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My Personal Experence with the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine / GET VACCINATED!

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posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: BlackArrow
I personally believe people are being injected wrong for this vaccine. Which is causing more issues then if the vaccine was done properly to only trigger a response. Because realistically that is the only way to 100% insure it does not spread while training your body..

Well the experts say they do it deep muscle to increase the chances it stays right there until it is gone. I do testosterone shots the same way for the same purpose to keep it localized as much as possible so it lasts 2 weeks. The mRNA lasts only 1 day and the body quickly takes action on the protein too which can only last 3 weeks if the body wasn't actively trying to get rid of it. We also need to remember its the same protein as the virus, and is doing about the same thing as other virus based vaccines. One of the reasons they worked with it so long was that RNA is so fragile it took them a long time to keep it around long enough to create the protein. First human trials was back in 2013 BTW.

It doesn't just die off, and it doesn't matter where the injection occurs if it's under the surface layer.

We are talking RNA here, so a different thing...

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

No, it's not just about the vaccine itself. Your forgetting how absorbent in general the body is. Your forgetting basic anatomy.

Just walking barefoot on grass you can get pinworms(without cuts), lotions on skin can be absorbed to ease pain and alter effects, stop Charlie horses on your legs. Boost chemical balances(like progesterone creams). Change your body compositional bacterium like eczema and more.

Unless the body never comes into contact with a substance you cannot under any condition 100% guarantee that any substance will not be absorbed. That is what makes mnra dangerous.
edit on 26-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: BlackArrow

Your forgetting that they are doing the push for the 3rd booster.

OK so... this is all variable in how it all reacts to variants... I don't plan on getting a booster I just wanted a leg up so I didn't need to do 10 rounds with the virus, I'm good now either way as I don't fear the virus or vaccine.

BTW how many times did you protest about the yearly flu shots?

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:49 PM
Here in the UK most folks I know are fine with the boosters, not seen anyone have a full on turn and get funny about them.

The country is up and running again and it's looking like we are coming out the other side of this.

originally posted by: GoShredAK
a reply to: GoShredAK

I've only noticed one pro jab person comment about how they are ok with the coming boosters....and I don't believe them....

How many of you guys promoting the vaccine plan on lining up for booster shots?

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Honestly, flu shots don't need to be protested because it's common knowledge that the flu shot is "best guess strains" by watching lab mutations. I was 13yrs old and understood that being a person of compromised/limited immunity.

Wanna know how many times I got it? Maybe 5-6 times(only twice was on my own as an adult); but why? Most of the time it would be because I looked over my health and would based on circumstances.

But after I noticed a pattern of flu vaccines making me sick. I wound up stopping, because there was literally no difference. Between getting the flu shot and not. So I haven't had the flu shot in 7years..

I will make this clear to you, I can die to the common cold. But since I stopped taking those shots I have not been sick to the flu once. Had strep throat same time most of the country suffered it. )2nd wave(. But that was it, and that was about 3months after covid.

Covid is an interesting illness, I can see why some people with breathing problems would have issues. But like I said, no immune system. I am in my 30s and I lived. It probably would of killed me in my 50+s without a doubt with things getting more dangerous over 50.

But I am a very unique case, and as for my immune system. Big pharma is responsible for it, I was never sick as a kid. But being a kid in the 90s I was prescribed Adderall, lithium, Klonopin, Ritalin, etc etc etc.. just like a huge percent of that generation(unlike with parents who didn't let it go further then 1-2 combos). I wound up on all of it(thanks to single parenting who barely made above minimum wage - subjecting me to. "experimental treatments" for cash), well turns out you give a kid speed they can't sleep..

So in comes a sleep aid, the combo turned my body against itself and caused ITP, while the sleep aid cloned new organs with the boost of the other built up combos. So after having SEVERAL spleens removed.. and a handful of other procedures I was left with next to nothing for an immune system. Only stomach and kidneys left.

Sorry, I won't go into further details. But I will be the first to say I do not wish anyone to go through a destroyed immune system. Which is a huge risk of these vaccines. It's not fun, and having to rely on a company that did that for cash, just to make more from me(since I was a minor I wasn't allowed to press/sue them) just to live.. it's like a giant slap in the face.

This is why I am against forcing these vaccines on people, I didn't have a choice as a child and wound up heavily screwed over. What was done to me was wrong, and to even think about putting other people through similar circumstances.. I just wouldn't wish no choice on my worst enemey.

If you choose to do this, then any outcome is on you. So that is hardcore where I stand.

I have not only lost my immune system, but fertility as well due to big pharma. With organ failure occuring before I even hit 23. I am alive today because I dropped everything, when I was allowed(this country when your 16 they are no longer allowed to force pills and treatments down your throat). I researched everything they did to me.. and spent my life trying to reverse the damages done.

I have successfully been pregnant twice, but.. alas my body couldn't support carrying the child due to medications weakening the womb during important developmental years.
edit on 26-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

I had the opportunity to be vaccinated very early in the Pfizer vaccine roll-out in New Zealand.

Both myself and my wife have had both shots. Months ago.

Neither of us had any adverse reaction.

On the sillier side, no magnetic effects (checked with a magnetic compass) were noted. New Zealand also has poor 5G coverage at the moment, but we have been to locations with 5G coverage and nothing unusual was noted there, either. This debunks numerous ATS threads, online video's, and social media posts.

In a recent post, I quoted from an Ontario Health document that said that there were about 35 cases per million of serious adverse reactions to the vaccines noted. Compare that to the case-mortality of COVID-19 itself of about 1.6 deaths per 100 cases in the US.

Because vaccines aren't 100% effective, and because the virus is infectious and spreading at an uncontrolled rate in most countries, it makes sense to vaccinate as many people as possible so that the numerical increase of the virus can be impeded, and become a decrease. Through vaccination, we can put the virus into decline, so it does not spin on for years causing deaths and economic mayhem.

The cost of each shot is @ $40 US, with only a few shots per year, and mostly subsidized by governments, it isn't an enormous economic burden, especially in light of the costs associated with not vaccinating.

edit on 26/9/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: GoShredAK

So they say.....20x worse......what about all the multitude of people that just shake this thing off?

20x worse sounds like something cnn says...

Well many more shake off the vaccine too then people shake off the virus. The vaccine has RNA that last 1 day and it is gone, then you have a set amount of protein that the body attacks and builds anti bodies on. Its all over rather quickly.

The virus gets into the respiratory system and starts to reproduce up to a week before know anything is wrong. In that reproduction it is killing off cells and the main reason people die is that the virus kills off so many air sac cells the person can not get O2 into their blood. This usually starts to happen about 8 days after a person starts to feel sick. All this time the virus is reproducing sending it spike protein throughout the body at huge levels compared to anything the vaccine might do.

So you tell me which one is worst? lol

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

Here in darkest Wiltshire the bodies are piling up and the stench is terrible.

It's just like 28 Weeks Later, but worse.

But you won't see it on MSM.


So like 29 weeks, boy that is BAD!

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:07 PM
It would be interesting to see what the financial cost of an average hospital admittance with covid 19 was compared to the cost of vaccination.

.a reply to: chr0naut

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: BlackArrow
a reply to: Xtrozero

My take on it is we should of learned our lession the first time. After studying virus mutations into deathly strains there was always partial resistance created, which caused the disease/virus to mutate and become more deadly.

The chicken virus is literally apocalyptic now for chickens and got worse after they vaccinated half the populations of chicken but not the other. To the point all new birds the minute they are born are vaccinated.

They eventually went back killed millions of birds in an attempt to destroy the mutations.. after the partial vaxed mistake. But it was to late the strains wound up spreading world wide.

(This might surprise you - but when it originally came out most of the chickens would survive - when they screwed up and vaccinated half the population that virus got stronger to the point any chicken that encounters it dies within 10days which is enough time for the virus to spread and end a flock.)

Actually you are are kind of wrong here as it had nothing to really do with mutations.

Most vaccines are leaky because most viruses are RNA based, and RNA mutates like crazy no matter what. Smallpox is a pure vaccine because there is only one variant in 30,000 years as it is DNA based.

What happen with the chickens is the vaccine allowed the chickens to live and so they were able to spread the virus longer than the unvaxxed chicken that would die very quickly. This virus is crazy deadly and it was better to just have it spring up kill all the chickens locally and then die out than to vaccinate and have it spread more.

COVID is different in it isn't killing people off quickly and those that do get it serious have it for a long time. So in this case getting the vaccine is better since you will be sick shorter days and so spread less than unvaxxed.

edit on 26-9-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus


Most of us, aside from a few, have no issue with "voluntary", it's the "mandated", "required" that we have issues with.

Want the shot? Go for it.

Personally, I neither want, nor need, it. If it should come to pass that I catch it, assuming I haven't had it already and didn't even notice, I promise not to blame anyone but myself, and Mother Nature.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: GoShredAK

I think it depends on the individual.

Statistics say they are much worst, but that wasn't my point.

My point was we poison our bodies all the time without a care, but now with the vaccine we are all health experts over

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I updated my post to you, shared you my personal story. Perhaps you can see why I will fight tooth and nail that people continue to have a choice. Because I never had that choice growing up.

The link I shared doesn't go back to when it started. You will need to research it yourself. Original it was more like the flu for birds, non deadly, you can even see snot bubbles on their beaks. They started vaccinating against it, but some people didn't vaccinate their chickens because they were healthy.

Anyway it's a common story in farming communities that farmers tell their kids on why the new birds have to be vaccinated. "Because you don't vax half your flock".
edit on 26-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2

originally posted by: GoShredAK
a reply to: GoShredAK

I've only noticed one pro jab person comment about how they are ok with the coming boosters....and I don't believe them....

How many of you guys promoting the vaccine plan on lining up for booster shots?

I'm going to, flu jab, same time, too.

That's cool I hope it works out for you....

Anyone else lining up for your boosters?

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: BlackArrow

No, it's not just about the vaccine itself. Your forgetting how absorbent in general the body is. Your forgetting basic anatomy.

I'm not forgetting anything, I'm just saying what experts are saying. I'm not an expert, but they have studies in how long it takes things to pernitrate into the body and so they suggest deep muscle tissue is best. Argue with them not

Unless the body never comes into contact with a substance you cannot under any condition 100% guarantee that any substance will not be absorbed. That is what makes mnra dangerous.

So why is the RNA from the vaccine so dangerous, but the one from the virus is OK even though the virus is going to build up a massive amount throughout your respiratory and circulatory systems to include organs and the vaccine will not....

edit on 26-9-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

I'm not sure what message you're trying to send here... you wrote the 2nd shot caused you to feel like you were dying, but you also seem to be encouraging everyone to get it? The way you frame this whole thing is hilariously delusional... your body wasn't "fighting the covid-19", as we know the Pfizer vaccine doesn't contain the virus, it causes your cells to produce a specific part of the virus, which is a spike-protein. The idea is when your body sees a similar spike-protein the body will be more prepared and produce the necessary antibodies.

There are countless flaws in this logic when it comes to the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines, the first being it doesn't seem to work at all for the new strains like Delta, probably because the newer strains have evolved different spike-proteins, or some other way of getting around the vaccines. The 2nd, and more concerning problem, is that the spike-protein which the vaccine produces seems to be one of the most toxic and pathogenic parts of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Not to mention it's likely to be a lab-made virus, meaning it's also a lab-made spike-protein.

There's a lot of evidence the spike-protein can do great damage to your cells and mess up your immune system. It can also pass through the brain-blood barrier, and is the reason Covid-19 and the vaccine can both cause dizziness, light headiness, memory loss, etc. A 3rd reason to be concerned is that the body may be trained to attack similar proteins in the human body, things which are not the spike-protein and shouldn't be attacked by our immune system. This can lead to fertility issues and other issues which may not be immediately apparent.

Here's what really concerns me though... if you look at how many people the vaccine has killed according to VAERS data, you find it's approaching the lethality of the new SARS-CoV-2 strains, especially when it comes to children, because the vaccine is 6 to 7 times more deadly for children, and kids have virtually no chance of dying from the Delta strain. The new strains are consistently evolving to become less deadly but more contagious, and the vaccines are virtually useless against them because some of the most vaccinated nations still have waves bigger than less vaccinated nations.

There's a very good chance you would have had a much more mild reaction to the real SARS-CoV-2 virus, especially the newer strains which are less lethal, and only cause flu-like symptoms in the vast majority of those who contract is. It's also worth considering what makes the early variants of Covid-19 more deadly, is it the spike-protein which your cells are being programmed to manufacture? The reaction you had to the vaccine is obviously not supposed to happen, but we know it does happen in a certain fraction of people, and we now have enough data to know it's not a negligible fraction of people.

We are now clearly in the endemic stage, so I feel taking the vaccine is more of a risk than just living my life and taking the chance of catching Covid-19. My own father, who is an older guy now, had a similar reaction that you had to the 2nd dose, and was in bed for a week not long after the injection. I'm sorry, but when I'm told that I need to take an experimental mRNA technology vaccine with countless potential risks and no obvious protection against new strains, or I'm not allowed to participate in society, then I'm going to have very serious grievances.
edit on 26/9/2021 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Because your body does not rely on a crutch to support itself. I can elaborate a lot further and have done repeatedly in the circle talk... I already posted about medical reliance. Which again I shall point to ade.. which does NOT occur with natural immunity.

*Sigh* I swear all this is circle talk is exausting.. I am done for now. Been on here way to long.

My turn I want sources for the following..

Statistics on long covid,
Natural immunity vs vaccine,
Viral load differences,
How can they tell the difference between what varient is what when most labs do not contain equipment to do so.

Hospitalizations, % of population divided vaxed/unvaxed not leaving out side effects, or gunshots declared as covid.
The percentage of mislabeled covid cases.(it's very, very high)

Average statistic rate differences on estimated to real statistics

The difference between a percent of a percent of a percent... Example What is the % of a pizza with 8 slices, 25% of 1 of those 8 slices then 5% of that..

The names of the 3 college kids who created a program to autogenerated NIH articles that publish 10,000 fake articles a day on NIH.

(You can find all your answers on Bloomberg, google and more..(which report medical journals/ or business news sources, I follow the money so should you)

When you look up the last one you will see why NIH isn't reliable.
edit on 26-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

The cost of each shot is @ $40 US, with only a few shots per year, and mostly subsidized by governments, it isn't an enormous economic burden, especially in light of the costs associated with not vaccinating.

And that cost is the vast majority needing medical care are the unvaccinated to the tune of 95%+ getting really sick from the virus.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

It just reads like an infomercial. I got the shot! The government and Pfizer repeatedly checked on me to make sure I was ok after I took it! I got really sick so that means it works great! I started shaking uncontrollably but my brother said that is good! Means it's working! Others I know didn't get sick because their bodies can't make antibodies!

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: BlackArrow
a reply to: Xtrozero

Because your body does not rely on a crutch to support itself. I can elaborate a lot further.. but again that goes into what I already posted about medical reliance. Which against I shall point to ade..

*Sigh* I swear this is circle talk.. I am done for now.

This was a new virus which means no one had prior protection from. I agree most will do OK, but many also will not just because it was a new virus and that is what we saw as it devastated the older populations.

Putting a small amount of RNA into your body to prime your immune system pump is not bad so that when the real thing comes along you have at least something to help.

edit on 26-9-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

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