said in the grand scheme of things this is a very sad excuse for a pandemic that will die off the same as previous ones.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 06:26 AM

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Your posts are no less anecdotal. You rattle off stats and numbers with no citations practically every time, the post I intentionally responded to being the most recent example. Your post has no more credibility than mine, which was my point.
Thanks for playing.

Do I really need to cite things that are common knowledge?

Since you're intent seems to be to create fear, uncertainty and doubt, I'm going throw some cold water over you in the form of maths and statistics.


Pretty much every single fact or figure that I've quoted regarding covid and the UK can be found either on this page or on one of the links from this page. Consider it as a citation for everything that I've said that's relevant for the last couple of months.
edit on 3-10-2021 by AaarghZombies because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 06:26 AM

originally posted by: Hypntick
a reply to: EvilAxis

Raw numbers account for absolutely nothing, until the per capita death rate is the same this is a significantly less deadly pandemic. That being said in the grand scheme of things this is a very sad excuse for a pandemic that will die off the same as previous ones.

700,000 Americans have died form it. That's not an insignificant number.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: antmax21
I was listening to the High Wire today and essentially two very credentialed and knowledgeable scientists, explained that the continued use of vaccines, that do not work, will cause weaker variants to essentially, one day, turn into alpha variants that even non-vaccinated people will have difficulty defeating. Ive come to the point where I am preparing myself and my family. I’ve tried for years to reach others and I continue to do so. Until the media is stopped, we are going to have trouble. The lying media is our first enemy to take down to crack a dent in their armor.
a reply to: Jimy718

But ... that's not even remotely scientific. You're confusing antibiotic resistance in bacteria with ... something that you possibly saw on a TV movie.

Weak vaccinations don't cause viral mutation, only replication causes viral mutation, and even then replication often causes virus to become less deadly because the variants that don't l=kill their hosts replicate more.

The people who created one of the main vaxxes says that in a couple of years the vaccine that they made will be completely unnecessary because Covid appears to be mutating into just another common cold virus


posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 07:14 AM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: IAMTAT
So...there's THIS:

An Australian government official from the province of New South Wales has admitted that six of seven recent COVID-19 deaths came from the vaccinated.

“As the minister said, tragically today, we announced the deaths of seven people who had lost their lives to COVID-19, four women and three men, one person was in their 40s, one person in their 50s, two people in their 70s, two people in their 80s, and one person who was in their 90s, all of those individuals had underlying health conditions, one person was not vaccinated, three people had received one dose of the COVID vaccine, and three people had received two doses of the COVID vaccine,” NSW Deputy Chief Health Officer Dr. Marianne Gale said. just seems like this "vaccine" is a farce.

If Australian government officials (NSW) are forced to admit that 6 of 7 recent death-by-CV victims were "vaccinated"...then it appears these "vaccines" are not only useless in preventing infection and death...but seem to actually increase the chances of death by CV.

No, it's not a "farce." A farce is "a light dramatic work in which highly improbable plot situations, exaggerated characters, and often slapstick elements are used for humorous effect."

There's no humor in this. It is wicked, deadly and 100% intentional.

If you do the math you would know covid is not that deadly here let me break it down for you 41million confirmed cases in the usa (this doesnt include the millions who caught it and never knew it) we are about 700k deaths that is literally about a 1% death rate it is not that deadly stop listening to the major news sites they are lying about the deaths to scare people to take the shot.

I would rather take my 99% chance with covid then take a vaccine that last 7 months and has no clinical guys are the human guinea pigs

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 07:18 AM

originally posted by: MysterX
a reply to: texasgirl

I'm sorry to say, but it appears that they are actually doing it...they're murdering us.

Yes they are, but in most cases the recipients volunteer for the experiment gladly. Some portion of the recipients are extorted into taking it by their ignorant employers.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: Jimy718
Actually; I take 12mg weekly (4ea., 3mg tablets). That is the recommendation from the FLCCC.

That recommendation is nowhere to be found on their website.

Their recommended dose for chronic prevention is 0.2mg/kg per dose, two doses per week.

For a 200lb person, that would be 2 @2mg doses, each of which is less than one pill (as I said), for a total of 4mg per week, not 12, as you are claiming - unless you're actually infected with symptoms, in which case the dose goes up a lot.

Walmart's cost is @ $77 for 20 3mg pills, so, yeah, at the much higher dose you are taking, your cost estimate is about right.

But Walmart's price is second only to Publix. CVS is less than half (@ $30 for 20 3mg pills), which is only a little more than the $1/pill cost I tossed out from memory.

I get my prescription from Walmart Pharmacy, though I'm switching to CVS for a lower price. The cost is currently about $64.00 each month. So there is no 'ripoff' here.

Yeah, you just didn't shop before buying. But at least you finally figured it out.

And, did y'all know; "horse paste" costs more? (about $30/dose).

Wrong again. Does it hurt?

It costs about $8/tube, which is one dose - for a 1,250lb horse.

The syringe has markings, which is for the weight, so, it is about 7 or 8 doses, which comes out to about $1 per dose - again, unless you are obese, then the number of available doses goes down.

So, the "average" cost of a 'pill' is about $3 - $4 each

Only if you're ripping yourself off. If you shop, you can get it for around $1/pill - as I said, and as you're about to discover.

Unless, of course, you're not a savvy shopper and always pay full retail.

and you will need more than one pill...depending on your weight (mass).

Are you saying you're obese? If so, maybe you should take this as a wake up call and deal with that too?

ETA: That trial you don't think is necessary? It will tell you that Ivermectin works against Covid, but, Gabapentin doesn't. It will also tell you "how" effective the substance is against Covid. So, it seems that it is still BEST to use and trust science.

You are confused - obviously.

I never said there was no value in trials, or even any need for them.

I said there is absolutely ZERO need for them in order to use it to save people's lives. The people who fought the use of HCQ, Ivermectin, corticosteroids, and any other treatments that could/would have saved lives are guilty of mass murder, and deserve the death penalty.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: holydarkness

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: IAMTAT
So...there's THIS:

An Australian government official from the province of New South Wales has admitted that six of seven recent COVID-19 deaths came from the vaccinated.

“As the minister said, tragically today, we announced the deaths of seven people who had lost their lives to COVID-19, four women and three men, one person was in their 40s, one person in their 50s, two people in their 70s, two people in their 80s, and one person who was in their 90s, all of those individuals had underlying health conditions, one person was not vaccinated, three people had received one dose of the COVID vaccine, and three people had received two doses of the COVID vaccine,” NSW Deputy Chief Health Officer Dr. Marianne Gale said. just seems like this "vaccine" is a farce.

If Australian government officials (NSW) are forced to admit that 6 of 7 recent death-by-CV victims were "vaccinated"...then it appears these "vaccines" are not only useless in preventing infection and death...but seem to actually increase the chances of death by CV.

No, it's not a "farce." A farce is "a light dramatic work in which highly improbable plot situations, exaggerated characters, and often slapstick elements are used for humorous effect."

There's no humor in this. It is wicked, deadly and 100% intentional.

If you do the math you would know covid is not that deadly here let me break it down for you 41million confirmed cases in the usa (this doesnt include the millions who caught it and never knew it) we are about 700k deaths that is literally about a 1% death rate it is not that deadly stop listening to the major news sites they are lying about the deaths to scare people to take the shot.

I would rather take my 99% chance with covid then take a vaccine that last 7 months and has no clinical guys are the human guinea pigs

As of 10/03/2021 there were 43,658,032 recorded covid cases in the US, and 700,935 deaths. That's a fatality rate of 1.6%.


BUT, 20% of those 43.6 million cases are classified as being "serious". Which means that the person needs significant medical attention rather than a couple of days worth of bed rest.

The average cost is about $1.3K OOP. For those 20% who are badly sick, where talking a starting cost of about $20K, going up to well over $150K.

edit on 3-10-2021 by AaarghZombies because: (no reason given)

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