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My Personal Experence with the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine / GET VACCINATED!

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posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Waterglass

Believe it or not, over the long-term, it's best to get your anti-bodies by contracting and recovering from Covid-19.

No boosters needed.

No concerns about long-term negative effects from these brand new (still experimental) vaccines.

Like what would be a long term effect if it isn't in you very long? Many time we talk about long term effects because one needs to take meds long term, and that isn't the case here. It is done in a couple of weeks and then you have nothing but antibodies. I'm not saying that some people can have bad reactions as that is the case with everything even 87mg aspirin kills 3000 per year, but if you are trying to say years down the road XYZ will develop what would that be?

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:03 PM
The vast majority of people are fine after covid.. like the vast vast majority.

Everything u see in the media, scary number of cases for example.. just remember they are cases.

Most cases are.."chill at home for two weeks" and u r fine after a few days.

The only time someone should even contemplate having one is if your old or health wise vulnerable. Or u literally # scared of getting it due to the media hype.

It's abit like saying. Wear a helmet as you drive a car.. because just incase that very small percent you do crash your car... then you get 70% extra protection in comparison to not wearing maybe we should all wear helmets driving cars? Obviously no sane person would do that....due to the inconvenience of going through that every day for such a small percent chance of anything happening.

So most people don't see the benefit of having one if your in the low risk factor. And the main difference with this.. is that's it's being injected into your body.. and require repeat injections to a vaccine that took less than a year to make...they take 5 years to develop for good reason

It's unfortunate a small amount of people get it worse than others and its just as unfortunate for people that crash cars and the worst was to happen.

reply to: Waterglass

edit on 26-9-2021 by lSkrewloosel because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
They are gonna run out of places to hide them soon.

Maybe that's the real reason we have all these driver shortages and talk of food supplies running out.

Everyone's dead Dave.

a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Food shortages? TPTB have solved that one.

Soylent Green, coming to a supermarket near you, soon....

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Middleoftheroad
I already caught Covid and got the antibodies so I’m good. Sounds like the vaccine experience is far worse than the actual virus. Good luck going through that a couple times each year for your boosters.

It will at worst be about what people do with the flu... High-risk get their flu shots, I don't get fly shots and I don't see getting a COVID booster either... At some point everyone will have had COVID and the goal is to not get serious reactions to it. It will become a common flu and we will move on with our lives.

If one has a bad experience with the vaccine think of how bad the virus would be for them as it is 20 times worst.

So they say.....20x worse......what about all the multitude of people that just shake this thing off?

20x worse sounds like something cnn says...

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:08 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Jamie2018

Your brother is my brother, and I wanna be super sick too - It means the Juice is working, Yay!!!

I'm going to be drinking whiskey and smoking a cigar

Its funny how much crap we put in our bodies because we want to, but all of a sudden we are health pros when it comes to the virus and

Weak comparison .....doesn't even make sense.....

The only words in your post that matter are "our bodies because we want to..."

You're gonna compare alcohol or nicotine to the jab......ffs...

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

There are plenty of medications that exist that all you need to do is take once or twice to change/alter your body, forever.

(Keep in mind some are good some are bad)

std cure medications - removes illness

antibiotics - changes bacterial makeup

satins - when you take them once your body starts relying on it after a few doses. You are suppose to take these forever once you start.

labotomy pills - often taken a few times to destroy/alter overactive brains(yep)

Probiotics - changes bacterial makeup

Some people have extended issues after birth control for years and need a "starter" shot to get things working again.

Medicine dependency is a real thing, and the biggest issue with mRNA vaccines is the high risk for antibody dependency. It's why the tech has been around for 50years but wasn't used because of the failure rate. The mrna push is literally because engineers believe they can isolate the medication to a specific area of the body. But issues arise when it doesn't stay in that area assigned.

When you see that they inject the needle directly into the body instead of surface layer(under skin). You can easily double if not triple your risk for those body dependencies. Because they enter where it mixes with blood.

If the vaccine was designed only to trigger a response it should of been surface layer with zero chance of it entering the blood stream. As vaccines are more then capable of working on the surface layers of the skin to cause a reaction.

I personally believe people are being injected wrong for this vaccine. Which is causing more issues then if the vaccine was done properly to only trigger a response. Because realistically that is the only way to 100% insure it does not spread while training your body..

(Look up lethal injection mishaps, when they miss the vein and it bubbles, they would die anyway as the body absorbed the chemical.. just not at the assigned time so they would redo the lethal injection as the sentance of death is time based. They use to question the morality of the second injection when this occured. Some were actually freed after the failed attempt, only to die weeks/months/years later to the injection.) How this relates, it proves that any vaccine under the skin is absorbed by the body and spreads. It doesn't just die off, and it doesn't matter where the injection occurs if it's under the surface layer.

edit on 26-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:16 PM
I'd rather have the jab than those two any day of the week.

People bang on about long term studies of the jabs, you should see the data on cigs and booze.

a reply to: GoShredAK

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

People bang on about long term studies of the jabs

Thanks no but thanks on the vax. And you have these same DrugMarkers lying about their effectiveness along with the sketchy history.
edit on 26-9-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: BlackArrow

Wanna talk about the disastrous swine flu vaccine?

Sure what is your take on it? 32 people died to GBS from the vaccine after 40 million got it. Swine flu cases never reached pandemic levels so they decided the risk to continue with the vaccine wasn't high enough due to the higher than anticipated deaths. It was also 45 years ago.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

Glad your jab experience was not fatal. Congrats on being one of the lucky ones.

I think we still have 1000s of bodies in the streets from the jab, will they ever clean them up?

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Klassified
I now know of one of those folks through a common acquaintance. Not pretty.

Who's blood type is 'ketchup'? Interesting

That was funny...


The back and forth about zombies earlier was hilarious too....

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: IAMTAT

Glad your jab experience was not fatal. Congrats on being one of the lucky ones.

I think we still have 1000s of bodies in the streets from the jab, will they ever clean them up?

Here in darkest Wiltshire the bodies are piling up and the stench is terrible.

It's just like 28 Weeks Later, but worse.

But you won't see it on MSM.


posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: GoShredAK

I've only noticed one pro jab person comment about how they are ok with the coming boosters....and I don't believe them....

How many of you guys promoting the vaccine plan on lining up for booster shots?

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: Type1338

75% of the people I know either:

1. Ended up getting sick shortly after having an adverse reaction to the vaccine.
2. Ended up getting the rona anyway, thus, nullifying the entire purpose of the "vaccine".

It all really has little to do with getting the virus or not, its all about how well you overcome the virus. For a large percentage the virus isn't much, for others its the worst flu they have ever experienced, and still others it is super bad to include death. If all the vaccine does is reduce the chances of severe reactions then it did its job by priming your immune system first.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: GoShredAK
a reply to: GoShredAK

I've only noticed one pro jab person comment about how they are ok with the coming boosters....and I don't believe them....

How many of you guys promoting the vaccine plan on lining up for booster shots?

I'm going to, flu jab, same time, too.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: GoShredAK

You're gonna compare alcohol or nicotine to the jab......ffs...

Do you think the jab is worst?

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
I'd rather have the jab than those two any day of the week.

People bang on about long term studies of the jabs, you should see the data on cigs and booze.

a reply to: GoShredAK

Nobody trying to force the entire world to drink every day or breath in smoke for their own good.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: GoShredAK

You're gonna compare alcohol or nicotine to the jab......ffs...

Do you think the jab is worst?

I think it depends on the individual.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

My take on it is we should of learned our lession the first time. After studying virus mutations into deathly strains there was always partial resistance created, which caused the disease/virus to mutate and become more deadly.

The chicken virus is literally apocalyptic now for chickens and got worse after they vaccinated half the populations of chicken but not the other. To the point all new birds the minute they are born are vaccinated.

They eventually went back killed millions of birds in an attempt to destroy the mutations.. after the partial vaxed mistake. But it was to late the strains wound up spreading world wide.

(This might surprise you - but when it originally came out most of the chickens would survive - when they screwed up and vaccinated half the population that virus got stronger to the point any chicken that encounters it dies within 10days which is enough time for the virus to spread and end a flock.)

While they have been successful for the most part limiting the spread, it actually made its way to California in 2018 and has been ravaging flocks in California.

Read this article very closely, (will post in a second) you will see HUGE similarities between what they did for Marek's disease and what they are doing with covid. -virus-dangerous

My take is, never vaccinate during a pandemic. Wait for the virus to finish it's payload to avoid risking more lives by increasing viral strength and mutation speeds.

If needed be sure and know what your dealing with first. Don't deny evidence on where it came from. A lot of china deaths were from them burning people alive in namesake of the virus. Never believe anyone who stands to profit hugely from a disaster.

Just because you don't like someone don't deny solid evidence just because you don't like them. (Which was heavily done, thousands of doctors came forward on the covid push because they didn't like trump).
edit on 26-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

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