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6 of 7 Recent COVID-19 Deaths Had Been "Vaccinated"--Aussie Gov Official

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posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Vaccination utilizes the immune system.

And 'natural immunity' has failed fairly hard so far.

LOL, flat our lie from a professional liar.

So you are suggesting I get paid to lie now?

ignorant and a liar, what a winning combination.

Your responses are as childish as they are off topic.

at least you don't deny you are lying. baby steps.

I didn't say I was lying. I was asking you to clarify what you posted.

Stop listening to the voices in your head and begin to pay attention to what others actually say, or post.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: macaronicaesar

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: puzzled2

originally posted by: chr0naut

I didn't say that natural immunity didn't exist, nor that it wasn't effective in those that recover.

But acquiring natural immunity is thousands of times more dangerous than the vaccines, and there is an enormous existing death toll that proves that not everyone who catches COVID-19 gets effective natural immunity. In that regard, natural immunity is a fail.

Do you have a link to that?
As billions of people according to DR Mike Ryan at the WHO have had asymptomatic infections. If you need any proof look at your local mask mandates. If you need a mask because you don't know you have the infection then it is that dangerous.

A deadly disease that is asymptomatic in some people, is all the more dangerous because those people unwittingly spread it, and even more people die.

Mary Mallon
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

COVID-19: What proportion are asymptomatic?
This is how the vaccine musters get caught up in their web of lies. Asymptomatic spread is precisely what is happening amongst the vaccinated. Unvaccinated people are more likely to show symptoms and stay home where as the vaccinated are out flaunted their new treatments thinking they are invincible spreading the virus to everyone and their dogs.

Not only are they spreading it to everyone, but they are smug, annoying and not getting tested for it either. Of course the new infections are unvaccinated in the statistics presented to us, they are the only group being tested. I’ve seen of this in my wife’s very own hospital, patient gets covid, nurse a unvaccinated has to get tested, nurse b vaccinated isn’t required to be tested. Nurse b unwittingly takes her newly acquired delta variant from the hospital and proceeds to pass it on to dozens of unsuspecting vaccinated/unvaccinated people.

The vaccines do not cause asymptomatic spread.

The vaccines cause people to have an immune reaction to the virus.

That immune reaction kills off the virus, but also causes symptoms.

This is shown in the numbers of people hospitalized with COVID-19, despite vaccination, but the numbers of deaths and serious complications being greatly reduced among the vaccinated.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Reported yesterday, UK statistics reporting 62% of COVID deaths are VACCINATED.

Reuters feeble attempt at a "fact check" J1ET

"Referring to table 4 on page 13 of the PHE briefing released on June 25 (here), the blog details the calculations made to reach its conclusion.

The table shows the total number of deaths in people who tested positive for the Delta variant of COVID-19 from Feb. 1 to June 21 was 117. Of those fatalities, 20 individuals had received one dose of a vaccine while 50 people had received two. Forty-four people were unvaccinated, and the vaccination status of three people was unknown.

The headline of the blog claims this equates to 62% of the 117 fatalities being people who received either one or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. The blog itself, however, says this figure is actually 60%, which is closer to Reuters’ calculation of 59.82%. This 2% discrepancy appears to stem from the headline percentage including the three people whose vaccination status was unknown.

The blog also says 37% of the fatalities (Reuters’ calculation: 37.6%) happened in unvaccinated individuals.

However, it is misleading to suggest these figures prove a correlation between vaccination and death "

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: macaronicaesar
This, viruses don’t become more dangerous after natural immunity. They become more dangerous as they try to escape the covid-19 antibodies designed specifically for them. This was universally accepted science until 2021.

Viruses are not conscious. They don't "try" anything.

If a virus mutates to a strain that is resistant to a particular antibody, that is a random process. It is likely to happen in any situation where the virus is hosted, vaccinated or not.

Where an antibody to the virus exists, from natural or vaccinated immune response, the ability to host the virus, and therefore the possibility of mutation, is much reduced.

To get to the point of natural immunity, one must host the virus for the body to begin to develop an immune response and antibodies. That is, natural immunity does not happen before someone gets sick and becomes a point of fairly massive transmission, it happens afterwards. So all those who rely on natural immunity, are spreading the virus as well as risking major medical complications before natural immunity happens (if it does at all in that person).

Relying on natural immunity is the same as doing absolutely nothing to stop the spread of the disease. It will kill more than 1 in a hundred of those infected, and cause the disease to rage on through those who do not yet have a conditioned immune response, killing as it goes.

edit on 4/10/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: chr0naut

The vaccines don't make people asymptomatic.

The vaccine does not stop infection.....the vaccine does not stop transmission.

The only thing that the vaccine is claimed to do is reduce symptoms......the vaccine is meant to stop you from getting symptoms of the covid.

I still don't understand how it protects anyone other than yourself.

The vaccine prompts the immune system to mount a defense against COVID-19, without having to get sick with the disease first.

People who are vaccinated get rid of the virus faster, transmit the virus to others less, and have fewer deadly or chronic outcomes.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

Of course, I won't hold my breath for your apology...

Actually, I was off by a factor of 10, like you...I too need to check my inputs and interpretations from time to time.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 07:51 PM
I'm just waiting to see how the human test subjects do..not to hopeful on that.!
I'm happy to be a part of the unvaccinated control group.
I don't wish any bad on anyone, but I have the feeling that vaxed people have basically injected themselves with the equivalent of HIV..

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 07:59 PM
They have protected themselves from covid A, but at the expense of weakening their immune system to "EVERY OTHER" Virus, Fungus, Bacteria & Cancers that their immune system will ever have to fight.
They are now susceptible to "OLD AGE DISEASES" at young ages.

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: Jimy718

originally posted by: tanstaafl

Of course, I won't hold my breath for your apology...

Actually, I was off by a factor of 10, like you...I too need to check my inputs and interpretations from time to time.

Fair enough then...

posted on Oct, 5 2021 @ 07:36 AM
I'm from Sydney New South Wales, a state in Australia.
Sorry to say your facts are incorrect. There has never been a day of deaths that you have described. Quite the opposite.
I suggest you use a reputable source for your information. Here's a link to a news article referencing NSW Health statistics.

Summary : Around 12 per cent of deaths have been in fully vaccinated people.

a reply to: IAMTAT

edit on 5-10-2021 by sashap because: Change word

edit on 5-10-2021 by sashap because: Change word

edit on 5-10-2021 by sashap because: Change word

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 08:40 AM
SPAM removed

edit on 2.8.2023 by Zarniwoop because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
a reply to: incoserv

That's what I would say to those that sew doubt about the benefits of vaccinations.

So, their propaganda is at least working on you... my sympathies...

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