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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: gmx0010110

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: gmx0010110
a reply to: Justoneman
Fail to do your part...
They can hide their stealing vote methods...
Eventually this will be stopped...

You can't be serious.

Be true to the ideas of the "right to vote" and you have the "right to be upset"


“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."

I do see it as you are claiming that you will be giving up your liberty to vote by not bothering.

Not voting gives them the right to do as THEY wish instead as the people wish. If they can't play by the rules, the wheels will come off naturally from misuse. Instead, you can be a nuisance by standing up for what is right, and challenging these rigged elections. Sitting on a computer won't get er done. You have to do more than wish. This is supposed to be a "peoples government" not a "government of peoples". We consent to let them make laws as our proxy that provide for the common defense. They are breaking that oath and we need the balls of brass Special Prosecutor Durham's to go get them and the domino's will fall. So far we have seen the meter move when Durham has indicted. That just started. Get your popcorn supplies now. It will be a huge event whether we win, lose or draw.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

I wonder about it, too. There is so much going on I don't know what to pay attention to anymore. My problem is I have always been curious about everything and like to know the who, what, where, and why.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 06:38 PM

Previously on "decepticons take over.." the his-story of Tam... HERE

George Floyd is not the hero we need, or want, but the hero we deserve. Has there ever been a less deserving anything, ever, like ever?

Thankfully, the heroic actions, or inactions, of a fenty addicted cum counterfeiter cum felon straightened the Policing Agencies around the world out in short New World Order.

In case anyone is confused, and who isn't, you are here...

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Whoa, that is taking it to the extreme, not saying you're entirely wrong, a lotta food for thought for sure, but after recently skimming through The Reincarnationist Papers, a novel by D. Eric Maikranz I wonder if death is even an escape other than having your memory wiped. It has been adapted into the film Infinite, starring Mark Wahlberg. I watched the movie a few nights ago. Typical Hollywood-Wahlberg fantasy fiction, but did make me think about the philosophical or religious concept. Anthroposophy describes reincarnation from the point of view of Western philosophy and culture. The ego is believed to transmute transient soul experiences into universals that form the basis for an individuality that can endure after death.

Alexander Cornelius Polyhistor referred to the druids as philosophers and called their doctrine of the immortality of the soul and reincarnation or metempsychosis "Pythagorean":

The Pythagorean doctrine prevails among the Gauls' teaching that the souls of men are immortal, and that after a fixed number of years they will enter into another body.

Maybe that's how the elite nobility bloodlines maintain their rule over us.

On page 5099, of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 [PDF] they lay out the reincarnation process for the Dalai Lama. At least there is some magical intrigue in between all the pork.

In the year 325 AD, in a move to try to renew the unity of the Roman empire, the absolute dictator, Emperor Constantine banned the belief of reincarnation. A few hundred years later it was declared as a crime worthy of excommunication and damnation.

Since I'm on this topic and also the 'mind virus' here's a fantastic thought provoking vid on the subject.
No Master (esoterica wisdom)

"What divided nature can comprehend the totality of anything? Instead of unity the mind sees pieces, and those pieces cannot comprehend that they are part of the same picture. Not as a metaphor, but as a point of fact!"

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: RookQueen


posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

JoM, Kleinhard, daskakik et al,

Just to be clear....

I still believe that the watch in KU posts IS the watch in the NIH 2014 photo of Obama!

I think that those who are saying it's not the same are not taking into account the differing angles, light source and shadows in the 2 pictures.

I am still waitting for someone to produce a photo comparison, similar to mine, that demonstrates why the 2 DON'T match!

edit on 1-10-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-10-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 07:17 PM

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 07:17 PM

NEW - U.S. prepares for a potential "worst-case scenario" in which up to 400,000 migrants could cross the border in October if a Covid restriction that has blocked most migrants for almost 2 years is lifted Thursday (NBC)
1:33 PM · Oct 1, 2021

For perspective: (2019 numbers via Goog)
Tampa 384,959
Colorado Springs 464,871
Virginia Beach 450,201
Raleigh 464,485
Omaha 475,862
Miami 454,279
Oakland 425,097
Minneapolis 420,324
Tulsa 402,324

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 07:23 PM
Okay boys and girls and every other 200+ genders..

I just came across this randomly on Twitter, no idea if jts been shared here or not. I always assume it has because of the research and all that that goes on in these threads but alas, tweet with image

According to the image, a FOIA was requested for the unredacted ingredients for the Pfizer vaccine, and when they got the FOIA request back "water" was one of the "trade secrets" previously redacted. I haven't followed this Q sh!t since before Jan 6 and haven't a clue what's going on with any of it, but the water caught my eye because of well..

"Watch the water"

A lot of those people in the comments are talking about graphene oxide being the 'water' along with some other stuff. Conspiracies? Probably. But..? Thoughts, anyone?

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Caled posted another pic that shows light colored stitching on the band.

This matches the buttons and the stitching. I guess I was wrong about the raised parts.

It isn't like the guy only has one watch.
Barack Obama's Watches
edit on 1-10-2021 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: imthegoat

That twit screenshot looks to be fabricated based on the info from the domain URL.


One of the links is to a FDA technical sheet [PDF] which shows one of the ingredients as "Water for Injection" as an excipient function.

The so-called secret ingredient has not yet been disclosed.

ICAN’s attorneys immediately contacted the FDA and asked for the redaction to be lifted. However, the FDA refused to do so without a formal demand. Therefore, ICAN, through its attorneys, submitted a formal demand to the FDA to disclose the identity of the secret ingredient.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 08:36 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: imthegoat

That twit screenshot looks to be fabricated based on the info from the domain URL.


One of the links is to a FDA technical sheet [PDF] which shows one of the ingredients as "Water for Injection" as an excipient function.

The so-called secret ingredient has not yet been disclosed.

ICAN’s attorneys immediately contacted the FDA and asked for the redaction to be lifted. However, the FDA refused to do so without a formal demand. Therefore, ICAN, through its attorneys, submitted a formal demand to the FDA to disclose the identity of the secret ingredient.

Well, there's this that seems to be the screenshot in question. The legitimacy of everything else is up in the air.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 08:43 PM
On the 'Watch the Water' front, surely this has been covered already, but my favourite 'proof', is that water has to be contained. Guess you know where I'm going with this, it has to find it's LEVEL.

Time needs to be contained on a clock ?

Just saw the new blockbuster, 'Free Guy', (kind of like The Truman Show for gamers), interesting bit at 54 minutes in,(sorry can't link), looking out across a level sea/water, Ryan Reynolds character screams 'It's all a lie', followed shortly after with a picture of the globe earth.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: imthegoat

Weird. I must have mistyped part of the URL. That doesn't even show on their press page. Anywho, yea much of everything these days is misinfo/misdirection.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: Quadrivium
You may very well be right but there are still a little less than half of the population supporting the commies and Soreazz's money can buy more if need be..........think about what we witnessed last year over a dope head who had a heart attack. We live in a country that glorifies and canonizes bad people into near sainthood. I don't believe there will be a revolutionary war because TPTB know we outnumber them and will therefore buy a civil war. Until we can show the left how good things can be, they won't revolt against the hands that feed them and the only way to show them is by getting rid of TPTB. If Kue doesn't get that done it will be up to the people. Once the hands that feed them are gone and the money dries up we might be able to show them......
Let me add I do not want a war I am scared it may be inevitable.....

edit on R20212021kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago10 by RookQueen because: added content

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: imthegoat

Weird. I must have mistyped part of the URL. That doesn't even show on their press page. Anywho, yea much of everything these days is misinfo/misdirection.

Yeah I noticed it wasn't on their press page also. That's why I said everything else is up in the air lol.

The entire world is wonky right now and I don't doubt anything anymore. You can tell me the gov is harboring fugitive aliens from planet Zormoph and theyre trading secrets and technology for their protection against a superior alien race and I wouldn't doubt it because who effin knows these days. Obviously not truly believe it, but I wouldn't doubt something along those lines has happened.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 09:13 PM

Oct 1, 1949 – The People's Republic of China is established.

Oct 1, 1961 – The United States Defense Intelligence Agency is formed, becoming the first centralized military intelligence organization.

Oct 1, 1957 – First appearance of In God We Trust on U.S. paper currency...all others send data per NSA.

EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) opens at Walt Disney World in Florida.

Oct 1, 2017 - Las Vegas massacre.

Another Red October cometh...

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: daskakik
Dask I'm not going to have a detailed conversation with you online. And I don’t care if you believe me or not. The hunting statement clearly went smooth over your head and I'm not a prepper. You made this comment

I mean they have a whole lot of you sitting here waiting on a nebulous plan to show fruition while you blow off steam punching the keys on your keyboard.”
Which was very condescending. I was merely stating that you have no idea what I or anyone else on here are doing other than blowing off steam. Shopping for a truck is not prepping it’s shopping for a truck. Purchasing or shopping for items to use as self-defense is not prepping it’s being realistic that the world is getting so bad that I as a single woman feel the need for a little extra self-defense items.
Then you said

People hunting and you prepping are not signs of some civil war brewing. It only shows where your head is at.”
I never said either of those was signs of a civil war brewing. I live in a red state and know what I am hearing the people talk about. I have friends in other red states and know what I’ve been told people are talking about. We have had enough and a blind man in Switzerland can see something has got to give soon. As far as where my head is at, I think you should worry about where your own head is at and extract it from your azz because you sound as if you enjoy watching the world turn to sh*t. Is that where your head is at? Do you enjoy watching people burn this country to the ground? Do you get off on the idea that pedos are in our government? Do you like having your freedoms taken away? If we are going to play the “guessing where someone's head is at game, it sure sounds your head is on the left side of things a lot of the time.
It's one thing to ask intelligent questions that make us all think and question but it is an entirely different thing to be insulting and assuming that you know things you cannot possibly know.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: imthegoat
Okay boys and girls and every other 200+ genders..

I just came across this randomly on Twitter, no idea if jts been shared here or not. I always assume it has because of the research and all that that goes on in these threads but alas, tweet with image

According to the image, a FOIA was requested for the unredacted ingredients for the Pfizer vaccine, and when they got the FOIA request back "water" was one of the "trade secrets" previously redacted. I haven't followed this Q sh!t since before Jan 6 and haven't a clue what's going on with any of it, but the water caught my eye because of well..

"Watch the water"

A lot of those people in the comments are talking about graphene oxide being the 'water' along with some other stuff. Conspiracies? Probably. But..? Thoughts, anyone?

Have seen some resent video’s on bitchute, which are taken with a grain of salt, however, can’t totally disregard MD’s trying to come forward despite aggressive censorship on MSM platforms. Anyways, 2 different doctor’s were claiming to see what they described as some sort of living organism in microscopic slides of the jab juice ! Yeah,Crazy huh ?!

But what if the “water” contained in these jabs is the “carrier”for lack of another word, of whatever the Hell is in these jabs ? IDK ?

edit on 1-10-2021 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 10:16 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: daskakik
Dask I'm not going to have a detailed conversation with you online. And I don’t care if you believe me or not. The hunting statement clearly went smooth over your head and I'm not a prepper. You made this comment

I mean they have a whole lot of you sitting here waiting on a nebulous plan to show fruition while you blow off steam punching the keys on your keyboard.”
Which was very condescending. I was merely stating that you have no idea what I or anyone else on here are doing other than blowing off steam. Shopping for a truck is not prepping it’s shopping for a truck. Purchasing or shopping for items to use as self-defense is not prepping it’s being realistic that the world is getting so bad that I as a single woman feel the need for a little extra self-defense items.
Then you said

People hunting and you prepping are not signs of some civil war brewing. It only shows where your head is at.”
I never said either of those was signs of a civil war brewing. I live in a red state and know what I am hearing the people talk about. I have friends in other red states and know what I’ve been told people are talking about. We have had enough and a blind man in Switzerland can see something has got to give soon. As far as where my head is at, I think you should worry about where your own head is at and extract it from your azz because you sound as if you enjoy watching the world turn to sh*t. Is that where your head is at? Do you enjoy watching people burn this country to the ground? Do you get off on the idea that pedos are in our government? Do you like having your freedoms taken away? If we are going to play the “guessing where someone's head is at game, it sure sounds your head is on the left side of things a lot of the time.
It's one thing to ask intelligent questions that make us all think and question but it is an entirely different thing to be insulting and assuming that you know things you cannot possibly know.

That's all been going since the beginning threads. Everything you've said to dash has been said multiple times, even by me. They do not care, they're not here for anything other than debunking claims made and arguing nonsense like everyone else does. One of the main reasons I left these threads to begin with. The bickering, like you and dash, and all the others do is... stupid.

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