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My Personal Experence with the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine / GET VACCINATED!

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posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 11:48 AM
The immune system dampeners in the vaccine reduce the possibility of a cytokine storm from the vaccine, but also reduce the immune system from fighting everything in the body somewhat. That would give you more energy actually because the body is tuned to produce antibodies toward the virus. I would expect people would feel better for a while after the vaccine because of that.

There could be complications of this, I am not sure if it is dampened enough to cause major problems though. You would think that the developers of the vaccine would create it to help stem this virus without overdampening the rest of the immune system enough to cause problems. It would seem it would be beneficial to some with certain autoimmune diseases, but I do not have enough evidence or information to evaluate that correctly, so I will not actually say it is bad or good for the people with that kind of issues. Their meds already dampen their immune system, and compounding of meds needs professionals to evaluate.

I am glad the shot is working for you Waterglass. Not everyone has the same outcome, but the majority of people here so far did not have a problem but still I have heard of quite a few locally that have had bigger problems with mostly the mRNA vaccines.

I don't have a choice because I would most likely experience a severe reaction from the vaccine and I am not stupid enough to take that risk. Even if I was able to take the vaccine, I most likely would not because the science is not backing what the CDC is saying about the safety and effectiveness of the mRNA vaccine and the coverups are very active of side effects from the main agencies. I am glad we have the right to say no to this vaccine even though I probably would not be forced to take it if it was mandated because of my medical history.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 11:48 AM
Im pretty ambivalent about your jab status. Though, I do think a post like this comes across like those born again Christians immediately after converting. You know, where they are running off an epiphanic high and have to tell everyone about it...

Either way, I just wanted to correct that this is "all about antibodies."

Antibodies are only one part of the equation, and I would argue that they are at a later stage in the process than we should be looking altogether.

T-cells, B-cells, antigens, cross-reactivity, etc. These things are all connected, but the tests we use dont really identify the presence (or lack of) critical aspects to immune response.

So, an antibody test may not be any more relevant than the silly PCR tests. Since we are basing nearly everything off of those two pillars, we are on exceptionally shaky ground.
edit on 26-9-2021 by Serdgiam because: Squirrel chaos

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: GoShredAK

You do know Bill Gates owns the AMA, as well as 78% of farmland which is why they are introducing vaccines through produce..

He is the sole reason for the get vaxed or fired push.
edit on 26-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: BlackArrow

Thanks for your reassurance and concern but....

as my sig reads....'fools are my theme, satire is my song'

I'm not dying and will get the booster next month. I'll report for now, Strong like Bull...

edit on 26-9-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: olaru12

I do hope you stay healthy, As long as you don't line up with the get vaxed or die crowd I have no beef. I believe in personal choice..

But I am so sick with people thinking losing a job over a vaccine is a choice. Especially when you have kids. To me that's almost as bad as hold this sign or die terrorist behavior. As all it does is force poverty on anyone who disagrees.

Ultimatums are never a choice, it's coercion under duress. "Sleep with your boss or lose your job". "Well there's always other jobs" - until there isn't.

Once again implying "poverty" is a choice mentality when the rich own 90% of the worlds money. Leaving the rest to fight for scraps.
edit on 26-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: Waterglass

So to all of you out there who aren't vaccinated. Get a Covid-19 antibody test or get in shape by any means necessary, or both. Its your best shot at survival.

Based on what other members have written I understand your situation and Yes I am as concerned for you as you are. All I can do is keep you in prayers and send my blessings.

Be good, as this isn't over yet.

Waterglass out.

You are just a MSM shrill. Millions of people are dying and suffering daily to the vaccine!!! You will regret it in 10 years!!!

OK now that is out of the way...

For my whole family ages 18, 21, 52, 61 we got not much of anything past a sore arm with either shot. We need to remember a sore arm means it is working too. That soreness is your body killing off cells infected with the spike protein. You also can get sore lymph nodes too as it is their job to round up the protein and get rid of it.

The reality is that its not much more than a flu shot, but many do not see it that way.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

Let us know when you come up with a cancer diagnosis.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: BlackArrow
a reply to: GoShredAK

You do know Bill Gates owns the AMA, as well as 78% of farmland which is why they are introducing vaccines through produce..

He is the sole reason for the get vaxed or fired push.

Not exactly but I do know a handful of corporations rule the world and own everything in it and bill gates is part of them.....

And I know I'm not from this world.

edit on 26-9-2021 by GoShredAK because: oops

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: BlackArrow

Anyone pushing this needs to have their head examined.. beating people, torturing people for a vaccine documentation is not for their health it is 100% about control.

For over a year healthcare workers worked the front line and didn't die. I will take my chances. You want proof go talk to people at a morgue death rates were average until vaccine rollouts.

Why do people like you mix what Draconian Government want to do in with whether the vaccine works and whether it is safe? These are two totally different discussions...

Show the proof of the vaccine deaths? real proof... not fan boy BitChute proof.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Israel. 80% of their population was vaxed and they got destroyed.

All the proof needed.

Done arguing and defending why I am not getting vaccinated..

I will explain your other question.

When you submit to draconian commands once, you will eventually do it again, as that line of acceptance grows. It shows you can be bought and your morals/values are for sale with just the right lies/push. They get you to do something once, it's easy to get you to do it again as they test you to find out what is important to you.

That's why under no circumstances should you ever submit to anything you don't agree with. Because, you can never just give an inch without them taking a mile.
edit on 26-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

I was told to stay away from any boosters by both. Keep your eyes on Israel.

Interesting did they give an explanation as to why?

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: GoShredAK
You know that nobody cares not one iota about anything this person does...

Your anger and vitriol shows that you do care. If you actually didn't care you wouldn't have replied to him.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 12:08 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 12:08 PM
I would never tell you or yours to get an abortion. I would not tell you or yours not to. Why tell me to get vaccinated ?
edit on 26-9-2021 by Superecho2021 because: Correction

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
From what if seen people get pissed if you don't voluntarily do something.

People are just pissed period, there seems to be a constant need of items to be outraged over to satisfy some sort of personal daily intake.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: BlackArrow

Where are the deaths from the protests? If it was so damn deadly Chicago should be a ghost town. Along with Portland.

Since I live 20 mins from downtown Portland what would you like to know? BTW Portland is total # now...Its like rats leaving a sinking ship...

So talking about OR they been averaging around 1000 to 1300 people in the hospitals daily due to COVID and 95%+ are unvaxxed, also the deaths are the unvaxxed, and the same in WA too.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: olaru12 dults-covid-herd-immunity-2021-6

Date was 8/20/21 - vaccinations claim 78%
I will get more needed, but seriously just use a search engine.. I am 99% certain they got 2% of their population vaccinated in a month. If not, "my bad" for misquoting 2% which is literally widespread based on which article you read as a solid 80%.

Keep in mind those statistics were pre-booster - edit fixed business insider.
edit on 26-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: Fixed business insider link.

edit on 26-9-2021 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Waterglass
You weighed the options, checked with those you trust, made a decision for yourself, and so far everything has worked out for you. That's how it's supposed to work, but I'm curious...


What words of comfort would you have for those who got the jab because they trusted you and ended up in the hospital? What words of wisdom would you have for the families of those who died from the jab because they trusted you?

I'm glad you're doing great, but having seen what I've seen so far, I wouldn't be shouting "GET VACCINATED!" to anyone unless it wouldn't bother you that someone took your word for it and died from it.
edit on 9/26/2021 by Klassified because: re-word

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: BlackArrow

Dude I have the antibodies so does 90% of American without the vaccine.

No you don't, unless you already had Covid-19. Sorry but you cant bullsheep me.

But as a PS, fine live your fantasy.

The elusive covid 19 isa corona virus. Unless you're never had the flu ora cold, your body has their ticket ready.
As for your brother with all his titles, he must also be a seer or a medium, the best one ever if he can predict what this injection that doesn't seem to be a vaksine at all will do in the future.
Because nobody can know. If your brother does, he should call the cdc and offer his gift for humanity.

That said, more and morevad stuffcomes to light and autumn hasn't even really started.
A doctor in Wales has found an abnormal increase of cancers in unlikely patients of his. All vxxed.

The explanation is something I've suspected since the start of the vkxines. And its simple. Your immune system was so amazing before the jab, it was not only fighting off covid but all kinds of pathogens. Hundreds a day, including cancers.

Now that most of your soldiers (t-cells) are reprogrammed to only look out for one enemy, they are of course not interested in other pathogens much any longer.

So open borders for every old invader.
Add to that the bad outcome of the animal tests, whi all died after weeks being ok, but couldn't cope with a natural version of the viruses.
Add to that the fact that this novel medication does not stay in the injection site but hasbeen found in the cells of every organ, including the brain, where it sets up factory and produces even more specialised t-cells for an as of yet unknown time span, you are now a certified labrat.

Man, we can all take our tinfoil hats off, but you cannot get that potentially deadly crap out of your body. Sigh.

Each to their own I guess.

posted on Sep, 26 2021 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: Middleoftheroad
I already caught Covid and got the antibodies so I’m good. Sounds like the vaccine experience is far worse than the actual virus. Good luck going through that a couple times each year for your boosters.

It will at worst be about what people do with the flu... High-risk get their flu shots, I don't get fly shots and I don't see getting a COVID booster either... At some point everyone will have had COVID and the goal is to not get serious reactions to it. It will become a common flu and we will move on with our lives.

If one has a bad experience with the vaccine think of how bad the virus would be for them as it is 20 times worst.

edit on 26-9-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

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